/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package org.glassfish.admingui.common.handlers; import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.Handler; import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerInput; import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerOutput; import com.sun.jsftemplating.component.ComponentUtil; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.LayoutDefinitionManager; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.LayoutViewHandler; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.ComponentType; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.LayoutComponent; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.LayoutDefinition; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext; import com.sun.jsftemplating.util.FileUtil; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.glassfish.admingui.common.factories.NavigationNodeFactory; import org.glassfish.admingui.common.util.GuiUtil; import org.glassfish.admingui.plugin.ConsolePluginService; import org.glassfish.admingui.connector.IntegrationPoint; import org.glassfish.admingui.plugin.IntegrationPointComparator; import org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator; /** * <p> This class will provide JSFTemplating <code>Handler</code>s that * provide access to {@link IntegrationPoint}s and possibily other * information / services needed to provide plugin functionality * i.e. getting resources, etc.).</p> * * @author Ken Paulsen (ken.paulsen@sun.com) */ public class PluginHandlers { // NOTE: This file used to exist at: v3/admingui/core/src/main/java/org/glassfish/handlers/PluginHandlers.java. /** * <p> Constructor.</p> */ protected PluginHandlers() { } /** * <p> Find and return the <code>ConsolePluginService</code>. This method * uses the HK2 <code>Habitat</code> to locate the * <code>ConsolePluginService</code>.</p> * * @param ctx The <code>FacesContext</code>. * * @returns The <code>ConsolePluginService</code>. */ public static ConsolePluginService getPluginService(FacesContext ctx) { // We need to get the ServletContext to find the Habitat ServletContext servletCtx = (ServletContext) (ctx.getExternalContext()).getContext(); // Get the Habitat from the ServletContext ServiceLocator habitat = (ServiceLocator) servletCtx.getAttribute( org.glassfish.admingui.common.plugin.ConsoleClassLoader.HABITAT_ATTRIBUTE); // System.out.println("Habitat:" + habitat); return habitat.getService(ConsolePluginService.class); } /** * <p> This handler returns a * <code>Map<String id, List<URL>></code> containing all * the matches of the requested resource. Each <code>List</code> in * the <code>Map</code> is associated with a GUI Plugin, and the key * to the <code>Map</code> is the plugin id.</p> * * @param handlerCtx The <code>HandlerContext</code>. */ @Handler(id="getPluginResources", input={ @HandlerInput(name="name", type=String.class, required=true)}, output={ @HandlerOutput(name="resources", type=Map.class)}) public static void getPluginResources(HandlerContext handlerCtx) { String name = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("name"); ConsolePluginService cps = getPluginService( handlerCtx.getFacesContext()); handlerCtx.setOutputValue("resources", cps.getResources(name)); } /** * <p> This handler provides access to {@link IntegrationPoint}s for the * requested key.</p> * * @param handlerCtx The <code>HandlerContext</code>. */ @Handler(id="getIntegrationPoints", input={ @HandlerInput(name="type", type=String.class, required=true)}, output={ @HandlerOutput(name="points", type=List.class)}) public static void getIntegrationPoints(HandlerContext handlerCtx) { String type = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type"); List<IntegrationPoint> value = getIntegrationPoints(handlerCtx.getFacesContext(), type); handlerCtx.setOutputValue("points", value); } /** * */ public static List<IntegrationPoint> getIntegrationPoints(FacesContext context, String type) { return getPluginService(context).getIntegrationPoints(type); } /** * <p> This handler adds {@link IntegrationPoint}s of a given type to a * <code>UIComponent</code> tree. It looks for * {@link IntegrationPoint}s using the given <code>type</code>. It * then sorts the results (if any) by <code>parentId</code>, and then * by priority. It next interates over each one looking for a * <code>UIComponent</code> with an <code>id</code> which matches the * its own <code>parentId</code> value. It then uses the content of * the {@link IntegrationPoint} to attempt to include the .jsf page * it refers to under the identified parent component.</p> */ @Handler(id="includeIntegrations", input={ @HandlerInput(name="type", type=String.class, required=true), @HandlerInput(name="root", type=UIComponent.class, required=false)}) public static void includeIntegrations(HandlerContext handlerCtx) { // Get the input String type = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type"); UIComponent root = (UIComponent) handlerCtx.getInputValue("root"); try{ // Get the IntegrationPoints FacesContext ctx = handlerCtx.getFacesContext(); List<IntegrationPoint> points = getIntegrationPoints(ctx, type); // Include them includeIntegrationPoints(ctx, root, getSortedIntegrationPoints(points)); }catch(Exception ex){ GuiUtil.getLogger().severe("Error in includeIntegrations ; \ntype = " + type + "; root=" + root.toString()); if (GuiUtil.