package org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.common.async; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.preferences.PreferencesHint; import; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.util.ViewUtil; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.core.util.EObjectAdapter; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Node; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View; import org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.common.genapi.IDiagramUpdater; import org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.common.genapi.IUpdaterNodeDescriptor; import org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.common.genapi.IVisualIDRegistry; public class SyncModelNode implements IAdaptable { private final SyncModelContext myContext; private View mySyncModelView; private List<SyncModelNode> myChildren; private SyncModelNode myParent; private View mySyncModelCompartment; private View myDiagramView; private boolean myIsAutoSynchronized; private boolean myIsChecked; public SyncModelNode(View syncModelRoot, View diagramRoot, SyncModelContext context) { this(syncModelRoot, (SyncModelNode) null, context); if (syncModelRoot == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (diagramRoot != null) { if (diagramRoot.getElement() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Diagram root should have an semantic element"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (!diagramRoot.getElement().equals(syncModelRoot.getElement())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Diagram root element : " + diagramRoot.getElement() + ", while SyncModel root element: " + syncModelRoot.getElement()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } initWithDiagramView(diagramRoot); } protected SyncModelNode(View syncModelView, SyncModelNode parent) { this(syncModelView, parent, parent.getContext()); } private SyncModelNode(View syncModelView, SyncModelNode parent, SyncModelContext context) { mySyncModelView = syncModelView; myParent = parent; if (myParent != null) { myParent.addChild(this); } myContext = context; } public boolean isRoot() { return getParent() == null; } public void setChecked(boolean isChecked) { myIsChecked = isChecked; } public boolean isChecked() { return myIsChecked; } public View getSyncModelView() { return mySyncModelView; } public View getDiagramView() { return myDiagramView; } public boolean isKnownLeaf() { int visualID = getContext().getRegistry().getVisualID(mySyncModelView); return getContext().getRegistry().isSemanticLeafVisualID(visualID); } public boolean isInCompartment() { return mySyncModelCompartment != null; } public View getSyncModelCompartment() { return mySyncModelCompartment; } public boolean isAutoSynchronized() { return myIsAutoSynchronized; } public void setAutoSynchronized(boolean isAutoSynchronized) { myIsAutoSynchronized = isAutoSynchronized; } public List<SyncModelNode> getChildren() { if (myChildren == null) { myChildren = new LinkedList<SyncModelNode>(); createSyncModelChildren(); if (myChildren.isEmpty()) { myChildren = Collections.emptyList(); } } return myChildren; } public SyncModelNode getParent() { return myParent; } private void setCompartment(View compartment) { mySyncModelCompartment = compartment; } public SyncModelContext getContext() { return myContext; } private IDiagramUpdater getUpdater() { return myContext.getUpdater(); } private PreferencesHint getPreferencesHint() { return myContext.getPreferencesHint(); } private void addChild(SyncModelNode child) { myChildren.add(child); } private void createSyncModelChildren() { myContext.runCommand(new Runnable() { public void run() { doCreateSyncModelChildren(); } }); } private void doCreateSyncModelChildren() { List<View> directChildren = createChildViews(mySyncModelView, myDiagramView); for (View nextDirect : directChildren) { SyncModelNode child = doCreateNodeView(nextDirect, this); View diagramCounterpart = findCounterpart(nextDirect, myDiagramView); child.initWithDiagramView(diagramCounterpart); } for (Object next : mySyncModelView.getChildren()) { View nextSyncCompartment = (View) next; if (isCompartment(nextSyncCompartment)) { View diagramCompartment = findCounterpart(nextSyncCompartment, myDiagramView); List<View> syncCompartmentChildren = createChildViews(nextSyncCompartment, diagramCompartment); for (View nextCompartmentChild : syncCompartmentChildren) { SyncModelNode nextResult = doCreateNodeView(nextCompartmentChild, this); nextResult.setCompartment(nextSyncCompartment); View diagramCounterpart = findCounterpart(nextCompartmentChild, diagramCompartment); nextResult.initWithDiagramView(diagramCounterpart); } } } } protected SyncModelNode doCreateNodeView(View syncModelView, SyncModelNode parent) { return new SyncModelNode(syncModelView, parent); } private boolean isCompartment(View view) { IVisualIDRegistry registry = getContext().getRegistry(); int visualId = registry.getVisualID(view); return registry.isCompartmentVisualID(visualId); } private List<View> createChildViews(View syncModelParent, View diagramViewParent) { List<? extends IUpdaterNodeDescriptor> descriptors = getUpdater().getSemanticChildren(syncModelParent); List<View> result = new LinkedList<View>(); for (Object next : descriptors) { IUpdaterNodeDescriptor nextDescriptor = (IUpdaterNodeDescriptor) next; EObject nextSemanticChild = nextDescriptor.getModelElement(); View nextView = null; if (diagramViewParent != null) { List<?