package de.devsurf.injection.guice.configuration; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import de.devsurf.injection.guice.jsr330.Names; public class VariableResolver { /** * The symbol that indicates a variable begin. */ private static final String VAR_BEGIN = "$"; /** * The symbol that separates the key name to the default value. */ private static final String PIPE_SEPARATOR = "|"; private static final String KEY_PREFIX = "${"; /** * The Injector instance used to resolve variables. */ @Inject private Injector injector; public String resolve(final String pattern) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int prev = 0; int pos; while ((pos = pattern.indexOf(VAR_BEGIN, prev)) >= 0) { if (pos > 0) { buffer.append(pattern.substring(prev, pos)); } if (pos == pattern.length() - 1) { buffer.append(VAR_BEGIN); prev = pos + 1; } else if (pattern.charAt(pos + 1) != '{') { if (pattern.charAt(pos + 1) == '$') { buffer.append(VAR_BEGIN); prev = pos + 2; } else { buffer.append(pattern.substring(pos, pos + 2)); prev = pos + 2; } } else { int endName = pattern.indexOf('}', pos); if (endName < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax error in property: " + pattern); } StringTokenizer keyTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(pattern.substring(pos + 2, endName), PIPE_SEPARATOR); String key = keyTokenizer.nextToken().trim(); String defaultValue = null; if (keyTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { defaultValue = keyTokenizer.nextToken().trim(); } try { buffer.append(injector.getInstance(Key.get(String.class, Names.named(key)))); } catch (Throwable e) { if (defaultValue != null) { buffer.append(defaultValue); } else { buffer.append(KEY_PREFIX).append(key).append('}'); } } prev = endName + 1; } } if (prev < pattern.length()) { buffer.append(pattern.substring(prev)); } return buffer.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("variable.1")).to("feuer"); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("variable.2")).to("frei"); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("config.soap.protocol")).to("ftp"); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("config.soap.ip")).to(""); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("config.soap.port")).to("9999"); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("")).to("dynmaic"); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("config.soap.client")).to("/henkel"); bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("config.soap.stage")).to("test"); } }); VariableResolver resolver = injector.getInstance(VariableResolver.class); System.out.println(resolver.resolve("${variable.1} ${variable.2}")); System.out.println(resolver.resolve("\"${variable.3| }\"")); System.out.println(resolver.resolve("${config.soap.protocol|http}://${config.soap.ip|}:${config.soap.port|12400}/${|configuration}${config.soap.client| }/soap/optional.xml?stage=${config.soap.stage|default}")); } }