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE)){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Includes the first IP based on priority for the given type. It adds * the content to the given UIComponent root. If the IP content looks * like a URL (contains ://), a StaticText component will be added with * the value of the content from the URL. */ @Handler(id="includeFirstIntegrationPoint", input={ @HandlerInput(name="type", type=String.class, required=true), @HandlerInput(name="root", type=UIComponent.class, required=false)}) public static void includeFirstIntegrationPoint(HandlerContext handlerCtx) throws java.io.IOException { // Get the input String type = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type"); UIComponent root = (UIComponent) handlerCtx.getInputValue("root"); // Get the IntegrationPoints FacesContext ctx = handlerCtx.getFacesContext(); Set<IntegrationPoint> points = getSortedIntegrationPoints(getIntegrationPoints(ctx, type)); if (points != null) { Iterator<IntegrationPoint> it = points.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { // Get the first one... IntegrationPoint point = it.next(); root = getIntegrationPointParent(ctx, root, point); // Check to see if IP points to an external URL... if (point.getContent().lastIndexOf("://", 15) != -1) { // Treat content as a url... URL contentURL = FileUtil.searchForFile( point.getContent(), null); if (contentURL == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to locate file: " + point.getContent()); } // Read the content... String content = new String(FileUtil.readFromURL(contentURL)); // Create a StaticText component and add it under the // "root" component. LayoutComponent stDesc = new LayoutComponent(null, "externalContent", new ComponentType("tmpTextCT", "com.sun.jsftemplating.component.factory.basic.StaticTextFactory")); stDesc.addOption("value", content); ComponentUtil.getInstance(ctx).createChildComponent(ctx, stDesc, root); } else { // Include the first one... includeIntegrationPoint(ctx, root, point); } } } } /** * Finds the integration point of the specified type. Returns the contents of this IP type as a list. * The content can be a comma separated String. * This is useful for the case such as dropdown or list box to allow additional options in the component. */ @Handler(id="getContentOfIntegrationPoints", input={ @HandlerInput(name="type", type=String.class, required=true)}, output={ @HandlerOutput(name="labels", type=List.class), @HandlerOutput(name="values", type=List.class)}) public static void getContentOfIntegrationPoints(HandlerContext handlerCtx) throws java.io.IOException { // Get the input String type = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type"); // Get the IntegrationPoints FacesContext ctx = handlerCtx.getFacesContext(); Set<IntegrationPoint> points = getSortedIntegrationPoints(getIntegrationPoints(ctx, type)); List labels = new ArrayList(); List values = new ArrayList(); if (points != null) { for(IntegrationPoint it : points){ String content = it.getContent(); if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(content)){ GuiUtil.getLogger().warning("No Content specified for Integration Point: " + type + " id : " + it.getId()); continue; } List<String> labelsAndValues = GuiUtil.parseStringList(content, "|"); values.add(labelsAndValues.get(0)); labels.add(GuiUtil.getMessage(labelsAndValues.get(1), labelsAndValues.get(2))); } } handlerCtx.setOutputValue("labels", labels); handlerCtx.setOutputValue("values", values); } @Handler(id="getAppEditIntegrationPoint", input={ @HandlerInput(name="type", type=String.class, required=true)}, output={ @HandlerOutput(name="appEditPageMap", type=Map.class)}) public static void getAppEditIntegrationPoint(HandlerContext handlerCtx) throws java.io.IOException { // Get the input String type = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type"); // Get the IntegrationPoints FacesContext ctx = handlerCtx.getFacesContext(); Set<IntegrationPoint> points = getSortedIntegrationPoints(getIntegrationPoints(ctx, type)); Map result = new HashMap(); if (points != null) { for(IntegrationPoint it : points){ String content = it.getContent(); if (GuiUtil.isEmpty(content)){ GuiUtil.getLogger().warning("No Content specified for Integration Point: " + type + " id : " + it.getId()); continue; } List<String> vv = GuiUtil.parseStringList(content, ":"); if (vv.size()!=2){ GuiUtil.getLogger().warning("Invalid content specified for Integration Point: " + type + " id : " + it.getId()); continue; } result.put(vv.get(0), vv.get(1)); } } handlerCtx.setOutputValue("appEditPageMap", result); } /** * <p> This method sorts the given {@link IntegrationPoint}'s by parentId * and then by priority. It returns a <code>SortedSet</code> of the * results with the ABC order parentId. When parentId's match, the * highest piority will appear first.</p> */ public static Set<IntegrationPoint> getSortedIntegrationPoints(List<IntegrationPoint> points) { // Make sure we have something... if (points == null) { return null; } // Use a TreeSet to sort automatically Set<IntegrationPoint> sortedSet = new TreeSet<IntegrationPoint>( IntegrationPointComparator.getInstance()); // FIXME: Check for duplicates! Modify "id" if there is a duplicate? sortedSet.addAll(points); return sortedSet; } /** * * @param points This parameter should be the {@link IntegrationPoint}s * to include in the order in which you want to include * them if that matters (i.e. use <code>SortedSet</code>). */ public static void includeIntegrationPoints(FacesContext ctx, UIComponent root, Set<IntegrationPoint> points) { if (points == null) { // Do nothing... return; } if (root == null) { // No root is specified, search whole page root = ctx.getViewRoot(); } // Iterate IntegrationPoint point; Iterator<IntegrationPoint> it = null; int lastSize = 0; int currSize = points.size(); String parentId = null; String lastParentId = null; while (currSize != lastSize) { // Stop loop by comparing previous size lastSize = currSize; it = points.iterator(); lastParentId = ""; UIComponent parent = root; // Iterate through the IntegrationPoints while (it.hasNext()) { point = it.next(); // Optimize for multiple plugins for the same parent parentId = point.getParentId(); // Resolve any EL that may be used in identifying the parent ID parentId = (String) ComponentUtil.getInstance(ctx).resolveValue(ctx, null, root, parentId); if ((parentId == null) || !parentId.equals(lastParentId)) { // New parent (or root -- null) parent = getIntegrationPointParent(ctx, root, point); } if (parent == null) { // Didn't find the one specified! // FIXME: log FINE! Note this may not be a problem, keep iterating to see if we find it later. //System.out.println("The specified parentId (" + parentId + ") was not found!"); lastParentId = null; continue; } lastParentId = parent.getId(); // Add the content includeIntegrationPoint(ctx, parent, point); // We found the parent, remove from our list of IPs to add it.remove(); } // Get the set size to see if we have any left to process currSize = points.size(); } } /** * <p> This method returns the parent for the content of the given * {@link IntegrationPoint}.</p> * * @param root The <code>UIComponent</code> in which to search for * the parent. * @param point The {@link IntegrationPoint} which is looking for its * parent <code>UIComponent</code>. */ public static UIComponent getIntegrationPointParent(FacesContext ctx, UIComponent root, IntegrationPoint point) { UIComponent parent = null; String parentId = point.getParentId(); parentId = (String) ComponentUtil.getInstance(ctx).resolveValue(ctx, null, root, parentId); if (parentId == null) { // If not specified, just stick it @ the root //parentId = root.getId(); parent = root; } else { parent = findComponentById(root, parentId); } // Return the IntegrationPoint parent return parent; } /** * <p> This method includes a single {@link IntegrationPoint} under the * given parent <code>UIComponent</code>.</p> * * @param ctx The <code>FacesContext</code>. * @param parent The parent for the {@link IntegrationPoint}. * @param point The {@link IntegrationPoint}. */ public static void includeIntegrationPoint(FacesContext ctx, UIComponent parent, IntegrationPoint point) { // Add the content String content = point.getContent(); while (content.startsWith("/")) { content = content.substring(1); } String key = content; if (!key.contains("://")) { key = "/" + point.getConsoleConfigId() + "/" + content; } LayoutDefinition def = LayoutDefinitionManager.getLayoutDefinition(ctx, key); LayoutViewHandler.buildUIComponentTree(ctx, parent, def); } /** * <p> This method search for the requested simple id in the given * <code>UIComponent</code>. If the id matches the UIComponent, it * is returned, otherwise, it will search the children and facets * recursively.</p> * * @param base The <code>UIComponent</code> to search. * @param id The <code>id</code> we're looking for. * * @return The UIComponent, or null. */ private static UIComponent findComponentById(UIComponent base, String id) { // Check if this is the one we're looking for if (id.equals(base.getId())) { return base; } // Not this one, check its kids Iterator<UIComponent> it = base.getFacetsAndChildren(); UIComponent comp = null; while (it.hasNext()) { // Recurse comp = findComponentById(it.next(), id); if (comp != null) { // Found! return comp; } } // Not found return null; } /** * <p> This handler is used for the navigation nodes that request content * from an external URL. This handler pulls the "real url" from from * the component specified by the <code>compId</code> parameter (this * necessarily depends on the presence of the navigation container in * the view for the component look up to work). Once the component * has been found, the url is retrieved from the attribute map, and * its contents retrieved. If <code>processPage</code> is true, the * URL contents are interpretted and the resulting component(s) are * added to the component tree (This feature is not currently * supported).. Otherwise, the contents are returned in the output * parameter <code>pluginPage</code> to be output as-is on the * page.