package geodb; import henplus.HenPlus; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import; public class Prompt { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 1) { printUsageAndExit(); } List<String> params = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(args)); boolean web = false; for (Iterator<String> i = params.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String arg =; if ("-w".equals(arg) || "--web".equals(arg)) { i.remove(); web = true; } } if (web) { runAsWeb(); } else { if (params.isEmpty()) { printUsageAndExit(); } String database = params.get(params.size()-1); runAsCommandLine(database); } } static void printUsageAndExit() { System.out.println("Usage: geodb [options] <database>"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Options:"); System.out.println("\t --web, -w\t\trun as web application"); System.exit(-1); } static void runAsWeb() throws Exception { Server.main(new String[]{}); } static void runAsCommandLine(String database) throws Exception { String home = System.getProperty("user.home"); //find henplus configuration directory File hpdir = new File(home, ".henplus"); if (!hpdir.exists()) { if (!hpdir.getParentFile().canWrite()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Can not write to home directory"); System.exit(-1); } hpdir.mkdir(); } //load the driver configuration file File hpconfig = new File(hpdir, "drivers"); if (!hpconfig.exists()) { hpconfig.createNewFile(); } if (!hpconfig.exists()) { System.out.println("ERROR: Could not create HenPlus configuration"); System.exit(-1); } Properties hpprops = new Properties(); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(hpconfig); hpprops.load(fin); fin.close(); if (!hpprops.containsKey("driver.h2.class") ) { hpprops.put("driver.h2.class", "org.h2.Driver"); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(hpconfig);, "JDBC drivers"); fout.close(); } //start henplus HenPlus.main(new String[]{"jdbc:h2:" + database}); } }