package org.timepedia.exporter.rebind; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class performs the generation of export methods for a single class * * @author Ray Cromwell <> */ public class ClassExporter { private TreeLogger logger; private GeneratorContext ctx; private ExportableTypeOracle xTypeOracle; private SourceWriter sw; private ArrayList<JExportableClassType> exported; private HashSet<String> overloadExported = new HashSet<String>(); private HashSet<String> visited; // These constants had the values: arg_ and __gwt_instance, but // having just a letter decreases the final size of javascript code in large classes. public static final String ARG_PREFIX = "a"; public static final String GWT_INSTANCE = "g"; public ClassExporter(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext ctx) { this(logger, ctx, new HashSet<String>()); } public ClassExporter(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext ctx, HashSet<String> visited) { this.logger = logger; this.ctx = ctx; // a type oracle that can answer questions about whether types are // exportable xTypeOracle = new ExportableTypeOracle(ctx.getTypeOracle(), logger); this.visited = visited; exported = new ArrayList<JExportableClassType>(); } private static boolean debug = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("gwt.exporter.debug")); private void log(String txt) { logger.log(debug ? TreeLogger.INFO : TreeLogger.TRACE, txt); } /** * This method generates an implementation of the specified interface that * accepts a JavaScriptObject in its constructor containing a callback. It * then delegates the single-method of the interface to this callback. <p/> * For example: <p/> <p/> / ** * @gwt.exportClosure * / public interface * ClickListener implements Exportable { public void onClick(Sender s); } <p/> * generates a delegation class <p/> public class ClickListenerImpl implements * Exporter, ClickListener { <p/> private JavaScriptObject jso; public * ClickListenerClosure(JavaScriptObject jso) { this.jso = jso; } <p/> public * void onClick(Sender s) { invoke(jso, ExporterBase.wrap(s)); } <p/> public * native void invoke(JavaScriptObject closure, JavascriptObject s) { * closure(s); } <p/> } */ public void exportClosure(JExportableClassType requestedType) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (requestedType == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "exportClosure: requestedType is null", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // get the name of the Java class implementing Exporter String genName = requestedType.getExporterImplementationName(); sw.indent(); // wrapped javascript function sw.println("private " + ExportableTypeOracle.JSO_CLASS + " jso;"); sw.println(); // equals method compares the wrapped javascript sw.println("public boolean equals(Object obj) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("return obj != null && obj instanceof " + genName + " && jso.equals(((" + genName + ")obj).jso);"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); // Constructor used to export the class sw.println("public " + genName + "() { export(); }"); // Main constructor sw.println( "public " + genName + "(" + ExportableTypeOracle.JSO_CLASS + " jso) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("export();"); sw.println("this.jso = jso;"); if (requestedType.isStructuralType()) { sw.println("___importStructuralType();"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.println(); // export static factory method sw.println("public static " + genName + " makeClosure(" + ExportableTypeOracle.JSO_CLASS + " closure) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("return new " + genName + "(closure);"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.println(); for (JExportableMethod method: requestedType.getExportableMethods()) { JExportableType retType = method.getExportableReturnType(true); if (retType != null && retType.needsExport() && !exported .contains(retType.getQualifiedSourceName())) { if (exportDependentClass(retType.getQualifiedSourceName())) { exported.add((JExportableClassType) retType); } } exportDependentParams(method); boolean isVoid = retType != null && retType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals("void"); boolean isBoolean = !isVoid && retType != null && retType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals("boolean"); boolean isPrimitive = !isVoid && retType != null && retType instanceof JExportablePrimitiveType; boolean hasParams = method.getExportableParameters().length > 0; // We use the first JavascriptObject in the function for applying the closure String apply = "null"; for (int i = 0, l = method.getExportableParameters().length; i < l ; i++) { if (xTypeOracle.isJavaScriptObject(method.getExportableParameters()[i].getParam().getType())) { apply = ARG_PREFIX + i; break; } } String rType = retType == null ? "Object" : retType.getQualifiedSourceName(); String mName = method.getName(); sw.print("public " + rType); sw.print(" " + mName + "("); declareParameters(method, -1, true); sw.println(") {"); sw.indent(); sw.print((isVoid ? "" : "return ") + "invoke_" + mName + "(jso " + (hasParams ? "," : "")); declareJavaPassedValues(method, false); sw.println(");"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.print("public native " + rType); sw.print(" invoke_" + mName + "(" + ExportableTypeOracle.JSO_CLASS + " closure"); if (method.getExportableParameters().length > 0) { sw.print(", "); } declareParameters(method, -1, true); sw.println(") /*-{"); sw.indent(); sw.print((!isVoid ? "var r = " : "") + "closure.apply(" + apply + " ,["); declareJavaPassedValues(method, true); sw.println("]);"); boolean isArray = retType != null && retType instanceof JExportableArrayType; if (retType != null && retType.needsExport() && !isVoid && !isArray) { sw.println("return r == undefined ? null : r != null ? r.instance : r"); } else if (isBoolean) { sw.println("return !!r;"); } else if (isPrimitive) { sw.println("return r && (typeof r == 'number') ? r: 0;"); } else if (!isVoid) { sw.println("return r;"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}-*/;"); sw.println(); } sw.outdent(); } /** * This method generates an implementation class that implements Exporter and * returns the fully qualified name of the class. */ public String exportClass(String requestedClass, boolean export) throws UnableToCompleteException { // JExportableClassType is a wrapper around JClassType // which provides only the information and logic neccessary for // the generator JExportableClassType requestedType = xTypeOracle .findExportableClassType(requestedClass); if (requestedType == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Type '" + requestedClass + "' does not implement Exportable", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } log(requestedClass); log(" " + requestedType.getJSQualifiedExportName()); if (debug) { System.out.println(">> Exporting : " + requestedClass); System.out.println(" getJSExportPackage: " + requestedType.getJSExportPackage()); System.out.println(" getJSExportName: " + requestedType.getJSExportName()); System.out.println(" getJSQualifiedExportName: " + requestedType.getJSQualifiedExportName()); System.out.println(" getQualifiedExporterImplementationName: " + requestedType.getQualifiedExporterImplementationName()); System.out.println(" getQualifiedSourceName: " + requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName()); } // add this so we don't try to recursively reexport ourselves later exported.add(requestedType); visited.add(requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName()); // get the name of the Java class implementing Exporter String genName = requestedType.getExporterImplementationName(); // get the package name of the Exporter implementation String packageName = requestedType.getPackageName(); // get a fully qualified reference to the Exporter implementation String qualName = requestedType.getQualifiedExporterImplementationName(); boolean isClosure = xTypeOracle.isClosure(requestedType); String superClass = xTypeOracle.isStructuralType(requestedType.getType()) ? requestedClass : xTypeOracle.isExportAll(requestedClass) ? "ExporterUtil.ExportAll" : null; // try to construct a sourcewriter for the qualified name if (isClosure) { String rtype = requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName(); if (requestedType.getType().isInterface() != null) { sw = getSourceWriter(logger, ctx, packageName, genName, null, "Exporter", rtype); } else { sw = getSourceWriter(logger, ctx, packageName, genName, rtype, "Exporter"); } } else { sw = getSourceWriter(logger, ctx, packageName, genName, superClass, "Exporter"); } if (sw == null) { return qualName; // null, already generated } if (export && xTypeOracle.isExportAll(requestedClass)) { exportAll(genName); } else if (export) { if (isClosure) { exportClosure(requestedType); } else if (requestedType.isStructuralType()) { exportStructuralTypeConstructor(genName, requestedType); } if (requestedType.isStructuralType()) { exportStructuralTypeImporter(requestedType); exportStructuralTypeMatchMethod(requestedType); } sw.indent(); // Create static wrapper methods to execute java methods which can not be // exported as JSNI functions, like methods with 'long' arguments createStaticWrappers(requestedType); if (!isClosure) { sw.println("public " + genName + "() { export(); }"); } // here we define a JSNI Javascript method called export0() sw.println("public native void export0() /*-{"); sw.indent(); // if not defined, we create a Javascript package hierarchy // to hold the Javascript bridge declarePackages(requestedType); // export Javascript constructors exportConstructor(requestedType); // export all static fields exportFields(requestedType); // export all exportable methods exportMethods(requestedType); // restore inner class namespace sw.println("\nif(pkg) for (p in pkg) if ($wnd." + requestedType.getJSQualifiedExportName() + "[p] === undefined) $wnd." + requestedType.getJSQualifiedExportName() + "[p] = pkg[p];"); if (requestedType.getAfterCreateMethod() != null) { sw.println("@" + requestedType.getAfterCreateMethod().getJSNIReference() + "();"); } exportProperties(requestedType); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}-*/;"); // the Javascript constructors refer to static factory methods // on the Exporter implementation, referenced via JSNI // We generate them here if (xTypeOracle.isInstantiable(requestedType.getTypeToExport())) { exportStaticFactoryConstructors(requestedType); } // if this class is a structural type, generate overrides for every // structure type field if (requestedType.isStructuralType()) { exportStructuralTypeFields(requestedType); } // finally, generate the Exporter.export() method // which invokes recursively, via GWT.create(), // every other Exportable type we encountered in the exported ArrayList // ending with a call to export0() genExportMethod(requestedType, exported); } else { sw.indent(); sw.println("public void export() {}"); } sw.println("public boolean isAssignable(Object o) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("return o != null && o instanceof " + requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ";"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.println("public native JavaScriptObject getJsConstructor() /*-{"); sw.indent(); sw.println("return $wnd." + requestedType.getJSQualifiedExportName() + ";"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}-*/;"); sw.outdent(); sw.commit(logger); // return the name of the generated Exporter implementation class return qualName; } private void exportStructuralTypeMatchMethod( JExportableClassType requestedType) throws UnableToCompleteException { sw.println("public static native boolean ___match(JavaScriptObject jso) /*-{"); sw.indent(); sw.print("return "); for (JStructuralTypeField field : requestedType.getStructuralTypeFields()) { JExportableType eType = field.getExportableType(); if (eType == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Structural type field " + field.getMethodName() + " for class " + requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " is not exportable."); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (eType instanceof JExportableClassType) { JExportableClassType cType = (JExportableClassType) field .getExportableType(); if (cType.needsExport() && cType.isStructuralType()) { sw.print("(jso." + field.getName() + " && @" + ((JExportableClassType) eType) .getQualifiedExporterImplementationName() + "::___match(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(jso." + field.getName() + ") &&"); } else if (cType.needsExport()) { sw.print("(jso." + field.getName() + " && jso." + field.getName() + ".__gwt__instance) && "); } else if(!cType.needsExport()) { sw.print( "typeof(jso." + field.getName() + ") == '" + eType.getJsTypeOf() + "' && "); } } else if (eType instanceof JExportablePrimitiveType) { sw.print( "typeof(jso." + field.getName() + ") == '" + eType.getJsTypeOf() + "' && "); } } sw.println("true;"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}-*/;"); } private void exportStructuralTypeImporter( JExportableClassType requestedType) { sw.println("public void ___importStructuralType() {"); sw.indent(); for (JStructuralTypeField field : requestedType.getStructuralTypeFields()) { sw.println("super." + field.getMethodName() + "((" + field.getFieldType() + ")org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil.getStructuralField" + field.getFieldLowestType() + "(jso, \"" + field.getName() + "\"));"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } private void exportStructuralTypeConstructor(String genName, JExportableClassType requestedType) { // export constructor sw.println("private " + ExportableTypeOracle.JSO_CLASS + " jso;"); sw.println(); sw.println( "public " + genName + "(" + ExportableTypeOracle.JSO_CLASS + " jso) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("this.jso = jso;"); if (requestedType.isStructuralType()) { sw.println("___importStructuralType();"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.println(); } private void exportStructuralTypeFields(JExportableClassType requestedType) { for (JStructuralTypeField field : requestedType.getStructuralTypeFields()) { exportStructuralTypeField(field); } } private void exportStructuralTypeField(JStructuralTypeField field) { sw.println("public " + field.JavaDeclaration() + "{"); sw.indent(); if (field.isVoidReturn()) { sw.println("super." + field.getMethodName() + "(arg);"); sw.println( "org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil.setStructuralField(" + "jso, \"" + field.getName() + "\", arg);"); } else { sw.println(field.getReturnType() + " x = super." + field.getMethodName() + "(arg);"); sw.println( "org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil.setStructuralField(" + "jso, '" + field.getName() + "', arg);"); sw.println("return