package org.cliffc.high_scale_lib; /* * Written by Cliff Click and released to the public domain, as explained at * * Additional test cases provided by Andy Martin of TeleAtlas. */ import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.*; import junit.framework.TestCase; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; // Test NonBlockingHashMapLong via JUnit public class NonBlockingHashMapLongTest extends TestCase { private NonBlockingHashMapLong<String> _nbhml; protected void setUp () { _nbhml = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<String>(); } protected void tearDown() { _nbhml = null; } // Test some basic stuff; add a few keys, remove a few keys public void testBasic() { assertTrue ( _nbhml.isEmpty() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(1,"v1"), nullValue() ); checkSizes (1); assertThat ( _nbhml.putIfAbsent(2,"v2"), nullValue() ); checkSizes (2); assertTrue ( _nbhml.containsKey(2) ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(1,"v1a"), is("v1") ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(2,"v2a"), is("v2") ); checkSizes (2); assertThat ( _nbhml.putIfAbsent(2,"v2b"), is("v2a") ); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(1), is("v1a") ); assertFalse( _nbhml.containsKey(1) ); checkSizes (1); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(1), nullValue() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(2), is("v2a") ); checkSizes (0); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(2), nullValue() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove("k3"), nullValue() ); assertTrue ( _nbhml.isEmpty() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(0,"v0"), nullValue() ); assertTrue ( _nbhml.containsKey(0) ); checkSizes (1); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(0), is("v0") ); assertFalse( _nbhml.containsKey(0) ); checkSizes (0); assertThat ( _nbhml.replace(0,"v0"), nullValue() ); assertFalse( _nbhml.containsKey(0) ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(0,"v0"), nullValue() ); assertEquals(_nbhml.replace(0,"v0a"), "v0" ); assertEquals(_nbhml.get(0), "v0a" ); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(0), is("v0a") ); assertFalse( _nbhml.containsKey(0) ); checkSizes (0); assertThat ( _nbhml.replace(1,"v1"), nullValue() ); assertFalse( _nbhml.containsKey(1) ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(1,"v1"), nullValue() ); assertEquals(_nbhml.replace(1,"v1a"), "v1" ); assertEquals(_nbhml.get(1), "v1a" ); assertThat ( _nbhml.remove(1), is("v1a") ); assertFalse( _nbhml.containsKey(1) ); checkSizes (0); // Simple insert of simple keys, with no reprobing on insert until the // table gets full exactly. Then do a 'get' on the totally full table. NonBlockingHashMapLong<Object> map = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<Object>(32); for( int i = 1; i < 32; i++ ) map.put(i, new Object()); map.get(33); // this causes a NPE } // Check all iterators for correct size counts private void checkSizes(int expectedSize) { assertEquals( "size()", _nbhml.size(), expectedSize ); Collection<String> vals = _nbhml.values(); checkSizes("values()",vals.size(),vals.iterator(),expectedSize); Set<Long> keys = _nbhml.keySet(); checkSizes("keySet()",keys.size(),keys.iterator(),expectedSize); Set<Entry<Long,String>> ents = _nbhml.entrySet(); checkSizes("entrySet()",ents.size(),ents.iterator(),expectedSize); } // Check that the iterator iterates the correct number of times private void checkSizes(String msg, int sz, Iterator it, int expectedSize) { assertEquals( msg, expectedSize, sz ); int result = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { result++;; } assertEquals( msg, expectedSize, result ); } public void testIterationBig2() { final int CNT = 10000; assertThat( _nbhml.size(), is(0) ); final String v = "v"; for( int i=0; i<CNT; i++ ) { _nbhml.put(i,v); String s = _nbhml.get(i); assertThat( s, is(v) ); } assertThat( _nbhml.size(), is(CNT) ); } public void testIteration() { assertTrue ( _nbhml.isEmpty() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(1,"v1"), nullValue() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(2,"v2"), nullValue() ); String str1 = ""; for( Iterator<Map.Entry<Long,String>> i = _nbhml.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<Long,String> e =; str1 += e.getKey(); } assertThat("found all entries",str1,anyOf(is("12"),is("21"))); String str2 = ""; for( Iterator<Long> i = _nbhml.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Long key =; str2 += key; } assertThat("found all keys",str2,anyOf(is("12"),is("21"))); String str3 = ""; for( Iterator<String> i = _nbhml.