package gr.upatras.ece.nam.fstoolkit.FCIgenerator.project; /** * This class is just for some testing * @author ctranoris * */ public class Main { /** * @param args * @author ctranoris */ public static void main(String[] args) { // //the following makes an update to existing resource uop.rubis_db-20 // TGWClient u = new TGWClient( // "", // "<rubis_db action=\"update\"><configuration><context><vctId>ctranoris_rubbis_db</vctId></context><configuration><VLANID>23</VLANID><IP></IP><GW></GW><MEM>256</MEM><DISKSPACE>10000</DISKSPACE></configuration></configuration></rubis_db>"); // u.execute(); //the following makes a create of a resource, see it goes to and no action. The return is the resource-id // RepoClient c = new RepoClient( // "", // "username", "password", "vctname"); // c.execute(""); } }