/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.gsm; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.AdnRecord; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.AdnRecordCache; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccFileHandler; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class implements reading and parsing USIM records. * Refer to Spec 3GPP TS 31.102 for more details. * * {@hide} */ public class UsimPhoneBookManager extends Handler implements IccConstants { private static final String LOG_TAG = "UsimPhoneBookManager"; private static final boolean DBG = true; private ArrayList<PbrRecord> mPbrRecords; private Boolean mIsPbrPresent; private IccFileHandler mFh; private AdnRecordCache mAdnCache; private Object mLock = new Object(); private ArrayList<AdnRecord> mPhoneBookRecords; private ArrayList<byte[]> mIapFileRecord; private ArrayList<byte[]> mEmailFileRecord; // email list for each ADN record. The key would be // ADN's efid << 8 + record # private SparseArray<ArrayList<String>> mEmailsForAdnRec; // SFI to ADN Efid mapping table private SparseIntArray mSfiEfidTable; private boolean mRefreshCache = false; private static final int EVENT_PBR_LOAD_DONE = 1; private static final int EVENT_USIM_ADN_LOAD_DONE = 2; private static final int EVENT_IAP_LOAD_DONE = 3; private static final int EVENT_EMAIL_LOAD_DONE = 4; private static final int USIM_TYPE1_TAG = 0xA8; private static final int USIM_TYPE2_TAG = 0xA9; private static final int USIM_TYPE3_TAG = 0xAA; private static final int USIM_EFADN_TAG = 0xC0; private static final int USIM_EFIAP_TAG = 0xC1; private static final int USIM_EFEXT1_TAG = 0xC2; private static final int USIM_EFSNE_TAG = 0xC3; private static final int USIM_EFANR_TAG = 0xC4; private static final int USIM_EFPBC_TAG = 0xC5; private static final int USIM_EFGRP_TAG = 0xC6; private static final int USIM_EFAAS_TAG = 0xC7; private static final int USIM_EFGSD_TAG = 0xC8; private static final int USIM_EFUID_TAG = 0xC9; private static final int USIM_EFEMAIL_TAG = 0xCA; private static final int USIM_EFCCP1_TAG = 0xCB; private static final int INVALID_SFI = -1; private static final byte INVALID_BYTE = -1; // class File represent a PBR record TLV object which points to the rest of the phonebook EFs private class File { // Phonebook reference file constructed tag defined in 3GPP TS 31.102 // section table 4.1 private final int mParentTag; // EFID of the file private final int mEfid; // SFI (Short File Identification) of the file. 0xFF indicates invalid SFI. private final int mSfi; // The order of this tag showing in the PBR record. private final int mIndex; File(int parentTag, int efid, int sfi, int index) { mParentTag = parentTag; mEfid = efid; mSfi = sfi; mIndex = index; } public int getParentTag() { return mParentTag; } public int getEfid() { return mEfid; } public int getSfi() { return mSfi; } public int getIndex() { return mIndex; } } public UsimPhoneBookManager(IccFileHandler fh, AdnRecordCache cache) { mFh = fh; mPhoneBookRecords = new ArrayList<AdnRecord>(); mPbrRecords = null; // We assume its present, after the first read this is updated. // So we don't have to read from UICC if its not present on subsequent reads. mIsPbrPresent = true; mAdnCache = cache; mEmailsForAdnRec = new SparseArray<ArrayList<String>>(); mSfiEfidTable = new SparseIntArray(); } public void reset() { mPhoneBookRecords.clear(); mIapFileRecord = null; mEmailFileRecord = null; mPbrRecords = null; mIsPbrPresent = true; mRefreshCache = false; mEmailsForAdnRec.clear(); mSfiEfidTable.clear(); } // Load all phonebook related EFs from the SIM. public ArrayList<AdnRecord> loadEfFilesFromUsim() { synchronized (mLock) { if (!mPhoneBookRecords.isEmpty()) { if (mRefreshCache) { mRefreshCache = false; refreshCache(); } return mPhoneBookRecords; } if (!mIsPbrPresent) return null; // Check if the PBR file is present in the cache, if not read it // from the USIM. if (mPbrRecords == null) { readPbrFileAndWait(); } if (mPbrRecords == null) return null; int numRecs = mPbrRecords.size(); log("loadEfFilesFromUsim: Loading adn and emails"); for (int i = 0; i < numRecs; i++) { readAdnFileAndWait(i); readEmailFileAndWait(i); } updatePhoneAdnRecord(); // All EF files are loaded, return all the records } return mPhoneBookRecords; } // Refresh the phonebook cache. private void refreshCache() { if (mPbrRecords == null) return; mPhoneBookRecords.clear(); int numRecs = mPbrRecords.