/* * HA-JDBC: High-Availability JDBC * Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Ferraro * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.mysql; import java.io.File; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.sf.hajdbc.Database; import net.sf.hajdbc.DumpRestoreSupport; import net.sf.hajdbc.codec.Decoder; import net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.ConnectionProperties; import net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect; import net.sf.hajdbc.util.Processes; import net.sf.hajdbc.util.Strings; /** * Dialect for <a href="http://www.mysql.com/products/database/mysql/">MySQL</a> * @author Paul Ferraro */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class MySQLDialect extends StandardDialect implements DumpRestoreSupport { // Taken from: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/reserved-words.html protected static final String[] RESERVED_KEY_WORDS = new String[] { "ACCESSIBLE", "ADD", "ALL", "ALTER", "ANALYZE", "AND", "AS", "ASC", "ASENSITIVE", "BEFORE", "BETWEEN", "BIGINT", "BINARY", "BLOB", "BOTH", "BY", "CALL", "CASCADE", "CASE", "CHANGE", "CHAR", "CHARACTER", "CHECK", "COLLATE", "COLUMN", "CONDITION", "CONSTRAINT", "CONTINUE", "CONVERT", "CREATE", "CROSS", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_USER", "CURSOR", "DATABASE", "DATABASES", "DAY_HOUR", "DAY_MICROSECOND", "DAY_MINUTE", "DAY_SECOND", "DEC", "DECIMAL", "DECLARE", "DEFAULT", "DELAYED", "DELETE", "DESC", "DESCRIBE", "DETERMINISTIC", "DISTINCT", "DISTINCTROW", "DIV", "DOUBLE", "DROP", "DUAL", "EACH", "ELSE", "ELSEIF", "ENCLOSED", "ESCAPED", "EXISTS", "EXIT", "EXPLAIN", "FALSE", "FETCH", "FLOAT", "FLOAT4", "FLOAT8", "FOR", "FORCE", "FOREIGN", "FROM", "FULLTEXT", "GET", "GRANT", "GROUP", "HAVING", "HIGH_PRIORITY", "HOUR_MICROSECOND", "HOUR_MINUTE", "HOUR_SECOND", "IF", "IGNORE", "IN", "INDEX", "INFILE", "INNER", "INOUT", "INSENSITIVE", "INSERT", "INT", "INT1", "INT2", "INT3", "INT4", "INT8", "INTEGER", "INTERVAL", "INTO", "IO_AFTER_GTIDS", "IO_BEFORE_GTIDS", "IS", "ITERATE", "JOIN", "KEY", "KEYS", "KILL", "LEADING", "LEAVE", "LEFT", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "LINEAR", "LINES", "LOAD", "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LOCK", "LONG", "LONGBLOB", "LONGTEXT", "LOOP", "LOW_PRIORITY", "MASTER_BIND", "MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT", "MATCH", "MAXVALUE", "MEDIUMBLOB", "MEDIUMINT", "MEDIUMTEXT", "MIDDLEINT", "MINUTE_MICROSECOND", "MINUTE_SECOND", "MOD", "MODIFIES", "NATURAL", "NONBLOCKING", "NOT", "NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG", "NULL", "NUMERIC", "ON", "OPTIMIZE", "OPTION", "OPTIONALLY", "OR", "ORDER", "OUT", "OUTER", "OUTFILE", "PARTITION", "PRECISION", "PRIMARY", "PROCEDURE", "PURGE", "RANGE", "READ", "READS", "READ_WRITE", "REAL", "REFERENCES", "REGEXP", "RELEASE", "RENAME", "REPEAT", "REPLACE", "REQUIRE", "RESIGNAL", "RESTRICT", "RETURN", "REVOKE", "RIGHT", "RLIKE", "SCHEMA", "SCHEMAS", "SECOND_MICROSECOND", "SELECT", "SENSITIVE", "SEPARATOR", "SET", "SHOW", "SIGNAL", "SMALLINT", "SPATIAL", "SPECIFIC", "SQL", "SQLEXCEPTION", "SQLSTATE", "SQLWARNING", "SQL_BIG_RESULT", "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS", "SQL_SMALL_RESULT", "SSL", "STARTING", "STRAIGHT_JOIN", "TABLE", "TERMINATED", "THEN", "TINYBLOB", "TINYINT", "TINYTEXT", "TO", "TRAILING", "TRIGGER", "TRUE", "UNDO", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UNLOCK", "UNSIGNED", "UPDATE", "USAGE", "USE", "USING", "UTC_DATE", "UTC_TIME", "UTC_TIMESTAMP", "VALUES", "VARBINARY", "VARCHAR", "VARCHARACTER", "VARYING", "WHEN", "WHERE", "WHILE", "WITH", "WRITE", "XOR", "YEAR_MONTH", "ZEROFILL", }; private static final File PASSWORD_FILE = new File(String.format("%s%s.my.cnf", Strings.USER_HOME, Strings.FILE_SEPARATOR)); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#vendorPattern() */ @Override protected String vendorPattern() { return "mysql"; } @Override protected Set<String> reservedIdentifiers(DatabaseMetaData metaData) { return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(RESERVED_KEY_WORDS)); } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#getDefaultSchemas(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData) */ @Override public List<String> getDefaultSchemas(DatabaseMetaData metaData) throws SQLException { return Collections.singletonList(this.executeFunction(metaData.getConnection(), "DATABASE()")); } /** * Deferrability clause is not supported. * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#createForeignKeyConstraintFormat() */ @Override protected String createForeignKeyConstraintFormat() { return "ALTER TABLE {1} ADD CONSTRAINT {0} FOREIGN KEY ({2}) REFERENCES {3} ({4}) ON DELETE {5,choice,0#CASCADE|1#RESTRICT|2#SET NULL|3#NO ACTION|4#SET DEFAULT} ON UPDATE {6,choice,0#CASCADE|1#RESTRICT|2#SET NULL|3#NO ACTION|4#SET DEFAULT}"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#createUniqueConstraintFormat() */ @Override protected String createUniqueConstraintFormat() { return "ALTER TABLE {1} ADD UNIQUE {0} ({2})"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#dropForeignKeyConstraintFormat() */ @Override protected String dropForeignKeyConstraintFormat() { return "ALTER TABLE {1} DROP FOREIGN KEY {0}"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#dropUniqueConstraintFormat() */ @Override protected String dropUniqueConstraintFormat() { return "ALTER TABLE {1} DROP INDEX {0}"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#alterIdentityColumnFormat() */ @Override protected String alterIdentityColumnFormat() { return "ALTER TABLE {0} AUTO_INCREMENT = {2}"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#currentDatePattern() */ @Override protected String currentDatePattern() { return super.currentDatePattern() + "|(?<=\\W)CURDATE\\s*\\(\\s*\\)"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#currentTimePattern() */ @Override protected String currentTimePattern() { return super.currentTimePattern() + "|(?<=\\W)CURTIME\\s*\\(\\s*\\)"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#currentTimestampPattern() */ @Override protected String currentTimestampPattern() { return super.currentTimestampPattern() + "|(?<=\\W)NOW\\s*\\(\\s*\\)|(?<=\\W)SYSDATE\\s*\\(\\s*\\)"; } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#dateLiteralFormat() */ @Override protected String dateLiteralFormat() { return this.timestampLiteralFormat(); } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#timeLiteralFormat() */ @Override protected String timeLiteralFormat() { return this.timestampLiteralFormat(); } /** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#timestampLiteralFormat() */ @Override protected String timestampLiteralFormat() { return "''{0}''"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see net.sf.hajdbc.dialect.StandardDialect#getDumpRestoreSupport() */ @Override public DumpRestoreSupport getDumpRestoreSupport() { return this; } @Override public <Z, D extends Database<Z>> void dump(D database, Decoder decoder, File file, boolean dataOnly) throws Exception { ConnectionProperties properties = this.getConnectionProperties(database, decoder); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("mysqldump"); List<String> args = builder.command(); if (properties.getHost() != null) { args.add("--host=" + properties.getHost()); } if (properties.getPort() != null) { args.add("--port=" + properties.getPort()); } args.add("--user=" + properties.getUser()); args.add("--result-file=" + file.getPath()); args.add("--compress"); if (dataOnly) { args.add("--no-create-info"); args.add("--skip-triggers"); } args.add(properties.getDatabase()); Processes.run(setPassword(builder, properties)); } @Override public <Z, D extends Database<Z>> void restore(D database, Decoder decoder, File file, boolean dataOnly) throws Exception { ConnectionProperties properties = this.getConnectionProperties(database, decoder); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("mysql").redirectInput(file); List<String> args = builder.command(); if (properties.getHost() != null) { args.add("--host=" + properties.getHost()); } if (properties.getPort() != null) { args.add("--port=" + properties.getPort()); } args.add("--user=" + properties.getUser()); args.add(properties.getDatabase()); Processes.run(setPassword(builder, properties)); } private static ProcessBuilder setPassword(final ProcessBuilder builder, final ConnectionProperties properties) { String password = properties.getPassword(); if ((password != null) && !PASSWORD_FILE.exists()) { Processes.environment(builder).put("MYSQL_PWD", properties.getPassword()); } return builder; } }