// Copyright 2016 Twitter. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.twitter.heron.spi.common; public class Keys { public static final String SCHEDULER_PROPERTIES = "heron.scheduler.properties"; public static final String SCHEDULER_COMMAND_LINE_PROPERTIES_OVERRIDE_OPTION = "P"; protected Keys() { } public static String cluster() { return ConfigKeys.get("CLUSTER"); } public static String role() { return ConfigKeys.get("ROLE"); } public static String environ() { return ConfigKeys.get("ENVIRON"); } public static String verbose() { return ConfigKeys.get("VERBOSE"); } public static String configPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("CONFIG_PATH"); } public static String buildVersion() { return ConfigKeys.get("BUILD_VERSION"); } public static String buildTime() { return ConfigKeys.get("BUILD_TIME"); } public static String buildTimeStamp() { return ConfigKeys.get("BUILD_TIMESTAMP"); } public static String buildHost() { return ConfigKeys.get("BUILD_HOST"); } public static String buildUser() { return ConfigKeys.get("BUILD_USER"); } public static String topologyId() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_ID"); } public static String topologyName() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_NAME"); } public static String topologyDefinition() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_DEFINITION"); } public static String topologyPackageUri() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE_URI"); } public static String uploaderClass() { return ConfigKeys.get("UPLOADER_CLASS"); } public static String launcherClass() { return ConfigKeys.get("LAUNCHER_CLASS"); } public static String schedulerClass() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_CLASS"); } public static String packingClass() { return ConfigKeys.get("PACKING_CLASS"); } public static String stateManagerClass() { return ConfigKeys.get("STATE_MANAGER_CLASS"); } public static String schedulerJar() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_JAR"); } public static String schedulerService() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_IS_SERVICE"); } public static String schedulerProxyConnectionString() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_PROXY_CONNECTION_STRING"); } public static String schedulerProxyConnectionType() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_PROXY_CONNECTION_TYPE"); } public static String stateManagerConnectionString() { return ConfigKeys.get("STATEMGR_CONNECTION_STRING"); } public static String stateManagerRootPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("STATEMGR_ROOT_PATH"); } public static String corePackageUri() { return ConfigKeys.get("CORE_PACKAGE_URI"); } public static String clusterFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("CLUSTER_YAML"); } public static String clientFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("CLIENT_YAML"); } public static String defaultsFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("DEFAULTS_YAML"); } public static String metricsSinksFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("METRICS_YAML"); } public static String packingFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("PACKING_YAML"); } public static String schedulerFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_YAML"); } public static String stateManagerFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("STATEMGR_YAML"); } public static String systemFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SYSTEM_YAML"); } public static String uploaderFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("UPLOADER_YAML"); } public static String topologyDefinitionFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_DEFINITION_FILE"); } public static String topologyBinaryFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_BINARY_FILE"); } public static String topologyPackageFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE_FILE"); } public static String topologyPackageType() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE_TYPE"); } public static String topologyContainerId() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_CONTAINER_ID"); } public static String stmgrRam() { return ConfigKeys.get("STMGR_RAM"); } public static String instanceRam() { return ConfigKeys.get("INSTANCE_RAM"); } public static String instanceCpu() { return ConfigKeys.get("INSTANCE_CPU"); } public static String instanceDisk() { return ConfigKeys.get("INSTANCE_DISK"); } public static String heronHome() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_HOME"); } public static String heronBin() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_BIN"); } public static String heronConf() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_CONF"); } public static String heronLib() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_LIB"); } public static String heronDist() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_DIST"); } public static String heronEtc() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_ETC"); } public static String instanceClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("INSTANCE_CLASSPATH"); } public static String metricsManagerClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("METRICSMGR_CLASSPATH"); } public static String packingClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("PACKING_CLASSPATH"); } public static String schedulerClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_CLASSPATH"); } public static String stateManagerClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("STATEMGR_CLASSPATH"); } public static String uploaderClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("UPLOADER_CLASSPATH"); } public static String topologyClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("TOPOLOGY_CLASSPATH"); } public static String schedulerStateManagerAdaptor() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_STATE_MANAGER_ADAPTOR"); } public static String launcherClassInstance() { return ConfigKeys.get("LAUNCHER_CLASS_INSTANCE"); } public static String schedulerShutdown() { return ConfigKeys.get("SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN"); } public static String componentRamMap() { return ConfigKeys.get("COMPONENT_RAMMAP"); } public static String componentJvmOpts() { return ConfigKeys.get("COMPONENT_JVM_OPTS_IN_BASE64"); } public static String instanceJvmOpts() { return ConfigKeys.get("INSTANCE_JVM_OPTS_IN_BASE64"); } public static String numContainers() { return ConfigKeys.get("NUM_CONTAINERS"); } public static String javaHome() { return ConfigKeys.get("JAVA_HOME"); } public static String heronSandboxHome() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_SANDBOX_HOME"); } public static String heronSandboxBin() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_SANDBOX_BIN"); } public static String heronSandboxConf() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_SANDBOX_CONF"); } public static String heronSandboxLib() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_SANDBOX_LIB"); } public static String javaSandboxHome() { return ConfigKeys.get("HERON_SANDBOX_JAVA_HOME"); } public static String clusterSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_CLUSTER_YAML"); } public static String defaultsSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_DEFAULTS_YAML"); } public static String metricsSinksSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_METRICS_YAML"); } public static String packingSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_PACKING_YAML"); } public static String overrideSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_OVERRIDE_YAML"); } public static String schedulerSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_SCHEDULER_YAML"); } public static String stateManagerSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_STATEMGR_YAML"); } public static String systemSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_SYSTEM_YAML"); } public static String uploaderSandboxFile() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_UPLOADER_YAML"); } public static String executorSandboxBinary() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_EXECUTOR_BINARY"); } public static String stmgrSandboxBinary() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_STMGR_BINARY"); } public static String tmasterSandboxBinary() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_TMASTER_BINARY"); } public static String shellSandboxBinary() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_SHELL_BINARY"); } public static String pythonInstanceSandboxBinary() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_PYTHON_INSTANCE_BINARY"); } public static String schedulerSandboxJar() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_SCHEDULER_JAR"); } public static String instanceSandboxClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_INSTANCE_CLASSPATH"); } public static String metricsManagerSandboxClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_METRICSMGR_CLASSPATH"); } public static String packingSandboxClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_PACKING_CLASSPATH"); } public static String schedulerSandboxClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_SCHEDULER_CLASSPATH"); } public static String stateManagerSandboxClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_STATEMGR_CLASSPATH"); } public static String uploaderSandboxClassPath() { return ConfigKeys.get("SANDBOX_UPLOADER_CLASSPATH"); } }