/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.mxml.flexjs; import java.io.FilterWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.flex.abc.semantics.Name; import org.apache.flex.abc.semantics.Namespace; import org.apache.flex.compiler.codegen.as.IASEmitter; import org.apache.flex.compiler.codegen.js.IJSEmitter; import org.apache.flex.compiler.codegen.mxml.flexjs.IMXMLFlexJSEmitter; import org.apache.flex.compiler.definitions.IClassDefinition; import org.apache.flex.compiler.definitions.IDefinition; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.as.ASEmitterTokens; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.databinding.BindingDatabase; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.databinding.BindingInfo; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.js.flexjs.JSFlexJSASDocEmitter; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.js.flexjs.JSFlexJSEmitterTokens; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.js.utils.EmitterUtils; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.codegen.mxml.MXMLEmitter; import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.projects.FlexProject; import org.apache.flex.compiler.projects.ICompilerProject; import org.apache.flex.compiler.tree.ASTNodeID; import org.apache.flex.compiler.tree.as.*; import org.apache.flex.compiler.tree.mxml.*; import org.apache.flex.compiler.utils.NativeUtils; import org.apache.flex.compiler.visitor.mxml.IMXMLBlockWalker; /** * @author Erik de Bruin */ public class MXMLFlexJSASDocEmitter extends MXMLEmitter implements IMXMLFlexJSEmitter { // the instances in a container private ArrayList<MXMLDescriptorSpecifier> currentInstances; private ArrayList<MXMLDescriptorSpecifier> currentPropertySpecifiers; private ArrayList<MXMLDescriptorSpecifier> descriptorTree; private MXMLDescriptorSpecifier propertiesTree; private MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentStateOverrides; private ArrayList<MXMLEventSpecifier> events; // all instances in the current document or subdocument private ArrayList<MXMLDescriptorSpecifier> instances; // all instances in the document AND its subdocuments private ArrayList<MXMLScriptSpecifier> scripts; //private ArrayList<MXMLStyleSpecifier> styles; private IClassDefinition classDefinition; private IClassDefinition documentDefinition; private ArrayList<String> usedNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private int eventCounter; private int idCounter; private int bindingCounter; private boolean inMXMLContent; private boolean inStatesOverride; private boolean makingSimpleArray; private StringBuilder subDocuments = new StringBuilder(); private ArrayList<String> subDocumentNames = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * This keeps track of the entries in our temporary array of * DeferredInstanceFromFunction objects that we CG to help with * State override CG. * * Keys are Instance nodes, * values are the array index where the deferred instance is: * * deferred instance = local3[ nodeToIndexMap.get(an instance) ] */ protected Map<IMXMLNode, Integer> nodeToIndexMap; public MXMLFlexJSASDocEmitter(FilterWriter out) { super(out); } @Override public String postProcess(String output) { return output; } @Override protected String getIndent(int numIndent) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numIndent; i++) sb.append(JSFlexJSEmitterTokens.INDENT.getToken()); return sb.toString(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void emitDeclarations(IMXMLDeclarationsNode node) { super.emitDeclarations(node); } @Override public void emitDocument(IMXMLDocumentNode node) { // visit MXML IClassDefinition cdef = node.getClassDefinition(); classDefinition = cdef; documentDefinition = cdef; // TODO (mschmalle) will remove this cast as more things get abstracted IJSEmitter fjs = (IJSEmitter) ((IMXMLBlockWalker) getMXMLWalker()) .getASEmitter(); fjs.getModel().setCurrentClass(cdef); scripts = new ArrayList<MXMLScriptSpecifier>(); /* can there be asdoc for child tags? // visit tags final int len = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { getMXMLWalker().walk(node.getChild(i)); } */ String cname = node.getFileNode().getName(); //emitHeader(node); emitClassDeclStart(cname, node.getBaseClassName(), false); //emitPropertyDecls(); emitScripts(); emitClassDeclEnd(cname, node.getBaseClassName()); // emitMetaData(cdef); // can there be asdoc for subdocs? //write(subDocuments.toString()); writeNewline(); /* these probably don't get asdoc either emitEvents(cname); emitPropertyGetterSetters(cname); */ } public void emitSubDocument(IMXMLComponentNode node) { // visit MXML IClassDefinition cdef = node.getContainedClassDefinition(); classDefinition = cdef; IASEmitter asEmitter = ((IMXMLBlockWalker) getMXMLWalker()) .getASEmitter(); ((JSFlexJSASDocEmitter) asEmitter).getModel().pushClass(cdef); IASNode classNode = node.getContainedClassDefinitionNode(); String cname = cdef.getQualifiedName(); String baseClassName = cdef.getBaseClassAsDisplayString(); subDocumentNames.add(cname); // visit tags final int len = classNode.