/** * * Funf: Open Sensing Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nadav Aharony, Wei Pan, Alex Pentland. * Acknowledgments: Alan Gardner * Contact: nadav@media.mit.edu * * This file is part of Funf. * * Funf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Funf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Funf. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ package edu.mit.media.funf.probe.builtin; import android.net.Uri; public class ProbeKeys { public static interface StatusKeys { public static final String ENABLED = "ENABLED", RUNNING = "RUNNING", NEXT_RUN = "NEXT_RUN", PREVIOUS_RUN = "PREVIOUS_RUN", NAME = "NAME", DISPLAY_NAME = "DISPLAY_NAME", REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS = "REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS", REQUIRED_FEATURES = "REQUIRED_FEATURES", PARAMETERS = "PARAMETERS"; } public static interface BaseProbeKeys { public static final String PROBE = "probe", // TODO: add probe version TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; } public static interface SensorKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String MAXIMUM_RANGE = "maximumRange", NAME = "name", POWER = "power", RESOLUTION = "resolution", TYPE = "type", VENDOR = "vendor", VERSION = "version", SENSOR = "sensor", EVENT_TIMESTAMP = "eventTimestamp", ACCURACY = "accuracy"; } public static interface AccelerometerFeaturesKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String X = "x", Y = "y", Z = "z", DIFF_FRAME_SECS = "diffFrameSecs", NUM_FRAME_SAMPLES = "numFrameSamples", MEAN = "mean", ABSOLUTE_CENTRAL_MOMENT = "absoluteCentralMoment", STANDARD_DEVIATION = "standardDeviation", MAX_DEVIATION = "maxDeviation", PSD_ACROSS_FREQUENCY_BANDS = "psdAcrossFrequencyBands"; } public static interface AccelerometerSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String X = "x", Y = "y", Z = "z"; } public static interface ActivityKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String ACTIVITY_LEVEL = "activityLevel", ACTIVITY_LEVEL_NONE = "none", ACTIVITY_LEVEL_LOW = "low", ACTIVITY_LEVEL_HIGH = "high"; } public static interface AndroidInfoKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String FIRMWARE_VERSION = "firmwareVersion", BUILD_NUMBER = "buildNumber", SDK = "sdk"; } public static interface ApplicationsKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String INSTALLED_APPLICATIONS = "installedApplications", UNINSTALLED_APPLICATIONS = "uninstalledApplications", INSTALLED = "installed", INSTALLED_TIMESTAMP = "installedTimestamp"; } public static interface AudioFeaturesKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String DIFF_SECS = "diffSecs", L1_NORM = "l1Norm", L2_NORM = "l2Norm", LINF_NORM = "linfNorm", PSD_ACROSS_FREQUENCY_BANDS = "psdAcrossFrequencyBands", MFCCS = "mfccs"; } public static interface AudioFilesKeys extends BaseProbeKeys, android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns { public static final String AUDIO_FILES = "audioFiles"; } public static interface BatteryKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String ICON_SMALL = "iconSmall", PRESENT = "present", SCALE = "scale", LEVEL = "level", TECHNOLOGY = "technology", STATUS = "status", VOLTAGE = "voltage", HEALTH = "health", TEMPERATURE = "temperature"; } public static interface BluetoothKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String DEVICES = "devices"; } public static class BrowserBookmarksKeys extends android.provider.Browser.BookmarkColumns implements BaseProbeKeys { public static final String BOOKMARKS = "bookmarks"; } public static class BrowserSearchesKeys extends android.provider.Browser.SearchColumns implements BaseProbeKeys { public static final String SEARCHES = "searches"; } public static class CallLogKeys extends android.provider.CallLog.Calls implements BaseProbeKeys { public static final String CALLS = "calls"; } public static interface CellKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String TYPE = "type", PSC = "psc", CID = "cid", LAC = "lac"; // TODO: fill with cdma data keys // baseStationId // baseStationLatitude // baseStationLongitude // networkId // systemId } public static interface ContactKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String CONTACT_DATA = "contactData"; // Cannot extend android final class android.provider.ContactsContract.Data, or inherit from protected interfaces } public static interface GravitySensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String X = "x", Y = "y", Z = "z"; } public static interface GyroscopeSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String X = "x", Y = "y", Z = "z"; } public static interface HardwareInfoKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String WIFI_MAC = "wifiMac", BLUETOOTH_MAC = "bluetoothMac", ANDROID_ID = "androidId", BRAND = "brand", MODEL = "model", DEVICE_ID = "deviceId"; } public static interface HighBandwidthKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String FILENAME = "filename"; } public static interface ImagesKeys extends BaseProbeKeys, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns { public static final String IMAGES = "images"; } public static interface LightSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String LUX = "lux"; } public static interface LinearAccelerationSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String X = "x", Y = "y", Z = "z"; } public static interface LocationKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String ACCURACY = "mAccuracy", LATITUDE = "mLatitude", LONGITUDE= "mLongitude"; } public static interface MagneticFieldSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String X = "x", Y = "y", Z = "z"; } public static interface OrientationSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String AZIMUTH = "azimuth", PITCH = "pitch", ROLL = "roll"; } public static interface PressureSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String