/* * Geopaparazzi - Digital field mapping on Android based devices * Copyright (C) 2016 HydroloGIS (www.hydrologis.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package eu.geopaparazzi.core.ui.activities; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageButton; import eu.geopaparazzi.library.sms.SmsUtilities; import eu.geopaparazzi.core.R; import eu.geopaparazzi.core.utilities.Constants; public class PanicActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener { private ImageButton panicButton; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_panic); Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(eu.geopaparazzi.core.R.id.toolbar); setSupportActionBar(toolbar); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); panicButton = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.panicButton); panicButton.setOnClickListener(this); Button sendUpdateButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.sendUpdateButton); sendUpdateButton.setOnClickListener(this); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { sendPosition(v == panicButton); } /** * Send the panic or status update message. */ private void sendPosition(boolean isPanic) { Context context = this; if (isPanic) { String lastPosition = getString(R.string.help_needed); String[] panicNumbers = getPanicNumbers(context); if (panicNumbers == null) { String positionText = SmsUtilities.createPositionText(context, lastPosition); SmsUtilities.sendSMSViaApp(context, "", positionText); } else { for (String number : panicNumbers) { number = number.trim(); if (number.length() == 0) { continue; } String positionText = SmsUtilities.createPositionText(context, lastPosition); SmsUtilities.sendSMS(context, number, positionText, true); } } } else { // just sending a single geosms String positionText = SmsUtilities.createPositionText(context, ""); SmsUtilities.sendSMSViaApp(context, "", positionText); } } /** * Gets the panic numbers from the preferences. * * @param context the {@link Context} to use. * @return the array of numbers or null. */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static String[] getPanicNumbers(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final String panicNumbersString = preferences.getString(Constants.PANICKEY, ""); // Make sure there's a valid return address. if (panicNumbersString.length() == 0 || panicNumbersString.matches(".*[A-Za-z].*")) { return null; } else { String[] numbers = panicNumbersString.split(";"); return numbers; } } }