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { getMXMLWalker().walk(classNode.getChild(i)); } ((JSFlexJSASDocEmitter) asEmitter).mxmlEmitter = this; emitClassDeclStart(cname, baseClassName, false); emitComplexInitializers(classNode); //emitPropertyDecls(); emitClassDeclEnd(cname, baseClassName); emitScripts(); emitEvents(cname); emitPropertyGetterSetters(cname); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void emitClassDeclStart(String cname, String baseClassName, boolean indent) { write("<"); writeToken(formatQualifiedName(cname)); write(">"); if (indent) indentPush(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void emitClassDeclEnd(String cname, String baseClassName) { indentPop(); writeNewline(); writeNewline(); write("</"); writeToken(formatQualifiedName(cname)); write(">"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void emitScripts() { for (MXMLScriptSpecifier script : scripts) { String output = script.output(); if (!output.equals("")) { writeNewline(output); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void emitEvents(String cname) { for (MXMLEventSpecifier event : events) { writeNewline("/**"); writeNewline(" * @export"); writeNewline(" * @param {" + formatQualifiedName(event.type) + "} event"); writeNewline(" */"); writeNewline(formatQualifiedName(cname) + ".prototype." + event.eventHandler + " = function(event)"); writeNewline(ASEmitterTokens.BLOCK_OPEN, true); writeNewline(event.value + ASEmitterTokens.SEMICOLON.getToken(), false); write(ASEmitterTokens.BLOCK_CLOSE); writeNewline(";"); writeNewline(); writeNewline(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void emitPropertyGetterSetters(String cname) { int n = 0; for (MXMLDescriptorSpecifier instance : instances) { if (!instance.id.startsWith(MXMLFlexJSEmitterTokens.ID_PREFIX .getToken())) { n++; } } if (n == 0 && descriptorTree.size() == 0) return; String formattedCName = formatQualifiedName(cname); write("Object.defineProperties("); write(formattedCName); writeNewline(".prototype, /** @lends {" + formattedCName + ".prototype} */ {"); indentPush(); int i = 0; for (MXMLDescriptorSpecifier instance : instances) { if (!instance.id.startsWith(MXMLFlexJSEmitterTokens.ID_PREFIX .getToken())) { indentPush(); writeNewline("/** @export */"); writeNewline(instance.id + ": {"); writeNewline("/** @this {" + formattedCName + "} */"); indentPush(); writeNewline("get: function() {"); indentPop(); writeNewline("return this." + instance.id + "_;"); writeNewline("},"); writeNewline("/** @this {" + formattedCName + "} */"); indentPush(); writeNewline("set: function(value) {"); indentPush(); writeNewline("if (value != this." + instance.id + "_) {"); writeNewline("this." + instance.id + "_ = value;"); write("this.dispatchEvent(org.apache.flex.events.ValueChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, '"); indentPop(); writeNewline(instance.id + "', null, value));"); indentPop(); writeNewline("}"); indentPop(); writeNewline("}"); if (i < n - 1 || descriptorTree.size() > 0) writeNewline("},"); else { indentPop(); writeNewline("}"); } i++; } } if (descriptorTree.size() == 0) writeNewline("});"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private HashMap<IMXMLEventSpecifierNode, String> eventHandlerNameMap = new HashMap<IMXMLEventSpecifierNode, String>(); @Override public void emitEventSpecifier(IMXMLEventSpecifierNode node) { if (isStateDependent(node) && !inStatesOverride) return; IDefinition cdef = node.getDefinition(); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentDescriptor = getCurrentDescriptor("i"); MXMLEventSpecifier eventSpecifier = new MXMLEventSpecifier(); eventSpecifier.eventHandler = MXMLFlexJSEmitterTokens.EVENT_PREFIX .getToken() + eventCounter++; eventSpecifier.name = cdef.getBaseName(); eventSpecifier.type = node.getEventParameterDefinition() .getTypeAsDisplayString(); eventHandlerNameMap.put(node, eventSpecifier.eventHandler); IASEmitter asEmitter = ((IMXMLBlockWalker) getMXMLWalker()) .getASEmitter(); StringBuilder sb = null; int len = node.getChildCount(); if (len > 0) { sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb.append(getIndent((i > 0) ? 