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String val =; str3 += val; } assertThat("found all vals",str3,anyOf(is("v1v2"),is("v2v1"))); assertThat("toString works",_nbhml.toString(), anyOf(is("{1=v1, 2=v2}"),is("{2=v2, 1=v1}"))); } public void testSerial() { assertTrue ( _nbhml.isEmpty() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(0x12345678L,"v1"), nullValue() ); assertThat ( _nbhml.put(0x87654321L,"v2"), nullValue() ); // Serialize it out try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("NBHML_test.txt"); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); out.writeObject(_nbhml); out.close(); } catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read it back try { File f = new File("NBHML_test.txt"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); NonBlockingHashMapLong nbhml = (NonBlockingHashMapLong)in.readObject(); in.close(); assertEquals(_nbhml.toString(),nbhml.toString()); if( !f.delete() ) throw new IOException("delete failed"); } catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void testIterationBig() { final int CNT = 10000; assertThat( _nbhml.size(), is(0) ); for( int i=0; i<CNT; i++ ) _nbhml.put(i,"v"+i); assertThat( _nbhml.size(), is(CNT) ); int sz =0; int sum = 0; for( long x : _nbhml.keySet() ) { sz++; sum += x; assertTrue(x>=0 && x<=(CNT-1)); } assertThat("Found 10000 ints",sz,is(CNT)); assertThat("Found all integers in list",sum,is(CNT*(CNT-1)/2)); assertThat( "can remove 3", _nbhml.remove(3), is("v3") ); assertThat( "can remove 4", _nbhml.remove(4), is("v4") ); sz =0; sum = 0; for( long x : _nbhml.keySet() ) { sz++; sum += x; assertTrue(x>=0 && x<=(CNT-1)); String v = _nbhml.get(x); assertThat("",v.charAt(0),is('v')); assertThat("",x,is(Long.parseLong(v.substring(1)))); } assertThat("Found "+(CNT-2)+" ints",sz,is(CNT-2)); assertThat("Found all integers in list",sum,is(CNT*(CNT-1)/2 - (3+4))); } // Do some simple concurrent testing public void testConcurrentSimple() throws InterruptedException { final NonBlockingHashMapLong<String> nbhml = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<String>(); // In 2 threads, add & remove even & odd elements concurrently final int num_thrds = 2; Thread ts[] = new Thread[num_thrds]; for( int i=1; i<num_thrds; i++ ) { final int x = i; ts[i] = new Thread() { public void run() { work_helper(nbhml,x,num_thrds); } }; } for( int i=1; i<num_thrds; i++ ) ts[i].start(); work_helper(nbhml,0,num_thrds); for( int i=1; i<num_thrds; i++ ) ts[i].join(); // In the end, all members should be removed StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("Should be emptyset but has these elements: {"); boolean found = false; for( long x : nbhml.keySet() ) { buf.append(" ").append(x); found = true; } if( found ) System.out.println(buf+" }"); assertThat( "concurrent size=0", nbhml.size(), is(0) ); for( long x : nbhml.keySet() ) { assertTrue("No elements so never get here",false); } } void work_helper(NonBlockingHashMapLong<String> nbhml, int d, int num_thrds) { String thrd = "T"+d; final int ITERS = 20000; for( int j=0; j<10; j++ ) { //long start = System.nanoTime(); for( int i=d; i<ITERS; i+=num_thrds ) assertThat( "key "+i+" not in there, so putIfAbsent must work", nbhml.putIfAbsent((long)i,thrd), is((String)null) ); for( int i=d; i<ITERS; i+=num_thrds ) assertTrue( nbhml.remove((long)i,thrd) ); //double delta_nanos = System.nanoTime()-start; //double delta_secs = delta_nanos/1000000000.0; //double ops = ITERS*2; //System.out.println("Thrd"+thrd+" "+(ops/delta_secs)+" ops/sec size="+nbhml.size()); } } // --- Customer Test Case 1 ------------------------------------------------ public final void testNonBlockingHashMapSize() { NonBlockingHashMapLong<String> items = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<String>(); items.put(Long.valueOf(100), "100"); items.put(Long.valueOf(101), "101"); assertEquals("keySet().size()", 2, items.keySet().size()); assertTrue("keySet().contains(100)", items.keySet().contains(Long.valueOf(100))); assertTrue("keySet().contains(101)", items.keySet().contains(Long.valueOf(101))); assertEquals("values().size()", 2, items.values().size()); assertTrue("values().contains(\"100\")", items.values().contains("100")); assertTrue("values().contains(\"101\")", items.values().contains("101")); assertEquals("entrySet().size()", 2, items.entrySet().size()); boolean found100 = false; boolean found101 = false; for (Entry<Long, String> entry : items.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals(Long.valueOf(100))) { assertEquals("entry[100].getValue()==\"100\"", "100", entry.getValue()); found100 = true; } else if (entry.getKey().equals(Long.valueOf(101))) { assertEquals("entry[101].getValue()==\"101\"", "101", entry.getValue()); found101 = true; } } assertTrue("entrySet().contains([100])", found100); assertTrue("entrySet().contains([101])", found101); } // --- Customer Test Case 2 ------------------------------------------------ // Concurrent insertion & then iterator test. static public void testNonBlockingHashMapIterator() throws InterruptedException { final int ITEM_COUNT1 = 1000; final int THREAD_COUNT = 5; final int PER_CNT = ITEM_COUNT1/THREAD_COUNT; final int ITEM_COUNT = PER_CNT*THREAD_COUNT; // fix roundoff for odd thread counts NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> nbhml = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey>(); // use a barrier to open the gate for all threads at once to avoid rolling // start and no actual concurrency final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(THREAD_COUNT); final ExecutorService ex = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_COUNT); final CompletionService<Object> co = new ExecutorCompletionService<Object>(ex); for( int i=0; i<THREAD_COUNT; i++ ) { co.submit(new NBHMLFeeder(nbhml, PER_CNT, barrier, i*PER_CNT)); } for( int retCount = 0; retCount < THREAD_COUNT; retCount++ ) { co.take(); } ex.shutdown(); assertEquals("values().size()", ITEM_COUNT, nbhml.values().size()); assertEquals("entrySet().size()", ITEM_COUNT, nbhml.entrySet().size()); int itemCount = 0; for( TestKey K : nbhml.values() ) itemCount++; assertEquals("values().iterator() count", ITEM_COUNT, itemCount); } // --- NBHMLFeeder --- // Class to be called from another thread, to get concurrent installs into // the table. static private class NBHMLFeeder implements Callable<Object> { static private final Random _rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private final NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> _map; private final int _count; private final CyclicBarrier _barrier; private final long _offset; public NBHMLFeeder(final NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> map, final int count, final CyclicBarrier barrier, final long offset) { _map = map; _count = count; _barrier = barrier; _offset = offset; } public Object call() throws Exception { _barrier.await(); // barrier, to force racing start for( long j=0; j<_count; j++ ) _map.put(j+_offset, new TestKey(_rand.nextLong(),_rand.nextInt (), (short) _rand.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE))); return null; } } // --- TestKey --- // Funny key tests all sorts of things, has a pre-wired hashCode & equals. static private final class TestKey { public final int _type; public final long _id; public final int _hash; public TestKey(final long id, final int type, int hash) { _id = id; _type = type; _hash = hash; } public int hashCode() { return _hash; } public boolean equals(Object object) { if (null == object) return false; if (object == this) return true; if (object.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false; final TestKey other = (TestKey) object; return (this._type == other._type && this._id == other._id); } public String toString() { return String.format("%s:%d,%d,%d", getClass().getSimpleName(), _id, _type, _hash); } } // --- Customer Test Case 3 ------------------------------------------------ private TestKeyFeeder getTestKeyFeeder() { final TestKeyFeeder feeder = new TestKeyFeeder(); feeder.checkedPut(10401000001844L, 657829272, 680293140); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000000614L, 657829272, 401326994); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400345749304L, 2095121916, -9852212); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000002204L, 657829272, 14438460); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400345749234L, 1186831289, -894006017); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000500234L, 969314784, -2112018706); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000000284L, 657829272, 521425852); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000002134L, 657829272, 208406306); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400345749254L, 2095121916, -341939818); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000500384L, 969314784, -2136811544); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000001944L, 657829272, 935194952); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400345749224L, 1186831289, -828214183); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400345749244L, 2095121916, -351234120); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400333128994L, 2095121916, -496909430); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400333197934L, 2095121916, 2147144926); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400333197944L, 2095121916, -2082366964); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400336947684L, 2095121916, -1404212288); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000000594L, 657829272, 124369790); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400331896264L, 2095121916, -1028383492); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400332415044L, 2095121916, 1629436704); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400345749614L, 1186831289, 1027996827); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10401000500424L, 969314784, -1871616544); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400336947694L, 2095121916, -1468802722); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410002672481L, 2154973, 1515288586); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410345749171L, 2154973, 2084791828); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400004960671L, 2154973, 1554754674); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410009983601L, 2154973, -2049707334); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410335811601L, 