package; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.Parser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Guicify Apache Commons CLI. * * Usages * * <pre> * {code * * // When creating Guice * * install(new OptionsModule() { * protected void configure() { * option("f") * .hasArg() * .withLongOpt("filename") * .annotatedWith(Filename.class); // no need to call create() * * } * }) * * // Inject into any class * * @Singleton * public class MyService { * @Inject * public MyService(@Filename String filename) { * } * } * * // You can also inject CommandLine directly * * @Singleton * public class MyService { * @Inject * public MyService(CommandLine commandLine) { * } * } * * } * </pre> * * @author elandau * */ public abstract class OptionsModule extends AbstractModule { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OptionsModule.class); private List<OptionBuilder> builders = Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean parserIsBound = false; /** * Non-static version of commons CLI OptionBuilder * * @author elandau */ protected class OptionBuilder { private String longopt; private String description; private String argName; private boolean required; private int numberOfArgs = Option.UNINITIALIZED; private Object type; private boolean optionalArg; private char valuesep; private String shortopt; private String defaultValue; private Class<? extends Annotation> annot; public OptionBuilder annotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annot) { this.annot = annot; return this; } public OptionBuilder withLongOpt(String longopt) { this.longopt = longopt; return this; } public OptionBuilder withShortOpt(char shortopt) { this.shortopt = Character.toString(shortopt); return this; } public OptionBuilder hasArg() { this.numberOfArgs = 1; return this; } public OptionBuilder hasArg(boolean hasArg) { this.numberOfArgs = hasArg ? 1 : Option.UNINITIALIZED; return this; } public OptionBuilder withArgName(String name) { this.argName = name; return this; } public OptionBuilder isRequired() { this.required = true; return this; } public OptionBuilder withValueSeparator(char sep) { this.valuesep = sep; return this; } public OptionBuilder withValueSeparator() { this.valuesep = '='; return this; } public OptionBuilder isRequired(boolean newRequired) { this.required = newRequired; return this; } public OptionBuilder hasArgs() { this.numberOfArgs = Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES; return this; } public OptionBuilder hasArgs(int num) { this.numberOfArgs = num; return this; } public OptionBuilder hasOptionalArg() { this.numberOfArgs = 1; this.optionalArg = true; return this; } public OptionBuilder hasOptionalArgs() { this.numberOfArgs = Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES; this.optionalArg = true; return this; } public OptionBuilder hasOptionalArgs(int numArgs) { this.numberOfArgs = numArgs; this.optionalArg = true; return this; } public OptionBuilder withType(Object newType) { this.type = newType; return this; } public OptionBuilder withDescription(String newDescription) { this.description = newDescription; return this; } public OptionBuilder withDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; return this; } Option create() throws IllegalArgumentException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(shortopt); Option option = null; // create the option option = new Option(shortopt, description); // set the option properties option.setLongOpt(longopt); option.setRequired(required); option.setOptionalArg(optionalArg); option.setArgs(numberOfArgs); option.setType(type); option.setValueSeparator(valuesep); option.setArgName(argName); // return the Option instance return option; } } /** * On injection of CommandLine execute the BasicParser * @author elandau */ @Singleton public static class CommandLineProvider implements Provider<CommandLine> { private final Options options; private final String[] arguments; private final Parser parser; @Inject public CommandLineProvider(Options options, @Main String[] arguments, Parser parser) { this.options = options; this.arguments = arguments; this.parser = parser; } @Override public CommandLine get() { try { return parser.parse(options, arguments); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ProvisionException("Error parsing command line arguments", e); } } } @Override protected final void configure() { configureOptions(); Options options = new Options(); for (OptionBuilder builder : builders) { Option option = builder.create(); if (builder.annot != null) { bind(String.class) .annotatedWith(builder.annot) .toProvider(new StringOptionProvider(option, builder.defaultValue)) .asEagerSingleton();"Binding option to annotation : " + builder.annot.getName()); } else { bind(String.class) .annotatedWith(Names.named(option.getOpt())) .toProvider(new StringOptionProvider(option, builder.defaultValue)) .asEagerSingleton();"Binding option to String : " + option.getOpt()); } options.addOption(option); } bind(Options.class).toInstance(options); bind(CommandLine.class).toProvider(CommandLineProvider.class); if (!parserIsBound) { bindParser().to(BasicParser.class); } } protected abstract void configureOptions(); /** * @param shortopt * @return Return a builder through which a single option may be configured */ protected OptionBuilder option(char shortopt) { OptionBuilder builder = new OptionBuilder().withShortOpt(shortopt); builders.add(builder); return builder; } /** * Bind any parser. BasicParser is used by default if no other parser is provided. */ protected AnnotatedBindingBuilder<Parser> bindParser() { parserIsBound = true; return bind(Parser.class); } }