PRESSURE = "pressure"; } public static interface ProximitySensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String DISTANCE = "distance"; } public static interface RotationVectorSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String X_SIN_THETA_OVER_2 = "xSinThetaOver2", Y_SIN_THETA_OVER_2 = "ySinThetaOver2", Z_SIN_THETA_OVER_2 = "zSinThetaOver2", COS_THETA_OVER_2 = "cosThetaOver2"; } public static interface RunningApplicationsKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String RUNNING_TASKS = "runningTasks", DURATION = "duration", TASK_INFO = "taskInfo"; } public static interface ScreenKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String SCREEN_ON = "screenOn"; } public static interface SmsKeys extends BaseProbeKeys, AndroidInternal.TextBasedSmsColumns { // public static final String } public static interface TelephonyKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String CALL_STATE = "callState", DEVICE_ID = "deviceId", DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION = "deviceSoftwareVersion", LINE_1_NUMBER = "line1Number", NETWORK_COUNTRY_ISO = "networkCountryIso", NETWORK_OPERATOR = "networkOperator", NETWORK_OPERATOR_NAME = "networkOperatorName", NETWORK_TYPE = "networkType", PHONE_TYPE = "phoneType", SIM_COUNTRY_ISO = "simCountryIso", SIM_OPERATOR = "simOperator", SIM_OPERATOR_NAME = "simOperatorName", SIM_SERIAL_NUMBER = "simSerialNumber", SIM_STATE = "simState", SUBSCRIBER_ID = "subscriberId", VOICEMAIL_ALPHA_TAG = "voicemailAlphaTag", VOICEMAIL_NUMBER = "voicemailNumber", HAS_ICC_CARD = "hassIccCard"; } public static interface TemperatureSensorKeys extends SensorKeys { public static final String TEMPERATURE = "temperature"; } public static interface TimeOffsetKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String LOCAL_TIME_OFFSET = "localTimeOffset", ROUND_TRIP_DELAY = "roundTripDelay"; } public static interface VideosKeys extends BaseProbeKeys, android.provider.MediaStore.Video.VideoColumns { public static final String VIDEOS = "videos"; } public static interface WifiKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String SCAN_RESULTS = "scanResults"; } public static interface ServicesKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { //public static final String } public static interface AccountsKeys extends BaseProbeKeys { public static final String ACCOUNTS = "accounts", NAME = "name", TYPE = "type"; } public interface AndroidInternal { /////////////////////////////////////////// // COPIED FROM NON-PUBLIC ANDROID API // http://www.google.com/codesearch/p?hl=en#fxuXIzvA0aY/core/java/android/provider/Telephony.java&q=package:android%20%22core/java/android/provider/Telephony.java%22&sa=N&cd=1&ct=rc&l=186 public interface Sms extends TextBasedSmsColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms"); public static final String MESSAGES = "messages"; /* NOTE: other fields and methods not copied */ } /** * Base columns for tables that contain text based SMSs. */ public interface TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * The type of the message * <P>Type: INTEGER</P> */ public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_ALL = 0; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX = 1; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT = 3; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX = 4; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED = 5; // for failed outgoing messages public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED = 6; // for messages to send later /** * The thread ID of the message * <P>Type: INTEGER</P> */ public static final String THREAD_ID = "thread_id"; /** * The address of the other party * <P>Type: TEXT</P> */ public static final String ADDRESS = "address"; /** * The person ID of the sender * <P>Type: INTEGER (long)</P> */ public static final String PERSON_ID = "person"; /** * The date the message was sent * <P>Type: INTEGER (long)</P> */ public static final String DATE = "date"; /** * Has the message been read * <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P> */ public static final String READ = "read"; /** * Indicates whether this message has been seen by the user. The "seen" flag will be * used to figure out whether we need to throw up a statusbar notification or not. */ public static final String SEEN = "seen"; /** * The TP-Status value for the message, or -1 if no status has * been received */ public static final String STATUS = "status"; public static final int STATUS_NONE = -1; public static final int STATUS_COMPLETE = 0; public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 32; public static final int STATUS_FAILED = 64; /** * The subject of the message, if present * <P>Type: TEXT</P> */ public static final String SUBJECT = "subject"; /** * The body of the message * <P>Type: TEXT</P> */ public static final String BODY = "body"; /** * The id of the sender of the conversation, if present * <P>Type: INTEGER (reference to item in content://contacts/people)</P> */ public static final String PERSON = "person"; /** * The protocol identifier code * <P>Type: INTEGER</P> */ public static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol"; /** * Whether the <code>TP-Reply-Path</code> bit was set on this message * <P>Type: BOOLEAN</P> */ public static final String REPLY_PATH_PRESENT = "reply_path_present"; /** * The service center (SC) through which to send the message, if present * <P>Type: TEXT</P> */ public static final String SERVICE_CENTER = "service_center"; /** * Has the message been locked? * <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P> */ public static final String LOCKED = "locked"; /** * Error code associated with sending or receiving this message * <P>Type: INTEGER</P> */ public static final String ERROR_CODE = "error_code"; /** * Meta data used externally. * <P>Type: TEXT</P> */ public static final String META_DATA = "meta_data"; } } }