package; import java.util.*; import*; public abstract class Decompressor { public Decompressor(MyBufferedInputStream is, LocalFileHeader header) { } /** * byte b[] -- target buffer for bytes; might be null */ public abstract int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException; public abstract int read() throws IOException; protected Decompressor() { } private static Queue<DeflatingDecompressor> ourDeflators = new LinkedList<DeflatingDecompressor>(); static void storeDecompressor(Decompressor decompressor) { if (decompressor instanceof DeflatingDecompressor) { synchronized (ourDeflators) { ourDeflators.add((DeflatingDecompressor)decompressor); } } } public static Decompressor init(MyBufferedInputStream is, LocalFileHeader header) throws IOException { switch (header.CompressionMethod) { case 0: return new NoCompressionDecompressor(is, header); case 8: synchronized (ourDeflators) { if (!ourDeflators.isEmpty()) { DeflatingDecompressor decompressor = ourDeflators.poll(); decompressor.reset(is, header); return decompressor; } } return new DeflatingDecompressor(is, header); default: throw new ZipException("Unsupported method of compression"); } } public int available() throws IOException { return -1; } }