package; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import android.location.Location; public class Node { private double mScore; private final int mId; private double mLat; private double mLng; private List<Integer> mNeighbours = new LinkedList<Integer>(); private int mPrevious; private boolean isPlace; private static final double R = 6371; private static final double DEGPERRAD = 180/Math.PI; // Resolution of the Node network static final double EPSILON = 0.000001; // Main constructor for a node that represents a row in the Nodes DB table. public Node(int id, double lat, double lng, int[] neighs) { mId = id; mLat = lat/DEGPERRAD; mLng = lng/DEGPERRAD; if (neighs != null) { for (int i : neighs) { mNeighbours.add(i); } } isPlace = (id < 9999 && id > 0) ? true : false; } public Node(double lat, double lng) { mId = -1; mLat = lat/DEGPERRAD; mLng = lng/DEGPERRAD; isPlace = false; } public Node(Place plc) { mId = plc.getUniqueId(); mLat = plc.getLatitude()/DEGPERRAD; mLng = plc.getLongitude()/DEGPERRAD; isPlace = true; } public Node(Location loc) { mId = -1; mLat = loc.getLatitude()/DEGPERRAD; mLng = loc.getLongitude()/DEGPERRAD; isPlace = false; } public double getLat() { return mLat*DEGPERRAD; } public double getLng() { return mLng*DEGPERRAD; } public double getScore() { return mScore; } public int getId() { return mId; } public Integer[] getNeighbours() { Integer[] iii = new Integer[this.mNeighbours.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.mNeighbours.size(); i++ ) { iii[i] = this.mNeighbours.get(i); } return iii; } public boolean isPlace() { return isPlace; } public int getPrevious() { return mPrevious; } @Override public String toString() { return "{ id: " + getId() + " }"; } public void setScore(double scr) { mScore = scr; } public void setPrevious(int prev) { mPrevious = prev; } public void setNeighbour(int[] i) { mNeighbours.clear(); for (int ii : i) { mNeighbours.add(ii); } } public void addNeighbour(int id) { if (mNeighbours.contains(Integer.valueOf(id))) { return; } mNeighbours.add(id); } public void setLat(double lat) { this.mLat = lat/DEGPERRAD; } public void setLng(double lng) { this.mLng = lng/DEGPERRAD; } public double distanceTo(Node d) { double dy = d.mLat - this.mLat; double dx = d.mLng - this.mLng; return R*Math.sqrt(dx*dx*Math.cos(this.mLat)*Math.cos(this.mLat)+dy*dy); } public double naiveDist(Node d) { double dy = d.mLat*DEGPERRAD - this.mLat*DEGPERRAD; double dx = d.mLng*DEGPERRAD - this.mLng*DEGPERRAD; return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); } }