package eu.robertboloc.holaurv.helpers; import java.util.List; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.MechanizeAgent; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.document.Document; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.document.html.HtmlDocument; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.document.html.HtmlElement; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.document.html.HtmlElements; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.document.html.form.Form; import com.gistlabs.mechanize.document.html.query.HtmlQueryBuilder; import eu.robertboloc.holaurv.models.Day; import eu.robertboloc.holaurv.models.Entry; import eu.robertboloc.holaurv.models.Week; public class Evalos { /** * Evalos public base url. */ static final String WEB_APP_BASE_URL = ""; /** * Title of the error of login page. */ static final String LOGIN_ERROR = "Error de Login"; /** * While testing replace PLACEHOLDER with value. */ static final String PLACEHOLDER = ""; /** * If the login was OK this will be true. */ boolean loginSuccess = false; /** * If the connection fails this will be true. */ private boolean connectionProblem = false; /** * Stores the week activity. */ final Week week = new Week(); /** * Username. */ final String username; /** * Password. */ final String password; public Evalos(String username, String password) { this.username = username; this.password = password; } /** * Obtains the raw html of the data. * * @return Evalos */ public Evalos login() { try { final MechanizeAgent agent = new MechanizeAgent(); final Document page = agent.get(WEB_APP_BASE_URL); Form form = page.form("form1"); form.get("username").set(username); form.get("password").set(password); HtmlDocument document = form.submit(); parseRawHtmlResponse(document); } catch (Exception e) { connectionProblem = true; } return this; } /** * Returns true if login was successful. * * @return boolean */ public boolean loginSuccessful() { return loginSuccess; } /** * Returns true if there was a connection problem. * * @return boolean */ public boolean connectionProblem() { return connectionProblem; } /** * Obtains the username. * * @return String */ public String getUsername() { return this.username; } /** * Returns the requested day object. All days will exist (and be empty if * the case does not proceed). * * @param day * int * @return Day */ public Day getDay(int day) { return week.getDay(day); } /** * Does the html parsing heavy-lifting. * * @param document * HtmlDocument * @return boolean */ private boolean parseRawHtmlResponse(HtmlDocument document) { // Check if the response was OK. if (!document.getTitle().equals(LOGIN_ERROR)) { loginSuccess = true; } else { // Do nothing else. return false; } // We have a correct response, parse it. HtmlElements response = document.htmlElements(); List<HtmlElement> weekHtmlElements = response.getAll(HtmlQueryBuilder .byTag("table").and.byWidth("680").and.byHeight("41") "cellspacing", "0")"cellpadding", "0")); // Parse the week html and store it as Day objects in the week attribute if (!weekHtmlElements.isEmpty()) { Day dayPrototype = new Day(); int dayOfWeek = 0; // Iterate over the days until the current day. for (HtmlElement dayHtmlElement : weekHtmlElements) { // If today is greater than the current iteration do nothing // but store an empty day in the week. if (dayOfWeek <= { dayPrototype = new Day(); // Parse shift data dayPrototype.setShiftRaw(dayHtmlElement .get(HtmlQueryBuilder.byClass("verdana12").and .byWidth("75").and.byHeight("40")) .get(HtmlQueryBuilder.byTag("div")).getInnerHtml()); // Parse entries data String rawActivity = dayHtmlElement .get(HtmlQueryBuilder.byClass("verdana10").and .byWidth("149").and.byHeight("40")) .get(HtmlQueryBuilder.byTag("div")).getInnerHtml(); String[] fragments = rawActivity.split(" "); Entry entryPrototype = new Entry(); // Iterate over the entries and add them to the day for (int i = 0; i <= (fragments.length - 2); i = i + 2) { entryPrototype = new Entry(); String[] entryTimeList = fragments[i].split(":"); entryPrototype.setHourRaw(entryTimeList[0]); entryPrototype.setMinuteRaw(entryTimeList[1]); entryPrototype.setCode(fragments[i + 1]); dayPrototype.addEntry(entryPrototype); } } week.setDay(dayOfWeek, dayPrototype); dayOfWeek++; } } return true; } public long computeBalance(String theorical, String real) { String[] theoricalTimeList = theorical.split(":"); // Convert hours and minutes to milis int theoricalMilis = (Integer.parseInt(theoricalTimeList[0]) * 3600000) + (Integer.parseInt(theoricalTimeList[1]) * 60000); String[] realTimeList = real.split(":"); // Convert hours and minutes to milis int realMilis = (Integer.parseInt(realTimeList[0]) * 3600000) + (Integer.parseInt(realTimeList[1]) * 60000); return (realMilis - theoricalMilis); } }