package ru.vyarus.guice.ext.core.generator; import; import; import; import; import; import javassist.*; import javassist.bytecode.*; import javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; /** * Dynamically generates new class from abstract class or interface. * Resulted class may be used as implementation in guice. * Generated class will be tied to class loader of original type. * It is safe to to use with dynamic class loaders (like play dev mode). * <p>Guice will be able to apply aop to generated class methods. Annotations are copied from original class, * to let aop mechanisms work even for interfaces. As a result you may forget about class generation and think * of abstract class or interface as usual guice bean.</p> * <p>Abstract methods will not be implemented: abstract method call error will be thrown if you try to call it. * All abstract methods must be covered by guice aop.</p> * <p>It may be used directly in guice module to register interface or abstract class: * {@code bind(MyType.class).to(DynamicClassGenerator.generate(MyType.class))}. * Another option is to use {@link}: annotate type with * {@code @ProvidedBy(DynamicClassProvider.class)} and either rely on JIT (don't register type at all) or * simply register type: @{code bind(MyType.class)}. * If used with injectors hierarchy or within private modules, use "anchor" dependency to prevent bubbling up * for resulted binding (see for example anchor implementation for use with {@code @ProvidedBy} annotation * {@link ru.vyarus.guice.ext.core.generator.anchor.GeneratorAnchorModule}).</p> * <p>Don't use scope annotations directly - instead wrap them into * {@link ru.vyarus.guice.ext.core.generator.ScopeAnnotation}, because guice doesn't allow scope definition on * abstract types.</p> * * @author Vyacheslav Rusakov * @see * @since 10.12.2014 */ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:ClassDataAbstractionCoupling") public final class DynamicClassGenerator { /** * Postfix applied to interface or abstract class name to get generated class name. */ public static final String DYNAMIC_CLASS_POSTFIX = "$GuiceDynamicClass"; private DynamicClassGenerator() { } /** * Shortcut for {@link #generate(Class, Class, Class)} method to create default scoped classes. * <p> * Method is thread safe. * * @param type interface or abstract class * @param <T> type * @return implementation class for provided type (will not generate if class already exist) */ public static <T> Class<T> generate(final Class<T> type) { return generate(type, null); } /** * Shortcut for {@link #generate(Class, Class, Class)} method to create classes with provided scope * (and without extra anchor). * <p> * Method is thread safe. * * @param type interface or abstract class * @param scope scope annotation to apply on generated class (may be null for default prototype scope) * @param <T> type * @return implementation class for provided type (will not generate if class already exist) */ public static <T> Class<T> generate(final Class<T> type, final Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scope) { return generate(type, scope, null); } /** * Generates dynamic class, which guice may use as implementation and generate proxy above it, * correctly applying aop features. * <p> * New class will inherit type annotations and constructor with annotations * (if base class use constructor injection). Also constructor inherits all annotations, including * parameters annotations. If anchor is provided then it will be added as last constructor parameter * or (when abstract type has no constructor) new constructor added with one parameter (anchor). * <p> * Method is thread safe. * * @param type interface or abstract class * @param scope scope annotation to apply on generated class (may be null for default prototype scope) * @param anchor existing binding to depend generated class on (to prevent binding bubbling up to root injector) * @param <T> type * @return implementation class for provided type (will not generate if class already exist) * @see ru.vyarus.guice.ext.core.generator.anchor.GeneratorAnchorModule for more details about anchor usage */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Class<T> generate(final Class<T> type, final Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scope, final Class<?> anchor) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "Original type required"); Preconditions.checkArgument(type.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers()), "Type must be interface or abstract class, but provided type is not: %s", type.getName()); final String targetClassName = type.getName() + DYNAMIC_CLASS_POSTFIX; final ClassLoader classLoader = type.getClassLoader(); /* * Synchronization is required to avoid double generation and consequent problems. * Very unlikely that this method would be called too often and synchronization become bottleneck. * Using original class as monitor to allow concurrent generation for different classes. */ synchronized (type) { Class<?> targetClass; try { // will work if class was already generated targetClass = classLoader.loadClass(targetClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { targetClass = generateClass(type, targetClassName, classLoader, scope, anchor); } return (Class<T>) targetClass; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Class<?> generateClass(final Class<?> type, final String targetClassName, final ClassLoader classLoader, final Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scope, final Class<?> anchor) { try { // have to use custom pool because original type classloader could be thrown away // and all cached CtClass objects would be stale final ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(); classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(classLoader)); final CtClass impl = generateCtClass(classPool, targetClassName, type, scope, anchor); return impl.toClass(classLoader, null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DynamicClassException("Failed to generate class for " + type.getName(), ex); } } private static CtClass generateCtClass(final ClassPool classPool, final String targetClassName, final Class type, final Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scope, final Class<?