package org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.tool.util.TableNameQualifier; /** * Oracle Specialised MetaData dialect that uses standard JDBC and querys on the * Data Dictionary for reading metadata. * * @author David Channon * @author Eric Kershner (added preparedstatements HBX-817) * */ public class OracleMetaDataDialect extends AbstractMetaDataDialect { public OracleMetaDataDialect() { super(); } /* ******* TABLE QUERIES ******* */ private static final String SQL_TABLE_BASE = "select a.table_name, a.owner, b.comments, 'TABLE' " + "from all_tables a left join all_tab_comments b " + "on (a.owner=b.owner and a.table_name=b.table_name) "; private static final String SQL_TABLE_VIEW = " union all select view_name, owner, NULL, 'VIEW' from all_views "; private static final String SQL_TABLE_NONE = SQL_TABLE_BASE + SQL_TABLE_VIEW; private static final String SQL_TABLE_SCHEMA = SQL_TABLE_BASE + "where a.owner like ? " + SQL_TABLE_VIEW + " where owner like ?"; private static final String SQL_TABLE_TABLE = SQL_TABLE_BASE + "where a.table_name like ?" + SQL_TABLE_VIEW + "where view_name like ?"; private static final String SQL_TABLE_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE = SQL_TABLE_BASE + "where a.owner like ? and a.table_name like ?" + SQL_TABLE_VIEW + "where owner like ? and view_name like ?"; private PreparedStatement prepTableNone; private PreparedStatement prepTableSchema; private PreparedStatement prepTableTable; private PreparedStatement prepTableSchemaAndTable; /* ***************************** */ /* ******* INDEX QUERIES ******* */ /* ***************************** */ private static final String SQL_INDEX_BASE = "select a.column_name, " + "decode(b.uniqueness,'UNIQUE','false','true'), " + "a.index_owner, a.index_name, a.table_name " + "from all_ind_columns a left join all_indexes b on " + "(a.table_name = b.table_name " + " AND a.table_owner = b.table_owner " + " AND a.index_name = b.index_name) "; private static final String SQL_INDEX_ORDER = " order by a.table_name, a.column_position"; private static final String SQL_INDEX_NONE = SQL_INDEX_BASE + SQL_INDEX_ORDER; private static final String SQL_INDEX_SCHEMA = SQL_INDEX_BASE + "where a.table_owner like ? " + SQL_INDEX_ORDER; private static final String SQL_INDEX_TABLE = SQL_INDEX_BASE + "where a.table_name like ? " + SQL_INDEX_ORDER; private static final String SQL_INDEX_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE = SQL_INDEX_BASE + "where a.table_owner like ? and a.table_name like ? " + SQL_INDEX_ORDER; private PreparedStatement prepIndexNone; private PreparedStatement prepIndexSchema; private PreparedStatement prepIndexTable; private PreparedStatement prepIndexSchemaAndTable; /* ****** COLUMN QUERIES ******* */ private static final String SQL_COLUMN_BASE = "select a.column_name as COLUMN_NAME, a.owner as TABLE_SCHEM, " + "decode(a.nullable,'N',0,1) as NULLABLE, " + "decode(a.data_type, 'FLOAT',decode(a.data_precision,null, " + "a.data_length, a.data_precision), 'NUMBER', decode(a.data_precision,null, " + "a.data_length, a.data_precision), a.data_length) as COLUMN_SIZE, " + "decode(a.data_type,'CHAR',1, 'DATE',91, 'FLOAT',6, " + "'LONG',-1, 'NUMBER',2, 'VARCHAR2',12, 'BFILE',-13, " + "'BLOB',2004, 'CLOB',2005, 'MLSLABEL',1111, 'NCHAR',1, 'NCLOB',2005, 'NVARCHAR2',12, " + "'RAW',-3, 'ROWID',1111, 'UROWID',1111, 'LONG RAW', -4, " + "'TIMESTAMP', 93, 'XMLTYPE',2005, 1111) as DATA_TYPE, " + "a.table_name as TABLE_NAME, a.data_type as TYPE_NAME, " + "decode(a.data_scale, null, 0 ,a.data_scale) as DECIMAL_DIGITS, b.comments " + "from all_tab_columns a left join all_col_comments b on " + "(a.owner=b.owner and a.table_name=b.table_name and a.column_name=b.column_name) "; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_ORDER = " order by column_id "; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_NONE = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.owner like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_TABLE = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.table_name like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_COLUMN = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.column_name like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.owner like ? and a.table_name like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA_AND_COLUMN = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.owner like ? and a.column_name like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_TABLE_AND_COLUMN = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.table_name