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numRecs; i++) { readAdnFileAndWait(i); } } // Invalidate the phonebook cache. public void invalidateCache() { mRefreshCache = true; } // Read the phonebook reference file EF_PBR. private void readPbrFileAndWait() { mFh.loadEFLinearFixedAll(EF_PBR, obtainMessage(EVENT_PBR_LOAD_DONE)); try { mLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Interrupted Exception in readAdnFileAndWait"); } } // Read EF_EMAIL which contains the email records. private void readEmailFileAndWait(int recId) { SparseArray<File> files; files = mPbrRecords.get(recId).mFileIds; if (files == null) return; File email = files.get(USIM_EFEMAIL_TAG); if (email != null) { /** * Check if the EF_EMAIL is a Type 1 file or a type 2 file. * If mEmailPresentInIap is true, its a type 2 file. * So we read the IAP file and then read the email records. * instead of reading directly. */ if (email.getParentTag() == USIM_TYPE2_TAG) { if (files.get(USIM_EFIAP_TAG) == null) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Can't locate EF_IAP in EF_PBR."); return; } log("EF_IAP exists. Loading EF_IAP to retrieve the index."); readIapFileAndWait(files.get(USIM_EFIAP_TAG).getEfid()); if (mIapFileRecord == null) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: IAP file is empty"); return; } log("EF_EMAIL order in PBR record: " + email.getIndex()); } int emailEfid = email.getEfid(); log("EF_EMAIL exists in PBR. efid = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(emailEfid).toUpperCase()); /** * Make sure this EF_EMAIL was never read earlier. Sometimes two PBR record points */ // to the same EF_EMAIL for (int i = 0; i < recId; i++) { if (mPbrRecords.get(i) != null) { SparseArray<File> previousFileIds = mPbrRecords.get(i).mFileIds; if (previousFileIds != null) { File id = previousFileIds.get(USIM_EFEMAIL_TAG); if (id != null && id.getEfid() == emailEfid) { log("Skipped this EF_EMAIL which was loaded earlier"); return; } } } } // Read the EFEmail file. mFh.loadEFLinearFixedAll(emailEfid, obtainMessage(EVENT_EMAIL_LOAD_DONE)); try { mLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Interrupted Exception in readEmailFileAndWait"); } if (mEmailFileRecord == null) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: Email file is empty"); return; } // Build email list if (email.getParentTag() == USIM_TYPE2_TAG && mIapFileRecord != null) { // If the tag is type 2 and EF_IAP exists, we need to build tpe 2 email list buildType2EmailList(recId); } else { // If one the followings is true, we build type 1 email list // 1. EF_IAP does not exist or it is failed to load // 2. ICC cards can be made such that they have an IAP file but all // records are empty. In that case buildType2EmailList will fail and // we need to build type 1 email list. // Build type 1 email list buildType1EmailList(recId); } } } // Build type 1 email list private void buildType1EmailList(int recId) { /** * If this is type 1, the number of records in EF_EMAIL would be same as the record number * in the master/reference file. */ if (mPbrRecords.get(recId) == null) return; int numRecs = mPbrRecords.get(recId).mMasterFileRecordNum; log("Building type 1 email list. recId = " + recId + ", numRecs = " + numRecs); byte[] emailRec; for (int i = 0; i < numRecs; i++) { try { emailRec = mEmailFileRecord.get(i); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: Improper ICC card: No email record for ADN, continuing"); break; } /** * 3GPP TS 31.102 EF_EMAIL (e-mail address) * * The fields below are mandatory if and only if the file * is not type 1 (as specified in EF_PBR) * * Byte [X + 1]: ADN file SFI (Short File Identification) * Byte [X + 2]: ADN file Record Identifier */ int sfi = emailRec[emailRec.length - 2]; int adnRecId = emailRec[emailRec.length - 1]; String email = readEmailRecord(i); if (email == null || email.equals("")) { continue; } // Get the associated ADN's efid first. int adnEfid = 0; if (sfi == INVALID_SFI || mSfiEfidTable.get(sfi) == 0) { // If SFI is invalid or cannot be mapped to any ADN, use the ADN's efid // in the same PBR files. File file = mPbrRecords.get(recId).mFileIds.get(USIM_EFADN_TAG); if (file == null) continue; adnEfid = file.getEfid(); } else { adnEfid = mSfiEfidTable.get(sfi); } /** * SIM record numbers are 1 based. * The key is constructed by efid and record index. */ int index = (((adnEfid & 0xFFFF) << 8) | ((adnRecId - 1) & 0xFF)); ArrayList<String> emailList = mEmailsForAdnRec.get(index); if (emailList == null) { emailList = new ArrayList<String>(); } log("Adding email #" + i + " list to index 0x" + Integer.toHexString(index).toUpperCase()); emailList.add(email); mEmailsForAdnRec.put(index, emailList); } } // Build type 2 email list private boolean buildType2EmailList(int recId) { if (mPbrRecords.get(recId) == null) return false; int numRecs = mPbrRecords.get(recId).mMasterFileRecordNum; log("Building type 2 email list. recId = " + recId + ", numRecs = " + numRecs); /** * 3GPP TS 31.102 EF_PBR (Phone Book Reference file) table 4.1 * The number of records in the IAP file is same as the number of records in the master * file (e.g EF_ADN). The order of the pointers in an EF_IAP shall be the same as the * order of file IDs that appear in the TLV object indicated by Tag 'A9' in the * reference file record (e.g value of mEmailTagNumberInIap) */ File adnFile = mPbrRecords.get(recId).mFileIds.get(USIM_EFADN_TAG); if (adnFile == null) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: Improper ICC card: EF_ADN does not exist in PBR files"); return false; } int adnEfid = adnFile.getEfid(); for (int i = 0; i < numRecs; i++) { byte[] record; int emailRecId; try { record = mIapFileRecord.get(i); emailRecId = record[mPbrRecords.get(recId).mFileIds.get(USIM_EFEMAIL_TAG).getIndex()]; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: Improper ICC card: Corrupted EF_IAP"); continue; } String email = readEmailRecord(emailRecId - 1); if (email != null && !email.equals("")) { // The key is constructed by efid and record index. int index = (((adnEfid & 0xFFFF) << 8) | (i & 0xFF)); ArrayList<String> emailList = mEmailsForAdnRec.get(index); if (emailList == null) { emailList = new ArrayList<String>(); } emailList.add(email); log("Adding email list to index 0x" + Integer.toHexString(index).toUpperCase()); mEmailsForAdnRec.put(index, emailList); } } return true; } // Read Phonebook Index Admistration EF_IAP file private void readIapFileAndWait(int efid) { mFh.loadEFLinearFixedAll(efid, obtainMessage(EVENT_IAP_LOAD_DONE)); try { mLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Interrupted Exception in readIapFileAndWait"); } } private void updatePhoneAdnRecord() { int numAdnRecs = mPhoneBookRecords.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numAdnRecs; i++) { AdnRecord rec = mPhoneBookRecords.get(i); int adnEfid = rec.getEfid(); int adnRecId = rec.getRecId(); int index = (((adnEfid & 0xFFFF) << 8) | ((adnRecId - 1) & 0xFF)); ArrayList<String> emailList; try { emailList = mEmailsForAdnRec.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { continue; } if (emailList == null) continue; String[] emails = new String[emailList.size()]; System.arraycopy(emailList.toArray(), 0, emails, 0, emailList.size()); rec.setEmails(emails); log("Adding email list to ADN (0x" + Integer.toHexString(mPhoneBookRecords.get(i).getEfid()).toUpperCase() + ") record #" + mPhoneBookRecords.get(i).getRecId()); mPhoneBookRecords.set(i, rec); } } // Read email from the record of EF_EMAIL private String readEmailRecord(int recId) { byte[] emailRec; try { emailRec = mEmailFileRecord.get(recId); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } // The length of the record is X+2 byte, where X bytes is the email address return IccUtils.adnStringFieldToString(emailRec, 0, emailRec.length - 2); } // Read EF_ADN file private void readAdnFileAndWait(int recId) { SparseArray<File> files; files = mPbrRecords.get(recId).mFileIds; if (files == null || files.size() == 0) return; int extEf = 0; // Only call fileIds.get while EF_EXT1_TAG is available if (files.get(USIM_EFEXT1_TAG) != null) { extEf = files.get(USIM_EFEXT1_TAG).getEfid(); } if (files.get(USIM_EFADN_TAG) == null) return; int previousSize = mPhoneBookRecords.size(); mAdnCache.requestLoadAllAdnLike(files.get(USIM_EFADN_TAG).getEfid(), extEf, obtainMessage(EVENT_USIM_ADN_LOAD_DONE)); try { mLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Interrupted Exception in readAdnFileAndWait"); } /** * The recent added ADN record # would be the reference record size * for the