package net.johnewart.gearman.engine.queue.persistence; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP; import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPConfig; import net.johnewart.gearman.common.Job; import net.johnewart.gearman.constants.JobPriority; import net.johnewart.gearman.engine.core.QueuedJob; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; public class PostgresPersistenceEngine implements PersistenceEngine { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostgresPersistenceEngine.class); private static final int JOBS_PER_PAGE = 5000; private final String url; private final String tableName; private final BoneCP connectionPool; private final String updateJobQuery; private final String insertJobQuery; private final String deleteJobQuery; private final String findJobQuery; private final String readAllJobsQuery; private final String countQuery; private final String findAllJobsForFunctionQuery; private final String findJobByHandleQuery; private final MetricRegistry metricRegistry; private final Timer writeTimer, readTimer; private final Counter deleteCounter, writeCounter, pendingCounter; public PostgresPersistenceEngine(final String hostname, final int port, final String database, final String user, final String password, final String tableName, final MetricRegistry metricRegistry) throws SQLException { this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry; this.pendingCounter = metricRegistry.counter("postgresql.pending"); this.writeTimer = metricRegistry.timer("postgresql.write"); this.readTimer = metricRegistry.timer(""); this.writeCounter = metricRegistry.counter("postgresql.write"); this.deleteCounter = metricRegistry.counter("postgresql.delete"); this.url = "jdbc:postgresql://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/" + database; this.tableName = tableName; this.updateJobQuery = String.format("UPDATE %s SET job_handle = ?, priority = ?, time_to_run = ?, json_data = ? WHERE unique_id = ? AND function_name = ?", tableName); this.insertJobQuery = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (unique_id, function_name, time_to_run, priority, job_handle, json_data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", tableName); this.deleteJobQuery = String.format("DELETE FROM %s WHERE function_name = ? AND unique_id = ?", tableName); this.findJobQuery = String.format("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE function_name = ? AND unique_id = ?", tableName); this.readAllJobsQuery = String.format("SELECT function_name, priority, unique_id, time_to_run FROM %s LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", tableName); this.countQuery = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) AS jobCount FROM %s", tableName); this.findAllJobsForFunctionQuery = String.format("SELECT unique_id, time_to_run, priority FROM %s WHERE function_name = ?", tableName); this.findJobByHandleQuery= String.format("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE job_handle = ?", tableName); final BoneCPConfig config = new BoneCPConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl(this.url); config.setUsername(user); config.setPassword(password); config.setMinConnectionsPerPartition(10); config.setMaxConnectionsPerPartition(20); config.setPartitionCount(1); connectionPool = new BoneCP(config); if (!validateOrCreateTable()) { throw new SQLException("Unable to validate or create jobs table '" + tableName + "'. Check credentials."); } } @Override public String getIdentifier() { String result = url; try { Connection connection = connectionPool.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData(); int majorVersion, minorVersion; String productName, productVersion; majorVersion = metaData.getDatabaseMajorVersion(); minorVersion = metaData.getDatabaseMinorVersion(); productName = metaData.getDatabaseProductName(); productVersion = metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion(); result = String.format("%s (%s v%d.%d) - %s", productName, productVersion, majorVersion, minorVersion, url); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } @Override public boolean write(final Job job) { Timer.Context context = writeTimer.time(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { String jobJSON = mapper.writeValueAsString(job); // Update an existing job if one exists based on unique id st = conn.prepareStatement(updateJobQuery); st.setString(1, job.getJobHandle()); st.setString(2, job.getPriority().toString()); st.setLong (3, job.getTimeToRun()); st.setString(4, jobJSON); st.setString(5, job.getUniqueID()); st.setString(6, job.getFunctionName()); int updated = st.executeUpdate(); // No updates, insert a new record. if(updated == 0) { st = conn.prepareStatement(insertJobQuery); st.setString(1, job.getUniqueID()); st.setString(2, job.getFunctionName()); st.setLong(3, job.getTimeToRun()); st.setString(4, job.getPriority().toString()); st.setString(5, job.getJobHandle()); st.setString(6, jobJSON); int inserted = st.executeUpdate(); LOG.debug("Inserted " + inserted + " records for UUID " + job.getUniqueID()); } };; return true; } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.error("SQL Error writing job: " , se); return false; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("I/O Error writing job: " , e); return false; } finally { context.stop(); try { if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } } @Override public void delete(final Job job) { this.delete(job.getFunctionName(), job.getUniqueID()); } @Override public void delete(final String functionName, final String uniqueID) { PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { st = conn.prepareStatement(deleteJobQuery); st.setString(1, functionName); st.setString(2, uniqueID); int deleted = st.executeUpdate(); LOG.debug("Deleted " + deleted + " records for " + functionName + "/" +uniqueID); }; pendingCounter.dec(); } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.error("SQL