package org.deri.grefine.reconcile.rdf.factories; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser; import org.deri.grefine.reconcile.model.ReconciliationRequest; import org.deri.grefine.reconcile.model.SearchResultItem; import org.deri.grefine.reconcile.model.ReconciliationRequestContext.PropertyContext; import org.deri.grefine.reconcile.util.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONWriter; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; /** * factories for queries understood by <a href="">LARQ</a> * notice that the queries use SPARQL 1.1 IN function so make sure you have a recent version of ARQ if you are using this class * This class is not thread-safe. meant to be used once and die, do not try to save or reuse it is cheap to create * @author fadmaa * */ public class JenaTextSparqlQueryFactory extends AbstractSparqlQueryFactory{ @Override public String getTypeSuggestSparqlQuery(String prefix, int limit) { return SUGGEST_TYPE_QUERY_TEMPLATE.replace("[[QUERY]]", escapeQuery(prefix)).replaceAll("\\[\\[LIMIT\\]\\]", String.valueOf(limit)); } /** * @param request * @param searchPropertyUris * @return sparql query according to the syntax expected by LARQ as described in their <a href="">documentation</a>. * It is a standard SPARQL query apart form pf:textMatch used for full text search. <b>Note that this query uses <a href="">IN function</a> which is only available in SPARQL 1.1</b> */ @Override public String getReconciliationSparqlQuery(ReconciliationRequest request, ImmutableList<String> searchPropertyUris) { //prepare type filter String typesFilter = ""; if(request.getTypes().length>0){ typesFilter = StringUtils.join(request.getTypes(), ">. } UNION ", "{?entity rdf:type <", " {", ">. }}"); } //prepare context filter StringBuilder contextFilter = new StringBuilder(); for(PropertyContext prop : request.getContext().getProperties()){ contextFilter.append(PROPERTY_FILTER.replace("[[PROPERTY_URI]]", prop.getPid()).replace("[[VALUE]]", prop.getV().asSparqlValue())); } if(searchPropertyUris.size()==1){ return getReconciliationSparqlQuery(SINGLE_LABEL_PROPERTY_RECONCILE_QUERY_TEMPLATE, searchPropertyUris, request.getQueryString(),typesFilter, contextFilter.toString(), "[[LABEL_PROPERTY_URI]]", searchPropertyUris.get(0), request.getLimit()); } //prepare property URIs list (with || as separator) String labelFilter = StringUtils.join(searchPropertyUris, "> || ", "?p=<", "FILTER (", ">)"); return getReconciliationSparqlQuery(RECONCILE_QUERY_TEMPLATE, searchPropertyUris, request.getQueryString(),typesFilter, contextFilter.toString(), "[[LABEL_PROPERTY_FILTER]]", labelFilter, request.getLimit()); } @Override public void write(JSONWriter writer) throws JSONException { writer.object(); writer.key("type"); writer.value("larq"); writer.endObject(); } private String getReconciliationSparqlQuery(String queryTemplate, ImmutableList<String> searchPropertyUris, String query, String typesFilter, String contextFilter, String labelPlaceHolder, String labelFilter, int limit){ String escapedQuery = escapeQuery(query); //the query returns a unique answer per (entity,label) pair. the *maximum* number of results is searchPropertyUris.size() * request.getLimit() //the answers are ordered according to their scores descendingly. thus we need to pick only the *first* request.getLimit() *unique* entity answer int calculatedLimit = Math.max(searchPropertyUris.size(),1) * limit; return queryTemplate.replace("[[QUERY]]", escapedQuery) .replace(labelPlaceHolder, labelFilter) .replace(labelPlaceHolder, labelFilter) .replace("[[TYPE_FILTER]]", typesFilter) .replace("[[CONTEXT_FILTER]]", contextFilter) .replace("[[LIMIT]]", String.valueOf(calculatedLimit)) .replace("[[LIMIT]]", String.valueOf(calculatedLimit)); } @Override public String getPropertySuggestSparqlQuery(String prefix, String typeUri, int limit) { return SUGGEST_PROPERTY_WITH_SPECIFIC_SUBJECT_TYPE_QUERY_TEMPLATE.replaceAll("\\[\\[QUERY\\]\\]", escapeQuery(prefix)). replaceAll("\\[\\[LIMIT\\]\\]", String.valueOf(limit)) .replace("[[TYPE_URI]]", typeUri); } @Override public String getPropertySuggestSparqlQuery(String prefix, int limit) { return SUGGEST_PROPERTY_QUERY_TEMPLATE.replaceAll("\\[\\[QUERY\\]\\]", prefix).replaceAll("\\[\\[LIMIT\\]\\]", String.valueOf(limit)); } @Override public String getSampleInstancesSparqlQuery(String typeUri, ImmutableList<String> searchPropertyUris, int limit) { return SAMPLE_INSTANCES_OF_TYPE_QUERY_TEMPLATE.replace("[[TYPE_URI]]", typeUri) .replace("[[PROPERTY_URI]]", searchPropertyUris.get(0)) .replace("[[LIMIT]]", String.valueOf(limit)); } @Override public ImmutableList<SearchResultItem> wrapTypeSuggestResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, String prefix, int limit) { List<SearchResultItem> result = new ArrayList<SearchResultItem>(); while(resultSet.hasNext()){ QuerySolution sol = resultSet.nextSolution(); String pUri = sol.getResource("type").getURI(); String label = getPreferredLabel(sol); result.add(new SearchResultItem(pUri, label)); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(result); } @Override public ImmutableList<SearchResultItem> wrapPropertySuggestResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, String