</p> * * @param handlerCtx The <code>HandlerContext</code>. */ @Handler(id = "retrievePluginPageContents", input = {@HandlerInput(name = "compId", type = String.class, required = true)}, output = {@HandlerOutput(name = "pluginPage", type = String.class)}) public static void retrievePluginPageContents(HandlerContext handlerCtx) { String id = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compId"); UIComponent comp = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getViewRoot().findComponent(id); String urlContents = ""; if (comp != null) { String url = (String) comp.getAttributes().get(NavigationNodeFactory.REAL_URL); try { // Read from the URL... URL contentUrl = FileUtil.searchForFile(url, null); if (contentUrl == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to locate file: " + url); } urlContents = new String(FileUtil.readFromURL(contentUrl)); // FIXME: Implement processPage support /* if (processPage) { // probably do something like what includeIntegrations does ... } */ } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PluginHandlers.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to read url: " + url, ex); } } // Set the content to output... handlerCtx.setOutputValue("pluginPage", urlContents); } @Handler(id="getPluginIdFromViewId", input={@HandlerInput(name="viewId",type=String.class,required=true)}, output={@HandlerOutput(name="pluginId",type=String.class)} ) public static void getPluginIdFromViewId(HandlerContext handlerCtx) { String viewId = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("viewId"); if (viewId == null) { return; } ConsolePluginService cps = getPluginService(handlerCtx.getFacesContext()); String pluginId = "common"; int next = viewId.indexOf("/", 1); if (next > -1) { pluginId = viewId.substring(0, next); String resource = viewId.substring(next); if (pluginId.startsWith("/")) { pluginId = pluginId.substring(1); } ClassLoader cl = cps.getModuleClassLoader(pluginId); URL url = null; if (cl != null) { url = cl.getResource(resource); } if (url == null) { pluginId = "common"; } } handlerCtx.setOutputValue("pluginId", pluginId); } @Handler(id="calculateHelpUrl", input={ @HandlerInput(name="pluginId",type=String.class,required=true), @HandlerInput(name="helpKey",type=String.class,required=true) }, output={ @HandlerOutput(name="url",type=String.class) } ) public static void calculateHelpUrl(HandlerContext handlerCtx) { String pluginId = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("pluginId"); String helpKey = (String)handlerCtx.getInputValue("helpKey"); ConsolePluginService cps = getPluginService(handlerCtx.getFacesContext()); ClassLoader cl = cps.getModuleClassLoader(pluginId); // Try the viewRoot locale first String path = getHelpPathForResource(helpKey, handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getViewRoot().getLocale(), cl); if (path == null) { // Try the default locale path = getHelpPathForResource(helpKey, Locale.getDefault(), cl); // Default to en if (path == null) { path = "/en/help/" + helpKey; } } handlerCtx.setOutputValue("url", path); } /** * <p> This function attempts to calculate a <em>help</em> path with the * given locale and classloader. It only succeeds if it is able to * confirm a file exists at the generated path as determined by * <code>ClassLoader.getResource(path)</code>. The paths checked are * the following in this order:</p> * * <ul><li><code>/locale.toString()/help/<resource></code></li> * <li><code>/locale.getLanguage()_locale.getCountry()/help/<resource></code></li> * <li><code>/locale.getLanguage()/help/<resource></code></li></ul> * * <p> If all of those fail to yield a file in the classpath, then * <code>null</code> will be returned.</p> */ public static String getHelpPathForResource(String resource, Locale locale, ClassLoader cl) { String path = "/" + locale.toString() + "/help/" + resource; // Try with full locale boolean found = (cl.getResource(path) != null); // Try with language_COUNTRY if (!found) { String language = locale.getLanguage(); String country = locale.getCountry(); path = "/" + language + "_" + country + "/help/" + resource; found = (cl.getResource(path) != null); // Try with just language if (!found) { path = "/" + language + "/help/" + resource; found = (cl.getResource(path) != null); if (!found) { // Still not found, so return null path = null; } } } return path; } /* private static String getPluginIdFromViewId(ConsolePluginService cps, String viewId) { String pluginId = ""; int next = viewId.indexOf("/", 1); if (next > -1) { pluginId = viewId.substring(0, next); String resource = viewId.substring(next); if (pluginId.startsWith("/")) { pluginId = pluginId.substring(1); } ClassLoader cl = cps.getModuleClassLoader(pluginId); if (cl != null) { if (cl.getResource(resource) == null) { pluginId = ""; } } } return pluginId; } */ }