Error deleting job: " , se); } finally { try { if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } } @Override public void deleteAll() { Statement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { st = conn.createStatement(); final String deleteAllQuery = String.format("DELETE FROM %s", tableName); int deleted = st.executeUpdate(deleteAllQuery); LOG.debug("Deleted " + deleted + " jobs..."); } } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.error("SQL Error deleting all jobs: " , se); } finally { try { if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } } @Override public Job findJob(final String functionName, final String uniqueID) { PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; Timer.Context timer = readTimer.time(); Job job = null; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { st = conn.prepareStatement(findJobQuery); st.setString(1, functionName); st.setString(2, uniqueID); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); rs = st.executeQuery(); if( { String jobJSON = rs.getString("json_data"); job = mapper.readValue(jobJSON, Job.class); } else { LOG.warn("No job for unique ID: " + uniqueID + " -- this could be an internal consistency problem..."); } } } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.debug(se.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { timer.stop(); try { if(rs != null) rs.close(); if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } return job; } @Override public Collection<QueuedJob> readAll() { LinkedList<QueuedJob> jobs = new LinkedList<>(); PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; // Which page of results are we on? int pageNum = 0; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { LOG.debug("Reading all job data from PostgreSQL"); st = conn.prepareStatement(countQuery); rs = st.executeQuery(); if( { int totalJobs = rs.getInt("jobCount"); int fetchedJobs = 0; LOG.debug("Reading " + totalJobs + " jobs from PostgreSQL"); do { st.setFetchSize(JOBS_PER_PAGE); st.setMaxRows(JOBS_PER_PAGE); st = conn.prepareStatement(readAllJobsQuery); st.setInt(1, JOBS_PER_PAGE); st.setInt(2, (pageNum * JOBS_PER_PAGE)); rs = st.executeQuery(); while( { try { final String uniqueId = rs.getString("unique_id"); final long timeToRun = rs.getLong("time_to_run"); final JobPriority jobPriority = JobPriority.valueOf(rs.getString("priority")); final String functionName = rs.getString("function_name"); jobs.add(new QueuedJob(uniqueId, timeToRun, jobPriority, functionName)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to load job '" + rs.getString("unique_id") + "'"); } fetchedJobs += 1; } pageNum += 1; LOG.debug("Loaded " + fetchedJobs + "..."); } while(fetchedJobs != totalJobs); } } } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.debug(se.toString()); } finally { try { if(rs != null) rs.close(); if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } return jobs; } @Override public Collection<QueuedJob> getAllForFunction(final String functionName) { LinkedList<QueuedJob> jobs = new LinkedList<>(); PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; QueuedJob job; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { st = conn.prepareStatement(findAllJobsForFunctionQuery); st.setString(1, functionName); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); rs = st.executeQuery(); while( { job = new QueuedJob(rs.getString("unique_id"), rs.getLong("time_to_run"), JobPriority.valueOf(rs.getString("priority")), functionName); jobs.add(job); } } } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.debug(se.toString()); } finally { try { if(rs != null) rs.close(); if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } return jobs; } public Job findJobByHandle(String jobHandle) { PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; Job job = null; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { st = conn.prepareStatement(findJobByHandleQuery); st.setString(1, jobHandle); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); rs = st.executeQuery(); if( { String jobJSON = rs.getString("json_data"); job = mapper.readValue(jobJSON, Job.class); } else { LOG.warn("No job for job handle: " + jobHandle + " -- this could be an internal consistency problem..."); } } } catch (SQLException se) { LOG.debug(se.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if(rs != null) rs.close(); if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { LOG.debug("Error cleaning up: " + innerEx); } } return job; } private boolean validateOrCreateTable() { PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); boolean success = false; try { conn = connectionPool.getConnection(); if(conn != null) { DatabaseMetaData dbm = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, tableName, null); if(! { final String createQuery = String.format("CREATE TABLE %s(id bigserial, unique_id varchar(255), priority varchar(50), function_name varchar(255), time_to_run bigint, job_handle text, json_data text)", tableName); final String indexUidQuery = String.format("CREATE INDEX %s_unique_id ON %s(unique_id)", tableName, tableName); final String indexJobHandleQuery = String.format("CREATE INDEX %s_job_handle ON %s(job_handle)", tableName, tableName); st = conn.prepareStatement(createQuery); st.executeUpdate(); st = conn.prepareStatement(indexUidQuery); st.executeUpdate(); st = conn.prepareStatement(indexJobHandleQuery); st.executeUpdate(); // Make sure it worked ResultSet createdTables = dbm.getTables(null, null, tableName, null); if( { LOG.debug("Created jobs table '" + tableName + "'"); success = true; } else { LOG.debug("Unable to create jobs table '" + tableName + "'"); success = false; } } else { LOG.debug("Jobs table '" + tableName + "' already exists."); success = true; } } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if(st != null) st.close(); if(conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException innerEx) { innerEx.printStackTrace(); } } return success; } }