package org.gscript.process; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gscript.jni.JNIReference.JNIReferenceException; import org.gscript.settings.ShellProfile; import org.gscript.terminal.ScreenBuffer; import org.gscript.terminal.TerminalEmulator; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.util.Log; public class ProcessTask extends ProcessDescriptor implements TerminalEmulator.OnEmulatorEventListener { static final String LOG_TAG = "ProcessTask"; static final String SCHEME_FILE = "file"; static final String SCHEME_HTTP = "http"; static final String SCHEME_HTTPS = "https"; static final String SCHEME_FTP = "ftp"; static final String SCHEME_CONTENT = "content"; static final String PATHS_DEFAULT = "/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin"; static final String PATHS_GSCRIPT = ":/data/data/org.gscript/bin"; static final String PATH_ARG = "%path%"; static final String ENV_GSCRIPT_VERSION = "GSCRIPT_VERSION"; static final String ENV_GSCRIPT_PID = "GSCRIPT_PID"; static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); static final String EXIT_CMD = EOL + "exit" + EOL; static final String PROCESS_TASK_THREAD = "ProcessTask"; static final String PROCESS_INPUT_THREAD = "ProcessInput"; final ProcessStateListener mStateListener; final Context mContext; ItemAttributes mAttributes; int mState; boolean mKillRequested; ProcessThread mProcessThread; SubProcess mSubProcess; TerminalEmulator mEmulator; public ProcessTask(Context context, ProcessDescriptor pd, ProcessStateListener l) { super(pd); mAttributes = new ItemAttributes(); mStateListener = l; mContext = context; mProcessThread = new ProcessThread(); mProcessThread.setName(PROCESS_TASK_THREAD); mProcessThread.start(); } private void setState(int state) { mState = state; mStateListener.OnProcessStateChanged(ProcessTask.this, mState); } private void dispatchEvent(int event) { mStateListener.OnProcessEvent(ProcessTask.this, event); } @Override public void OnEmulatorEvent(int event) { dispatchEvent(event); } public void sendOutput(byte[] output, int offset, int length) { if (isActive() && mEmulator != null) { mEmulator.processOutput(output, offset, length); } } public int getState() { return mState; } Context getContext() { return mContext; } public ScreenBuffer getScreenBuffer() { return (mEmulator != null) ? mEmulator.getScreenBuffer() : null; } public String getTranscript() { return (mEmulator != null) ? mEmulator.getScreenBuffer().getTranscript() : ""; } public ItemAttributes getAttributes() { return mAttributes; } public boolean isActive() { return ProcessState.isActiveState(mState); } public void requestKill() { if (isActive() && mSubProcess.sigKill(SubProcess.SIGHUP) > 0) { setState(ProcessState.STATE_KILLED); } } public void requestWindowSizeChange(int rows, int cols, int width, int height) { if(mEmulator != null) mEmulator.resizeWindow(rows, cols, width, height); if(mSubProcess != null) mSubProcess.resizeWindow(rows, cols, width, height); } class ProcessThread extends Thread { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void run() { final Intent intent = getIntent(); final Uri uri = intent.getData(); int error = 0; File scriptFile = null; String content = null; ShellProfile profile = null; String profileCommand = null; if(ProcessService.ACTION_EXECUTE.equals(intent.getAction())) { content = getContentForUri(uri); if (content == null) { error = ProcessState.ERROR_NO_CONTENT; Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format( "Error trying to start process: %d", error)); setState(ProcessState.STATE_ERROR(error)); return; } /* * merge attributes with any attributes received in initial intent * so that we can have different defaults for processes launched * from a specific condition */ if (intent.hasExtra(ProcessService.EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES)) mAttributes.putAll((HashMap<String, String>) intent .getSerializableExtra(ProcessService.EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES)); /* get shell profile from attributes */ profile = ShellProfile.forKey(getContext(), mAttributes.get(ItemAttributes.ATTRIBUTE_SHELL)); profileCommand = profile.cmdExec; } if(ProcessService.ACTION_START.equals(intent.getAction())) { /* get shell profile directly from extra */ profile = ShellProfile.forKey(getContext(), intent.getStringExtra(ProcessService.EXTRA_PROFILE)); profileCommand = profile.cmdStart; } mEmulator = new TerminalEmulator(profile, ProcessTask.this); /* * we now have everything ( content and attributes ) we need to * enter a running state. notify callbacks we are running and then * continue executing the actual process */ setState(ProcessState.STATE_RUNNING); /* build argument list */ List<String> arguments = getArguments(profileCommand); /* check if arguments contains %path% */ boolean hasPathArg = arguments.contains(PATH_ARG); /* append exit if needed and we have content */ if (content != null && profile.appendExit) { content += EXIT_CMD; } /* create executable script file if needed */ if (content != null && hasPathArg) { scriptFile = createScriptFile(content); /* replace PATH_ARG with real file path */ if (scriptFile != null) { int args = arguments.size(); for (int i = 0; i < args; ++i) { if (arguments.get(i).equals(PATH_ARG)) { arguments.set(i, scriptFile.getPath()); } } } } /* create SubProcess and execute */ String env[] = getEnvironment(profile.appendPath); String