x;"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } private void exportAll(String genName) { List<JClassType> types = xTypeOracle.findAllExportableTypes(); List<JClassType> instantiableTypes = new ArrayList<JClassType>(); List<JClassType> otherTypes = new ArrayList<JClassType>(); for (JClassType type : types) { if ( type.isDefaultInstantiable() && type.isPublic()) { instantiableTypes.add(type); } else { otherTypes.add(type); } } sw.println("public void export(boolean all) { "); sw.indent(); sw.println("if (all) {"); sw.indent(); for (JClassType type : otherTypes) { sw.println("GWT.create(" + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class);"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); for (JClassType type : instantiableTypes) { sw.println("GWT.create(" + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class);"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.println("public void exportAll() { "); sw.indent(); sw.println("export();"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } /** * Exports a static factory method corresponding to each exportable * constructor of the class */ private void exportStaticFactoryConstructors( JExportableClassType requestedType) { JExportableConstructor[] constructors = requestedType .getExportableConstructors(); for (JExportableConstructor constructor : constructors) { exportStaticFactoryConstructor(constructor); } } /** * Creates static methods to wrap functions with return or argument * types problematic in jsni (long, date, etc). */ private void createStaticWrappers(JExportableClassType requestedType) throws UnableToCompleteException { for (JExportableMethod method : requestedType.getExportableMethods()) { if (method.needsWrapper()) { createStaticWrapperMethod(method, requestedType); } } } /** * Exports all exportable methods of a class */ private void exportMethods(JExportableClassType requestedType) throws UnableToCompleteException { HashMap<String, DispatchTable> dispatchMap = buildDispatchTableMap( requestedType, false); HashMap<String, DispatchTable> staticDispatchMap = buildDispatchTableMap( requestedType, true); HashSet<String> exported = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> staticExported = new HashSet<String>(); for (JExportableMethod method : requestedType.getExportableMethods()) { String methodName = method.getUnqualifiedExportName(); if (method.isInStaticMap() ? !staticExported.contains(methodName) :!exported.contains(methodName)) { exportMethod(method, method.isInStaticMap() ? staticDispatchMap : dispatchMap); if(method.isStatic()) { exported.add(methodName); } else { staticExported.add(methodName); } } } if (!xTypeOracle .isClosure(requestedType)) { if (DispatchTable.isAnyOverridden(dispatchMap)) { registerDispatchMap(requestedType, dispatchMap, false); } if (DispatchTable.isAnyOverridden(staticDispatchMap)) { registerDispatchMap(requestedType, staticDispatchMap, true); } } } private void registerDispatchMap(JExportableClassType requestedType, HashMap<String, DispatchTable> dispatchMap, boolean isStatic) { sw.println("\n@org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil::registerDispatchMap(" + "Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;Z)\n(@" + requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "::class," + DispatchTable.toJSON(dispatchMap) + ", " + isStatic + ");"); } private HashMap<String, DispatchTable> buildDispatchTableMap( JExportableClassType requestedType, boolean staticDispatch) throws UnableToCompleteException { HashMap<String, DispatchTable> dispMap = new HashMap<String, DispatchTable>(); for (JExportableMethod meth : requestedType.getExportableMethods()) { if (/* !requestedType.isInstantiable() || */ staticDispatch && !meth.isInStaticMap() || !staticDispatch && meth.isInStaticMap()) { continue; } DispatchTable dt = dispMap.get(meth.getUnqualifiedExportName()); if (dt == null) { dt = new DispatchTable(xTypeOracle); dispMap.put(meth.getUnqualifiedExportName(), dt); } if (!dt.addSignature(meth)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Ambiguous method signature " + meth.getJSNIReference() + " would conflict in JS with another method"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } return dispMap; } /** * Exports a Javascript constructor as $wnd.packageName.classname = * function(args) { if(arg0 is GWT type) { this.instance = arg0; } else * this.instance = invoke static factory method with args } */ private void exportConstructor(JExportableClassType requestedType) throws UnableToCompleteException { JExportableMethod init = requestedType.getJsInitMethod(); String namespace = "$wnd." + requestedType.getJSQualifiedExportName(); // we assign the prototype of the class to underscore so we can use it // later to define a bunch of methods sw.println("var _, __ = this;"); sw.print(namespace + " = $entry(function(){"); sw.indent(); sw.println("var g, j = this, " + ARG_PREFIX + " = arguments;"); // check if this is being used to wrap GWT types // e.g. code is calling constructor as // new $wnd.package.className(opaqueGWTobject) // if so, we store the opaque reference in this.instance sw.println("if (" + ARG_PREFIX + ".length == 1 && __.