package glaze.examples.twitter.api.text; import; import; import; import lombok.Data; @Data public class Entity implements Comparable<Entity> { public enum Type { URL, HASHTAG, MENTION, CASHTAG } protected int start; protected int end; protected final String value; // listSlug is used to store the list portion of @mention/list. protected final String listSlug; protected final Type type; protected String displayURL = null; protected String expandedURL = null; public Entity(Hashtag h) { fromIndices(h.getIndices()); this.value = h.getText(); this.type = Type.HASHTAG; this.listSlug = null; } public Entity(int start, int end, String value, String listSlug, Type type) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.value = value; this.listSlug = listSlug; this.type = type; } public Entity(int start, int end, String value, Type type) { this(start, end, value, null, type); } public Entity(Mention m) { fromIndices(m.getIndices()); this.value = m.getScreenName(); this.type = Type.MENTION; this.listSlug = null; } public Entity(Url u) { fromIndices(u.getIndices()); this.value = u.getUrl(); this.displayURL = u.getDisplayUrl(); this.expandedURL = u.getExpandedUrl(); this.type = Type.URL; this.listSlug = null; } @Override public int compareTo(Entity entity) { return start - entity.start; } protected void fromIndices(Integer[] idx) { this.start = idx[0]; this.end = idx[1]; } }