args[] = arguments.toArray(new String[0]); String command = args[0]; try { mSubProcess = new SubProcess(command, args, env); /* execute and resize according to emulator dimensions */ mSubProcess.execute(); mSubProcess.resizeWindow( mEmulator.getScreenRows(), mEmulator.getScreenCols(), mEmulator.getScreenWidth(), mEmulator.getScreenHeight()); } catch (JNIReferenceException ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage()); error = ProcessState.ERROR_EXECUTION_FAILED; } if (error != 0) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format( "Error trying to start process: %d", error)); setState(ProcessState.STATE_ERROR(error)); } else { /* start input / output stream handling */ String initialOutput = null; if (scriptFile != null && hasPathArg) { initialOutput = null; } if (scriptFile != null && !hasPathArg) { initialOutput = scriptFile.getPath() + EOL; } if (scriptFile == null) { initialOutput = content; } final InputStream in = mSubProcess.getInputStream(); final OutputStream out = mSubProcess.getOutputStream(); /* * write initial output directly to outputstream bypassing the * emulator */ if (initialOutput != null) { byte[] b = initialOutput.getBytes(); try { out.write(b, 0, b.length); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } new InputThread(in, mEmulator).start(); mEmulator.setOutputStream(out); /* wait for process to finish */ mSubProcess.waitFor(); // try { // // out.close(); // in.close(); // // } catch (IOException e) { // } /* * only change state if previous state was active because we * might have received a kill request and finished because of * that */ if (mState == ProcessState.STATE_RUNNING) { setState(ProcessState.STATE_FINISHED); } } /* clean up */ if (scriptFile != null && scriptFile.exists()) { scriptFile.delete(); } } }; private String[] getEnvironment(String appendPath) { String envPath = System.getenv("PATH"); { if (envPath == null) envPath = PATHS_DEFAULT; envPath += PATHS_GSCRIPT; if (appendPath != null && appendPath.length() > 0) { if (!appendPath.startsWith(":")) envPath += ":"; envPath += appendPath; } } /* build environment */ String env[] = { ENV_GSCRIPT_VERSION + "=0.1", ENV_GSCRIPT_PID + "=" + getPid(), "PATH=" + envPath, "TERM=screen" }; return env; } private ArrayList<String> getArguments(String command) { ArrayList<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("[^\\s\"']+|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'"); Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(command); while (regexMatcher.find()) { if ( != null) { arguments.add(; // double-quoted } else if ( != null) { arguments.add(; // single-quoted } else { arguments.add(; // unquoted } } return arguments; } private String getContentForUri(Uri uri) { String content = null; String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if (SCHEME_FILE.equals(scheme) || SCHEME_HTTP.equals(scheme) || SCHEME_HTTPS.equals(scheme) || SCHEME_FTP.equals(scheme)) { /* handle directly executed scripts from file or http/https/ftp */ try { URL url = new URL(uri.toString()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( url.openStream())); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); sb.append(EOL); } in.close(); content = sb.toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } } else if (SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(uri.getScheme())) { /* handle library content uris */ LibraryPathSegments seg = LibraryPathSegments.parse(uri); final ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); /* get item content */ { Uri itemUri = ContentUri.URI_LIBRARY_PATH(, seg.path, Library.FLAG_INCLUDE_CONTENT); Cursor itemCursor = cr.query(itemUri, null, null, null, null); if (itemCursor != null) { if (itemCursor.moveToFirst()) { LibraryItem item = LibraryItem.fromCursor(itemCursor); content = item.getContent(); } } itemCursor.close(); } /* get item attributes */ { Uri attributesUri = ContentUri.URI_ITEM_ATTRIBS_PATH(, seg.path); Cursor attributesCursor = cr.query(attributesUri, null, null, null, null); if (attributesCursor != null) { ItemAttributes itemAttributes = new ItemAttributes( attributesCursor); mAttributes.putAll(itemAttributes); attributesCursor.close(); } } } return content; } private File createScriptFile(String content) { File scriptFile = null; try { scriptFile = File.createTempFile(ProcessTask.this.getPid() + "_" + ProcessTask.this.getTime(), ".tmp", ProcessTask.this .getContext().getCacheDir()); BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(scriptFile)); writer.write(content); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } scriptFile.setExecutable(true); return scriptFile; } catch (IOException e1) { } return scriptFile; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof ProcessDescriptor) { ProcessDescriptor opd = (ProcessDescriptor) o; ProcessDescriptor pd = (ProcessDescriptor) this; return (opd.equals(pd)); } return super.equals(o); } /* TODO: move to TerminalEmulator */ class InputThread extends Thread { private final InputStream is; private final TerminalEmulator emulator; public InputThread(InputStream is, TerminalEmulator emulator) { this.setName(PROCESS_INPUT_THREAD); = is; this.emulator = emulator; } @Override public void run() { try { byte buffer[] = new byte[4096]; int read = 0; while ((read = != -1) { emulator.processInput(buffer, 0, read); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } }