/** * This file is part of Graylog. * * Graylog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Graylog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Graylog. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.graylog2.plugin; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.Parameter; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.ValidationException; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.ValidatorMethod; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.util.Duration; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.PositiveDurationValidator; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.PositiveIntegerValidator; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.StringNotBlankValidator; import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.URIAbsoluteValidator; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.lmax.disruptor.BlockingWaitStrategy; import com.lmax.disruptor.BusySpinWaitStrategy; import com.lmax.disruptor.SleepingWaitStrategy; import com.lmax.disruptor.WaitStrategy; import com.lmax.disruptor.YieldingWaitStrategy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; @SuppressWarnings("FieldMayBeFinal") public abstract class BaseConfiguration { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseConfiguration.class); protected static final String WILDCARD_IP_ADDRESS = ""; protected static final int GRAYLOG_DEFAULT_PORT = 9000; protected static final int GRAYLOG_DEFAULT_WEB_PORT = 9000; @Parameter(value = "shutdown_timeout", validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) protected int shutdownTimeout = 30000; @Parameter(value = "rest_transport_uri", validator = URIAbsoluteValidator.class) private URI restTransportUri; @Parameter(value = "processbuffer_processors", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int processBufferProcessors = 5; @Parameter(value = "processor_wait_strategy", required = true) private String processorWaitStrategy = "blocking"; @Parameter(value = "ring_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int ringSize = 65536; @Parameter(value = "inputbuffer_ring_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int inputBufferRingSize = 65536; @Parameter(value = "inputbuffer_wait_strategy", required = true) private String inputBufferWaitStrategy = "blocking"; @Parameter(value = "rest_enable_cors") private boolean restEnableCors = true; @Parameter(value = "rest_enable_gzip") private boolean restEnableGzip = true; @Parameter(value = "rest_max_initial_line_length", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int restMaxInitialLineLength = 4096; @Parameter(value = "rest_max_header_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int restMaxHeaderSize = 8192; @Parameter(value = "rest_thread_pool_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int restThreadPoolSize = 16; @Parameter(value = "rest_selector_runners_count", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int restSelectorRunnersCount = 1; @Parameter(value = "rest_enable_tls") private boolean restEnableTls = false; @Parameter(value = "rest_tls_cert_file") private Path restTlsCertFile; @Parameter(value = "rest_tls_key_file") private Path restTlsKeyFile; @Parameter(value = "rest_tls_key_password") private String restTlsKeyPassword; @Parameter(value = "plugin_dir") private String pluginDir = "plugin"; @Parameter(value = "async_eventbus_processors") private int asyncEventbusProcessors = 2; @Parameter(value = "udp_recvbuffer_sizes", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int udpRecvBufferSizes = 1048576; @Parameter("message_journal_enabled") private boolean messageJournalEnabled = true; @Parameter("inputbuffer_processors") private int inputbufferProcessors = 2; @Parameter("message_recordings_enable") private boolean messageRecordingsEnable = false; @Parameter("disable_sigar") private boolean disableSigar = false; @Parameter(value = "http_proxy_uri") private URI httpProxyUri; @Parameter(value = "http_connect_timeout", validator = PositiveDurationValidator.class) private Duration httpConnectTimeout = Duration.seconds(5L); @Parameter(value = "http_write_timeout", validator = PositiveDurationValidator.class) private Duration httpWriteTimeout = Duration.seconds(10L); @Parameter(value = "http_read_timeout", validator = PositiveDurationValidator.class) private Duration httpReadTimeout = Duration.seconds(10L); @Parameter(value = "installation_source", validator = StringNotBlankValidator.class) private String installationSource = "unknown"; @Parameter(value = "web_enable") private boolean