/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.nutch.protocol.ftp; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.ParserInitializationException; import org.apache.nutch.crawl.CrawlDatum; import org.apache.nutch.protocol.Content; import org.apache.nutch.metadata.Metadata; import org.apache.nutch.net.protocols.HttpDateFormat; import org.apache.nutch.net.protocols.Response; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URL; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; /************************************ * FtpResponse.java mimics ftp replies as http response. * It tries its best to follow http's way for headers, response codes * as well as exceptions. * * Comments: * In this class, all FtpException*.java thrown by Client.java * and some important commons-net exceptions passed by Client.java * must have been properly dealt with. They'd better not be leaked * to the caller of this class. * * @author John Xing ***********************************/ public class FtpResponse { private String orig; private String base; private byte[] content; private static final byte[] EMPTY_CONTENT = new byte[0]; private int code; private Metadata headers = new Metadata(); private final Ftp ftp; private Configuration conf; /** Returns the response code. */ public int getCode() { return code; } /** Returns the value of a named header. */ public String getHeader(String name) { return headers.get(name); } public byte[] getContent() { return content; } public Content toContent() { return new Content(orig, base, (content != null ? content : EMPTY_CONTENT), getHeader(Response.CONTENT_TYPE), headers, this.conf); } public FtpResponse(URL url, CrawlDatum datum, Ftp ftp, Configuration conf) throws FtpException, IOException { this.orig = url.toString(); this.base = url.toString(); this.ftp = ftp; this.conf = conf; if (!"ftp".equals(url.getProtocol())) throw new FtpException("Not a ftp url:" + url); if (url.getPath() != url.getFile()) { if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("url.getPath() != url.getFile(): " + url); } } String path = "".equals(url.getPath()) ? "/" : url.getPath(); try { if (ftp.followTalk) { if (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.info("fetching "+url); } } else { if (Ftp.LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.trace("fetching "+url); } } InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(url.getHost()); // idled too long, remote server or ourselves may have timed out, // should start anew. if (ftp.client != null && ftp.keepConnection && ftp.renewalTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) { if (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.info("delete client because idled too long"); } ftp.client = null; } // start anew if needed if (ftp.client == null) { if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("start client"); } // the real client ftp.client = new Client(); // when to renew, take the lesser //ftp.renewalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() // + ((ftp.timeout<ftp.serverTimeout) ? ftp.timeout : ftp.serverTimeout); // timeout for control connection ftp.client.setDefaultTimeout(ftp.timeout); // timeout for data connection ftp.client.setDataTimeout(ftp.timeout); // follow ftp talk? if (ftp.followTalk) ftp.client.addProtocolCommandListener( new PrintCommandListener(ftp.LOG)); } // quit from previous site if at a different site now if (ftp.client.isConnected()) { InetAddress remoteAddress = ftp.client.getRemoteAddress(); if (!addr.equals(remoteAddress)) { if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("disconnect from "+remoteAddress +" before connect to "+addr); } // quit from current site ftp.client.logout(); ftp.client.disconnect(); } } // connect to current site if needed if (!ftp.client.isConnected()) { if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("connect to "+addr); } ftp.client.connect(addr); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.client.getReplyCode())) { ftp.client.disconnect(); if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.connect() failed: " + addr + " " + ftp.client.getReplyString()); } this.code = 500; // http Internal Server Error return; } if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("log into "+addr); } if (!ftp.client.login(ftp.userName, ftp.passWord)) { // login failed. // please note that some server may return 421 immediately // after USER anonymous, thus ftp.client.login() won't return false, // but throw exception, which then will be handled by caller // (not dealt with here at all) . ftp.client.disconnect(); if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.login() failed: "+addr); } this.code = 401; // http Unauthorized return; } // insist on binary file type if (!ftp.client.