@org.timepedia.exporter.client.Exporter::isAssignable(*)(" + ARG_PREFIX + "[0]))"); sw.println(" g = " + ARG_PREFIX + "[0];"); // used to hold arity of constructors that have been generated HashMap<Integer, JExportableMethod> arity = new HashMap<Integer, JExportableMethod>(); List<JExportableMethod> constructors = new ArrayList<JExportableMethod>(); constructors.addAll(Arrays.asList(requestedType.getExportableConstructors())); constructors.addAll(Arrays.asList(requestedType.getExportableFactoryMethods())); for (JExportableMethod constructor : constructors) { int numArguments = constructor.getExportableParameters().length; JExportableMethod conflicting = arity.get(numArguments); if (conflicting != null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Constructor " + conflicting + " with " + numArguments + " " + "arguments conflicts with " + constructor + "." + "Two constructors may not have identical numbers of " + "arguments.", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } arity.put(numArguments, constructor); sw.println("else if (" + ARG_PREFIX + ".length == " + numArguments + ")"); sw.indent(); log(" " + namespace + constructor.toString().replaceFirst("^.+\\(", "(")); // else someone is calling the constructor normally // we generate a JSNI call to the matching static factory method // and store it in this.instance String jsniCall; if (constructor instanceof JExportableConstructor) { jsniCall = ((JExportableConstructor)constructor).getStaticFactoryJSNIReference(); } else { jsniCall = constructor.getJSNIReference(); } sw.print("g = @"+ jsniCall + "("); // pass arguments[0], ..., arguments[n] to the JSNI call declareJSConstructorPassedValues(constructor); sw.println(");"); sw.outdent(); } if (init != null) { sw.println("j = g.@" + init.getJSNIReference() + "();"); // We have to copy the prototype functions into the new returned object sw.println("for (k in _) if (j[k] === undefined) j[k] = _[k];"); } sw.println("j." + GWT_INSTANCE + " = g;"); sw.println("@org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil::setWrapper(Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(g, j);"); sw.println("return j;"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("});"); // We assign the prototype after the constructor has been defined sw.println("_ = " + namespace + ".prototype = new Object();"); } /** * We create a static factory method public static [typeName] ___create(args) * that just invokes the real constructor with the args */ private void exportStaticFactoryConstructor( JExportableConstructor constructor) { JExportableClassType consType = (JExportableClassType) constructor .getExportableReturnType(); String typeName = consType.getQualifiedSourceName(); sw.print("public static " + typeName + " " + constructor.getStaticFactoryMethodName() + "("); declareParameters(constructor, -1); sw.println(") {"); sw.indent(); sw.print("return new " + typeName + "("); declareJavaPassedValues(constructor, false); sw.println(");"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void debugJSPassedValues(JExportableMethod method) { JExportableParameter params[] = method.getExportableParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { sw.print( "$wnd.alert(\"\"+" + params[i].getExportParameterValue(ARG_PREFIX + i) + ");"); } } private void declareJSMethodPassedValues(JExportableMethod method) { JExportableParameter params[] = method.getExportableParameters(); int i = method.isExportInstanceMethod() ? 1 :0; if ((!method.isStatic() && (method.needsWrapper()) || method.isExportInstanceMethod())) { sw.print("this." + GWT_INSTANCE + "" + (params.length > i ? ", " : "")); } for (int j = 0; i < params.length; i++, j++) { String pName = ARG_PREFIX + (method.isVarArgs() ? "[" + j + "]" : j); sw.print((j > 0 ? "," : "") + params[i].getExportParameterValue(pName)); } } private void declareJSConstructorPassedValues(JExportableMethod method) { JExportableParameter params[] = method.getExportableParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String pName = ARG_PREFIX + "[" + i + "]"; sw.print((i > 0 ? "," : "") + params[i].getExportParameterValue(pName)); } } /** * Generate comma separated list of argnames, arg0, ..., arg_n where n = * number of parameters of method * * @param wrap whether to wrap the passed value with ExporterBase::wrap */ private void declareJavaPassedValues(JExportableMethod method, boolean wrap) { JExportableParameter params[] = method.getExportableParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { JExportableType eType = params[i].getExportableType(false); boolean needExport = eType != null && eType.needsExport(); if (wrap && needExport) { sw.print(getGwtToJsWrapper(eType) + "("); } sw.print(ARG_PREFIX + i); if (wrap && needExport) { sw.print(")"); } if (i < params.length - 1) { sw.print(", "); } } } /** * Generate comma separated list of argnames, arg0, ..., arg_n where n = * number of parameters of constructor * * @param includeTypes true if arg names should have declared types */ private void declareParameters(JExportableMethod method, int arity, boolean includeTypes) { JExportableParameter params[] = method.getExportableParameters(); int numParams = includeTypes || arity < 0 ? params.length : arity; for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { sw.print( (includeTypes ? params[i].getTypeName() : "") + " " + ARG_PREFIX + i); if (i < numParams - 1) { sw.print(", "); } } } /** * declare java typed Java method parameters */ private void declareParameters(JExportableMethod method, int arity) { declareParameters(method, arity, true); } /** * For each exportable field Foo, we generate the following Javascript: * $wnd.package.className.Foo = JSNI Reference to Foo */ private void exportFields(JExportableClassType requestedType) throws UnableToCompleteException { for (JExportableField field : requestedType.getExportableFields()) { sw.print("$wnd." + field.getJSQualifiedExportName() + " = "); sw.println("@" + field.getJSNIReference() + ";"); } // if the type is exportable if (xTypeOracle.isExportable(requestedType)) { JClassType[] implementedInterfaces = requestedType.getType().getImplementedInterfaces(); // check all its interfaces for (JClassType intfc : implementedInterfaces) { JClassType[] implInterfaces = intfc.getImplementedInterfaces(); for (JClassType implInterface : implInterfaces) { // if a interface of the class extends again Exportable, export all the fields of that interface (and super types) if (implInterface.equals(xTypeOracle.getExportableType())) { Set<? extends JClassType> flattenedSupertypeHierarchy = intfc.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy(); for (JClassType superType : flattenedSupertypeHierarchy) { if (!superType.equals(xTypeOracle.getExportableType())) { for (JField field : superType.getFields()) { if (field.isFinal() && field.isStatic() && field.isPublic()) { JExportableField exportableField = new JExportableField(requestedType, field); sw.print("$wnd." + exportableField.getJSQualifiedExportName() + " = "); sw.println("@" + exportableField.getJSNIReference() + ";"); } } } } } } } } } /** * Create a static wrapper for a method which can not be exported in JSNI. * Typically all methods which have 'long' parameters or return 'long' * * These methods look like: * <pre> // wrapper for a static method public static double test13(double arg0, double arg1) { return (double) simpledemo.client.SimpleDemo.HelloClass.test13((long) arg0, arg1); } // wrapper for an instance method public static double test14(simpledemo.client.SimpleDemo.HelloClass instance, double arg0, double arg1) { return (double) instance.test14((long) arg0, arg1); } * </pre> * @param method * @param requestedType */ private void createStaticWrapperMethod(JExportableMethod method, JExportableClassType requestedType) { String r = method.getExportableReturnType(false) != null ? method.getExportableReturnType(false).getQualifiedSourceName() : "Object"; String body = r.equals("void") ? "" : "return "; String function = "public static "; String end = ""; if (r.equals("long")) { function += "double"; body += "(double) "; } else if (r.equals("java.util.Date")) { function += "JavaScriptObject"; body += "ExporterUtil.dateToJsDate("; end = ")"; } else { function += r; } function += " " + JExportableMethod.WRAPPER_PREFIX + method.getName() + "("; if (method.isStatic()) { body += method.getEnclosingTypeQualifiedSourceName(); } else { function += requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " instance" + (method.getExportableParameters().length > 0 ? ", " : ""); body += "instance"; } body += "." + method.getName() + "("; int i = 0; for (JExportableParameter p : method.getExportableParameters()) { String pr = i > 0 ? ", " : ""; function += pr; body += pr; String type = p.getTypeName(); String argName = ARG_PREFIX + i++; if (type.equals("long")) { function += "double"; body += "(long)" + argName; } else if (type.equals("java.util.Date")) { body += "ExporterUtil.jsDateToDate(" + argName + ")"; function += "JavaScriptObject"; } else if (type.contains("[]")) { body += p.getToArrayFunc(type, argName); function += "JavaScriptObject"; } else { function += type; body += argName; } function += " " + argName; } // TODO: test for issue #54 sw.println(function + ") throws Exception {\n " + body + end + ");\n}" ); } /** * Export a method If the return type of the method is Exportable, we invoke * ClassExporter recursively on this type <p/> For static methods, the * Javascript looks like this: $wnd.package.className.staticMethod = * function(args) { // body } <p/> for regular methods, it looks like <p/> * _.methodName = function(args) { //body } <p/> where _ is previously * assigned to $wnd.package.className.prototype <p/> For methods returning * Exportable types, the body looks like <p/> return new * $wnd.package.className(this.instance.