package com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.harmony; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import net.whistlingfish.harmony.HarmonyClient; import net.whistlingfish.harmony.config.Activity; import net.whistlingfish.harmony.config.Device; import net.whistlingfish.harmony.config.HarmonyConfig; public class HarmonyHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HarmonyHandler.class); private HarmonyClient harmonyClient; private Boolean noopCalls; private Boolean devMode; private DevModeResponse devResponse; public HarmonyHandler(HarmonyClient theClient, Boolean noopCallsSetting, DevModeResponse devResponseSetting) { super(); noopCalls = noopCallsSetting; devMode = Boolean.TRUE; devResponse = null; if(devResponseSetting == null) devMode = Boolean.FALSE; else devResponse = devResponseSetting; harmonyClient = theClient; } public List<Activity> getActivities() { log.debug("Harmony api activities list requested."); if(devMode) return devResponse.getActivities(); return harmonyClient.getConfig().getActivities(); } public List<Device> getDevices() { log.debug("Harmony api device list requested."); if(devMode) return devResponse.getDevices(); return harmonyClient.getConfig().getDevices(); } public HarmonyConfig getConfig() { log.debug("Harmony api config requested."); if(devMode) return devResponse.getConfig(); return harmonyClient.getConfig(); } public Activity getCurrentActivity() { log.debug("Harmony api current sctivity requested."); if(devMode) return devResponse.getCurrentActivity(); return harmonyClient.getCurrentActivity(); } public Boolean startActivity(RunActivity anActivity) { log.debug("Harmony api start activity requested for: " + anActivity.getName() + " noop mode: " + noopCalls); if (anActivity.isValid()) { try { if (noopCalls || devMode) { if(devMode) { if(anActivity != null) devResponse.setCurrentActivity(devResponse.getConfig().getActivityByName(anActivity.getName())); }"noop mode: Harmony api start activity requested for: " + anActivity.getName()); } else harmonyClient.startActivity(Integer.parseInt(anActivity.getName())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { if (!noopCalls) harmonyClient.startActivityByName(anActivity.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ei) { log.error("Error in finding activity: " + anActivity.getName()); return false; } } } else { log.error("Error in finding activity: " + anActivity.getName()); return false; } return true; } public Boolean pressButton(ButtonPress aDeviceButton) { log.debug("Harmony api press a button requested for device: " + aDeviceButton.getDevice() + " and a for button: " + aDeviceButton.getButton() + " noop mode: " + noopCalls); if (aDeviceButton.isValid()) { try { if (noopCalls || devMode) {"noop mode: Harmony api press a button requested for device: " + aDeviceButton.getDevice() + " and a for button: " + aDeviceButton.getButton()); } else harmonyClient.pressButton(Integer.parseInt(aDeviceButton.getDevice()), aDeviceButton.getButton()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { if (!noopCalls) harmonyClient.pressButton(aDeviceButton.getDevice(), aDeviceButton.getButton()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ei) { log.error("Error in finding device: " + aDeviceButton.getDevice() +" and a button: " + aDeviceButton.getButton()); return false; } } } else { log.error("Error in finding device: " + aDeviceButton.getDevice() +" and a button: " + aDeviceButton.getButton()); return false; } return true; } public void shutdown() { log.debug("Harmony api shutdown requested."); if(devMode) return; harmonyClient.disconnect(); harmonyClient = null; } }