/* * Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>. */ package org.hibernate.search.cfg; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.TokenizerFactory; import org.hibernate.search.analyzer.Discriminator; import org.hibernate.search.annotations.FieldCacheType; import org.hibernate.search.bridge.FieldBridge; import org.hibernate.search.engine.BoostStrategy; import org.hibernate.search.indexes.interceptor.EntityIndexingInterceptor; public class IndexedMapping { private final SearchMapping mapping; private final EntityDescriptor entity; private final Map<String, Object> indexed; public IndexedMapping(SearchMapping mapping, EntityDescriptor entity) { this.mapping = mapping; this.entity = entity; indexed = new HashMap<String, Object>(); entity.setIndexed( indexed ); } public IndexedMapping indexName(String indexName) { this.indexed.put( "index", indexName ); return this; } public IndexedMapping interceptor(Class<? extends EntityIndexingInterceptor> interceptor) { this.indexed.put( "interceptor", interceptor ); return this; } /** * This feature will be removed, with no replacement * as caching fields is no longer effective. * @param type this argument will be ignored * @return {@code this} for method chaining * @deprecated This will be removed with no replacement. */ @Deprecated public IndexedMapping cacheFromIndex(FieldCacheType... type) { return this; } public IndexedMapping boost(float boost) { final Map<String, Object> boostAnn = new HashMap<String, Object>(); boostAnn.put( "value", boost ); entity.setBoost( boostAnn ); return this; } public IndexedMapping dynamicBoost(Class<? extends BoostStrategy> impl) { final Map<String, Object> dynamicBoost = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dynamicBoost.put( "impl", impl ); entity.setDynamicBoost( dynamicBoost ); return this; } public IndexedMapping analyzerDiscriminator(Class<? extends Discriminator> discriminator) { final Map<String, Object> discriminatorAnn = new HashMap<String, Object>(); discriminatorAnn.put( "impl", discriminator ); entity.setAnalyzerDiscriminator( discriminatorAnn ); return this; } public IndexedClassBridgeMapping classBridge(Class<?> impl) { return new IndexedClassBridgeMapping( mapping, entity, impl, this ); } /** * Registers the given class bridge for the currently configured entity type. Any subsequent analyzer, parameter * etc. configurations apply to this class bridge. * * @param instance a class bridge instance * @return a new {@link ClassBridgeMapping} following the method chaining pattern * @hsearch.experimental This method is considered experimental and it may be altered or removed in future releases * @throws org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException in case the same bridge instance is passed more than once for the * currently configured entity type */ public IndexedClassBridgeMapping classBridgeInstance(FieldBridge instance) { return new IndexedClassBridgeMapping( mapping, entity, instance, this ); } public FullTextFilterDefMapping fullTextFilterDef(String name, Class<?> impl) { return new FullTextFilterDefMapping( mapping, name, impl ); } public PropertyMapping property(String name, ElementType type) { return new PropertyMapping( name, type, entity, mapping ); } public AnalyzerDefMapping analyzerDef(String name, Class<? extends TokenizerFactory> tokenizerFactory) { return analyzerDef( name, "", tokenizerFactory ); } public AnalyzerDefMapping analyzerDef(String name, String tokenizerName, Class<? extends TokenizerFactory> tokenizerFactory) { return new AnalyzerDefMapping( name, tokenizerName, tokenizerFactory, mapping ); } public EntityMapping entity(Class<?> entityType) { return new EntityMapping( entityType, mapping ); } public ProvidedIdMapping providedId() { return new ProvidedIdMapping( mapping, entity ); } public EntitySpatialMapping spatial() { return new EntitySpatialMapping( mapping, entity ); } }