@methodNameJSNI(args)); <p/> which * wraps the returned type, otherwise it looks like this <p/> return * this.instance.@methodNameJSNI(args); <p/> for primitives, String, * subclasses of Number, and JavaScriptObject */ private void exportMethod(JExportableMethod method, HashMap<String, DispatchTable> dispatchMap) throws UnableToCompleteException { JExportableType retType = method.getExportableReturnType(false); // int arity = method.getExportableParameters().length; // String name = method.getUnqualifiedExportName(); // String key = name + "_" + arity; // // JExportableMethod conflicting = method.isStatic() ? staticVisited.get(key) // : visited.get(key); // // if (conflicting != null) { // logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, // "Method " + method + " having " + arity + " arguments conflicts with " // + conflicting + ". " // + "Two exportable methods cannot have the same number of arguments. " // + "Use @gwt.export <newName> on one of the methods to disambiguate.", // null); // throw new UnableToCompleteException(); // } else { // if (method.isStatic()) { // staticVisited.put(key, method); // } else { // visited.put(key, method); // } // } boolean isVoid = retType != null && retType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals("void"); boolean needsExport = retType != null && retType.needsExport(); exportDependentParams(method); // Overloaded methods only need being exported once DispatchTable dt = dispatchMap.get(method.getUnqualifiedExportName()); if (dt == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find method in dispatchMap table " + method.getUnqualifiedExportName()); } if (dt.isOverloaded() && overloadExported.contains(method.getJSQualifiedExportName())) { return; } boolean isStatic = method.isStatic(); boolean isExportInstanceMethod = method.isExportInstanceMethod(); String mbase, mname; if (isStatic && !isExportInstanceMethod) { mbase = "$wnd"; mname = method.getJSQualifiedExportName(); } else { mbase = "_"; mname = method.getUnqualifiedExportName(); } sw.print(mbase + "." + mname + " = $entry(function("); String margs = method.toString().replaceFirst("^.+\\(", "(") ; String mret = retType == null ? "void" : retType.getQualifiedSourceName().replaceAll("^.+\\.", ""); log(" " + mname + margs + " - " + mret); int l = dt.isOverloaded() ? dt.maxArity() : method.getExportableParameters().length; if (method.isExportInstanceMethod()) l--; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { sw.print((i>0 ? "," : "") + ARG_PREFIX + i); } sw.println(") {"); sw.indent(); try { sw.print(isVoid ? "" : "return "); if (!dt.isOverloaded()) { if (needsExport) sw.print(getGwtToJsWrapper(retType) + "("); sw.print((isStatic || method.needsWrapper() ? "@" : "this." + GWT_INSTANCE + ".@") + method.getJSNIReference() + "(" ); declareJSMethodPassedValues(method); sw.print(")"); if (needsExport) sw.print(")"); } else { sw.print("@org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil::runDispatch(" + "Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Class;I" + "Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JsArray;ZZ)\n (" + (isStatic && !isExportInstanceMethod ? "null" : "this." + GWT_INSTANCE + "") + ", @" + method.getEnclosingExportType().getQualifiedSourceName() + "::class, " + getMethodDispatchIndex(dispatchMap, method.getUnqualifiedExportName()) + " , arguments, " + method.isInStaticMap() + ", " + method.isVarArgs() + ")[0]"); overloadExported.add(method.getJSQualifiedExportName()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sw.println(";"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("});"); } // Return the index of the method in the dispatchMap Json struct // Before we used the method name, but an integer reduces the js size. private int getMethodDispatchIndex(HashMap<String, DispatchTable> dispatchMap, String methodName) { int i = 0; for (Entry<String, DispatchTable> e: dispatchMap.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(methodName)){ break; } if (e.getValue().isOverloaded()) { i++; } } return i; } private String getGwtToJsWrapper(JExportableType retType) { String rType = "Ljava/lang/Object;"; if (retType != null && retType instanceof JExportableArrayType) { JExportableType xcompType = ((JExportableArrayType) retType).getComponentType(); if (xcompType instanceof JExportablePrimitiveType) { rType = ((JExportableArrayType) retType).getJSNIReference(); } else if (xcompType instanceof JExportableClassType) { JExportableClassType ct = (JExportableClassType) xcompType; rType = ct.getJsniSigForArrays(); } } return "@org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil::wrap(" + rType + ")"; } private void exportDependentParams(JExportableMethod method) throws UnableToCompleteException { // for