package; import; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.hardware.Camera.Size; public abstract class PreviewCallback implements android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback { public abstract void ProcessFrame(int[][] frame); @Override public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] arg0, Camera arg1) { int imageFormat = arg1.getParameters().getPreviewFormat(); Size size = arg1.getParameters().getPreviewSize(); for (int row = 0; row < size.height; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < size.width; col++) { switch(imageFormat) { case ImageFormat.JPEG: break; case ImageFormat.NV16: break; case ImageFormat.NV21: break; case ImageFormat.RGB_565: break; case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN: break; case ImageFormat.YUY2: // aka YCbCr_422_I /* * The first question, however, is more difficult. The only specs I've * been able to find on the 422 is that it's essentially 4 bytes of data * with 2 pixels in it (equating to 6 rgb bytes. To "decompress" the * data use the following algorithms. * U = yuv[0] * Y1 = yuv[1] * V = yuv[2] * Y2 = yuv[3] * Then use equation to convert YUV to RGB is (remember to apply it to * both Y1 and Y2): * R = Y + 1.140V * G = y - (0.395 * U) - (0.581 * V) * B = Y + (2.032 * U) */ break; case ImageFormat.YV12: break; } } } } }