package org.geowebcache.jetty; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import org.mortbay.jetty.Connector; import org.mortbay.jetty.Server; import; import org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext; import org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool; /** * Rule that runs a live GWC instance inside of Jetty for integration tests * * @author Kevin Smith, Boundless * */ public class JettyRule extends org.junit.rules.ExternalResource { Integer port = null; TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder(); Server jettyServer; private File confDir; private File cacheDir; private File workDir; public int getPort() { return getServer().getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort(); } Initializer<File> confInit; Initializer<File> cacheInit; public JettyRule() { this(d -> {}, d -> {}); } public JettyRule(Initializer<File> confInit, Initializer<File> cacheInit) { super(); this.confInit = confInit; this.cacheInit = cacheInit; } public interface Initializer<T> { public void accept(T toInit) throws Exception; default Initializer<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> afterInit) { Objects.requireNonNull(afterInit); return (T toInit) -> { accept(toInit); afterInit.accept(toInit); }; } default Consumer<T> makeSafe(Consumer<Exception> handler) { return (T toInit) -> { try { accept(toInit); } catch (Exception e) { handler.accept(e); } }; } } @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { // This rule goes inside the TemporaryFolder rule. return temp.apply(super.apply(base, description), description); } public Server getServer() { if(jettyServer==null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return jettyServer; } public URI getUri() { try { return new URI("http",null,"localhost", getPort(), "/geowebcache/", null, null); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override protected void before() throws Exception { confDir = temp.newFolder("conf"); cacheDir = temp.newFolder("cache"); workDir = temp.newFolder("work"); confInit.accept(confDir); cacheInit.accept(cacheDir); jettyServer = new Server(); try { SocketConnector conn = new SocketConnector(); int port; for(port=8080; port<=8180; port++) { conn.setPort(port); try{; } catch (BindException e) { continue; } } conn.setPort(port); conn.setAcceptQueueSize(100); jettyServer.setConnectors(new Connector[] { conn }); WebAppContext wah = new WebAppContext(); wah.setContextPath("/geowebcache"); wah.setWar("src/main/webapp"); //wah.setResourceAlias(alias, uri); // Use this to replace the spring context files? wah.getInitParams().put("GEOWEBCACHE_CONF_DIR", confDir.getCanonicalPath()); wah.getInitParams().put("GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR", cacheDir.getCanonicalPath()); jettyServer.setHandler(wah); wah.setTempDirectory(workDir); // Use this to set a limit on the number of threads used to respond requests QueuedThreadPool tp = new QueuedThreadPool(); tp.setMinThreads(50); tp.setMaxThreads(50); conn.setThreadPool(tp); jettyServer.start(); } catch (Exception e) { if (jettyServer != null) { try { jettyServer.stop(); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.addSuppressed(e); throw e1; } } throw e; } } @Override protected void after() { // Jetty shutdown takes 100 seconds so do this in a thread to speed it up. new Thread(()->{ try { jettyServer.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error while shutting down test Jetty",e); } }).start(); } }