> anchor) throws Exception { final CtClass ctType = classPool.get(type.getName()); final CtClass ctAnchor = anchor == null ? null : classPool.getCtClass(anchor.getName()); final CtClass impl; if (type.isInterface()) { impl = classPool.makeClass(targetClassName); impl.addInterface(ctType); } else { impl = classPool.makeClass(targetClassName, ctType); final Constructor diConstructor = findDIConstructor(type); if (diConstructor != null) { copyConstructor(impl, ctType, diConstructor, ctAnchor); } } if (anchor != null && impl.getConstructors().length == 0) { // create new constructor with anchor dependency createAnchorConstructor(impl, ctAnchor); } final ConstPool constPool = impl.getClassFile().getConstPool(); final AnnotationsAttribute annotations = copyAnnotations(classPool, constPool, type); impl.getClassFile().addAttribute(annotations); applyScopeAnnotation(classPool, annotations, type, scope); return impl; } private static void copyConstructor(final CtClass impl, final CtClass ctType, final Constructor ctor, final CtClass anchor) throws Exception { final ClassPool classPool = impl.getClassPool(); final CtClass[] parameters = JavassistUtils.convertTypes(classPool, ctor.getParameterTypes()); final CtConstructor ctConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make( parameters, JavassistUtils.convertTypes(classPool, ctor.getExceptionTypes()), CtNewConstructor.PASS_PARAMS, null, null, impl); if (anchor != null) { ctConstructor.addParameter(anchor); } final ConstPool constPool = impl.getClassFile().getConstPool(); final MethodInfo methodInfo = ctConstructor.getMethodInfo(); methodInfo.addAttribute(copyAnnotations(classPool, constPool, ctor)); methodInfo.addAttribute(copyConstructorParametersAnnotations(classPool, constPool, ctor, anchor != null)); final SignatureAttribute info = copyConstructorGenericsSignature(constPool, parameters, ctType, anchor); if (info != null) { methodInfo.addAttribute(info); } impl.addConstructor(ctConstructor); } private static void createAnchorConstructor(final CtClass impl, final CtClass anchor) throws Exception { final ClassPool classPool = impl.getClassPool(); final CtConstructor ctConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make( new CtClass[]{anchor}, null, CtNewConstructor.PASS_NONE, null, null, impl); final ConstPool constPool = impl.getClassFile().getConstPool(); final MethodInfo methodInfo = ctConstructor.getMethodInfo(); // add injection annotation final AnnotationsAttribute attr = new AnnotationsAttribute(constPool, AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); final Annotation annotation = new Annotation(constPool, classPool.get(javax.inject.Inject.class.getName())); attr.addAnnotation(annotation); methodInfo.addAttribute(attr); impl.addConstructor(ctConstructor); } private static Constructor findDIConstructor(final Class<?> type) { Constructor target = null; for (Constructor ctor : type.getConstructors()) { if (ctor.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class) || ctor.isAnnotationPresent(javax.inject.Inject.class)) { target = ctor; break; } } return target; } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops") private static ParameterAnnotationsAttribute copyConstructorParametersAnnotations( final ClassPool classPool, final ConstPool constPool, final Constructor ctor, final boolean anchorAdded) throws Exception { final int count = ctor.getParameterTypes().length; final Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = new Annotation[count + (anchorAdded ? 1 : 0)][]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] anns = ctor.getParameterAnnotations()[i]; paramAnnotations[i] = new Annotation[anns.length]; for (int j = 0; j < anns.length; j++) { paramAnnotations[i][j] = JavassistUtils.copyAnnotation(classPool, constPool, anns[j]); } } if (anchorAdded) { paramAnnotations[count] = new Annotation[0]; } final ParameterAnnotationsAttribute paramAnns = new ParameterAnnotationsAttribute( constPool, ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); paramAnns.setAnnotations(paramAnnotations); return paramAnns; } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UnusedPrivateMethod") private static void applyScopeAnnotation(final ClassPool classPool, final AnnotationsAttribute annotations, final AnnotatedElement source, final Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scope) throws Exception { if (scope != null) { Preconditions.checkState(Annotations.isScopeAnnotation(scope), "Provided annotation %s is not scope annotation", scope.getSimpleName()); for (java.lang.annotation.Annotation ann : source.getAnnotations()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!(ann instanceof ScopeAnnotation), "Duplicate scope definition: scope is specified as %s and also defined " + "in @ScopeAnnotation.", scope.getSimpleName()); } annotations.addAnnotation(new Annotation(annotations.getConstPool(), classPool.get(scope.getName()))); } } private static AnnotationsAttribute copyAnnotations(final ClassPool classPool, final ConstPool constPool, final AnnotatedElement source) throws Exception { final AnnotationsAttribute attr = new AnnotationsAttribute(constPool, AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); if (source.getAnnotations().length > 0) { for (java.lang.annotation.Annotation ann : source.getAnnotations()) { final Annotation annotation = processAnnotation(classPool, constPool, ann); if (annotation != null) { attr.addAnnotation(annotation); } } } return attr; } private static Annotation processAnnotation(final ClassPool classPool, final ConstPool constPool, final java.lang.annotation.Annotation ann) throws Exception { Annotation res = null; // if we copy these annotation guice will go to infinite loop if (!(ann instanceof ProvidedBy || ann instanceof ImplementedBy)) { Preconditions.checkState(!Annotations.isScopeAnnotation(ann.annotationType()), "Don't use scope annotations directly - use @ScopeAnnotation(TargetScope) wrapper, " + "because guice doesn't allow scope annotations on abstract types"); if (ann instanceof ScopeAnnotation) { res = new Annotation(constPool, classPool.get(((ScopeAnnotation) ann).value().getName())); } else { res = JavassistUtils.copyAnnotation(classPool, constPool, ann); } } return res; } private static SignatureAttribute copyConstructorGenericsSignature( final ConstPool constPool, final CtClass[] params, final CtClass source, final CtClass anchor) throws Exception { final CtConstructor ctConstructor = source.getConstructor(Descriptor.ofConstructor(params)); String signature = null; for (Object attr : ctConstructor.getMethodInfo().getAttributes()) { if (attr instanceof SignatureAttribute) { signature = ((SignatureAttribute) attr).getSignature(); break; } } if (signature != null && anchor != null) { // add anchor to generics signature final String type = "L" + (anchor.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/")) + ";"; final int idx = signature.lastIndexOf(')'); signature = signature.substring(0, idx) + type + signature.substring(idx); } return signature == null ? null : new SignatureAttribute(constPool, signature); } }