webEnable = true; @Parameter(value = "web_endpoint_uri") private URI webEndpointUri; @Parameter(value = "web_enable_cors") private boolean webEnableCors = false; @Parameter(value = "web_enable_gzip") private boolean webEnableGzip = true; @Parameter(value = "web_max_initial_line_length", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int webMaxInitialLineLength = 4096; @Parameter(value = "web_max_header_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int webMaxHeaderSize = 8192; @Parameter(value = "web_enable_tls") private boolean webEnableTls = false; @Parameter(value = "web_thread_pool_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int webThreadPoolSize = 16; @Parameter(value = "web_selector_runners_count", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int webSelectorRunnersCount = 1; @Parameter(value = "web_tls_cert_file") private Path webTlsCertFile; @Parameter(value = "web_tls_key_file") private Path webTlsKeyFile; @Parameter(value = "web_tls_key_password") private String webTlsKeyPassword; @Parameter(value = "proxied_requests_thread_pool_size", required = true, validator = PositiveIntegerValidator.class) private int proxiedRequestsThreadPoolSize = 32; public String getRestUriScheme() { return getUriScheme(isRestEnableTls()); } public String getWebUriScheme() { return getUriScheme(isWebEnableTls()); } public String getUriScheme(boolean enableTls) { return enableTls ? "https" : "http"; } public URI getRestTransportUri() { final URI defaultRestTransportUri = getDefaultRestTransportUri(); if (restTransportUri == null) { LOG.debug("No rest_transport_uri set. Using default [{}].", defaultRestTransportUri); return defaultRestTransportUri; } else if (WILDCARD_IP_ADDRESS.equals(restTransportUri.getHost())) { LOG.warn("\"{}\" is not a valid setting for \"rest_transport_uri\". Using default [{}].", restTransportUri, defaultRestTransportUri); return defaultRestTransportUri; } else { return Tools.normalizeURI(restTransportUri, restTransportUri.getScheme(), GRAYLOG_DEFAULT_PORT, "/"); } } public void setRestTransportUri(final URI restTransportUri) { this.restTransportUri = restTransportUri; } @VisibleForTesting protected URI getDefaultRestTransportUri() { final URI transportUri; final URI listenUri = getRestListenUri(); if (WILDCARD_IP_ADDRESS.equals(listenUri.getHost())) { final InetAddress guessedAddress; try { guessedAddress = Tools.guessPrimaryNetworkAddress(); if (guessedAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) { LOG.debug("Using loopback address {}", guessedAddress); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not guess primary network address for \"rest_transport_uri\". Please configure it in your Graylog configuration.", e); throw new RuntimeException("No rest_transport_uri.", e); } try { transportUri = new URI( listenUri.getScheme(), listenUri.getUserInfo(), guessedAddress.getHostAddress(), listenUri.getPort(), listenUri.getPath(), listenUri.getQuery(), listenUri.getFragment() ); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid rest_transport_uri.", e); } } else { transportUri = listenUri; } return transportUri; } public int getProcessBufferProcessors() { return processBufferProcessors; } private WaitStrategy getWaitStrategy(String waitStrategyName, String configOptionName) { switch (waitStrategyName) { case "sleeping": return new SleepingWaitStrategy(); case "yielding": return new YieldingWaitStrategy(); case "blocking": return new BlockingWaitStrategy(); case "busy_spinning": return new BusySpinWaitStrategy(); default: LOG.warn("Invalid setting for [{}]:" + " Falling back to default: BlockingWaitStrategy.", configOptionName); return new BlockingWaitStrategy(); } } public WaitStrategy getProcessorWaitStrategy() { return getWaitStrategy(processorWaitStrategy, "processbuffer_wait_strategy"); } public int getRingSize() { return ringSize; } public int getInputBufferRingSize() { return inputBufferRingSize; } public WaitStrategy getInputBufferWaitStrategy() { return getWaitStrategy(inputBufferWaitStrategy, "inputbuffer_wait_strategy"); } public boolean isRestEnableCors() { return restEnableCors; } public boolean isRestEnableGzip() { return restEnableGzip; } public int getRestMaxInitialLineLength() { return restMaxInitialLineLength; } public int getRestMaxHeaderSize() { return restMaxHeaderSize; } public int getRestThreadPoolSize() { return restThreadPoolSize; } public int getRestSelectorRunnersCount() { return restSelectorRunnersCount; } public boolean isRestEnableTls() { return restEnableTls; } public Path getRestTlsCertFile() { return