package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainerContext; import org.exoplatform.poll.service.Poll; import org.exoplatform.poll.service.PollNodeTypes; import org.exoplatform.poll.service.PollService; import org.exoplatform.poll.service.PollSummary; import org.exoplatform.poll.service.Utils; import org.exoplatform.portal.config.UserACL; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Handles REST request to process Poll. * * @anchor PollWebservice * */ @Path("ks/poll") public class PollWebservice implements ResourceContainer { private static final Log log = ExoLogger.getLogger(PollWebservice.class); final public static String APP_TYPE = "poll".intern(); private OrganizationService organizationService = null; public PollWebservice() { getOrganizationService(); } private static final CacheControl cc; static { RuntimeDelegate.setInstance(new RuntimeDelegateImpl()); cc = new CacheControl(); cc.setNoCache(true); cc.setNoStore(true); } /** * Views a poll by its Id. * * @param pollId The poll Id to view. * @param sc The security context which gets the information of the current user. * @param uriInfo The URI information which gets the information of the current user. * * @anchor PollWebservice.viewPoll * * @return The response is JSON data. * * @throws Exception * * @LevelAPI Platform */ @GET @Path("/viewpoll/{resourceid}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response viewPoll(@PathParam("resourceid") String pollId, @Context SecurityContext sc, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) throws Exception { PollService pollService = (PollService) ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(PollService.class); String username = getUserId(sc, uriInfo); if (!Utils.isEmpty(pollId)) { try { Poll poll = pollService.getPoll(pollId); if (poll != null) { // poll.setIsAdmin(String.valueOf(hasGroupAdminOfGatein())); poll.setIsAdmin("true"); String group = poll.getParentPath(); boolean hasPerminsion = false; if (group.indexOf(PollNodeTypes.APPLICATION_DATA) > 0 && poll.getIsAdmin().equals("false")) { group = group.substring(group.indexOf(PollNodeTypes.GROUPS + "/") + PollNodeTypes.GROUPS.length(), group.indexOf("/" + PollNodeTypes.APPLICATION_DATA)); for (String group_ : getGroupsOfUser(username)) { if (group_.indexOf(group) >= 0) { hasPerminsion = true; break; } } } else if (group.indexOf(PollNodeTypes.POLLS) < 0) { hasPerminsion = pollService.hasPermissionInForum(group + "/" + poll.getId(), getAllGroupAndMembershipOfUser(username)); } else { hasPerminsion = true; } if (!hasPerminsion) { poll = new Poll(); poll.setId("DoNotPermission"); return Response.ok(poll, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).cacheControl(cc).build(); } poll.setVotes(); poll.setInfoVote(); poll.setShowVote(isGuestPermission(poll, username)); return Response.ok(poll, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).cacheControl(cc).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can not get poll by id: " + pollId, e); } } PollSummary pollSummary = new PollSummary(); pollSummary = pollService.getPollSummary(getAllGroupAndMembershipOfUser(username)); pollSummary.setIsAdmin("true"); return Response.ok(pollSummary, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).cacheControl(cc).build(); } /** * Votes for a poll by its Id. * * @param pollId The poll Id to vote. * @param indexVote The vote indexes selected by the current user. * @param sc The security context which gets the information of the current user. * @param uriInfo The URI information which gets the information of the current user. * * @anchor PollWebservice.votePoll * * @return The response is JSON data. * * @throws Exception * * @LevelAPI Platform */ @GET @Path("/votepoll/{pollId}/{indexVote}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response votePoll(@PathParam("pollId") String pollId, @PathParam("indexVote") String indexVote, @Context SecurityContext sc, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) throws Exception { if (!Utils.isEmpty(pollId) && !Utils.isEmpty(indexVote)) { try { PollService pollService = (PollService) ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(PollService.class); Poll poll = pollService.getPoll(pollId.trim()); String username = getUserId(sc, uriInfo); if (poll != null && !IdentityConstants.ANONIM.equals(username) && validateIndexVote(indexVote, poll.getOption().length)) { poll = Utils.calculateVote(poll, username, indexVote); pollService.savePoll(poll, false, true); poll.setVotes(); poll.setInfoVote(); poll.setShowVote(isGuestPermission(poll, username)); poll.setIsAdmin(String.valueOf(hasGroupAdminOfGatein(username))); return Response.ok(poll, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).cacheControl(cc).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Failed to vote poll.", e); } return Response.ok("You do not have permission to vote this poll; or some options have been removed from the poll.", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).cacheControl(cc).build(); } return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build(); } private OrganizationService getOrganizationService() { if (organizationService == null) { organizationService = (OrganizationService) ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer() .getComponentInstance(OrganizationService.class); } return organizationService; } private String getUserId(SecurityContext sc, UriInfo uriInfo) { ConversationState state = ConversationState.getCurrent(); if(state != null) { return state.getIdentity().getUserId(); } if (sc != null && sc.getUserPrincipal() != null) { return sc.getUserPrincipal().getName(); } else if (uriInfo != null) { return getViewerId(uriInfo); } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } private String getViewerId(UriInfo uriInfo) { URI uri = uriInfo.getRequestUri(); String requestString = uri.getQuery(); if (requestString == null) return null; String[] queryParts = requestString.split("&"); for (String queryPart : queryParts) { if (queryPart.startsWith("opensocial_viewer_id")) { return queryPart.substring(queryPart.indexOf("=") + 1, queryPart.length()); } } return null; } private boolean validateIndexVote(String indexVote, int max) { String[] ivArr = indexVote.split(Utils.COLON); for (int i = 1; i < ivArr.length; i++) { try { int t = Integer.parseInt(ivArr[i]); if (t >= max) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isGuestPermission(Poll poll_, String username) throws Exception { if (poll_.getIsClosed()) return true; if (poll_.getTimeOut() > 0) { Date today = Utils.getGreenwichMeanTime().getTime(); if ((today.getTime() - poll_.getCreatedDate().getTime()) >= poll_.getTimeOut() * 86400000) return true; } if (Utils.isEmpty(username) || IdentityConstants.ANONIM.equals(username)) return true; String[] userVotes = poll_.getUserVote(); for (String string : userVotes) { string = string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":")); if (string.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) return true; } return false; } private boolean hasGroupAdminOfGatein(String username) { try { UserACL userACL = (UserACL) ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(UserACL.class); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add(username); list.addAll(getGroupsOfUser(username)); for (String str : list) { if (str.equals(userACL.getSuperUser()) || str.equals(userACL.getAdminGroups())) return true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Failed to check has group admin of gatein." + e.getCause()); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<String> getAllGroupAndMembershipOfUser(String username) { List<String> listOfUser = new ArrayList<String>(); try { listOfUser.add(username);// himself Set<String> list = new HashSet<String>(); Collection<Membership> memberships = organizationService.getMembershipHandler().findMembershipsByUser(username); for (Membership membership : memberships) { listOfUser.add(membership.getGroupId()); // its groups listOfUser.add(membership.getMembershipType() + ":" + membership.getGroupId()); // its memberships } listOfUser.addAll(list); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to get all info of user."); } return listOfUser; } private List<String> getGroupsOfUser(String username) { try { List<String> grIds = new ArrayList<String>(); ConversationState state = ConversationState.getCurrent(); if(state != null && username.equals(state.getIdentity().getUserId())) { Set<String> groupsSet = state.getIdentity().getGroups(); grIds.addAll(groupsSet); } else { for (Object gr : getOrganizationService().getGroupHandler().findGroupsOfUser(username)) { grIds.add(((Group) gr).getId()); } } return grIds; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to get groupId of user."); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } }