/* * Copyright 2016-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glowroot.central.repo; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.KeyspaceMetadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import com.datastax.driver.core.TableMetadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationInQueryException; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.glowroot.common.config.CentralStorageConfig; import org.glowroot.common.config.ConfigDefaults; import org.glowroot.common.config.ImmutableCentralWebConfig; import org.glowroot.common.config.PermissionParser; import org.glowroot.common.util.ObjectMappers; import org.glowroot.common.util.PropertiesFiles; import org.glowroot.wire.api.model.AgentConfigOuterClass.AgentConfig; import org.glowroot.wire.api.model.AgentConfigOuterClass.AgentConfig.AdvancedConfig; import org.glowroot.wire.api.model.AgentConfigOuterClass.AgentConfig.UiConfig; import org.glowroot.wire.api.model.Proto.OptionalInt32; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; public class SchemaUpgrade { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaUpgrade.class); // log startup messages using logger name "org.glowroot" private static final Logger startupLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.glowroot"); private static final ObjectMapper mapper = ObjectMappers.create(); private static final int CURR_SCHEMA_VERSION = 21; private static final String WITH_LCS = "with compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }"; private final Session session; private final KeyspaceMetadata keyspace; private final boolean servlet; private final PreparedStatement insertPS; private final @Nullable Integer initialSchemaVersion; private boolean reloadCentralConfiguration; public SchemaUpgrade(Session session, KeyspaceMetadata keyspace, boolean servlet) { this.session = session; this.keyspace = keyspace; this.servlet = servlet; session.execute("create table if not exists schema_version (one int, schema_version int," + " primary key (one)) " + WITH_LCS); insertPS = session.prepare("insert into schema_version (one, schema_version) values (?, ?)"); initialSchemaVersion = getSchemaVersion(session, keyspace); } public @Nullable Integer getInitialSchemaVersion() { return initialSchemaVersion; } public void upgrade() throws Exception { checkNotNull(initialSchemaVersion); if (initialSchemaVersion == CURR_SCHEMA_VERSION) { return; } if (initialSchemaVersion > CURR_SCHEMA_VERSION) { startupLogger.warn("running an older version of glowroot central on a newer glowroot" + " central schema, this could be problematic"); return; } startupLogger.info("upgrading cassandra schema from version {}...", initialSchemaVersion); // 0.9.1 to 0.9.2 if (initialSchemaVersion < 2) { renameAgentColumnFromSystemInfoToEnvironment(); updateSchemaVersion(2); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 3) { updateRoles(); updateSchemaVersion(3); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 4) { addConfigUpdateColumns(); updateSchemaVersion(4); } // 0.9.2 to 0.9.3 if (initialSchemaVersion < 6) { revertCompressionChunkLength(); addTraceEntryColumns(); updateSchemaVersion(6); } // 0.9.5 to 0.9.6 if (initialSchemaVersion < 7) { renameServerConfigTable(); updateSchemaVersion(7); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 8) { addAgentOneTable(); updateSchemaVersion(8); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 9) { addAgentRollupColumn(); updateSchemaVersion(9); } // 0.9.6 to 0.9.7 if (initialSchemaVersion < 11) { updateDtcsTwcsGcSeconds(); updateSchemaVersion(11); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 12) { updateGcSeconds(); updateSchemaVersion(12); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 13) { updateAgentRollup(); updateSchemaVersion(13); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 14) { addTracePointPartialColumn(); updateSchemaVersion(14); } // 0.9.9 to 0.9.10 if (initialSchemaVersion < 15) { splitUpAgentTable(); updateSchemaVersion(15); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 16) { initialPopulationOfConfigForRollups(); updateSchemaVersion(16); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 17) { redoOnTriggeredAlertTable(); updateSchemaVersion(17); } // 0.9.10 to 0.9.11 if (initialSchemaVersion < 18) { addSyntheticMonitorAndAlertPermissions(); updateSchemaVersion(18); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 19) { anotherRedoOnTriggeredAlertTable(); updateSchemaVersion(19); } // 0.9.15 to 0.9.16 if (initialSchemaVersion < 20) { yetAnotherRedoOnTriggeredAlertTable(); updateSchemaVersion(20); } if (initialSchemaVersion < 21) { updateWebConfig(); updateSchemaVersion(21); } // when adding new schema upgrade, make sure to update CURR_SCHEMA_VERSION above startupLogger.info("upgraded cassandra schema to version {}", CURR_SCHEMA_VERSION); } public boolean reloadCentralConfiguration() { return reloadCentralConfiguration; } public void updateSchemaVersionToCurent() { updateSchemaVersion(CURR_SCHEMA_VERSION); } public void updateToMoreRecentCassandraOptions(CentralStorageConfig storageConfig) { List<String> snappyTableNames = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> dtcsTableNames = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> twcsTableNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TableMetadata table : keyspace.getTables()) { String compression = table.getOptions().getCompression().get("class"); if (compression != null && compression.equals("org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.SnappyCompressor")) { snappyTableNames.add(compression); } String compaction = table.getOptions().getCompaction().get("class"); if (compaction != null && compaction .equals("org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.DateTieredCompactionStrategy")) { dtcsTableNames.add(table.getName()); } if (compaction != null && compaction .equals("org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowCompactionStrategy")) { String windowUnit = table.getOptions().getCompaction().get("compaction_window_unit"); String windowSize = table.getOptions().getCompaction().get("compaction_window_size"); int expirationHours = getExpirationHoursForTable(table.getName(), storageConfig); if (expirationHours == -1) { // warning already logged above inside getExpirationHoursForTable() } else { // this calculation is done to match same calculation below int windowSizeHours = expirationHours / 24; if (!"HOURS".equals(windowUnit) || !Integer.toString(windowSizeHours).equals(windowSize)) { twcsTableNames.add(table.getName()); } } } } int snappyUpdatedCount = 0; for (String tableName : snappyTableNames) { session.execute("alter table " + tableName + " with compression = { 'class' : 'LZ4Compressor' }"); if (snappyUpdatedCount++ == 0) { startupLogger.info("upgrading from Snappy to LZ4 compression..."); } } if (snappyUpdatedCount > 0) { startupLogger.info("upgraded {} tables from Snappy to LZ4 compression", snappyUpdatedCount); } int dtcsUpdatedCount = 0; for (String tableName : dtcsTableNames) { try { int expirationHours = getExpirationHoursForTable(tableName, storageConfig); if (expirationHours == -1) { // warning already logged above inside getExpirationHoursForTable() continue; } // "Ideally, operators should select a compaction_window_unit and // compaction_window_size pair that produces approximately 20-30 windows" // (http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/operating/compaction.html) int windowSizeHours = expirationHours / 24; session.execute("alter table " + tableName + " with compaction = { 'class' :" + " 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy', 'compaction_window_unit' : 'HOURS'," + " 'compaction_window_size' : '" + windowSizeHours + "' }"); if (dtcsUpdatedCount++ == 0) { startupLogger.info("upgrading from DateTieredCompactionStrategy to" + " TimeWindowCompactionStrategy compression..."); } } catch (InvalidConfigurationInQueryException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); // TimeWindowCompactionStrategy is only supported by Cassandra 3.8+ break; } } int twcsUpdatedCount = 0; for (String tableName : twcsTableNames) { int expirationHours = getExpirationHoursForTable(tableName, storageConfig); if (expirationHours == -1) { // warning already logged above inside getExpirationHoursForTable() continue; } // "Ideally, operators should select a compaction_window_unit and // compaction_window_size pair that produces approximately 20-30 windows" // (http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/operating/compaction.html) int windowSizeHours = expirationHours / 24; session.execute("alter table " + tableName + " with compaction = { 'class' :" + " 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy', 'compaction_window_unit' : 'HOURS'," + " 'compaction_window_size' : '" + windowSizeHours + "' }"); if (twcsUpdatedCount++ == 0) { startupLogger.info("updating TimeWindowCompactionStrategy compaction windows..."); } } if (dtcsUpdatedCount > 0) { startupLogger.info("upgraded {} tables from DateTieredCompactionStrategy to" + " TimeWindowCompactionStrategy compaction", dtcsUpdatedCount); } if (twcsUpdatedCount > 0) { startupLogger.info( "updated TimeWindowCompactionStrategy compaction window on {} tables", twcsUpdatedCount); } } private void updateSchemaVersion(int schemaVersion) { BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setInt(0, 1); boundStatement.setInt(1, schemaVersion); session.execute(boundStatement); } private void renameAgentColumnFromSystemInfoToEnvironment() { if (!columnExists("agent", "system_info")) { // previously failed mid-upgrade prior to updating schema version return; } addColumnIfNotExists("agent", "environment", "blob"); ResultSet results = session.execute("select agent_id, system_info from agent"); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare("insert into agent (agent_id, environment) values (?, ?)"); for (Row row : results) { BoundStatement boundStatement = preparedStatement.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, row.getString(0)); boundStatement.setBytes(1, row.getBytes(1)); session.execute(boundStatement); } session.execute("alter table agent drop system_info"); } private void updateRoles() { PreparedStatement insertPS = session.prepare("insert into role (name, permissions) values (?, ?)"); ResultSet results = session.execute("select name, permissions from role"); for (Row row : results) { String name = row.getString(0); Set<String> permissions = row.getSet(1, String.class); Set<String> upgradedPermissions = upgradePermissions(permissions); if (upgradedPermissions == null) { continue; } BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, name); boundStatement.setSet(1, upgradedPermissions, String.class); session.execute(boundStatement); } } private void addConfigUpdateColumns() { addColumnIfNotExists("agent", "config_update", "boolean"); addColumnIfNotExists("agent", "config_update_token", "uuid"); } private void revertCompressionChunkLength() { try { // try with compression options for Cassandra 3.x // see https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.3/cql/cql_reference/compressSubprop.html session.execute("alter table trace_entry with compression = {'class':" + " 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor', 'chunk_length_kb' :" + " 64};"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationInQueryException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); // try with compression options for Cassandra 2.x // see https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.1/cql/cql_reference/compressSubprop.html session.execute("alter table trace_entry with compression = {'sstable_compression':" + " 'SnappyCompressor', 'chunk_length_kb' : 64};"); } } private void addTraceEntryColumns() { addColumnIfNotExists("trace_entry", "shared_query_text_index", "int"); addColumnIfNotExists("trace_entry", "query_message_prefix", "varchar"); addColumnIfNotExists("trace_entry", "query_message_suffix", "varchar"); } private void renameServerConfigTable() throws InterruptedException { if (!tableExists("server_config")) { // previously failed mid-upgrade prior to updating schema version return; } session.execute("create table if not exists central_config (key varchar, value varchar," + " primary key (key)) " + WITH_LCS); ResultSet results = session.execute("select key, value from server_config"); PreparedStatement insertPS = session.prepare("insert into central_config (key, value) values (?, ?)"); for (Row row : results) { BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, row.getString(0)); boundStatement.setString(1, row.getString(1)); session.execute(boundStatement); } dropTable("server_config"); } private void addAgentOneTable() throws InterruptedException { if (!tableExists("agent_rollup")) { // previously failed mid-upgrade prior to updating schema version return; } session.execute("create table if not exists agent_one (one int, agent_id varchar," + " agent_rollup varchar, primary key (one, agent_id)) " + WITH_LCS); ResultSet results = session.execute("select agent_rollup from agent_rollup"); PreparedStatement insertPS = session.prepare("insert into agent_one (one, agent_id) values (1, ?)"); for (Row row : results) { BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, row.getString(0)); session.execute(boundStatement); } dropTable("agent_rollup"); } private void addAgentRollupColumn() { addColumnIfNotExists("agent", "agent_rollup", "varchar"); } private void updateDtcsTwcsGcSeconds() { for (TableMetadata table : keyspace.getTables()) { String compaction = table.getOptions().getCompaction().get("class"); if (compaction == null) { continue; } if (compaction.equals("org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.DateTieredCompactionStrategy") || compaction.equals( "org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowCompactionStrategy")) { // see gc_grace_seconds related comments in Sessions.createTableWithTWCS() // for reasoning behind the value of 1 day session.execute("alter table " + table.getName() + " with gc_grace_seconds = " + DAYS.toSeconds(1)); } } } private void updateGcSeconds() { // reduce from default 10 days to 3 hours // // since rollup operations are idempotent, any records resurrected after gc_grace_seconds // would just create extra work, but not have any other effect // // 3 hours is chosen to match default max_hint_window_in_ms since hints are stored // with a TTL of gc_grace_seconds // (see http://www.uberobert.com/cassandra_gc_grace_disables_hinted_handoff) long gcGraceSeconds = HOURS.toSeconds(3); if (tableExists("aggregate_needs_rollup_from_child")) { session.execute("alter table aggregate_needs_rollup_from_child with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); } session.execute( "alter table aggregate_needs_rollup_1 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); session.execute( "alter table aggregate_needs_rollup_2 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); session.execute( "alter table aggregate_needs_rollup_3 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); if (tableExists("gauge_needs_rollup_from_child")) { session.execute("alter table gauge_needs_rollup_from_child with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); } session.execute( "alter table gauge_needs_rollup_1 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); session.execute( "alter table gauge_needs_rollup_2 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); session.execute( "alter table gauge_needs_rollup_3 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); session.execute( "alter table gauge_needs_rollup_4 with gc_grace_seconds = " + gcGraceSeconds); } private void updateAgentRollup() throws InterruptedException { if (!tableExists("agent_one")) { // previously failed mid-upgrade prior to updating schema version return; } session.execute("create table if not exists agent_rollup (one int, agent_rollup_id varchar," + " parent_agent_rollup_id varchar, agent boolean, display varchar," + " last_capture_time timestamp, primary key (one, agent_rollup_id)) " + WITH_LCS); ResultSet results = session.execute("select agent_id, agent_rollup from agent_one"); PreparedStatement insertPS = session.prepare("insert into agent_rollup (one," + " agent_rollup_id, parent_agent_rollup_id, agent) values (1, ?, ?, ?)"); Set<String> parentAgentRollupIds = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Row row : results) { String agentRollupId = row.getString(0); String parentAgentRollupId = row.getString(1); BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); int i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++, agentRollupId); boundStatement.setString(i++, parentAgentRollupId); boundStatement.setBool(i++, true); session.execute(boundStatement); if (parentAgentRollupId != null) { parentAgentRollupIds.addAll(AgentDao.getAgentRollupIds(parentAgentRollupId)); } } for (String parentAgentRollupId : parentAgentRollupIds) { int index = parentAgentRollupId.lastIndexOf('/'); String parentOfParentAgentRollupId = index == -1 ? null : parentAgentRollupId.substring(0, index); BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); int i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++, parentAgentRollupId); boundStatement.setString(i++, parentOfParentAgentRollupId); boundStatement.setBool(i++, false); session.execute(boundStatement); } session.execute("alter table agent drop agent_rollup"); dropTable("agent_one"); } private void addTracePointPartialColumn() { addColumnIfNotExists("trace_tt_slow_point", "partial", "boolean"); addColumnIfNotExists("trace_tn_slow_point", "partial", "boolean"); addColumnIfNotExists("trace_tt_error_point", "partial", "boolean"); addColumnIfNotExists("trace_tn_error_point", "partial", "boolean"); } private void splitUpAgentTable() throws InterruptedException { session.execute("create table if not exists config (agent_rollup_id varchar, config blob," + " config_update boolean, config_update_token uuid, primary key" + " (agent_rollup_id)) " + WITH_LCS); session.execute("create table if not exists environment (agent_id varchar," + " environment blob, primary key (agent_id)) " + WITH_LCS); ResultSet results = session.execute("select agent_rollup_id, agent from agent_rollup where one = 1"); List<String> agentIds = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Row row : results) { if (row.getBool(1)) { agentIds.add(checkNotNull(row.getString(0))); } } PreparedStatement readPS = session.prepare("select environment, config, config_update," + " config_update_token from agent where agent_id = ?"); PreparedStatement insertEnvironmentPS = session.prepare("insert into environment (agent_id, environment) values (?, ?)"); PreparedStatement insertConfigPS = session.prepare("insert into config (agent_rollup_id," + " config, config_update, config_update_token) values (?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (String agentId : agentIds) { BoundStatement boundStatement = readPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentId); results = session.execute(boundStatement); Row row = results.one(); if (row == null) { logger.warn("agent record not found for agent id: {}", agentId); continue; } int i = 0; ByteBuffer environmentBytes = checkNotNull(row.getBytes(i++)); ByteBuffer configBytes = checkNotNull(row.getBytes(i++)); boolean configUpdate = row.getBool(i++); UUID configUpdateToken = row.getUUID(i++); boundStatement = insertEnvironmentPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentId); boundStatement.setBytes(1, environmentBytes); session.execute(boundStatement); boundStatement = insertConfigPS.bind(); i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++, agentId); boundStatement.setBytes(i++, configBytes); boundStatement.setBool(i++, configUpdate); boundStatement.setUUID(i++, configUpdateToken); session.execute(boundStatement); } dropTable("agent"); } private void initialPopulationOfConfigForRollups() { ResultSet results = session.execute("select agent_rollup_id, parent_agent_rollup_id, agent" + " from agent_rollup where one = 1"); List<String> agentRollupIds = Lists.newArrayList(); Multimap<String, String> childAgentIds = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Row row : results) { int i = 0; String agentRollupId = row.getString(i++); String parentAgentRollupId = row.getString(i++); boolean agent = row.getBool(i++); if (!agent) { agentRollupIds.add(checkNotNull(agentRollupId)); } if (parentAgentRollupId != null) { childAgentIds.put(parentAgentRollupId, agentRollupId); } } AgentConfig defaultAgentConfig = AgentConfig.newBuilder() .setUiConfig(UiConfig.newBuilder() .setDefaultDisplayedTransactionType( ConfigDefaults.DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_TRANSACTION_TYPE) .addDefaultDisplayedPercentile( ConfigDefaults.DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PERCENTILE_1) .addDefaultDisplayedPercentile( ConfigDefaults.DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PERCENTILE_2) .addDefaultDisplayedPercentile( ConfigDefaults.DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PERCENTILE_3)) .setAdvancedConfig(AdvancedConfig.newBuilder() .setMaxAggregateQueriesPerType(OptionalInt32.newBuilder() .setValue(ConfigDefaults.MAX_AGGREGATE_QUERIES_PER_TYPE)) .setMaxAggregateServiceCallsPerType(OptionalInt32.newBuilder() .setValue(ConfigDefaults.MAX_AGGREGATE_SERVICE_CALLS_PER_TYPE))) .build(); PreparedStatement readPS = session.prepare("select config from config where agent_rollup_id = ?"); PreparedStatement insertPS = session.prepare("insert into config (agent_rollup_id, config) values (?, ?)"); for (String agentRollupId : agentRollupIds) { Iterator<String> iterator = childAgentIds.get(agentRollupId).iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { logger.warn("could not find a child agent for rollup: {}", agentRollupId); BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentRollupId); boundStatement.setBytes(1, ByteBuffer.wrap(defaultAgentConfig.toByteArray())); session.execute(boundStatement); continue; } String childAgentId = iterator.next(); BoundStatement boundStatement = readPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, childAgentId); Row row = session.execute(boundStatement).one(); boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentRollupId); if (row == null) { logger.warn("could not find config for agent id: {}", childAgentId); boundStatement.setBytes(1, ByteBuffer.wrap(defaultAgentConfig.toByteArray())); } else { try { AgentConfig agentConfig = AgentConfig .parseFrom(ByteString.copyFrom(checkNotNull(row.getBytes(0)))); AdvancedConfig advancedConfig = agentConfig.getAdvancedConfig(); AgentConfig rollupAgentConfig = AgentConfig.newBuilder() .setUiConfig(agentConfig.getUiConfig()) .setAdvancedConfig(AdvancedConfig.newBuilder() .setMaxAggregateQueriesPerType( advancedConfig.getMaxAggregateQueriesPerType()) .setMaxAggregateServiceCallsPerType( advancedConfig.getMaxAggregateServiceCallsPerType())) .build(); boundStatement.setBytes(1, ByteBuffer.wrap(rollupAgentConfig.toByteArray())); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); boundStatement.setBytes(1, ByteBuffer.wrap(defaultAgentConfig.toByteArray())); } } session.execute(boundStatement); } } private void redoOnTriggeredAlertTable() throws InterruptedException { if (columnExists("triggered_alert", "alert_config_id")) { // previously failed mid-upgrade prior to updating schema version return; } dropTable("triggered_alert"); session.execute("create table if not exists triggered_alert (agent_rollup_id varchar," + " alert_config_id varchar, primary key (agent_rollup_id, alert_config_id)) " + WITH_LCS); } private void addSyntheticMonitorAndAlertPermissions() { PreparedStatement insertPS = session.prepare("insert into role (name, permissions) values (?, ?)"); ResultSet results = session.execute("select name, permissions from role"); for (Row row : results) { String name = row.getString(0); Set<String> permissions = row.getSet(1, String.class); Set<String> permissionsToBeAdded = upgradePermissions2(permissions); if (permissionsToBeAdded.isEmpty()) { continue; } permissions.addAll(permissionsToBeAdded); BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, name); boundStatement.setSet(1, permissions, String.class); session.execute(boundStatement); } } private void anotherRedoOnTriggeredAlertTable() throws InterruptedException { if (columnExists("triggered_alert", "alert_id")) { // previously failed mid-upgrade prior to updating schema version return; } dropTable("triggered_alert"); session.execute("create table if not exists triggered_alert (agent_rollup_id varchar," + " alert_id varchar, primary key (agent_rollup_id, alert_id)) " + WITH_LCS); } private void yetAnotherRedoOnTriggeredAlertTable() throws InterruptedException { dropTable("triggered_alert"); session.execute("create table if not exists triggered_alert (agent_rollup_id varchar," + " alert_condition blob, primary key (agent_rollup_id, alert_condition)) " + WITH_LCS); } private void updateWebConfig() throws IOException { ResultSet results = session.execute("select value from central_config where key = 'web'"); Row row = results.one(); JsonNode webConfigNode; if (row == null) { webConfigNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); } else { String webConfigText = row.getString(0); if (webConfigText == null) { webConfigNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); } else { webConfigNode = mapper.readTree(webConfigText); } } if (!servlet && updateCentralConfigurationPropertiesFile(webConfigNode)) { reloadCentralConfiguration = true; } ImmutableCentralWebConfig.Builder builder = ImmutableCentralWebConfig.builder(); JsonNode sessionTimeoutMinutesNode = webConfigNode.get("sessionTimeoutMinutes"); if (sessionTimeoutMinutesNode != null) { builder.sessionTimeoutMinutes(sessionTimeoutMinutesNode.intValue()); } JsonNode sessionCookieNameNode = webConfigNode.get("sessionCookieName"); if (sessionCookieNameNode != null) { builder.sessionCookieName(sessionCookieNameNode.asText()); } String updatedWebConfigText = mapper.writeValueAsString(builder.build()); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare("insert into central_config (key, value) values ('web', ?)"); BoundStatement boundStatement = preparedStatement.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, updatedWebConfigText); session.execute(boundStatement); } private void addColumnIfNotExists(String tableName, String columnName, String cqlType) { if (!columnExists(tableName, columnName)) { session.execute("alter table " + tableName + " add " + columnName + " " + cqlType); } } private boolean tableExists(String tableName) { return keyspace.getTable(tableName) != null; } private boolean columnExists(String tableName, String columnName) { return keyspace.getTable(tableName).getColumn(columnName) != null; } // drop table can timeout, throwing NoHostAvailableException // (see https://github.com/glowroot/glowroot/issues/125) private void dropTable(String tableName) throws InterruptedException { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); while (stopwatch.elapsed(SECONDS) < 30) { try { session.execute("drop table if exists " + tableName); return; } catch (NoHostAvailableException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } Thread.sleep(1000); } // try one last time and let exception bubble up session.execute("drop table if exists " + tableName); } private static int getExpirationHoursForTable(String tableName, CentralStorageConfig storageConfig) { if (tableName.startsWith("trace_")) { return storageConfig.traceExpirationHours(); } else if (tableName.startsWith("gauge_value_rollup_")) { int rollupLevel = Integer.parseInt(tableName.substring(tableName.lastIndexOf('_') + 1)); if (rollupLevel == 0) { return storageConfig.rollupExpirationHours().get(rollupLevel); } else { return storageConfig.rollupExpirationHours().get(rollupLevel - 1); } } else if (tableName.startsWith("aggregate_") || tableName.startsWith("synthetic_")) { int rollupLevel = Integer.parseInt(tableName.substring(tableName.lastIndexOf('_') + 1)); return storageConfig.rollupExpirationHours().get(rollupLevel); } else if (tableName.equals("heartbeat")) { return HeartbeatDao.EXPIRATION_HOURS; } else { logger.warn("unexpected table: {}", tableName); return -1; } } @VisibleForTesting static @Nullable Set<String> upgradePermissions(Set<String> permissions) { Set<String> updatedPermissions = Sets.newHashSet(); ListMultimap<String, String> agentPermissions = ArrayListMultimap.create(); boolean needsUpgrade = false; for (String permission : permissions) { if (permission.startsWith("agent:")) { PermissionParser parser = new PermissionParser(permission); parser.parse(); String perm = parser.getPermission(); agentPermissions.put( PermissionParser.quoteIfNeededAndJoin(parser.getAgentRollupIds()), perm); if (perm.equals("agent:view")) { needsUpgrade = true; } } else if (permission.equals("admin") || permission.startsWith("admin:")) { updatedPermissions.add(permission); } else { logger.error("unexpected permission: {}", permission); } } if (!needsUpgrade) { return null; } for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : Multimaps.asMap(agentPermissions).entrySet()) { List<String> perms = entry.getValue(); PermissionParser.upgradeAgentPermissions(perms); for (String perm : perms) { updatedPermissions .add("agent:" + entry.getKey() + ":" + perm.substring("agent:".length())); } } if (updatedPermissions.contains("admin:view") && updatedPermissions.contains("admin:edit")) { updatedPermissions.remove("admin:view"); updatedPermissions.remove("admin:edit"); updatedPermissions.add("admin"); } return updatedPermissions; } @VisibleForTesting static Set<String> upgradePermissions2(Set<String> permissions) { Set<String> permissionsToBeAdded = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String permission : permissions) { if (!permission.startsWith("agent:")) { continue; } PermissionParser parser = new PermissionParser(permission); parser.parse(); String perm = parser.getPermission(); if (perm.equals("agent:transaction")) { permissionsToBeAdded.add("agent:" + PermissionParser.quoteIfNeededAndJoin(parser.getAgentRollupIds()) + ":syntheticMonitor"); permissionsToBeAdded.add("agent:" + PermissionParser.quoteIfNeededAndJoin(parser.getAgentRollupIds()) + ":alert"); } } return permissionsToBeAdded; } private static boolean updateCentralConfigurationPropertiesFile(JsonNode webConfigNode) throws IOException { String bindAddressText = ""; JsonNode bindAddressNode = webConfigNode.get("bindAddress"); if (bindAddressNode != null && !bindAddressNode.asText().equals("")) { bindAddressText = bindAddressNode.asText(); } String portText = ""; JsonNode portNode = webConfigNode.get("port"); if (portNode != null && portNode.intValue() != 4000) { portText = portNode.asText(); } String httpsText = ""; JsonNode httpsNode = webConfigNode.get("https"); if (httpsNode != null && httpsNode.booleanValue()) { httpsText = "true"; } String contextPathText = ""; JsonNode contextPathNode = webConfigNode.get("contextPath"); if (contextPathNode != null && !contextPathNode.asText().equals("/")) { contextPathText = contextPathNode.asText(); } File propFile = new File("glowroot-central.properties"); if (!propFile.exists()) { startupLogger.warn("glowroot-central.properties file does not exist, so not" + " populating ui properties"); return false; } Properties props = PropertiesFiles.load(propFile); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!props.containsKey("ui.bindAddress")) { sb.append("\n"); sb.append("# default is ui.bindAddress=\n"); sb.append("ui.bindAddress="); sb.append(bindAddressText); sb.append("\n"); } if (!props.containsKey("ui.port")) { sb.append("\n"); sb.append("# default is ui.port=4000\n"); sb.append("ui.port="); sb.append(portText); sb.append("\n"); } if (!props.containsKey("ui.https")) { sb.append("\n"); sb.append("# default is to serve the UI over http\n"); sb.append("# set this to \"true\" to serve the UI over https\n"); sb.append("# the SSL certificate and private key to be used must be placed in the same" + " directory as this\n"); sb.append("# properties file, with filenames \"certificate.pem\" and \"private.pem\"," + " and the private key must not\n"); sb.append("# have a passphrase.\n"); sb.append("# (for example, a self signed certificate can be generated at the command" + " line using\n"); sb.append("# \"openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 365 -out certificate.pem -keyout" + " private.pem\")\n"); sb.append("ui.https="); sb.append(httpsText); sb.append("\n"); } if (!props.containsKey("ui.contextPath")) { sb.append("\n"); sb.append("# default is ui.contextPath=/\n"); sb.append("# this only needs to be changed if reverse proxying the UI behind a non-root" + " context path\n"); sb.append("ui.contextPath="); sb.append(contextPathText); sb.append("\n"); } if (sb.length() == 0) { // glowroot-central.properties file has been updated return false; } if (props.containsKey("jgroups.configurationFile")) { startupLogger.error("When running in a cluster, you must manually upgrade" + " the glowroot-central.properties files on each node to add the following" + " properties:\n\n" + sb + "\n\n"); throw new IllegalStateException( "Glowroot central could not start, see error message above for instructions"); } FileWriter out = new FileWriter(propFile, true); out.write(sb.toString()); out.close(); return true; } private static @Nullable Integer getSchemaVersion(Session session, KeyspaceMetadata keyspace) { ResultSet results = session.execute("select schema_version from schema_version where one = 1"); Row row = results.one(); if (row != null) { return row.getInt(0); } TableMetadata agentTable = keyspace.getTable("agent"); if (agentTable == null) { // new installation, tables haven't been created yet return null; } if (agentTable.getColumn("system_info") != null) { // special case, this is glowroot version 0.9.1, the only version supporting upgrades // prior to schema_version table return 1; } // new installation, agent table was created tables haven't been created yet return null; } }