restTlsCertFile; } public Path getRestTlsKeyFile() { return restTlsKeyFile; } public String getRestTlsKeyPassword() { return restTlsKeyPassword; } public String getPluginDir() { return pluginDir; } public int getAsyncEventbusProcessors() { return asyncEventbusProcessors; } public abstract String getNodeIdFile(); public abstract URI getRestListenUri(); public abstract URI getWebListenUri(); public boolean isMessageJournalEnabled() { return messageJournalEnabled; } public void setMessageJournalEnabled(boolean messageJournalEnabled) { this.messageJournalEnabled = messageJournalEnabled; } public int getInputbufferProcessors() { return inputbufferProcessors; } public int getShutdownTimeout() { return shutdownTimeout; } public int getUdpRecvBufferSizes() { return udpRecvBufferSizes; } public boolean isMessageRecordingsEnabled() { return messageRecordingsEnable; } public boolean isDisableSigar() { return disableSigar; } public URI getHttpProxyUri() { return httpProxyUri; } public Duration getHttpConnectTimeout() { return httpConnectTimeout; } public Duration getHttpWriteTimeout() { return httpWriteTimeout; } public Duration getHttpReadTimeout() { return httpReadTimeout; } public String getInstallationSource() { return installationSource; } public boolean isWebEnable() { return webEnable; } public boolean isRestAndWebOnSamePort() { final URI restListenUri = getRestListenUri(); final URI webListenUri = getWebListenUri(); try { final InetAddress restAddress = InetAddress.getByName(restListenUri.getHost()); final InetAddress webAddress = InetAddress.getByName(webListenUri.getHost()); return restListenUri.getPort() == webListenUri.getPort() && restAddress.equals(webAddress); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve hostnames of rest/web listen uris: ", e); } } public boolean isWebEnableCors() { return webEnableCors; } public boolean isWebEnableGzip() { return webEnableGzip; } public int getWebMaxInitialLineLength() { return webMaxInitialLineLength; } public int getWebMaxHeaderSize() { return webMaxHeaderSize; } public boolean isWebEnableTls() { return webEnableTls; } public int getWebThreadPoolSize() { return webThreadPoolSize; } public int getWebSelectorRunnersCount() { return webSelectorRunnersCount; } public Path getWebTlsCertFile() { return webTlsCertFile; } public Path getWebTlsKeyFile() { return webTlsKeyFile; } public String getWebTlsKeyPassword() { return webTlsKeyPassword; } public URI getWebEndpointUri() { return webEndpointUri == null ? getRestTransportUri() : webEndpointUri; } public String getWebPrefix() { final String webPrefix = getWebListenUri().getPath(); if (webPrefix.endsWith("/")) { return webPrefix.substring(0, webPrefix.length() - 1); } return webPrefix; } @ValidatorMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void validateRestTlsConfig() throws ValidationException { if(isRestEnableTls()) { if(!isRegularFileAndReadable(getRestTlsKeyFile())) { throw new ValidationException("Unreadable or missing REST API private key: " + getRestTlsKeyFile()); } if(!isRegularFileAndReadable(getRestTlsCertFile())) { throw new ValidationException("Unreadable or missing REST API X.509 certificate: " + getRestTlsCertFile()); } } } @ValidatorMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void validateWebTlsConfig() throws ValidationException { if(isWebEnableTls() && !isRestAndWebOnSamePort()) { if(!isRegularFileAndReadable(getWebTlsKeyFile())) { throw new ValidationException("Unreadable or missing web interface private key: " + getWebTlsKeyFile()); } if(!isRegularFileAndReadable(getWebTlsCertFile())) { throw new ValidationException("Unreadable or missing web interface X.509 certificate: " + getWebTlsCertFile()); } } } @ValidatorMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void validateRestAndWebListenConfigConflict() throws ValidationException { if (isRestAndWebOnSamePort() && getRestListenUri().getPath().equals(getWebListenUri().getPath())) { throw new ValidationException("If REST and Web interface are served on the same host/port, the path must be different!"); } } @ValidatorMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void validateWebAndRestHaveSameProtocolIfOnSamePort() throws ValidationException { if (isRestAndWebOnSamePort() && !getWebListenUri().getScheme().equals(getRestListenUri().getScheme())) { throw new ValidationException("If REST and Web interface are served on the same host/port, the protocols must be identical!"); } } private boolean isRegularFileAndReadable(Path path) { return path != null && Files.isRegularFile(path) && Files.isReadable(path); } }