package gherkin.formatter; import gherkin.formatter.model.Background; import gherkin.formatter.model.BasicStatement; import gherkin.formatter.model.CellResult; import gherkin.formatter.model.Comment; import gherkin.formatter.model.DescribedStatement; import gherkin.formatter.model.DocString; import gherkin.formatter.model.Examples; import gherkin.formatter.model.Feature; import gherkin.formatter.model.Match; import gherkin.formatter.model.Result; import gherkin.formatter.model.Row; import gherkin.formatter.model.Scenario; import gherkin.formatter.model.ScenarioOutline; import gherkin.formatter.model.Step; import gherkin.formatter.model.Tag; import gherkin.formatter.model.TagStatement; import gherkin.util.Mapper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static gherkin.util.FixJava.join; import static; /** * This class pretty prints feature files like they were in the source, only * prettier. That is, with consistent indentation. This class is also a {@link Reporter}, * which means it can be used to print execution results - highlighting arguments, * printing source information and exception information. */ public class PrettyFormatter implements Reporter, Formatter { private final StepPrinter stepPrinter = new StepPrinter(); private final NiceAppendable out; private final boolean executing; private String uri; private Mapper<Tag, String> tagNameMapper = new Mapper<Tag, String>() { @Override public String map(Tag tag) { return tag.getName(); } }; private Formats formats; private Match match; private int[][] cellLengths; private int[] maxLengths; private int rowIndex; private List<? extends Row> rows; private Integer rowHeight = null; private boolean rowsAbove = false; private List<Step> steps = new ArrayList<Step>(); private List<Integer> indentations = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private List<MatchResultPair> matchesAndResults = new ArrayList<MatchResultPair>(); private DescribedStatement statement; public PrettyFormatter(Appendable out, boolean monochrome, boolean executing) { this.out = new NiceAppendable(out); this.executing = executing; setMonochrome(monochrome); } public void setMonochrome(boolean monochrome) { if (monochrome) { formats = new MonochromeFormats(); } else { formats = new AnsiFormats(); } } @Override public void uri(String uri) { this.uri = uri; } @Override public void feature(Feature feature) { printComments(feature.getComments(), ""); printTags(feature.getTags(), ""); out.println(feature.getKeyword() + ": " + feature.getName()); printDescription(feature.getDescription(), " ", false); } @Override public void background(Background background) { replay(); statement = background; } @Override public void scenario(Scenario scenario) { replay(); statement = scenario; } @Override public void scenarioOutline(ScenarioOutline scenarioOutline) { replay(); statement = scenarioOutline; } @Override public void startOfScenarioLifeCycle(Scenario scenario) { // NoOp } @Override public void endOfScenarioLifeCycle(Scenario scenario) { // NoOp } private void replay() { addAnyOrphanMatch(); printStatement(); printSteps(); } private void printSteps() { while (!steps.isEmpty()) { if (matchesAndResults.isEmpty()) { printStep("skipped", Collections.<Argument>emptyList(), null); } else { MatchResultPair matchAndResult = matchesAndResults.remove(0); printStep(matchAndResult.getResultStatus(), matchAndResult.getMatchArguments(), matchAndResult.getMatchLocation()); if (matchAndResult.hasResultErrorMessage()) { printError(matchAndResult.result); } } } } private void printStatement() { if (statement == null) { return; } calculateLocationIndentations(); out.println(); printComments(statement.getComments(), " "); if (statement instanceof TagStatement) { printTags(((TagStatement) statement).getTags(), " "); } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(" "); buffer.append(statement.getKeyword()); buffer.append(": "); buffer.append(statement.getName()); String location = executing ? uri + ":" + statement.getLine() : null; buffer.append(indentedLocation(location)); out.println(buffer); printDescription(statement.getDescription(), " ", true); statement = null; } private String indentedLocation(String location) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int indentation = indentations.isEmpty() ? 