package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig; import; import; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import de.fhg.igd.slf4jplus.ALogger; import de.fhg.igd.slf4jplus.ALoggerFactory; import; import; import; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.GeometryProperty; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.ChildDefinition; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.Schema; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition; import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultSchemaSpace; import; import; import; /** * Class exposing methods with test logic, which are run by SpatiaLite test * classes. * <p> * Subclasses should re-define the test parameters (stored in * <code>protected</code> variables) to have the test suite run against a * different dataset. * </p> * * @author Stefano Costa, GeoSolutions */ public abstract class SpatiaLiteTestSuite { private static final ALogger log = ALoggerFactory.getLogger(SpatiaLiteTestSuite.class); /** * File name of the source database. */ protected String SOURCE_DB_NAME; /** * Resource name of the source database. */ protected String SOURCE_DB_LOCATION; /** * Unqualified name of the only type stored in the source database. */ protected String SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME; /** * ID property name. */ protected String PROPERTY_ID_NAME; /** * ID of the only instance that will be checked by tests. */ protected Integer PROPERTY_ID_VALUE; /** * Property names of the source type. */ protected String[] SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES; /** * Property values of the only instance that will be checked by tests. */ protected Object[] SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUES; /** * Number of instances in the source database. */ protected int SOURCE_INSTANCES_COUNT; /** * File name of the target database. */ protected String TARGET_DB_NAME; private static Long RANDOM_NUMBER = null; /** * Copies the source database to a temporary file. * * @throws IOException if temp file can't be created */ public void createSourceTempFile() throws IOException { ByteSource source = Resources.asByteSource(SpatiaLiteTestSuite.class .getResource(SOURCE_DB_LOCATION)); ByteSink dest = Files.asByteSink(new File(getSourceTempFilePath())); source.copyTo(dest); } /** * Copies the target database to a temporary file and deletes all instances * in it. * * @throws IOException if temp file can't be created or instances can't be * deleted */ public void createTargetTempFile() throws IOException { ByteSource source = Resources.asByteSource(SpatiaLiteTestSuite.class .getResource(SOURCE_DB_LOCATION)); ByteSink dest = Files.asByteSink(new File(getTargetTempFilePath())); source.copyTo(dest); Connection conn = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + getTargetTempFilePath()); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOException("Could not empty target DB", e); } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } } } } /** * Deletes the source temp file. */ public void deleteSourceTempFile() { deleteTempFile(getSourceTempFilePath()); } /** * Deletes the target temp file. */ public void deleteTargetTempFile() { deleteTempFile(getTargetTempFilePath()); } /** * Generates a random path (within the system's temporary folder) for the * source database. The random number used to construct the path is saved in * a static variable and thus the path will remain constant for the whole * run. * * @return the absolute path of the source temp file */ public String getSourceTempFilePath() { return getTempDir() + File.separator + getRandomNumber() + "_" + SOURCE_DB_NAME; } /** * Generates a random path (within the system's temporary folder) for the * target database. The random number used to construct the path is saved in * a static variable and thus the path will remain constant for the whole * run. * * @return the absolute path of the target temp file */ public String getTargetTempFilePath() { return getTempDir() + File.separator + getRandomNumber() + "_" + TARGET_DB_NAME; } private String getTempDir() { return System.getProperty(""); } private long getRandomNumber() { if (RANDOM_NUMBER == null) { RANDOM_NUMBER = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return RANDOM_NUMBER; } private void deleteTempFile(String tempFilePath) { File toBeDeleted = new File(tempFilePath); if (toBeDeleted.exists()) { toBeDeleted.delete(); } } /** * Test - reads a sample SpatiaLite schema * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public void schemaReaderTest() throws Exception { if (!isSpatiaLiteExtensionAvailable()) {"Skipping test because SpatiaLite extension is not available"); return; } Set<String> propertyNames = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES)); SpatiaLiteSchemaReader schemaReader = new SpatiaLiteSchemaReader(); schemaReader.setSource(new FileIOSupplier(new File(getSourceTempFilePath()))); IOReport report = schemaReader.execute(new LogProgressIndicator()); assertTrue(report.isSuccess()); Schema schema = schemaReader.getSchema(); assertEquals(1, schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().size()); TypeDefinition type = schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().iterator().next(); checkType(type, SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME, propertyNames); } /** * Test - reads a sample SpatiaLite schema and data. * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public void instanceReaderTest() throws Exception { if (!isSpatiaLiteExtensionAvailable()) {"Skipping test because SpatiaLite extension is not available"); return; } Map<String, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES.length; i++) { String key = SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES[i]; Object value = SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUES[i]; propertyMap.put(key, value); } // ****** read Schema ******// Schema schema = readSchema(getSourceTempFilePath()); assertNotNull(schema); assertEquals(1, schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().size()); // Test properties TypeDefinition schemaType = schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().iterator().next(); // Check every property for their existence checkType(schemaType, SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME, propertyMap.keySet()); // ****** read Instances ******// InstanceCollection instances = readInstances(schema, getSourceTempFilePath()); assertTrue(instances.hasSize()); assertEquals(SOURCE_INSTANCES_COUNT, instances.size()); checkInstances(instances, propertyMap); } /** * Test - reads data from a source SpatiaLite database, writes them to a * target SpatiaLite database and checks the results. * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public void instanceWriterTest() throws Exception { if (!isSpatiaLiteExtensionAvailable()) {"Skipping test because SpatiaLite