convenience to the developer, let's export any exportable // parameters and return types exportType(method.getExportableReturnType(true)); for (JExportableParameter param : method.getExportableParameters()) { exportType(param.getExportableType(true)); } } private void exportType(JExportableType eType) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (eType != null && eType.needsExport() && !exported.contains(eType)) { if (exportDependentClass(eType.getQualifiedSourceName())) { exported.add((JExportableClassType) eType); } } } private boolean exportDependentClass(String qualifiedSourceName) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (visited.contains(qualifiedSourceName)) { return false; } JExportableType xType = xTypeOracle.findExportableType(qualifiedSourceName); if (xType instanceof JExportableArrayType) { JExportableType xcompType = ((JExportableArrayType) xType) .getComponentType(); if (xcompType instanceof JExportablePrimitiveType) { return false; } else if (xcompType instanceof JExportableClassType && ((JExportableClassType)xcompType).isTransparentType()) { return false; } else { try { return exportDependentClass(xcompType.getQualifiedSourceName()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to exportDependentClass: " + xType); return false; } } } visited.add(qualifiedSourceName); ClassExporter exporter = new ClassExporter(logger, ctx, visited); exporter.exportClass(qualifiedSourceName, true); return true; } private void exportProperties(JExportableClassType requestedType) { Property[] exportableProperties = requestedType.getExportableProperties(); for (Property property : exportableProperties) { sw.print("Object.defineProperty(_, '"); sw.print(property.getName()); sw.print("', {"); JExportableMethod getter = property.getGetter(); if (getter != null) { sw.print("get: function() { return this."); sw.print(getter.getUnqualifiedExportName()); sw.print("();}"); } JExportableMethod setter = property.getSetter(); if (setter != null) { if (getter != null) sw.print(", "); sw.print("set: function(val) { this."); sw.print(setter.getUnqualifiedExportName()); sw.print("(val);}"); } sw.println("});"); } } /** * For each package of sub1.sub2.sub3... we create a chain of objects * $wnd.sub1.sub2.sub3 */ private void declarePackages(JExportableClassType requestedClassType) { // save this namespace to restore later sw.print("var pkg = "); sw.println( "@org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil::declarePackage(Ljava/lang/String;)('" + requestedClassType.getJSQualifiedExportName() + "');"); } /** * Generate the main export method <p/> <p/> We generate a method that looks * like: <p/> public void export() { Exporter export1 = * (Exporter)GWT.create(ExportableDependency1.class) export1.export(); <p/> * Exporter export2 = (Exporter)GWT.create(ExportableDependency2.class) * export2.export(); <p/> ... export0(); } * * @param exported a list of other types that we depend on to be exported */ private void genExportMethod(JExportableClassType requestedType, ArrayList<JExportableClassType> exported) { sw.println("private static boolean exported;"); sw.println("public void export() { "); sw.indent(); sw.println("if(!exported) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("exported=true;"); // add map from TypeName to JS constructor in ExporterUtil sw.println("ExporterUtil.addExporter(" + requestedType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class, this);"); // first, export our dependencies for (JExportableClassType classType : exported) { if (classType.equals(requestedType)) { // || classType instanceof JExportableArrayType continue; } String qualName = classType.getRequestedType().getQualifiedSourceName(); sw.println("GWT.create(" + qualName + ".class);"); } // now export our class sw.println("export0();"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } /** * Get SourceWriter for following class and preamble package packageName; * import; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.Exporter; * public class className implements interfaceName (usually Exporter) { <p/> * } * * @param interfaceNames vararg list of interfaces */ protected SourceWriter getSourceWriter(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String packageName, String className, String superClass, String... interfaceNames) { PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className); if (printWriter == null) { return null; } ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className); composerFactory.addImport(""); composerFactory.addImport(""); if (superClass != null) { composerFactory.setSuperclass(superClass); } for (String interfaceName : interfaceNames) { composerFactory.addImplementedInterface(interfaceName); } composerFactory.addImport("org.timepedia.exporter.client.Exporter"); composerFactory.addImport("org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil"); return composerFactory.createSourceWriter(context, printWriter); } }