package; import; import; import; import; import; public class DefaultHigherLowerGame implements HigherLowerGame { private final Deck deck; private final CardGrid grid; private final int numberOfCards; private int cardsTurnedPlusOne = 1; private Card previous = null; @Inject public DefaultHigherLowerGame(Deck deck, CardGrid grid, @NumberOfCards int numberOfCards) { this.deck = deck; this.grid = grid; this.numberOfCards = numberOfCards; setTheStage(); } /** * Turn the next card. * @param guess the player's guess * @return whether the player was right or wrong */ public PlayerGuessResult displayNextCard(RelationshipToPreviousCard guess) { Card card = deck.turnCard(); grid.nextCard(card); cardsTurnedPlusOne++; RelationshipToPreviousCard actualRelationshipToPrevious = getRelationshipToPreviousCard(card); previous = card; if (actualRelationshipToPrevious == null) { return null; } return actualRelationshipToPrevious.equals(guess) ? PlayerGuessResult.RIGHT : PlayerGuessResult.WRONG; } /** * @return if the last card has been shown and the game is over */ public boolean isOver() { return cardsTurnedPlusOne > numberOfCards; } /** * @param card the current card * @return the relationship to the previous card, or @{code null} if the given card is the first one */ private RelationshipToPreviousCard getRelationshipToPreviousCard(Card card) { RelationshipToPreviousCard compare = null; if (previous != null) { if (card.compareTo(previous) < 0) { compare = RelationshipToPreviousCard.LOWER; } else if (card.compareTo(previous) > 0) { compare = RelationshipToPreviousCard.HIGHER; } else { compare = RelationshipToPreviousCard.EQUAL; } } return compare; } private void setTheStage() { this.deck.shuffle(); this.grid.reset(); } }