/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.hazelcast.mapreduce; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * <p> * This interface describes a reducing mapreduce Job.<br> * For further information {@link Job}. * </p> * * @param <EntryKey> type of the original input key * @param <KeyIn> type of key used as input key type * @param <ValueIn> type of value used as input value type * @see com.hazelcast.mapreduce.Job * @since 3.2 * @deprecated MapReduce is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0. * For map aggregations, you can use {@link com.hazelcast.aggregation.Aggregator} on IMap. * For general data processing, it is superseded by <a href="http://jet.hazelcast.org">Hazelcast Jet</a>. */ @Deprecated public interface ReducingJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueIn> { /** * Defines keys to execute the mapper and a possibly defined reducer against. If keys are known before submitting * the task setting them can improve execution speed. * * @param keys keys to be executed against * @return instance of this Job with generics changed on usage */ ReducingJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueIn> onKeys(Iterable<EntryKey> keys); /** * Defines keys to execute the mapper and a possibly defined reducer against. If keys are known before submitting * the task setting them can improve execution speed. * * @param keys keys to be executed against * @return instance of this Job with generics changed on usage */ ReducingJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueIn> onKeys(EntryKey... keys); /** * Defines the {@link KeyPredicate} implementation to preselect keys the MapReduce task will be executed on. * Preselecting keys can speed up the job massively.<br> * This method can be used in conjunction with {@link #onKeys(Iterable)} or {@link #onKeys(Object...)} to define a * range of known and evaluated keys. * * @param predicate predicate implementation to be used to evaluate keys * @return instance of this Job with generics changed on usage */ ReducingJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueIn> keyPredicate(KeyPredicate<EntryKey> predicate); /** * Defines the number of elements per chunk. Whenever the chunk size is reached and a * {@link com.hazelcast.mapreduce.ReducerFactory} is defined the chunk will be send to the nodes that * is responsible for the emitted keys.<br/> * <b>Please note, that chunks are deactivated when no ReducerFactory is defined</b> * * @param chunkSize the number of elements per chunk * @return instance of this Job with generics changed on usage */ ReducingJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueIn> chunkSize(int chunkSize); /** * Defines the strategy to handle topology changes while executing the map reduce job. For further * information see {@link com.hazelcast.mapreduce.TopologyChangedStrategy}. * * @param topologyChangedStrategy strategy to use * @return instance of this Job with generics changed on usage */ ReducingJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueIn> topologyChangedStrategy(TopologyChangedStrategy topologyChangedStrategy); /** * Defines the {@link ReducerFactory} for this task. This method is not idempotent and is callable only one time. Further * calls result in an {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown telling you to not change the internal state. * * @param reducerFactory ReducerFactory to build Reducers * @param <ValueOut> type of the reduced value * @return instance of this Job with generics changed on usage */ <ValueOut> ReducingSubmittableJob<EntryKey, KeyIn, ValueOut> reducer(ReducerFactory<KeyIn, ValueIn, ValueOut> reducerFactory); /** * Submits the task to Hazelcast and executes the defined mapper and reducer on all cluster nodes * * @return JobCompletableFuture to wait for mapped and possibly reduced result */ JobCompletableFuture<Map<KeyIn, List<ValueIn>>> submit(); /** * Submits the task to Hazelcast and executes the defined mapper and reducer on all cluster nodes and executes the * collator before returning the final result. * * @param collator collator to use after map and reduce * @param <ValueOut> type of the collated value * @return JobCompletableFuture to wait for mapped and possibly reduced result */ <ValueOut> JobCompletableFuture<ValueOut> submit(Collator<Map.Entry<KeyIn, List<ValueIn>>, ValueOut> collator); }