package com.highway2urhell.transformer; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.CtMethod; public class SpringMethodTransformer extends AbstractLeechTransformer { public SpringMethodTransformer() { super("org/springframework/web/servlet/mvc/method/annotation/RequestMappingHandlerMapping"); addImportPackage( "org.springframework.core", "org.springframework.web.method", "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method", "java.util.Map", "java.util.Map.Entry", "java.util", "java.lang.reflect", "org.springframework.web.bind.annotation", "org.objectweb.asm"); } @Override protected void doTransform(CtClass cc) throws Exception { CtMethod m = cc.getMethod("afterPropertiesSet", "()V"); String h2hHookCode = "" + "List listEntryPath = new ArrayList();" + "Iterator iter = getHandlerMethods().keySet().iterator();" + "while (iter.hasNext()) {" + " RequestMappingInfo requestMappingInfo = (RequestMappingInfo);" + " HandlerMethod handler = (HandlerMethod) getHandlerMethods().get(requestMappingInfo);" + " EntryPathData entrypath = new EntryPathData();" + " entrypath.setTypePath(TypePath.DYNAMIC);" + " entrypath.setUri(requestMappingInfo.getPatternsCondition().toString());" + //looks like spring allow to have multiple http methods for the same url let's track only first for the moment " Iterator methodIterator = requestMappingInfo.getMethodsCondition().getMethods().iterator();" + " if (methodIterator.hasNext()) {" + " entrypath.setHttpMethod(;" + " }" + " String removeClass = \"\";" + " if (handler.getBeanType().toString().contains(\"class\")) {" + " removeClass = handler.getBeanType().toString().replace(\"class \", \"\" );" + " } else {" + " removeClass = handler.getBeanType().toString();" + " }" + " String className = removeClass;" + " String methodName = handler.getMethod().getName();" + " entrypath.setClassName(className);" + " entrypath.setMethodName(methodName);" + " String internalSignature = \"\";" + " try {" + " Class c = Class.forName(className);" + " Method[] tabMethod = c.getDeclaredMethods();" + " for (int i = 0; i < tabMethod.length; i++) {" + " if (tabMethod[i].getName().equals(methodName)) {" + " internalSignature = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(tabMethod[i]);" + " }" + " }" + " } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {" + " e.printStackTrace();" + " }" + " entrypath.setSignatureName(internalSignature);" + " List listEntryPathData = new ArrayList();" + " if (handler.getMethodParameters() != null) {" + " MethodParameter[] mParam = handler.getMethodParameters();" + " for (int j = 0; j < mParam.length; j++) {" + " EntryPathParam param = new EntryPathParam();" + " param.setKey(String.valueOf(mParam[j].getParameterIndex()));" + " param.setTypeParam(TypeParam.PARAM_DATA);" + " param.setValue(mParam[j].getParameterType().toString());" + " listEntryPathData.add(param);" + " }" + " }" + " entrypath.setListEntryPathData(listEntryPathData);" + " listEntryPath.add(entrypath);" + "}" + "CoreEngine.getInstance().getFramework(\"SPRING_METHOD\").receiveData(listEntryPath);"; m.insertAfter(h2hHookCode); } }