package com.googlecode.gwt.charts.showcase.client.controls; import; import; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartLoader; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartPackage; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartType; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartWrapper; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.DataTable; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.controls.Dashboard; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.controls.filter.DateRangeFilter; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.controls.filter.DateRangeFilterOptions; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.controls.filter.DateRangeFilterUi; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.format.DateFormatOptions; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.table.TableOptions; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.util.ChartHelper; import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.showcase.client.util.DateUtils; public class DateRangeFilterExample extends DockLayoutPanel { private Dashboard dashboard; private ChartWrapper<TableOptions> tableWrapper; private DateRangeFilter dateRangeFilter; public DateRangeFilterExample() { super(Unit.PX); initialize(); } private void initialize() { ChartLoader chartLoader = new ChartLoader(ChartPackage.CONTROLS); chartLoader.loadApi(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { addNorth(getDashboardWidget(), 0); addNorth(getDateRangeFilter(), 30); add(getTableWrapper()); draw(); } }); } private Dashboard getDashboardWidget() { if (dashboard == null) { dashboard = new Dashboard(); } return dashboard; } private ChartWrapper<TableOptions> getTableWrapper() { if (tableWrapper == null) { tableWrapper = new ChartWrapper<TableOptions>(); tableWrapper.setChartType(ChartType.TABLE); } return tableWrapper; } private DateRangeFilter getDateRangeFilter() { if (dateRangeFilter == null) { dateRangeFilter = new DateRangeFilter(); } return dateRangeFilter; } private void draw() { // Set control options DateRangeFilterOptions dateRangeFilterOptions = DateRangeFilterOptions.create(); dateRangeFilterOptions.setFilterColumnLabel("Year"); DateRangeFilterUi dateRangeFilterUi = DateRangeFilterUi.create(); dateRangeFilterUi.setFormat(DateFormatOptions.create("yyyy")); dateRangeFilterOptions.setUi(dateRangeFilterUi); dateRangeFilter.setOptions(dateRangeFilterOptions); // Set chart options TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.create(); tableWrapper.setOptions(tableOptions); // Generate data Object[][] dataArray = new Object[][] { { "Extrasolar planet", "Comment", "Year" }, { "Gamma Cephei Ab", "Deduced from radial velocity variations of the star Gamma Cephei", DateUtils.create(1988, 6, 13) }, { "HD 114762 b", "At least 11 times the mass of Jupiter", DateUtils.create(1989, 4, 4) }, { "PSR B1257+12", "First confirmed discovery of an extrasolar planet", DateUtils.create(1992, 0, 22) }, { "51 Pegasi b", "Hot Jupiter with a 4.2 day orbit", DateUtils.create(1995, 9, 6) }, { "47 Ursae Majoris b", "First long-period planet discovered", DateUtils.create(1996, 0, 17) }, { "Upsilon Andromedae", "First multiple planetary system around a main sequence star", DateUtils.create(1996, 7, 12) }, { "Gliese 876 b", "First planet found orbiting a red dwarf", DateUtils.create(1998, 5, 23) }, { "HD 209458 b", "First exoplanet seen transiting its parent star", DateUtils.create(1999, 10, 5) }, { "Iota Draconis b", "Provided evidence that planets can exist around giant stars", DateUtils.create(2002, 0, 8) }, { "PSR B1620-26 b", "12.7 billion year old planet orbiting a binary star system", DateUtils.create(2003, 6, 10) }, { "2M1207 b", "First planet found orbiting a brown dwarf", DateUtils.create(2004, 6, 22) }, { "Mu Arae c", "Hot Neptune", DateUtils.create(2004, 7, 25) }, { "TrES-1 and HD 209458 b", "First detection of light from exoplanets", DateUtils.create(2005, 2, 22) }, { "OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb", "Detected used gravitational microlensing", DateUtils.create(2006, 1, 25) }, { "Gliese 581 c", "Inhospitable due to runaway greenhouse effect", DateUtils.create(2007, 3, 4) }, { "Fomalhaut b", "First exoplanet directly imaged by optical telescope", DateUtils.create(2008, 10, 13) }, { "GJ 1214 b", "Might be 75% water and 25% rock", DateUtils.create(2009, 11, 16) }, { "HD 10180", "Seven planets orbiting a sun-like star", DateUtils.create(2010, 7, 24) }, { "55 Cancri e", "Orbital period of just 0.73 days", DateUtils.create(2011, 3, 27) }, { "Alpha Centauri Bb", "Earth-mass planet in the star system closest to ours", DateUtils.create(2012, 9, 16) }, { "PH2 b", "Potentially habitable Jupiter-sized planet", DateUtils.create(2013, 0, 13) }, { "Kepler-69c", "First potentially habitable Earth-sized planet orbiting a sun-sized star", DateUtils.create(2013, 3, 18) } }; // Prepare the data DataTable dataTable = ChartHelper.arrayToDataTable(dataArray); // Draw the chart dashboard.bind(dateRangeFilter, tableWrapper); dashboard.draw(dataTable); } }