rest of EFs associated within this PBR. */ mPbrRecords.get(recId).mMasterFileRecordNum = mPhoneBookRecords.size() - previousSize; } // Create the phonebook reference file based on EF_PBR private void createPbrFile(ArrayList<byte[]> records) { if (records == null) { mPbrRecords = null; mIsPbrPresent = false; return; } mPbrRecords = new ArrayList<PbrRecord>(); for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { // Some cards have two records but the 2nd record is filled with all invalid char 0xff. // So we need to check if the record is valid or not before adding into the PBR records. if (records.get(i)[0] != INVALID_BYTE) { mPbrRecords.add(new PbrRecord(records.get(i))); } } for (PbrRecord record : mPbrRecords) { File file = record.mFileIds.get(USIM_EFADN_TAG); // If the file does not contain EF_ADN, we'll just skip it. if (file != null) { int sfi = file.getSfi(); if (sfi != INVALID_SFI) { mSfiEfidTable.put(sfi, record.mFileIds.get(USIM_EFADN_TAG).getEfid()); } } } } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; switch(msg.what) { case EVENT_PBR_LOAD_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { createPbrFile((ArrayList<byte[]>)ar.result); } synchronized (mLock) { mLock.notify(); } break; case EVENT_USIM_ADN_LOAD_DONE: log("Loading USIM ADN records done"); ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { mPhoneBookRecords.addAll((ArrayList<AdnRecord>)ar.result); } synchronized (mLock) { mLock.notify(); } break; case EVENT_IAP_LOAD_DONE: log("Loading USIM IAP records done"); ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { mIapFileRecord = ((ArrayList<byte[]>)ar.result); } synchronized (mLock) { mLock.notify(); } break; case EVENT_EMAIL_LOAD_DONE: log("Loading USIM Email records done"); ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { mEmailFileRecord = ((ArrayList<byte[]>)ar.result); } synchronized (mLock) { mLock.notify(); } break; } } // PbrRecord represents a record in EF_PBR private class PbrRecord { // TLV tags private SparseArray<File> mFileIds; /** * 3GPP TS 31.102 EF_PBR (Phone Book Reference file) * If this is type 1 files, files that contain as many records as the * reference/master file (EF_ADN, EF_ADN1) and are linked on record number * bases (Rec1 -> Rec1). The master file record number is the reference. */ private int mMasterFileRecordNum; PbrRecord(byte[] record) { mFileIds = new SparseArray<File>(); SimTlv recTlv; log("PBR rec: " + IccUtils.bytesToHexString(record)); recTlv = new SimTlv(record, 0, record.length); parseTag(recTlv); } void parseTag(SimTlv tlv) { SimTlv tlvEfSfi; int tag; byte[] data; do { tag = tlv.getTag(); switch(tag) { case USIM_TYPE1_TAG: // A8 case USIM_TYPE3_TAG: // AA case USIM_TYPE2_TAG: // A9 data = tlv.getData(); tlvEfSfi = new SimTlv(data, 0, data.length); parseEfAndSFI(tlvEfSfi, tag); break; } } while (tlv.nextObject()); } void parseEfAndSFI(SimTlv tlv, int parentTag) { int tag; byte[] data; int tagNumberWithinParentTag = 0; do { tag = tlv.getTag(); switch(tag) { case USIM_EFEMAIL_TAG: case USIM_EFADN_TAG: case USIM_EFEXT1_TAG: case USIM_EFANR_TAG: case USIM_EFPBC_TAG: case USIM_EFGRP_TAG: case USIM_EFAAS_TAG: case USIM_EFGSD_TAG: case USIM_EFUID_TAG: case USIM_EFCCP1_TAG: case USIM_EFIAP_TAG: case USIM_EFSNE_TAG: /** 3GPP TS 31.102, EF_PBR (Phone Book Reference file) * * The SFI value assigned to an EF which is indicated in EF_PBR shall * correspond to the SFI indicated in the TLV object in EF_PBR. * The primitive tag identifies clearly the type of data, its value * field indicates the file identifier and, if applicable, the SFI * value of the specified EF. That is, the length value of a primitive * tag indicates if an SFI value is available for the EF or not: * - Length = '02' Value: 'EFID (2 bytes)' * - Length = '03' Value: 'EFID (2 bytes)', 'SFI (1 byte)' */ int sfi = INVALID_SFI; data = tlv.getData(); if (data.length < 2 || data.length > 3) { log("Invalid TLV length: " + data.length); break; } if (data.length == 3) { sfi = data[2] & 0xFF; } int efid = ((data[0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (data[1] & 0xFF); mFileIds.put(tag, new File(parentTag, efid, sfi, tagNumberWithinParentTag)); break; } tagNumberWithinParentTag++; } while(tlv.nextObject()); } } private void log(String msg) { if(DBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, msg); } }