package; import java.util.ArrayList; public class DiscoveryTools { private double scaleFactor = 1; public DiscoveryTools() {} /**Get an array with the mean for each category values (column values)*/ public ArrayList<Double> getMeanArray(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> matrix) { ArrayList<Double> meanArray=new ArrayList<Double>(); double sum=0; double total=0; double mean=0; for(int i=0;i<matrix.get(0).size();i++) { sum=0; total=0; mean=0; for(int j=0;j<matrix.size();j++) { sum+=matrix.get(j).get(i); total++; } mean=sum/total; meanArray.add(mean); //mean value per column } return meanArray; } /**Create a matrix with standard deviation values starting by the matrix of densities*/ public ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> getStdMatrix(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> matrix) { ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> stdMatrix=new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(); ArrayList<Double> stdDevArray=new ArrayList<Double>(); double mean=0; //mean of the element (of the same category) found double variance=0; double stdDev=0; for(int j=0; j<matrix.get(0).size(); j++) { mean=getMean(matrix, j); variance=getVariance(matrix, j, mean); stdDev=getStdDev(variance); stdDevArray.add(stdDev); } //Build the matrix for(int i=0; i<matrix.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Double> stdDevRecord=new ArrayList<Double>(stdDevArray); stdMatrix.add(stdDevRecord); } return stdMatrix; } /**Get the mean of a given array of values*/ public double getMean(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> matrix, int index) { double sum=0; //sum of element (of the same category) found double size=0; //number of element (of the same category) found for(int i=0; i<matrix.size(); i++) { sum+=matrix.get(i).get(index); size++; } return sum/size; } /**Get the mean of a given array of values*/ public double getMean(ArrayList<Double> record) { double sum=0; //sum of element (of the same category) found for(Double d: record) sum+=d; return sum/record.size(); } /**Get the variance of a given array of values*/ public double getVariance(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> matrix, int index, double mean) { double value=0; double tmp=0; double size=0; for(ArrayList<Double> row: matrix) { value=row.get(index); tmp+=(mean-value)*(mean-value); size++; } return tmp/size; } /**Get the variance of a given array of values*/ public double getVariance(ArrayList<Double> record, double mean) { double value=0; for(Double d: record) { value+=(mean-d)*(mean-d); } return value/record.size(); } /**Get the standard deviation given a variance value*/ public double getStdDev(double variance) { return Math.sqrt(variance); } /** * Get single density values with E(d)-1.96*std/radix(N) */ public ArrayList<Double> getSingleDensities(ArrayList<Double> mean, ArrayList<Double> std, double n) { ArrayList<Double> singleDensities=new ArrayList<Double>(); double mF=0; double sD=0; double density=0; for(int i=0;i<mean.size();i++) { mF=mean.get(i); sD=std.get(i); density=scaleFactor*mF-(1.96* (sD/Math.sqrt(n)) ); //Default setting //density=scaleFactor*mF-(1.64* (sD/Math.sqrt(n)) ); //low zoom //density=scaleFactor*mF-(2.24* (sD/Math.sqrt(n)) ); // density = (density >= 1) ? density : 1; //scale factor for having deltad at least equal to 1 singleDensities.add(density); } return singleDensities; } /**Get deltad values of categories combinations with E - 1.96*std/radix(N) * For a category cat, each d_m value is the cat density average of one of the 50 matrix * E = E(d_m, cat1) * E(d_m, cat2) * E(d_m, cat3) * ... * (E(d_m, catn)) * std = radix( sum( (XiYiZi...Kn - E(d_m,cat1)E(d_m,cat2)E(d_m, cat3)...(E(d_m, catn) )^2 ) / N ), * Xi, Yi, Zi, ..., Ki are the cat_i density averages for each one of the 50 matrix * N = |record of the matrix| */ public ArrayList<Double> getDeltadCombinations(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> matrix, ArrayList<Double> toRet, ArrayList<Double> mean, int[] comb, int startIndex, int combCount, double n) { double mult; double sum; double value; double sD; double density; //if i have a combination of size combCount if(combCount == comb.length){ mult=1; sum=0; //get the values of the combination for(int i = 0; i < combCount; i++){ mult*= mean.get(comb[i]); } //get the corresponding values of the matrix for(int i=0; i<matrix.size();i++) { value=1; for(int j=0; j<combCount; j++) { value*=matrix.get(i).get(comb[j]); } sum+=Math.pow((value-mult), 2); // sum iteratively the square of the difference between values of combination and matrix } //get the density values sD=Math.sqrt(sum/n); // Let define C as number of venues with a circle, S as number of // venues within a square. // C = Q * surface(circle) / surface(square) // Let define N as the number of cells along an edge of the BBox // since the edge of the square is the sqrt(2)/2 * N is sqrt // C = Q * (pi * 1/4 * 2 * 1/N^2) / (1/N^2) // = Q * pi * 1/2 // = Q * 1.57 // double scaleFactor = Math.PI / 2; density=scaleFactor * mult-(1.96 * (sD/Math.sqrt(n))); density = (density >= 1) ? density : 1; //scale factor for having deltad at least equal to 1 toRet.add(density); } //recursive call for the next combinations else{ for(int i = startIndex; i < mean.size(); i++){ comb[combCount] = i; getDeltadCombinations(matrix, toRet, mean, comb, i+1, combCount+1, n); } } return toRet; } /**Change the feature label by replacing 'old' with 'last' and by removing parenthesis*/ public ArrayList<String> changeFeaturesLabel(String old, String last, ArrayList<String> features) { String label=""; ArrayList<String> featuresLabel=new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0;i<features.size();i++) { label=features.get(i).replace(old, last); label=label.replaceAll("\\(", "").replaceAll("\\)", ""); //remove parenthesis featuresLabel.add(label); } return featuresLabel; } /**Get the feature labeled either for frequency, density, standard deviation or singles' deltad*/ public ArrayList<String> getFeaturesLabel(String s, ArrayList<String> features) { String label=""; ArrayList<String> featuresLabel=new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0;i<features.size();i++) { label=s+"("+features.get(i)+")"; featuresLabel.add(label); } return featuresLabel; } /**Get the feature labeled for combinations of deltad values*/ public ArrayList<String> getFeaturesForCombinations(ArrayList<String> toRet, ArrayList<String> features, int[] comb, int startIndex, int combCount) { if(combCount == comb.length){ String str="deltad("; for(int i = 0; i < combCount; i++){ //control in order to remove the last AND if(i==combCount-1) str+=features.get(comb[i]); else str+=features.get(comb[i])+" AND "; } str+=")"; toRet.add(str); } else{ for(int i = startIndex; i < features.size(); i++){ comb[combCount] = i; getFeaturesForCombinations(toRet, features, comb, i+1, combCount+1); } } return toRet; } }