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE)) { ftp.client.logout(); ftp.client.disconnect(); if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.setFileType() failed: "+addr); } this.code = 500; // http Internal Server Error return; } if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("set parser for "+addr); } // SYST is valid only after login try { ftp.parser = null; String parserKey = ftp.client.getSystemName(); // some server reports as UNKNOWN Type: L8, but in fact UNIX Type: L8 if (parserKey.startsWith("UNKNOWN Type: L8")) parserKey = "UNIX Type: L8"; ftp.parser = (new DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory()) .createFileEntryParser(parserKey); } catch (FtpExceptionBadSystResponse e) { if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.getSystemName() failed: "+addr+" "+e); } ftp.parser = null; } catch (ParserInitializationException e) { // ParserInitializationException is RuntimeException defined in // org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.ParserInitializationException if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("createFileEntryParser() failed. "+addr+" "+e); } ftp.parser = null; } finally { if (ftp.parser == null) { // do not log as severe, otherwise // FetcherThread/RequestScheduler will abort if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.parser is null: "+addr); } ftp.client.logout(); ftp.client.disconnect(); this.code = 500; // http Internal Server Error return; } } } else { if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("use existing connection"); } } this.content = null; if (path.endsWith("/")) { getDirAsHttpResponse(path, datum.getModifiedTime()); } else { getFileAsHttpResponse(path, datum.getModifiedTime()); } // reset next renewalTime, take the lesser if (ftp.client != null && ftp.keepConnection) { ftp.renewalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + ((ftp.timeout<ftp.serverTimeout) ? ftp.timeout : ftp.serverTimeout); if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("reset renewalTime to " + HttpDateFormat.toString(ftp.renewalTime)); } } // getDirAsHttpResponse() or getFileAsHttpResponse() above // may have deleted ftp.client if (ftp.client != null && !ftp.keepConnection) { if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("disconnect from "+addr); } ftp.client.logout(); ftp.client.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { ftp.LOG.warn("Error: ", e); } // for any un-foreseen exception (run time exception or not), // do ultimate clean and leave ftp.client for garbage collection if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("delete client due to exception"); } ftp.client = null; // or do explicit garbage collection? // System.gc(); // can we be less dramatic, using the following instead? // probably unnecessary for our practical purpose here // try { // ftp.client.logout(); // ftp.client.disconnect(); // } throw new FtpException(e); //throw e; } } // get ftp file as http response private void getFileAsHttpResponse(String path, long lastModified) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream os = null; List list = null; try { // first get its possible attributes list = new LinkedList(); ftp.client.retrieveList(path, list, ftp.maxContentLength, ftp.parser); FTPFile ftpFile = (FTPFile) list.get(0); this.headers.set(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH, new Long(ftpFile.getSize()).toString()); this.headers.set(Response.LAST_MODIFIED, HttpDateFormat.toString(ftpFile.getTimestamp())); // don't retrieve the file if not changed. if (ftpFile.getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis() <= lastModified) { code = 304; return; } os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(ftp.BUFFER_SIZE); ftp.client.retrieveFile(path, os, ftp.maxContentLength); this.content = os.toByteArray(); // // approximate bytes sent and read // if (this.httpAccounting != null) { // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesSent(path.length()); // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesRead(this.content.length); // } this.code = 200; // http OK } catch (FtpExceptionControlClosedByForcedDataClose e) { // control connection is off, clean up // ftp.client.disconnect(); if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("delete client because server cut off control channel: "+e); } ftp.client = null; // in case this FtpExceptionControlClosedByForcedDataClose is // thrown by retrieveList() (not retrieveFile()) above, if (os == null) { // indicating throwing by retrieveList() //throw new FtpException("fail to get attibutes: "+path); if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn( "Please try larger maxContentLength for ftp.client.retrieveList(). " + e); } // in a way, this is our request fault this.code = 400; // http Bad request return; } FTPFile ftpFile = (FTPFile) list.get(0); this.headers.set(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH, new