/** * Copyright (C) 2012 FuseSource, Inc. * http://fusesource.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.fusesource.hawtdispatch.internal; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static java.lang.String.*; /** * * @author <a href="http://hiramchirino.com">Hiram Chirino</a> */ public class NioManager { /** * Set the "hawtdispatch.workaround-select-spin" System property to "true" if your * seeing the 100% CPU usage in the Selector.select() call. This enables a * workaround for a JVM/OS bug documented at http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6693490 */ final SelectStrategy selectStrategy = Boolean.getBoolean("hawtdispatch.workaround-select-spin") ? new WorkAroundSelectSpin() : new SelectStrategy(); /** * Handles doing a select on a selector. Allows us to change * the implementation to work around bugs in some JVMs. */ class SelectStrategy { public int select(long timeout) throws IOException { int rc=0; if (timeout == -1) { trace("entered blocking select"); rc = selector.select(); trace("exited blocking select"); } else { trace("entered blocking select with timeout"); rc = selector.select(timeout); trace("exited blocking select with timeout"); } return rc; } } /** * Workaround for the selector spin bug. */ class WorkAroundSelectSpin extends SelectStrategy { int spins; /** * Was a wakeup() issued after we entered the select() ?? * @return */ public boolean wakeupPending() { return selectCounter != wakeupCounter.get(); } /** * Detects the buggy condition and works around by * re-creating the selector when the bug is triggered. */ @Override public int select(long timeout) throws IOException { if( selector.keys().isEmpty() || ( timeout > 0 && timeout < 100) ) { // we can't detect spin in this case return super.select(timeout); } else { long start = System.nanoTime(); int selected = super.select(timeout); // Did the select return immediately with 0 selections? if (selected == 0 && !wakeupPending() ) { long end = System.nanoTime(); long duration = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end-start); if( duration < 50 ) { spins++; if(spins > 10) { reset(); spins=0; } } else { spins=0; // not spinning... reset the spin counter } } else { spins=0; // not spinning... reset the spin counter } return selected; } } /** * Called when the buggy condition is detected. */ private void reset() throws IOException { trace("Selector spin detected... resetting the selector"); Selector nextSelector = Selector.open(); for (SelectionKey key : selector.keys()) { NioAttachment attachment = (NioAttachment) key.attachment(); if( key.isValid() ) { try { SelectionKey nextKey = key.channel().register(nextSelector, key.interestOps()); attachment.key = nextKey; nextKey.attach(attachment); } catch (IOException e ) { // channel could have closed out cancel(key); } } else { // perhaps key was canceled. cancel(key); } } // Close out the old selector and set it to the new one. selector.close(); selector = nextSelector; } } private Selector selector; final protected AtomicInteger wakeupCounter = new AtomicInteger(); volatile protected int selectCounter; private final AtomicInteger registeredKeys = new AtomicInteger(); volatile protected boolean selecting; public NioManager() throws IOException { this.selector = Selector.open(); } /** * @return true if the selector was selecting.. */ public boolean wakeupIfSelecting() { if( wakeupCounter.getAndIncrement() == selectCounter && selecting) { selector.wakeup(); return true; } return false; } /** * Selects ready sources, potentially blocking. If wakeup is called during * select the method will return. * * @param timeout * A negative value cause the select to block until a source is * ready, 0 will do a non blocking select. Otherwise the select * will block up to timeout in milliseconds waiting for a source * to become ready. * @throws IOException */ public int select(long timeout) throws IOException { try { if (timeout == 0) { selector.selectNow(); } else { selecting=true; try { if( selectCounter == wakeupCounter.get()) { selectStrategy.select(timeout); } else { selector.selectNow(); } } finally { selecting=false; selectCounter = wakeupCounter.get(); } } } catch (CancelledKeyException e) { } return processSelected(); } private int processSelected() { if( selector.keys().isEmpty() ) { return 0; } Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys(); int size = selectedKeys.size(); if (size!=0) { trace("selected: %d",size); // Copy the key set.. to avoid getting ConcurrentModificationException // as it may get changed once we start processing the IO events. ArrayList<SelectionKey> copy = new ArrayList<SelectionKey>(selector.selectedKeys()); selector.selectedKeys().clear(); // Walk the set of ready keys servicing each ready context: for (SelectionKey key : copy) { if (key.isValid()) { try { key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~key.readyOps()); ((NioAttachment) key.attachment()).selected(key); } catch (CancelledKeyException e) { cancel(key); } } else { cancel(key); } } } return size; } public void shutdown() throws IOException { for (SelectionKey key : selector.keys()) { NioDispatchSource source = (NioDispatchSource) key.attachment(); source.cancel(); } selector.close(); } private final boolean TRACE = false; private final LinkedList<String> traces = new LinkedList<String>(); protected void trace(String str, Object... args) { if (TRACE) { String msg = System.currentTimeMillis()+": "+format(str, args)+"\n"; synchronized(traces) { traces.add(msg); if( traces.size() > 100 ) { traces.removeFirst(); } } } } public NioAttachment register(SelectableChannel channel, int interestOps) throws ClosedChannelException { SelectionKey key = channel.keyFor(selector); if( key==null ) { key = channel.register(selector, interestOps); registeredKeys.incrementAndGet(); key.attach(new NioAttachment(key)); } try { // the key could be canceled by now.. key.interestOps(key.interestOps()|interestOps); return (NioAttachment)key.attachment(); } catch (CancelledKeyException e) { cancel(key); throw e; } } public int getRegisteredKeyCount() { return registeredKeys.get(); } public void cancel(SelectionKey key) { NioAttachment attachment = (NioAttachment) key.attachment(); if( attachment!=null ) { key.attach(null); attachment.cancel(); key.cancel(); try { // To make sure the key is canceled out now. selector.selectNow(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } registeredKeys.decrementAndGet(); } } }