package; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. *****************************************************************************/ import gnu.getopt.Getopt; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import net.sourceforge.osexpress.parser.EasyParser; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.AggregationType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.Attribute; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.BaseType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.DefinedType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.EntityDefinition; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.EnumerationType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.ExplicitAttribute; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.InverseAttribute; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.NamedType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.SchemaDefinition; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.SelectType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.UnderlyingType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import antlr.CommonAST; import; /** * @author bwjakob * */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public class ExpressSchemaParser { /** * @param args */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpressSchemaParser.class); EasyParser parser; Express2DictWalker walker; private InputStream inputStream; public ExpressSchemaParser(File file) { try { this.inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error("", e); } } public ExpressSchemaParser(URL url) { try { this.inputStream = url.openConnection().getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("", e); } } public void parse() { ByteArrayOutputStream log = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { PrintStream stdErrOld = System.err; PrintStream stdOutOld = System.out; PrintStream myErr = new PrintStream(log); System.setErr(myErr); System.setOut(myErr); parser = new EasyParser(new BufferedInputStream(inputStream)); walker = new Express2DictWalker(); // walker.methods.setModel(owlModel); /* result = */ CommonAST t = parser.parse(); walker.setPass(1); walker.syntax(t); walker.setPass(2); walker.syntax_pass2(t); walker.setPass(3); walker.syntax_pass2(t); walker.setPass(4); walker.syntax_pass2(t); System.setErr(stdErrOld); System.setOut(stdOutOld); walker.getSchema().constructHirarchyMap(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("", e); LOGGER.error(new String(log.toByteArray(), Charsets.UTF_8)); } } public SchemaDefinition getSchema() { if (walker != null) { return walker.getSchema(); } return null; } public static void main(String[] argv) { EasyParser parser; Express2DictWalker walker; FileOutputStream out; String commonSchemaFile = null, fileIn = null, fileOut = null; long startTime, endTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int currentCommandLineOption; /* arguments management */ Getopt g = new Getopt("Express2Dict", argv, "o:s:"); while ((currentCommandLineOption = g.getopt()) != -1) { switch (currentCommandLineOption) { case 'o': fileOut = g.getOptarg(); break; case 's': commonSchemaFile = g.getOptarg(); break; case '?': System.err.println("exiting"); System.exit(1); break; default: break; } } fileIn = getFileIn(argv, g); checkInputFile(fileIn); try { parser = new EasyParser(fileIn); walker = new Express2DictWalker(); /* result = */ CommonAST parsedTree = parser.parse(); walker.setPass(1); walker.syntax(parsedTree); walker.setPass(2); walker.syntax_pass2(parsedTree); walker.setPass(3); walker.syntax_pass2(parsedTree); SchemaDefinition schema = walker.getSchema(); printSchemaToConsole(schema); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("", e); }"execution time: " + getStringTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } private static String getFileIn(String[] argv, Getopt g) { try { return argv[g.getOptind()]; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("E2OWL: Input file not specified"); System.exit(1); } System.err.println("E2OWL: Error in parsing input file"); System.exit(1); return null; } private static void checkInputFile(String fileIn) { File file = new File(fileIn); if (!file.canRead()) { System.err.println("E2OWL: Unable to read file " + fileIn); System.exit(1); } } private static void printSchemaToConsole(SchemaDefinition schema) { printEntities(schema); printTypes(schema); } private static void printEntities(SchemaDefinition schema) { Iterator entityIterator = schema.getEntities().iterator(); while (entityIterator.hasNext()) { EntityDefinition ent = (EntityDefinition);; Iterator at = ent.getAttributes().iterator(); while (at.hasNext()) { Attribute attr = (Attribute); System.out.print(ent.getName() + ":" + attr.getName()); if (attr instanceof ExplicitAttribute) { BaseType bt = (BaseType) ((ExplicitAttribute) attr).getDomain(); if (bt instanceof NamedType) { if (bt != null) { System.out.print(" is-a " + ((NamedType) bt).getName()); } } else if (bt instanceof AggregationType) { if (bt != null && ((AggregationType) bt).getElement_type() != null) { System.out.print(" is-a " + ((AggregationType) bt).getElement_type().getClass()); } } } if (attr instanceof InverseAttribute) { InverseAttribute inv = (InverseAttribute) attr; EntityDefinition forEnt = inv.getDomain(); ExplicitAttribute invertedAttr = inv.getInverted_attr(); System.out.print(inv.getName() + " inverse of "); System.out.print(invertedAttr.getName() + " for " + forEnt.getName()); }""); } } } private static void printTypes(SchemaDefinition schema) { Iterator typeIterator = schema.getTypes().iterator(); while (typeIterator.hasNext()) { DefinedType type = (DefinedType); UnderlyingType ut = type.getDomain(); if (ut != null) + ":" + ut.getClass()); else if (type instanceof SelectType) { + ((SelectType) type).getSelections().toString()); } else if (type instanceof EnumerationType) { + ((EnumerationType) type).getElements().toString()); } else if (ut == null && !(type instanceof SelectType)) LOGGER.error(type.getName() + " has no underlying_type"); } } private static final String getStringTime(long millis) { int seconds = (int) (millis / 1000); int minutes = (seconds / 60); int hours = (minutes / 60); minutes -= hours * 60; seconds -= (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60); return (((hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : "" + hours) + ":" + ((minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : "" + minutes) + ":" + ((seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : "" + seconds)); } public void close() { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("", e); } } }