prefix, int limit) { List<SearchResultItem> result = new ArrayList<SearchResultItem>(); while(resultSet.hasNext()){ QuerySolution sol = resultSet.nextSolution(); String pUri = sol.getResource("p").getURI(); String label = getPreferredLabel(sol); result.add(new SearchResultItem(pUri, label)); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(result); } @Override public String getEntitySearchSparqlQuery(String prefix, ImmutableList<String> searchPropertyUris, int limit) { //prepare property URIs list (with || as separator) String labelFilter = StringUtils.join(searchPropertyUris, "> || ", "?label_prop=<", "FILTER (", ">)"); int calculatedLimit = searchPropertyUris.size() * limit;//because we want the maximum possible number return SEARCH_ENTITY_QUERY_TEMPLATE.replace("[[QUERY]]", escapeQuery(prefix)) .replace("[[LABEL_PROPERTY_FILTER]]", labelFilter) .replace("[[LIMIT]]",String.valueOf(calculatedLimit)) .replace("[[LIMIT]]",String.valueOf(calculatedLimit)); } private String getPreferredLabel(QuerySolution sol){ Literal s1 = sol.getLiteral("score1"); Literal s2 = sol.getLiteral("score2"); if(s1!=null){ if(s2==null){ return sol.getLiteral("label1").getString(); }else{ if(s1.getDouble()>s2.getDouble()){ return sol.getLiteral("label1").getString(); }else{ return sol.getLiteral("label2").getString(); } } }else if(s2!=null){ return sol.getLiteral("label2").getString(); }else{ return ""; } } private String escapeQuery(String q){ String s = QueryParser.escape(q); return s.replaceAll("\\\\","\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("'", "\\\\'"); } /** * A (String, double) pair * @author fadmaa * */ protected static class ScoredLabel{ final String label; final double score; public ScoredLabel(String label, double score) { this.label = label; this.score = score; } public double getScore() { return score; } } private static final String SUGGEST_TYPE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX text:<> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?type ?label1 ?label2 " + "WHERE{" + "[] a ?type. " + "{" + "OPTIONAL {?type <> (?label1 '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]] ) . " + "?type <> ?label1 . }" + "OPTIONAL {?type <> (?label2 '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]] )." + "?type <> ?label2.} " + "FILTER (bound(?label1) || bound(?label2))" + "}" + "} LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; private static final String SUGGEST_PROPERTY_WITH_SPECIFIC_SUBJECT_TYPE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX text:<> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?label1 ?label2 " + "WHERE{" + "[] a <[[TYPE_URI]]>; " + "?p ?v. " + "{" + "OPTIONAL {?p <> (?label1 '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]]). " + "?p <> ?label1. }" + "OPTIONAL {?p <> (?label2 '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]]). " + "?p <> ?label2. }" + "FILTER (bound(?label1) || bound(?label2))" + "}" + "} LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; private static final String SUGGEST_PROPERTY_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX text:<> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?label1 ?label2 " + "WHERE{" + "[] ?p ?v. " + "{" + "OPTIONAL {?p <> (?label1 '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]]). " + "?p <> ?label1. }" + "OPTIONAL {?p <> (?label2 '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]]). " + "?p <> ?label2. }" + "FILTER (bound(?label1) || bound(?label2))" + "}" + "} LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; private static final String RECONCILE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "PREFIX text:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> "+ "SELECT ?entity ?label " + "WHERE" + "{" + "?entity ?p (?label '[[QUERY]]' [[LIMIT]])." + "?entity ?p ?label." + "[[LABEL_PROPERTY_FILTER]]" + "[[TYPE_FILTER]]" + "[[CONTEXT_FILTER]]" + " FILTER (isIRI(?entity))}GROUP BY ?entity ?label " + "LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; private static final String SINGLE_LABEL_PROPERTY_RECONCILE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX rdfs:<> " + "PREFIX text:<> " + "PREFIX rdf:<> "+ "SELECT ?entity ?label " + "WHERE " + "{ " + "?entity text:query (<[[LABEL_PROPERTY_URI]]> '[[QUERY]]' [[LIMIT]]) . " + "?entity <[[LABEL_PROPERTY_URI]]> ?label ." + "[[TYPE_FILTER]]" + "[[CONTEXT_FILTER]]" + "}GROUP BY ?entity ?label " + "ORDER BY DESC(?score1) LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; private static final String PROPERTY_FILTER = "?entity <[[PROPERTY_URI]]> [[VALUE]]. "; private static final String SAMPLE_INSTANCES_OF_TYPE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "SELECT ?entity (SAMPLE(?label) AS ?label1) " + "WHERE{" + "?entity a <[[TYPE_URI]]>. " + "?entity <[[PROPERTY_URI]]> ?label." + "}GROUP BY ?entity LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; private static final String SEARCH_ENTITY_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX text:<> " + "SELECT ?entity ?label " + "WHERE{" + "?entity ?label_prop (?label '[[QUERY]]*' [[LIMIT]]) . " + "?entity ?label_prop ?label . " + "[[LABEL_PROPERTY_FILTER]]. " + "} LIMIT [[LIMIT]]"; }