2154973, 1547385114); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410000005951L, 2154973, -1136117016); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400004938331L, 2154973, -1361373018); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410001490421L, 2154973, -818792874); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400001187131L, 2154973, 649763142); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410000409071L, 2154973, -614460616); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410333717391L, 2154973, 1343531416); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410336680071L, 2154973, -914544144); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410002068511L, 2154973, -746995576); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410336207851L, 2154973, 863146156); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410002365251L, 2154973, 542724164); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10400335812581L, 2154973, 2146284796); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410337345361L, 2154973, -384625318); // section 12 feeder.checkedPut(10410000409091L, 2154973, -528258556); // section 12 return feeder; } // --- static private class TestKeyFeeder { private final Hashtable<Integer, List<TestKey>> _items = new Hashtable<Integer, List<TestKey>>(); private int _size = 0; public int size() { return _size; } // Put items into the hashtable, sorted by 'type' into LinkedLists. public void checkedPut(final long id, final int type, final int hash) { _size++; final TestKey item = new TestKey(id, type, hash); if( !_items.containsKey(type) ) _items.put(type, new LinkedList<TestKey>()); _items.get(type).add(item); } public NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> getMapMultithreaded() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final int threadCount = _items.keySet().size(); final NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> map = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey>(); // use a barrier to open the gate for all threads at once to avoid rolling start and no actual concurrency final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(threadCount); final ExecutorService ex = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount); final CompletionService<Integer> co = new ExecutorCompletionService<Integer>(ex); for( Integer type : _items.keySet() ) { // A linked-list of things to insert List<TestKey> items = _items.get(type); TestKeyFeederThread feeder = new TestKeyFeederThread(type, items, map, barrier); co.submit(feeder); } // wait for all threads to return int itemCount = 0; for( int retCount = 0; retCount < threadCount; retCount++ ) { final Future<Integer> result = co.take(); itemCount += result.get(); } ex.shutdown(); return map; } } // --- TestKeyFeederThread static private class TestKeyFeederThread implements Callable<Integer> { private final int _type; private final NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> _map; private final List<TestKey> _items; private final CyclicBarrier _barrier; public TestKeyFeederThread(final int type, final List<TestKey> items, final NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> map, final CyclicBarrier barrier) { _type = type; _map = map; _items = items; _barrier = barrier; } public Integer call() throws Exception { _barrier.await(); int count = 0; for( TestKey item : _items ) { if (_map.contains(item._id)) { System.err.printf("COLLISION DETECTED: %s exists\n", item.toString()); } final TestKey exists = _map.putIfAbsent(item._id, item); if (exists == null) { count++; } else { System.err.printf("COLLISION DETECTED: %s exists as %s\n", item.toString(), exists.toString()); } } return count; } } // --- public void testNonBlockingHashMapIteratorMultithreaded() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { TestKeyFeeder feeder = getTestKeyFeeder(); final int itemCount = feeder.size(); // validate results final NonBlockingHashMapLong<TestKey> items = feeder.getMapMultithreaded(); assertEquals("size()", itemCount, items.size()); assertEquals("values().size()", itemCount, items.values().size()); assertEquals("entrySet().size()", itemCount, items.entrySet().size()); int iteratorCount = 0; for( TestKey m : items.values() ) iteratorCount++; // sometimes a different result comes back the second time int iteratorCount2 = 0; for( Iterator<TestKey> it = items.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { iteratorCount2++;; } assertEquals("iterator counts differ", iteratorCount, iteratorCount2); assertEquals("values().iterator() count", itemCount, iteratorCount); } public void testLongIterator() { NonBlockingHashMapLong<String> map = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<String>(); map.put(1L, "abc"); map.put(2L, "def"); LongIterator it = (LongIterator) map.keySet().iterator(); List<Long> keys = new ArrayList<Long>(2); while (it.hasNext()) { keys.add(it.nextLong()); } Collections.sort(keys); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L), keys); } }