package; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; @Slf4j public class EclipsePluginInstaller { private static final Joiner COMMA_JOINER = Joiner.on(','); public void install(EclipseConfiguration configuration, File eclipseDir) { try { installPlugin(configuration.getPlugin(), configuration.getPluginRepository(), eclipseDir); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } File workspace = new File("."); new EclipseWorkspaceInitializer().initialize(configuration, workspace); } private void installPlugin(@Nonnull List<EclipsePlugin> plugins, @Nonnull List<String> pluginRepository, File eclipseDir) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (plugins.isEmpty()) { return; } for (EclipsePlugin plugin : plugins) { if (plugin.getVersion() == null) { log.warn("version of {} isn't specified", plugin.getId()); } } Process process = buildProcess(plugins, pluginRepository, eclipseDir); try { recordStdoutOf(process); recordStderrOf(process); process.getOutputStream().close(); int status = process.waitFor(); if (status != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fail to install Eclipse plugin. Status code is " + status); } } finally { process.destroy(); } } private void recordStdoutOf(final Process process) throws IOException { Thread daemon = PipingDaemon.createThread(process.getInputStream(), "Eclipse plugin", "stdout"); daemon.start(); } private void recordStderrOf(final Process process) throws IOException { Thread daemon = PipingDaemon.createThread(process.getErrorStream(), "Eclipse plugin", "stderr"); daemon.start(); } private Process buildProcess(List<EclipsePlugin> plugin, List<String> pluginRepository, File location) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); File installedDir = new File(location, "eclipse"); File executable = new File(installedDir, OperatingSystem.create().appendExtensionTo("eclipsec")); if (!executable.exists() || !executable.canExecute()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find eclipse at " + executable.getAbsolutePath()); }; builder.command(executable.getAbsolutePath(), "-application", "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director", "-installIUs", COMMA_JOINER.join(plugin), "-repository", COMMA_JOINER.join(pluginRepository), "-destination", installedDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-nosplash", "-consolelog");"execute command ({})", builder.command()); Process process = builder.start(); return process; } }