/* Copyright (c) 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.gdata.data.batch; import com.google.gdata.util.common.xml.XmlWriter; import com.google.gdata.client.CoreErrorDomain; import com.google.gdata.data.Extension; import com.google.gdata.data.ExtensionDescription; import com.google.gdata.data.ExtensionPoint; import com.google.gdata.data.ExtensionProfile; import com.google.gdata.util.ContentType; import com.google.gdata.util.Namespaces; import com.google.gdata.util.ParseException; import com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException; import com.google.gdata.util.XmlParser; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Entry extension for the element {@code <batch:interrupted>}, which marks * the batch feed as having been aborted. * * */ public class BatchInterrupted extends ExtensionPoint implements Extension, IBatchInterrupted { private String reason; private int totalCount; private int successCount; private int errorCount; private String content; private ContentType contentType; /** * Creates and initializes a BatchInterrupted object. * * @param reason exception that caused batch processing to stop * @param totalCount number of entries parsed so far, note that * it is to be expected that {@code totalCount >= successCount + errorCount} * @param successCount number of entries processed successfully so far * @param errorCount number of entries rejected so far */ public BatchInterrupted(String reason, int totalCount, int successCount, int errorCount) { this.reason = reason; this.totalCount = totalCount; this.successCount = successCount; this.errorCount = errorCount; if (totalCount < (successCount - errorCount)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("total < success + error. total = " + totalCount + " success=" + successCount + " error=" + errorCount); } } /** * Creates an empty object. * * Usually used in conjuction with * {@link #getHandler(ExtensionProfile,String,String,Attributes)}. */ public BatchInterrupted() { } /** * Creates and initializes a BatchInterrupted object. * * @param cause exception that caused batch processing to stop * @param totalCount number of entries parsed so far, note that * it is to be expected that {@code totalCount >= successCount + errorCount} * @param successCount number of entries processed successfully so far * @param errorCount number of entries rejected so far */ public BatchInterrupted(Throwable cause, int totalCount, int successCount, int errorCount) { this(getReasonFromException(cause), totalCount, successCount, errorCount); if (cause instanceof ServiceException) { ServiceException se = (ServiceException)cause; content = se.getResponseBody(); contentType = se.getResponseContentType(); } } /** Returns the suggested extension description. */ public static ExtensionDescription getDefaultDescription() { ExtensionDescription desc = new ExtensionDescription(); desc.setExtensionClass(BatchInterrupted.class); desc.setNamespace(Namespaces.batchNs); desc.setLocalName("interrupted"); desc.setRepeatable(false); return desc; } private static String getReasonFromException(Throwable cause) { String message = cause.getMessage(); if (message == null) { return "Unexpected error"; } else { return message; } } /** Gets a short message describing what happened. */ public String getReason() { return reason; } /** Gets the total number of entries read. */ public int getTotalCount() { return totalCount; } /** Gets the number of entries that were processed successfully. */ public int getSuccessCount() { return successCount; } /** Gets the number of entries that were rejected. */ public int getErrorCount() { return errorCount; } /** Gets the number of entries that were skipped. */ public int getSkippedCount() { return (totalCount - ( successCount + errorCount)); } /** Describe the content of this tag. */ public ContentType getContentType() { return contentType; } /** Sets the content type for this tag. */ public void setContentType(ContentType contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; } /** Gets this tag content. See also {@link #getContentType()}. */ public String getContent() { return content; } /** Sets this tag content. The type must correspond {@code contentType}. */ public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } /** * Generates an XML representation for batch:interrupted. */ @Override public void generate(XmlWriter w, ExtensionProfile extProfile) throws IOException { List<XmlWriter.Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<XmlWriter.Attribute>(6); if (reason != null) { attrs.add(new XmlWriter.Attribute("reason", reason)); } attrs.add(new XmlWriter.Attribute("parsed", Integer.toString(totalCount))); attrs.add(new XmlWriter.Attribute("success", Integer.toString(successCount))); attrs.add(new XmlWriter.Attribute("error", Integer.toString(errorCount))); int skippedCount = totalCount - ( successCount + errorCount); attrs.add(new XmlWriter.Attribute("unprocessed", Integer.toString(skippedCount))); if (contentType != null) { // Charset makes no sense in this context contentType.getAttributes().remove(ContentType.ATTR_CHARSET); attrs.add(new XmlWriter.Attribute("content-type", contentType.toString())); } generateStartElement(w, Namespaces.batchNs, "interrupted", attrs, null); // Invoke ExtensionPoint generateExtensions(w, extProfile); if (content != null) { w.characters(content); } w.endElement(Namespaces.batchNs, "interrupted"); } /** * Creates an XML ElementHandler that will initialize the object based * on a tag batch:interrupted parsed by the XML parser. * * @param extProfile * @param namespace * @param localName * @param attrs attributes of batch:interrupted * @return a child handler linked to the current object * @throws ParseException */ @Override public XmlParser.ElementHandler getHandler(ExtensionProfile extProfile, String namespace, String localName, Attributes attrs) throws ParseException { return new BatchInterruptedElementHandler(extProfile, attrs); } private static int getIntegerAttribute(Attributes attrs, String name, int defValue) throws ParseException { String stringValue = attrs.getValue(name); if (stringValue == null) { return defValue; } try { return Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ParseException pe = new ParseException( CoreErrorDomain.ERR.invalidIntegerAttribute, e); pe.setInternalReason("Invalid integer in value of attribute " + name + ": '" + stringValue + "'"); throw pe; } } /** * Parses a batch:interrupted element and initializes the * current object with what is found. */ private class BatchInterruptedElementHandler extends ExtensionPoint.ExtensionHandler { public BatchInterruptedElementHandler(ExtensionProfile extProfile, Attributes attrs) throws ParseException { super(extProfile, BatchInterrupted.class); totalCount = getIntegerAttribute(attrs, "parsed", 0); successCount = getIntegerAttribute(attrs, "success", 0); errorCount = getIntegerAttribute(attrs, "error", 0); reason = attrs.getValue("reason"); String contentTypeString = attrs.getValue("content-type"); if (contentTypeString != null) { try { contentType = new ContentType(contentTypeString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ParseException pe = new ParseException( CoreErrorDomain.ERR.invalidContentType, e); pe.setInternalReason("Invalid content type: '" + contentTypeString + "'"); throw pe; } } } @Override public void processEndElement() { content = value; } } }