0 : indentations.remove(0); if (location == null) { return ""; } for (int i = 0; i < indentation; i++) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(' '); sb.append(getFormat("comment").text("# " + location)); return sb.toString(); } @Override public void examples(Examples examples) { replay(); out.println(); printComments(examples.getComments(), " "); printTags(examples.getTags(), " "); out.println(" " + examples.getKeyword() + ": " + examples.getName()); printDescription(examples.getDescription(), " ", true); table(examples.getRows()); } @Override public void step(Step step) { steps.add(step); } @Override public void match(Match match) { addAnyOrphanMatch(); this.match = match; } private void addAnyOrphanMatch() { if (this.match != null) { matchesAndResults.add(new MatchResultPair(this.match, null)); } } @Override public void embedding(String mimeType, byte[] data) { // Do nothing } @Override public void write(String text) { out.println(getFormat("output").text(text)); } @Override public void result(Result result) { matchesAndResults.add(new MatchResultPair(match, result)); match = null; } @Override public void before(Match match, Result result) { printHookFailure(match, result, true); } @Override public void after(Match match, Result result) { printHookFailure(match, result, false); } private void printHookFailure(Match match, Result result, boolean isBefore) { if (result.getStatus().equals(Result.FAILED)) { Format format = getFormat(result.getStatus()); StringBuffer context = new StringBuffer("Failure in "); if (isBefore) { context.append("before"); } else { context.append("after"); } context.append(" hook:"); out.println(format.text(context.toString()) + format.text(match.getLocation())); out.println(format.text("Message: ") + format.text(result.getErrorMessage())); if (result.getError() != null) { printError(result); } } } private void printStep(String status, List<Argument> arguments, String location) { Step step = steps.remove(0); Format textFormat = getFormat(status); Format argFormat = getArgFormat(status); printComments(step.getComments(), " "); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(" "); buffer.append(textFormat.text(step.getKeyword())); stepPrinter.writeStep(new NiceAppendable(buffer), textFormat, argFormat, step.getName(), arguments); buffer.append(indentedLocation(location)); out.println(buffer); if (step.getRows() != null) { table(step.getRows()); } else if (step.getDocString() != null) { docString(step.getDocString()); } } private Format getFormat(String key) { return formats.get(key); } private Format getArgFormat(String key) { return formats.get(key + "_arg"); } public void table(List<? extends Row> rows) { prepareTable(rows); if (!executing) { for (Row row : rows) { row(row.createResults("skipped")); nextRow(); } } } private void prepareTable(List<? extends Row> rows) { this.rows = rows; // find the largest row int columnCount = 0; for (Row row : rows) { if (columnCount < row.getCells().size()) { columnCount = row.getCells().size(); } } cellLengths = new int[rows.size()][columnCount]; maxLengths = new int[columnCount]; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rows.size(); rowIndex++) { Row row = rows.get(rowIndex); final List<String> cells = row.getCells(); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnCount; colIndex++) { final String cell = getCellSafely(cells, colIndex); final int length = escapeCell(cell).length(); cellLengths[rowIndex][colIndex] = length; maxLengths[colIndex] = Math.max(maxLengths[colIndex], length); } } rowIndex = 0; } private String getCellSafely(final List<String> cells, final int colIndex) { return (colIndex < cells.size()) ? cells.get(colIndex) : ""; } public void row(List<CellResult> cellResults) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Row row = rows.get(rowIndex); if (rowsAbove) { buffer.append(formats.up(rowHeight)); } else { rowsAbove = true; } rowHeight = 1; for (Comment comment : row.getComments()) { buffer.append(" "); buffer.append(comment.getValue()); buffer.append("\n"); rowHeight++; } switch (row.getDiffType()) { case NONE: buffer.append(" | "); break; case DELETE: buffer.append(" ").append(formats.get("skipped").text("-")).append(" | "); break; case