package org.rdfhdt.hdt.hdt; import; import; import org.rdfhdt.hdt.enums.RDFNotation; import org.rdfhdt.hdt.exceptions.ParserException; import org.rdfhdt.hdt.listener.ProgressListener; import org.rdfhdt.hdt.options.HDTOptions; import org.rdfhdt.hdt.triples.IteratorTripleString; public abstract class HDTManager { private static HDTManager instance; private static HDTManager getInstance() { if(instance==null) { try { Class<?> managerImplClass = Class.forName("org.rdfhdt.hdt.hdt.HDTManagerImpl"); instance = (HDTManager) managerImplClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Class org.rdfhdt.hdt.hdt.HDTManagerImpl not found. Did you include the HDT implementation jar?"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create implementation for HDTManager. Does the class org.rdfhdt.hdt.hdt.HDTManagerImpl inherit from HDTManager?"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return instance; } public static HDTOptions readOptions(String file) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doReadOptions(file); } /** * Load an HDT file into memory to use it. NOTE: Use this method to go through all elements. If you plan * to do queries, use loadIndexedHDT() instead. * @param hdtFileName * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT loadHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doLoadHDT(hdtFileName, listener); } /** * Map an HDT file into memory to use it. This method does not load the whole file into memory, * it lets the OS to handle memory pages as desired. Therefore it uses less memory but can be slower * for querying because it needs to load those blocks from disk. * NOTE: Use this method to go through all elements. If you plan to do queries, use mapIndexedHDT() instead. * @param hdtFileName * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT mapHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doMapHDT(hdtFileName, listener); } /** * Load an HDT from an InputStream (File, socket...). NOTE: Use this method to go through all elements. If you plan * to do queries, use loadIndexedHDT() instead. * @param hdtFile * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT loadHDT(InputStream hdtFile, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doLoadHDT(hdtFile, listener); } /** * Load an HDT File, and load/create additional indexes to support all kind of queries efficiently. * @param hdtFileName * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT loadIndexedHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doLoadIndexedHDT(hdtFileName, listener); } /** * Maps an HDT File into virtual memory, and load/create additional indexes to support all kind of queries efficiently. * @param hdtFileName * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT mapIndexedHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doMapIndexedHDT(hdtFileName, listener); } /** * Load an HDT file from InputStream, and create additional indexes to support all kind of queries efficiently. * @param hdtFileName * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT loadIndexedHDT(InputStream hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doLoadIndexedHDT(hdtFileName, listener); } /** * Return an indexed HDT that is efficient for all kind of queries, given a not indexed HDT. * @param hdt * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return */ public static HDT indexedHDT(HDT hdt, ProgressListener listener) { return HDTManager.getInstance().doIndexedHDT(hdt, listener); } /** * Create an HDT file from an RDF file. * @param rdfFileName File name. * @param baseURI Base URI for the dataset. * @param rdfNotation Format of the source RDF File (NTriples, N3, RDF-XML...) * @param hdtFormat Parameters to tune the generated HDT. * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ParserException */ public static HDT generateHDT(String rdfFileName, String baseURI, RDFNotation rdfNotation, HDTOptions hdtFormat, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException, ParserException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doGenerateHDT(rdfFileName, baseURI, rdfNotation, hdtFormat, listener); } /** * Create an HDT file from an RDF file. * @param iterator A provider of triples. Must implement hasNext(), next() and estimatedNumResults. * @param baseURI Base URI for the dataset. * @param hdtFormat Parameters to tune the generated HDT. * @param listener Listener to get notified of loading progress. Can be null if no notifications needed. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static HDT generateHDT(IteratorTripleString iterator, String baseURI, HDTOptions hdtFormat, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException, ParserException { return HDTManager.getInstance().doGenerateHDT(iterator, baseURI, hdtFormat, listener); } // Abstract methods for the current implementation protected abstract HDTOptions doReadOptions(String file) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doLoadHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doLoadHDT(InputStream hdtFile, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doMapHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doLoadIndexedHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doLoadIndexedHDT(InputStream hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doMapIndexedHDT(String hdtFileName, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; protected abstract HDT doIndexedHDT(HDT hdt, ProgressListener listener); protected abstract HDT doGenerateHDT(String rdfFileName, String baseURI, RDFNotation rdfNotation, HDTOptions hdtFormat, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException, ParserException; protected abstract HDT doGenerateHDT(IteratorTripleString iterator, String baseURI, HDTOptions hdtFormat, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException; }