package org.kisst.gft.ssh; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kisst.gft.RetryableException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel; import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import com.jcraft.jsch.Session; import com.jcraft.jsch.UIKeyboardInteractive; import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo; public class Ssh { public static class ExecResult { public final int exitcode; public final String stdout; public final String stderr; public ExecResult(int exitcode, String stdout, String stderr) { this.exitcode=exitcode; this.stdout=stdout; this.stderr=stderr; } } public static class ExitCodeException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ExitCodeException (SshHost host, String command, int exitvalue, String result) { super("On host "" when running command \""+command+"\" resulted in exitcode "+exitvalue+"\noutput was:"+result); } } private static final Logger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(Ssh.class); static { JSch.setLogger(new MyLogger()); } //public static String ssh(Credentials cred, String host, String command) { public static String ssh(SshHost host, Ssh.Credentials cred, String command) { ExecResult result=exec(host, cred, command); if (result.exitcode!=0) throw new ExitCodeException(host, command, result.exitcode, result.stdout+result.stderr); return result.stdout+result.stderr; } public static ExecResult exec(SshHost host, Ssh.Credentials cred, String command) {"Calling {} with command [{}]", host, command); FileOutputStream fos=null; try{ JSch jsch=new JSch(); if (host.known_hosts!=null) jsch.setKnownHosts(host.known_hosts); if (cred.keyfile!=null) { logger.debug("Using keyfile {}",cred.keyfile); jsch.addIdentity(cred.keyfile); } Session session=jsch.getSession(cred.user,, 22); // username and password will be given via UserInfo interface. session.setUserInfo(cred); session.connect(); // exec 'scp -f rfile' remotely Channel channel=session.openChannel("exec"); ((ChannelExec)channel).setCommand(command); ((ChannelExec)channel).setAgentForwarding(true); ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ((ChannelExec)channel).setErrStream(err); channel.setInputStream(null); InputStream in=channel.getInputStream(); channel.connect(); StringBuilder result= new StringBuilder(); byte[] tmp=new byte[1024]; int i; do {, 0, 1024); if(i>0) result.append(new String(tmp, 0, i)); } while (i>=0); int count=0; while (! channel.isClosed()) { if (count>=50) throw new RuntimeException("SSH Channel was not closed after "+count+" waiting attempts");"Sleeping some time because channel is not yet closed, attempt "+count++); try{Thread.sleep(200);}catch(Exception ee){} } int exitvalue = channel.getExitStatus(); //channel.disconnect(); session.disconnect(); if (logger.isWarnEnabled()){ if (exitvalue!=0 ) logger.warn("Call to {} returned exitvalue "+exitvalue, host); if (err.size()>0) logger.warn("Call to {} returned stderr {}", host, err.toString()); if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Call to {} returned stdout [{}]", host, result); } return new ExecResult(exitvalue, result.toString(), err.toString()); } catch(IOException e) { throw new RetryableException(e); } catch(JSchException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) throw new RetryableException(e); else throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { try { if(fos!=null) fos.close(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } public static Session openSession(SshHost host) {"creating sftp connection to {} ", host); try{ JSch jsch=new JSch(); if (host.known_hosts!=null) jsch.setKnownHosts(host.known_hosts); Credentials cred = host.cred; if (cred.keyfile!=null) { logger.debug("Using keyfile {}",cred.keyfile); jsch.addIdentity(cred.keyfile); } Session session=jsch.getSession(cred.user,, 22); session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", host.preferredAuthentications); if (host.useCompression) { session.setConfig("compression.s2c", "zlib,none"); session.setConfig("compression.c2s", "zlib,none"); } // username and password will be given via UserInfo interface. session.setUserInfo(cred); session.connect(); return session; } catch(JSchException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void closeChannel(Channel channel) { int count=0; while (! channel.isClosed()) { if (count>=50) throw new RuntimeException("SSH Channel was not closed after "+count+" waiting attempts");"Sleeping some time because channel is not yet closed, attempt "+count++); try{Thread.sleep(200);}catch(Exception ee){} } //channel.disconnect(); } public static class MyLogger implements com.jcraft.jsch.Logger { public boolean isEnabled(int level){ if (level==DEBUG) return logger.isTraceEnabled(); if (level==INFO) return logger.isDebugEnabled(); if (level==WARN) return logger.isWarnEnabled(); if (level==ERROR) return logger.isErrorEnabled(); if (level==FATAL) return true; return false; } public void log(int level, String message){ // Dirty hack to prevent all the Warnings in the log if (level==WARN && message.trim().startsWith("Permanently added") && message.trim().endsWith("to the list of known hosts.")) level=DEBUG; if (level==DEBUG) logger.debug(message); if (level==INFO); if (level==WARN) logger.warn(message); if (level==ERROR) logger.error(message); if (level==FATAL) logger.error(message); } } public static class Credentials implements UserInfo , UIKeyboardInteractive{ private final String user; private final String password; private final String keyfile; public Credentials(String user, String password, String keyfile) { this.user=user; this.password=password; this.keyfile=keyfile; if (keyfile!=null) { File f=new File(keyfile); if (! f.exists()) throw new RuntimeException("keyfile "+f+" does not exist"); if (! f.isFile()) throw new RuntimeException("keyfile "+f+" is not a file"); } } public void showMessage(String message){ logger.debug("Message: {}",message); } public boolean promptYesNo(String str){ logger.debug("YesOrNo: {}",str); return true; } public boolean promptPassphrase(String message){ logger.debug("prompt Passphrase: {}",message); return true; } public String getPassphrase(){ return ""; } public boolean promptPassword(String message) { logger.debug("prompt Password: {}",message); return true; } public String getPassword(){ logger.debug("using Password: {}",password); return password; } public String[] promptKeyboardInteractive(String destination, String name, String instruction, String[] prompt, boolean[] echo) { logger.debug("destination: {}",destination); logger.debug("name: {}",name); logger.debug("instruction: {}",instruction); for (String s: prompt) logger.debug("prompt[i]: {}",s); for (boolean b: echo) logger.debug("echo[i]: {}",b); return null; } } }