Long(ftpFile.getSize()).toString()); //this.headers.put("content-type", "text/html"); this.headers.set(Response.LAST_MODIFIED, HttpDateFormat.toString(ftpFile.getTimestamp())); this.content = os.toByteArray(); if (ftpFile.getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis() <= lastModified) { code = 304; return; } // // approximate bytes sent and read // if (this.httpAccounting != null) { // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesSent(path.length()); // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesRead(this.content.length); // } this.code = 200; // http OK } catch (FtpExceptionCanNotHaveDataConnection e) { if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.client.cwd(path))) { // it is not a file, but dir, so redirect as a dir this.headers.set(Response.LOCATION, path + "/"); this.code = 300; // http redirect // fixme, should we do ftp.client.cwd("/"), back to top dir? } else { // it is not a dir either this.code = 404; // http Not Found } } catch (FtpExceptionUnknownForcedDataClose e) { // Please note control channel is still live. // in a way, this is our request fault if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn( "Unrecognized reply after forced close of data channel. " + "If this is acceptable, please modify Client.java accordingly. " + e); } this.code = 400; // http Bad Request } } // get ftp dir list as http response private void getDirAsHttpResponse(String path, long lastModified) throws IOException { List list = new LinkedList(); try { // change to that dir first if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.client.cwd(path))) { this.code = 404; // http Not Found return; } // fixme, should we do ftp.client.cwd("/"), back to top dir? ftp.client.retrieveList(null, list, ftp.maxContentLength, ftp.parser); this.content = list2html(list, path, "/".equals(path) ? false : true); this.headers.set(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH, new Integer(this.content.length).toString()); this.headers.set(Response.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); // this.headers.put("Last-Modified", null); // // approximate bytes sent and read // if (this.httpAccounting != null) { // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesSent(path.length()); // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesRead(this.content.length); // } this.code = 200; // http OK } catch (FtpExceptionControlClosedByForcedDataClose e) { // control connection is off, clean up // ftp.client.disconnect(); if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) { Ftp.LOG.info("delete client because server cut off control channel: "+e); } ftp.client = null; this.content = list2html(list, path, "/".equals(path) ? false : true); this.headers.set(Response.CONTENT_LENGTH, new Integer(this.content.length).toString()); this.headers.set(Response.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); // this.headers.put("Last-Modified", null); // // approximate bytes sent and read // if (this.httpAccounting != null) { // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesSent(path.length()); // this.httpAccounting.incrementBytesRead(this.content.length); // } this.code = 200; // http OK } catch (FtpExceptionUnknownForcedDataClose e) { // Please note control channel is still live. // in a way, this is our request fault if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn( "Unrecognized reply after forced close of data channel. " + "If this is acceptable, please modify Client.java accordingly. " + e); } this.code = 400; // http Bad Request } catch (FtpExceptionCanNotHaveDataConnection e) { if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { Ftp.LOG.warn(""+ e); } this.code = 500; // http Iternal Server Error } } // generate html page from ftp dir list private byte[] list2html(List list, String path, boolean includeDotDot) { //StringBuffer x = new StringBuffer("<!doctype html public \"-//ietf//dtd html//en\"><html><head>"); StringBuffer x = new StringBuffer("<html><head>"); x.append("<title>Index of "+path+"</title></head>\n"); x.append("<body><h1>Index of "+path+"</h1><pre>\n"); if (includeDotDot) { x.append("<a href='../'>../</a>\t-\t-\t-\n"); } for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { FTPFile f = (FTPFile) list.get(i); String name = f.getName(); String time = HttpDateFormat.toString(f.getTimestamp()); if (f.isDirectory()) { // some ftp server LIST "." and "..", we skip them here if (name.equals(".") || name.equals("..")) continue; x.append("<a href='"+name+"/"+"'>"+name+"/</a>\t"); x.append(time+"\t-\n"); } else if (f.isFile()) { x.append("<a href='"+name+ "'>"+name+"</a>\t"); x.append(time+"\t"+f.getSize()+"\n"); } else { // ignore isSymbolicLink() // ignore isUnknown() } } x.append("</pre></body></html>\n"); return new String(x).getBytes(); } }