extension is not available"); return; } Map<String, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES.length; i++) { String key = SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES[i]; Object value = SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUES[i]; propertyMap.put(key, value); } // ****** read Schema ******// Schema schema = readSchema(getSourceTempFilePath()); assertNotNull(schema); assertEquals(1, schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().size()); // Test properties TypeDefinition schemaType = schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().iterator().next(); // Check every property for their existence checkType(schemaType, SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME, propertyMap.keySet()); // ****** read Instances ******// InstanceCollection instances = readInstances(schema, getSourceTempFilePath()); assertTrue(instances.hasSize()); assertEquals(SOURCE_INSTANCES_COUNT, instances.size()); checkInstances(instances, propertyMap); // ****** write Instances ******// // check target DB is empty InstanceCollection targetInstances = readInstances(schema, getTargetTempFilePath()); assertTrue(targetInstances.hasSize()); assertEquals(0, targetInstances.size()); writeInstances(schema, getTargetTempFilePath(), instances); // re-read instances to check they were written correctly targetInstances = readInstances(schema, getTargetTempFilePath()); assertTrue(targetInstances.hasSize()); assertEquals(SOURCE_INSTANCES_COUNT, targetInstances.size()); checkInstances(targetInstances, propertyMap); } /** * Checks whether the SpatiaLite extension is available on the system, by * connecting to the source database and running the query: * <p> * {@code SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite')} * </p> * * @return true if the SpatiaLite extension could be loaded, false otherwise */ public boolean isSpatiaLiteExtensionAvailable() { Connection conn = null; try { // enabling dynamic extension loading // absolutely required by SpatiaLite SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig(); config.enableLoadExtension(true); String dbPath = getSourceTempFilePath(); if (!new File(dbPath).exists()) { createSourceTempFile(); } // create a database connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbPath, config.toProperties()); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.setQueryTimeout(30); // set timeout to 30 sec. // loading SpatiaLite stmt.execute("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite')"); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Could not load SpatiaLite extension", e); return false; } finally { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } } return true; } /** * Reads a schema from a SpatiaLite database file. * * @param sourceFilePath the path to the source database file * @return the schema * @throws Exception any exception thrown by {@link SpatiaLiteSchemaReader} */ public Schema readSchema(String sourceFilePath) throws Exception { SpatiaLiteSchemaReader schemaReader = new SpatiaLiteSchemaReader(); schemaReader.setSource(new FileIOSupplier(new File(sourceFilePath))); IOReport report = schemaReader.execute(new LogProgressIndicator()); assertTrue(report.isSuccess()); return schemaReader.getSchema(); } /** * Reads instances from from a SpatiaLite database file with the provided * schema. * * @param sourceSchema the schema of the source database * @param sourceFilePath the path to the source database file * @return the read instances * @throws Exception any exception thrown by * {@link SpatiaLiteInstanceReader} */ public InstanceCollection readInstances(Schema sourceSchema, String sourceFilePath) throws Exception { SpatiaLiteInstanceReader instanceReader = new SpatiaLiteInstanceReader(); instanceReader.setSource(new FileIOSupplier(new File(sourceFilePath))); instanceReader.setSourceSchema(sourceSchema); // Test instances IOReport report = instanceReader.execute(new LogProgressIndicator()); assertTrue("Data import was not successfull.", report.isSuccess()); return instanceReader.getInstances(); } /** * Writes the provided instances to a SpatiaLite database. * * @param schema the target schema * @param targetFilePath the path to the target database file * @param instances the instances to write * @throws Exception any exception thrown by * {@link SpatiaLiteInstanceWriter} */ public void writeInstances(Schema schema, String targetFilePath, InstanceCollection instances) throws Exception { SpatiaLiteInstanceWriter instanceWriter = new SpatiaLiteInstanceWriter(); instanceWriter.setInstances(instances); DefaultSchemaSpace ss = new DefaultSchemaSpace(); ss.addSchema(schema); instanceWriter.setTargetSchema(ss); instanceWriter.setTarget(new FileIOSupplier(new File(targetFilePath))); // Test instances IOReport report = instanceWriter.execute(new LogProgressIndicator()); assertTrue("Data export was not successfull.", report.isSuccess()); } /** * Checks the property definitions and values of the provided instances. * Values will be checked for just one instance (the one with * {@link #PROPERTY_ID_NAME} = {@link #PROPERTY_ID_VALUE}). * * @param instances the instances to check * @param propertyMap the expected property names / values */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void checkInstances(InstanceCollection instances, Map<String, Object> propertyMap) { // get type to check property definition TypeDefinition type = instances.iterator().next().getDefinition(); checkType(type, SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME, propertyMap.keySet()); // Check the values of Instance with ID = 1 Instance instance = null; Iterator<Instance> instanceIterator = instances.iterator(); while (instanceIterator.hasNext()) { Instance currentInstance =; Integer id = (Integer) currentInstance.getProperty(QName.valueOf(PROPERTY_ID_NAME))[0]; if (PROPERTY_ID_VALUE.equals(id)) { instance = currentInstance; break; } } if (instance == null) { fail(String.format("No instance found with %s = %s", PROPERTY_ID_NAME, PROPERTY_ID_VALUE)); } for (String propertyName : propertyMap.keySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("null") Object value = instance.getProperty(QName.valueOf(propertyName))[0]; if (value instanceof GeometryProperty) { assertTrue(((Geometry) propertyMap.get(propertyName)).equalsExact( ((GeometryProperty) value).getGeometry(), 0.000001)); } else { assertEquals(propertyMap.get(propertyName), value); } } } /** * Checks the name and the property definitions of the given type. * * @param type the type to check * @param typeName the expected type name * @param propertyNames the expected property names */ public void checkType(TypeDefinition type, String typeName, Set<String> propertyNames) { assertNotNull(type); assertEquals(typeName, type.getDisplayName()); for (ChildDefinition<?> child : type.getChildren()) { assertTrue(propertyNames.contains(child.getName().getLocalPart())); } } }