INSERT: buffer.append(" ").append(formats.get("comment").text("+")).append(" | "); break; } for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < maxLengths.length; colIndex++) { String cellText = escapeCell(getCellSafely(row.getCells(), colIndex)); String status = null; switch (row.getDiffType()) { case NONE: status = cellResults.size() < colIndex ? cellResults.get(colIndex).getStatus() : "skipped"; break; case DELETE: status = "skipped"; break; case INSERT: status = "comment"; break; } Format format = formats.get(status); buffer.append(format.text(cellText)); int padding = maxLengths[colIndex] - cellLengths[rowIndex][colIndex]; padSpace(buffer, padding); if (colIndex < maxLengths.length - 1) { buffer.append(" | "); } else { buffer.append(" |"); } } out.println(buffer); rowHeight++; Set<Result> seenResults = new HashSet<Result>(); for (CellResult cellResult : cellResults) { for (Result result : cellResult.getResults()) { if (result.getErrorMessage() != null && !seenResults.contains(result)) { printError(result); rowHeight += result.getErrorMessage().split("\n").length; seenResults.add(result); } } } } private void printError(Result result) { Format failed = formats.get("failed"); out.println(indent(failed.text(result.getErrorMessage()), " ")); } public void nextRow() { rowIndex++; rowsAbove = false; } @Override public void syntaxError(String state, String event, List<String> legalEvents, String uri, Integer line) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void done() { // We're *not* closing the stream here. // // } @Override public void close() { out.close(); } private String escapeCell(String cell) { return cell.replaceAll("\\\\(?!\\|)", "\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("\\n", "\\\\n").replaceAll("\\|", "\\\\|"); } public void docString(DocString docString) { out.println(" \"\"\""); out.println(escapeTripleQuotes(indent(docString.getValue(), " "))); out.println(" \"\"\""); } public void eof() { replay(); } private void calculateLocationIndentations() { int[] lineWidths = new int[steps.size() + 1]; int i = 0; List<BasicStatement> statements = new ArrayList<BasicStatement>(); statements.add(statement); statements.addAll(steps); int maxLineWidth = 0; for (BasicStatement statement : statements) { int stepWidth = statement.getKeyword().length() + statement.getName().length(); lineWidths[i++] = stepWidth; maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, stepWidth); } for (int lineWidth : lineWidths) { indentations.add(maxLineWidth - lineWidth); } } private void padSpace(StringBuilder buffer, int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { buffer.append(" "); } } private void printComments(List<Comment> comments, String indent) { for (Comment comment : comments) { out.println(indent + comment.getValue()); } } private void printTags(List<Tag> tags, String indent) { if (tags.isEmpty()) return; out.println(indent + join(map(tags, tagNameMapper), " ")); } private void printDescription(String description, String indentation, boolean newline) { if (!"".equals(description)) { out.println(indent(description, indentation)); if (newline) out.println(); } } private static final Pattern START = Pattern.compile("^", Pattern.MULTILINE); private static String indent(String s, String indentation) { return START.matcher(s).replaceAll(indentation); } private static final Pattern TRIPLE_QUOTES = Pattern.compile("\"\"\"", Pattern.MULTILINE); private static final String ESCAPED_TRIPLE_QUOTES = "\\\\\"\\\\\"\\\\\""; private static String escapeTripleQuotes(String s) { return TRIPLE_QUOTES.matcher(s).replaceAll(ESCAPED_TRIPLE_QUOTES); } } class MatchResultPair { public final Match match; public final Result result; public MatchResultPair(Match match, Result result) { this.match = match; this.result = result; } public List<Argument> getMatchArguments() { if (match != null) { return match.getArguments(); } return Collections.<Argument>emptyList(); } public String getMatchLocation() { if (match != null) { return match.getLocation(); } return null; } public String getResultStatus() { if (result != null) { return result.getStatus(); } return "skipped"; } public boolean hasResultErrorMessage() { return result != null && result.getErrorMessage() != null; } }