> children = diagramViewParent.getChildren(); boolean found = false; for (Iterator<?> iter = children.iterator(); !found && iter.hasNext();) { View nextDiagramChild = (View); if (nextDiagramChild.getElement() != null && // nextDiagramChild.getElement().equals(nextSemanticChild)) { nextView = ViewService.createNode(syncModelParent,// nextSemanticChild, nextDiagramChild.getType(), getPreferencesHint()); found = true; } } } if (nextView == null) { nextView = ViewService.getInstance().createView(Node.class, // new EObjectAdapter(nextSemanticChild), syncModelParent, null, // ViewUtil.APPEND, true, getPreferencesHint()); } if (nextView != null) { result.add(nextView); } } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) { if (adapter.equals(View.class)) { return mySyncModelView; } if (adapter.isInstance(this)) { return this; } return null; } public static View findCounterpart(View syncChild, View diagramParent) { if (diagramParent == null) { return null; } for (Object nextChild : diagramParent.getChildren()) { View nextDiagramChild = (View) nextChild; if (isCounterparts(syncChild, nextDiagramChild)) { return nextDiagramChild; } } return null; } public static boolean isCounterparts(View syncView, View diagramView) { if (syncView.getType() == null || diagramView.getType() == null) { return false; } if (!syncView.getType().equals(diagramView.getType())) { return false; } if (syncView.getElement() == null) { //compartment return diagramView.getElement() == null; } return syncView.getElement().equals(diagramView.getElement()); } public void applyCanonicalStyle() { checkHasDiagramView(); applyCanonicalStyle(getDiagramView()); } private void applyCanonicalStyle(View view) { if (isKnownLeaf()) { return; } doApplyCanonicalStyle(view); for (Object nextChild : view.getChildren()) { View nextChildView = (View) nextChild; if (isCompartment(nextChildView)) { doApplyCanonicalStyle(nextChildView); } } } private void doApplyCanonicalStyle(View target) { ICanonicalHelper.IMPLEMENTATION.setAutoSynchronized(target, isAutoSynchronized()); } protected void initWithDiagramView(View diagramView) { myDiagramView = diagramView; if (myDiagramView != null) { setChecked(true); myIsAutoSynchronized = ICanonicalHelper.IMPLEMENTATION.isAutoSynchronized(myDiagramView); } else { myIsAutoSynchronized = getContext().isDiagramInitialization(); setChecked(getContext().isDiagramInitialization()); } if (isKnownLeaf()) { myIsAutoSynchronized = false; } } private void checkHasDiagramView() { if (getDiagramView() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("I am not associated with diagram view:" + getSyncModelView()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /*package*/void associateWithDiagramView(View diagramView) { myDiagramView = diagramView; } /*package*/void setChosenSyncModelViewType(String type) { if (type == null || mySyncModelView.getType().equals(type)) { return; } myParent.setChildTypeHint(this, type); } private void forseChildrenRecreation() { myChildren = null; getChildren(); } private void correctChildrenStatus(NodeInfo nodeInfo) { List<SyncModelNode> newChildren = getChildren(); for (SyncModelNode newChild : newChildren) { boolean found = false; for (NodeInfo oldChild : nodeInfo.getChildren()) { if (newChild.getSyncModelView().getElement().equals(oldChild.getSemanticElement())) { newChild.setAutoSynchronized(oldChild.isAutoSynchronized()); newChild.setChecked(oldChild.isChecked()); newChild.correctChildrenStatus(oldChild); found = true; } } if (!found) { newChild.setAutoSynchronized(false); newChild.setChecked(false); } } } private void setChildTypeHint(final SyncModelNode childNode, final String type) { final NodeInfo nodeInfo = collectNodeInfo(childNode); final EObject semanticElement = childNode.getSyncModelView().getElement(); ViewUtil.destroy(childNode.getSyncModelView()); myContext.runCommand(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { childNode.mySyncModelView = ViewService.createNode(mySyncModelView, semanticElement, type, getPreferencesHint()); childNode.forseChildrenRecreation(); childNode.correctChildrenStatus(nodeInfo); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } private NodeInfo collectNodeInfo(SyncModelNode node) { NodeInfo result = new NodeInfo(node.mySyncModelView.getElement(), node.isChecked(), node.isAutoSynchronized(), new LinkedList<NodeInfo>()); for (SyncModelNode child : node.getChildren()) { NodeInfo childNodeInfo = collectNodeInfo(child); result.getChildren().add(childNodeInfo); } return result; } private static class NodeInfo { private final EObject mySemanticElement; private final boolean myIsChecked; private final boolean myIsAutoSynchronized; private final List<NodeInfo> myChildren; public NodeInfo(EObject mySemanticElement, boolean isChecked, boolean isAutoSynchronized, List<NodeInfo> myChildren) { super(); this.mySemanticElement = mySemanticElement; this.myIsChecked = isChecked; this.myIsAutoSynchronized = isAutoSynchronized; this.myChildren = myChildren; } public EObject getSemanticElement() { return mySemanticElement; } public boolean isChecked() { return myIsChecked; } public boolean isAutoSynchronized() { return myIsAutoSynchronized; } public List<NodeInfo> getChildren() { return myChildren; } } }