like ? and a.column_name like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private static final String SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE_AND_COLUMN = SQL_COLUMN_BASE + "where a.owner like ? and a.table_name like ? and a.column_name like ? " + SQL_COLUMN_ORDER; private PreparedStatement prepColumnNone; private PreparedStatement prepColumnSchema; private PreparedStatement prepColumnTable; private PreparedStatement prepColumnColumn; private PreparedStatement prepColumnSchemaAndTable; private PreparedStatement prepColumnSchemaAndColumn; private PreparedStatement prepColumnTableAndColumn; private PreparedStatement prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn; /* ***************************** */ /* ******** PK QUERIES ********* */ /* ***************************** */ private static final String SQL_PK_BASE = "select c.table_name, c.column_name, c.position, c.constraint_name, " + "c.owner from all_cons_columns c left join all_constraints k on " + "(k.owner = c.owner AND k.table_name = c.table_name AND k.constraint_name = c.constraint_name) " + "where k.constraint_type = 'P' "; private static final String SQL_PK_ORDER = " order by c.table_name, c.constraint_name, c.position desc "; private static final String SQL_PK_NONE = SQL_PK_BASE + SQL_PK_ORDER; private static final String SQL_PK_SCHEMA = SQL_PK_BASE + " and c.owner like ? " + SQL_PK_ORDER; private static final String SQL_PK_TABLE = SQL_PK_BASE + " and c.table_name like ? " + SQL_PK_ORDER; private static final String SQL_PK_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE = SQL_PK_BASE + " and c.owner like ? and c.table_name like ? " + SQL_PK_ORDER; private PreparedStatement prepPkNone; private PreparedStatement prepPkSchema; private PreparedStatement prepPkTable; private PreparedStatement prepPkSchemaAndTable; /* ***************************** */ /* ******** FK QUERIES ********* */ /* ***************************** */ private static final String SQL_FK_BASE = "select p.table_name, p.owner, f.owner, f.table_name, " + "fc.column_name, pc.column_name, f.constraint_name, fc.position " + "from all_constraints p left join all_cons_columns pc on " + "(pc.owner = p.owner and pc.constraint_name = p.constraint_name and pc.table_name = p.table_name) " + "left join all_constraints f on (p.owner = f.r_owner and p.constraint_name = f.r_constraint_name) " + "left join all_cons_columns fc on " + "(fc.owner = f.owner and fc.constraint_name = f.constraint_name and fc.table_name = f.table_name and" + " fc.position = pc.position) where f.constraint_type = 'R' AND p.constraint_type = 'P' "; private static final String SQL_FK_ORDER = " order by f.table_name, f.constraint_name, fc.position "; private static final String SQL_FK_NONE = SQL_FK_BASE + SQL_FK_ORDER; private static final String SQL_FK_SCHEMA = SQL_FK_BASE + " and p.owner like ? " + SQL_FK_ORDER; private static final String SQL_FK_TABLE = SQL_FK_BASE + " and p.table_name like ? " + SQL_FK_ORDER; private static final String SQL_FK_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE = SQL_FK_BASE + " and p.owner like ? and p.table_name like ? " + SQL_FK_ORDER; private PreparedStatement prepFkNone; private PreparedStatement prepFkSchema; private PreparedStatement prepFkTable; private PreparedStatement prepFkSchemaAndTable; public Iterator<Map<String,Object>> getTables(final String catalog, final String schema, String table) { try { log.debug("getTables(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + ")"); ResultSet tableRs; tableRs = getTableResultSet( schema, table ); return new ResultSetIterator(null, tableRs, getSQLExceptionConverter()) { Map<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>(); protected Map<String, Object> convertRow(ResultSet tableResultSet) throws SQLException { element.clear(); element.put("TABLE_NAME", tableResultSet.getString(1)); element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", tableResultSet.getString(2)); element.put("TABLE_CAT", null); element.put("TABLE_TYPE", tableResultSet.getString(4)); element.put("REMARKS", tableResultSet.getString(3)); element.toString() ); return element; } protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) { // schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting // if // we get an exception String databaseStructure = getDatabaseStructure(catalog, schema); throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Could not get list of tables from database. Probably a JDBC driver problem. " + databaseStructure, null); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { // schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting if we // get an exception String databaseStructure = getDatabaseStructure(catalog, schema); throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Could not get list of tables from database. Probably a JDBC driver problem. " + databaseStructure, null); } } public Iterator<Map<String, Object>> getIndexInfo(final String catalog, final String schema, final String table) { try { log.debug("getIndexInfo(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + ")"); ResultSet indexRs; indexRs = getIndexInfoResultSet( schema, table ); return new ResultSetIterator(null, indexRs, getSQLExceptionConverter()) { Map<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>(); protected Map<String, Object> convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { element.clear(); element.put("COLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(1)); element.put("TYPE", new Short((short) 1)); // CLUSTERED // INDEX element.put("NON_UNIQUE", Boolean.valueOf(rs.getString(2))); element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(3)); element.put("INDEX_NAME", rs.getString(4)); element.put("TABLE_CAT", null); element.put("TABLE_NAME", rs.getString(5)); return element; } protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Exception while getting index info for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Exception while getting index info for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } } public Iterator<Map<String, Object>> getColumns(final String catalog, final String schema, final String table, String column) { try { log.debug("getColumns(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + "." + column + ")"); ResultSet columnRs; columnRs = getColumnsResultSet( schema, table, column ); return new ResultSetIterator(null, columnRs, getSQLExceptionConverter()) { Map<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>(); protected Map<String, Object> convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { element.clear(); element.put("COLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(1)); element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(2)); element.put("NULLABLE", new Integer(rs.getInt(3))); element.put("COLUMN_SIZE", new Integer(rs.getInt(4))); element.put("DATA_TYPE", new Integer(rs.getInt(5))); element.put("TABLE_NAME", rs.getString(6)); element.put("TYPE_NAME", rs.getString(7)); element.put("DECIMAL_DIGITS", new Integer(rs.getInt(8))); element.put("TABLE_CAT", null); element.put("REMARKS", rs.getString(9)); return element; } protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Error while reading column meta data for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Error while reading column meta data for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } } public Iterator<Map<String, Object>> getPrimaryKeys(final String catalog, final String schema, final String table) { try { log.debug("getPrimaryKeys(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + ")"); ResultSet pkeyRs; pkeyRs = getPrimaryKeysResultSet( schema, table ); return new ResultSetIterator(null, pkeyRs, getSQLExceptionConverter()) { Map<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>(); protected Map<String, Object> convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { element.clear(); element.put("TABLE_NAME", rs.getString(1)); element.put("COLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(2)); element.put("KEY_SEQ", new Short(rs.getShort(3))); element.put("PK_NAME", rs.getString(4)); element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(5)); element.put("TABLE_CAT", null); return element; } protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Error while reading primary key meta data for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Error while reading primary key meta data for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } } public Iterator<Map<String, Object>> getExportedKeys(final String catalog, final String schema, final String table) { try { log.debug("getExportedKeys(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + ")"); ResultSet pExportRs; pExportRs = getExportedKeysResultSet( schema, table ); return new ResultSetIterator(null, pExportRs, getSQLExceptionConverter()) { Map<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>(); protected Map<String, Object> convertRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { element.clear(); element.put("PKTABLE_NAME", rs.getString(1)); element.put("PKTABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(2)); element.put("PKTABLE_CAT", null); element.put("FKTABLE_CAT", null); element.put("FKTABLE_SCHEM", rs.getString(3)); element.put("FKTABLE_NAME", rs.getString(4)); element.put("FKCOLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(5)); element.put("PKCOLUMN_NAME", rs.getString(6)); element.put("FK_NAME", rs.getString(7)); element.put("KEY_SEQ", new Short(rs.getShort(8))); return element; } protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Error while reading exported keys meta data for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, "Error while reading exported keys meta data for " + TableNameQualifier.qualify(catalog, schema, table), null); } } public void close() { try { prepTableNone = close( prepTableNone ); prepTableSchema = close( prepTableSchema ); prepTableTable = close( prepTableTable ); prepTableSchemaAndTable = close( prepTableSchemaAndTable ); prepIndexNone = close( prepIndexNone ); prepIndexSchema = close( prepIndexSchema ); prepIndexTable = close( prepIndexTable ); prepIndexSchemaAndTable = close( prepIndexSchemaAndTable ); prepColumnNone = close( prepColumnNone ); prepColumnSchema = close( prepColumnSchema ); prepColumnTable = close( prepColumnTable ); prepColumnColumn = close( prepColumnColumn ); prepColumnSchemaAndTable = close( prepColumnSchemaAndTable ); prepColumnSchemaAndColumn = close( prepColumnSchemaAndColumn ); prepColumnTableAndColumn = close( prepColumnTableAndColumn ); prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn = close( prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn ); prepPkNone = close( prepPkNone ); prepPkSchema = close( prepPkSchema ); prepPkTable = close( prepPkTable ); prepPkSchemaAndTable = close( prepPkSchemaAndTable ); prepFkNone = close( prepFkNone ); prepFkSchema = close( prepFkSchema ); prepFkTable = close( prepFkTable ); prepFkSchemaAndTable = close( prepFkSchemaAndTable ); } finally { super.close(); } } private PreparedStatement close(PreparedStatement ps) { if(ps==null) { return null; } else { try { ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert(e, "Problem while closing prepared statement", null); } return null; } } private ResultSet getPrimaryKeysResultSet(final String schema, final String table) throws SQLException { if(prepPkNone==null) { // Prepare primary key queries log.debug("Preparing primary key queries..."); Connection con = getConnection(); prepPkNone = con .prepareStatement(SQL_PK_NONE); prepPkSchema = con.prepareStatement(SQL_PK_SCHEMA); prepPkTable = con.prepareStatement(SQL_PK_TABLE); prepPkSchemaAndTable = con .prepareStatement(SQL_PK_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE); log.debug(" primary key queries prepared!"); } ResultSet pkeyRs; if (schema == null && table == null) { pkeyRs = prepPkNone.executeQuery(); } else if (schema != null) { if (table == null) { prepPkSchema.setString(1, schema); pkeyRs = prepPkSchema.executeQuery(); } else { prepPkSchemaAndTable.setString(1, schema); prepPkSchemaAndTable.setString(2, table); pkeyRs = prepPkSchemaAndTable.executeQuery(); } } else { prepPkTable.setString(1, table); pkeyRs = prepPkTable.executeQuery(); } return pkeyRs; } private ResultSet getIndexInfoResultSet(final String schema, final String table) throws SQLException { if(prepIndexNone==null) { // Prepare index queries log.debug("Preparing index queries..."); Connection con = getConnection(); prepIndexNone = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INDEX_NONE); prepIndexSchema = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INDEX_SCHEMA); prepIndexTable = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INDEX_TABLE); prepIndexSchemaAndTable = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INDEX_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE); log.debug(" ...index queries prepared!"); } ResultSet indexRs; if (schema == null && table == null) { indexRs = prepIndexNone.executeQuery(); } else if (schema != null) { if (table == null) { prepIndexSchema.setString(1, schema); indexRs = prepIndexSchema.executeQuery(); } else { prepIndexSchemaAndTable.setString(1, schema); prepIndexSchemaAndTable.setString(2, table); indexRs = prepIndexSchemaAndTable.executeQuery(); } } else { prepIndexTable.setString(1, table); indexRs = prepIndexTable.executeQuery(); } return indexRs; } private ResultSet getExportedKeysResultSet(final String schema, final String table) throws SQLException { if(prepFkNone==null) { // Prepare foreign key queries log.debug("Preparing foreign key queries..."); Connection con = getConnection(); prepFkNone = con .prepareStatement(SQL_FK_NONE); prepFkSchema = con.prepareStatement(SQL_FK_SCHEMA); prepFkTable = con.prepareStatement(SQL_FK_TABLE); prepFkSchemaAndTable = con .prepareStatement(SQL_FK_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE); log.debug(" foreign key queries prepared!"); } ResultSet pExportRs; if (schema == null && table == null) { pExportRs = prepFkNone.executeQuery(); } else if (schema != null) { if (table == null) { prepFkSchema.setString(1, schema); pExportRs = prepFkSchema.executeQuery(); } else { prepFkSchemaAndTable.setString(1, schema); prepFkSchemaAndTable.setString(2, table); pExportRs = prepFkSchemaAndTable.executeQuery(); } } else { prepFkTable.setString(1, table); pExportRs = prepFkTable.executeQuery(); } return pExportRs; } private ResultSet getColumnsResultSet(final String schema, final String table, String column) throws SQLException { if(prepColumnNone==null) { // Prepare column queries log.debug("Preparing column queries..."); Connection con = getConnection(); prepColumnNone = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_NONE); prepColumnSchema = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA); prepColumnTable = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_TABLE); prepColumnColumn = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_COLUMN); prepColumnSchemaAndTable = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE); prepColumnSchemaAndColumn = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA_AND_COLUMN); prepColumnTableAndColumn = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_TABLE_AND_COLUMN); prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn = con.prepareStatement(SQL_COLUMN_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE_AND_COLUMN); log.debug(" ...column queries prepared!"); } ResultSet columnRs; // No parameters specified if (schema == null && table == null && column == null) { columnRs = prepColumnNone.executeQuery(); } else if (schema != null) { if (table == null) { if (column == null) { // Schema specified prepColumnSchema.setString(1, schema); columnRs = prepColumnSchema.executeQuery(); } else { // Schema and column specified prepColumnSchemaAndColumn.setString(1, schema); prepColumnSchemaAndColumn.setString(2, column); columnRs = prepColumnSchemaAndColumn.executeQuery(); } } else { if (column == null) { // Schema and table specified prepColumnSchemaAndTable.setString(1, schema); prepColumnSchemaAndTable.setString(2, table); columnRs = prepColumnSchemaAndTable.executeQuery(); } else { // Schema, table and column specified prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn.setString(1, schema); prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn.setString(2, table); prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn.setString(3, column); columnRs = prepColumnSchemaAndTableAndColumn.executeQuery(); } } } else { if (table == null) { // Column specified prepColumnColumn.setString(1, column); columnRs = prepColumnColumn.executeQuery(); } else { if (column == null) { // Table specified prepColumnTable.setString(1, table); columnRs = prepColumnTable.executeQuery(); } else { // Table and column specified prepColumnTableAndColumn.setString(1, table); prepColumnTableAndColumn.setString(2, column); columnRs = prepColumnTableAndColumn.executeQuery(); } } } return columnRs; } private ResultSet getTableResultSet(final String schema, String table) throws SQLException { ResultSet tableRs; if(prepTableNone==null) { // Prepare table queries log.debug("Preparing table queries..."); Connection connection2 = getConnection(); prepTableNone = connection2.prepareStatement(SQL_TABLE_NONE); prepTableSchema = connection2.prepareStatement(SQL_TABLE_SCHEMA); prepTableTable = connection2.prepareStatement(SQL_TABLE_TABLE); prepTableSchemaAndTable = connection2.prepareStatement(SQL_TABLE_SCHEMA_AND_TABLE); log.debug(" ...table queries prepared!"); } if (schema == null && table == null) { tableRs = prepTableNone.executeQuery(); } else if (schema != null) { if (table == null) { prepTableSchema.setString(1, schema); prepTableSchema.setString(2, schema); tableRs = prepTableSchema.executeQuery(); } else { prepTableSchemaAndTable.setString(1, schema); prepTableSchemaAndTable.setString(2, table); prepTableSchemaAndTable.setString(3, schema); prepTableSchemaAndTable.setString(4, table); tableRs = prepTableSchemaAndTable.executeQuery(); } } else { prepTableTable.setString(1, table); prepTableTable.setString(2, table); tableRs = prepTableTable.executeQuery(); } return tableRs; } }