1 : 0) + asEmitter.stringifyNode(node.getChild(i))); if (i < len - 1) { sb.append(ASEmitterTokens.SEMICOLON.getToken()); sb.append(ASEmitterTokens.NEW_LINE.getToken()); } } } eventSpecifier.value = sb.toString(); if (currentDescriptor != null) currentDescriptor.eventSpecifiers.add(eventSpecifier); else if (!inStatesOverride) // in theory, if no currentdescriptor must be top tag event propertiesTree.eventSpecifiers.add(eventSpecifier); events.add(eventSpecifier); } @Override public void emitInstance(IMXMLInstanceNode node) { if (isStateDependent(node) && !inStatesOverride) return; IClassDefinition cdef = node .getClassReference((ICompilerProject) getMXMLWalker() .getProject()); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentPropertySpecifier = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); String id = node.getID(); if (id == null) id = node.getEffectiveID(); if (id == null) id = MXMLFlexJSEmitterTokens.ID_PREFIX.getToken() + idCounter++; MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentInstance = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); currentInstance.isProperty = false; currentInstance.id = id; currentInstance.name = formatQualifiedName(cdef.getQualifiedName()); currentInstance.parent = currentPropertySpecifier; if (currentPropertySpecifier != null) currentPropertySpecifier.propertySpecifiers.add(currentInstance); else if (inMXMLContent) descriptorTree.add(currentInstance); else { currentInstance.parent = propertiesTree; propertiesTree.propertySpecifiers.add(currentInstance); } instances.add(currentInstance); IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode[] pnodes = node.getPropertySpecifierNodes(); if (pnodes != null) { moveDown(false, currentInstance, null); for (IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode pnode : pnodes) { getMXMLWalker().walk(pnode); // Property Specifier } moveUp(false, true); } else if (node instanceof IMXMLStateNode) { IMXMLStateNode stateNode = (IMXMLStateNode)node; String name = stateNode.getStateName(); if (name != null) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier stateName = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); stateName.isProperty = true; stateName.id = id; stateName.name = "name"; stateName.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + name + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); stateName.parent = currentInstance; currentInstance.propertySpecifiers.add(stateName); } MXMLDescriptorSpecifier overrides = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); overrides.isProperty = true; overrides.hasArray = true; overrides.id = id; overrides.name = "overrides"; overrides.parent = currentInstance; currentInstance.propertySpecifiers.add(overrides); moveDown(false, null, overrides); IMXMLClassDefinitionNode classDefinitionNode = stateNode.getClassDefinitionNode(); List<IMXMLNode> snodes = classDefinitionNode.getNodesDependentOnState(stateNode.getStateName()); if (snodes != null) { for (int i=snodes.size()-1; i>=0; --i) { IMXMLNode inode = snodes.get(i); if (inode.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.MXMLInstanceID) { emitInstanceOverride((IMXMLInstanceNode)inode); } } // Next process the non-instance overrides dependent on this state. // Each one will generate code to push an IOverride instance. for (IMXMLNode anode : snodes) { switch (anode.getNodeID()) { case MXMLPropertySpecifierID: { emitPropertyOverride((IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode)anode); break; } case MXMLStyleSpecifierID: { emitStyleOverride((IMXMLStyleSpecifierNode)anode); break; } case MXMLEventSpecifierID: { emitEventOverride((IMXMLEventSpecifierNode)anode); break; } default: { break; } } } } moveUp(false, false); } IMXMLEventSpecifierNode[] enodes = node.getEventSpecifierNodes(); if (enodes != null) { moveDown(false, currentInstance, null); for (IMXMLEventSpecifierNode enode : enodes) { getMXMLWalker().walk(enode); // Event Specifier } moveUp(false, true); } } public void emitPropertyOverride(IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode propertyNode) { FlexProject project = (FlexProject) getMXMLWalker().getProject(); Name propertyOverride = project.getPropertyOverrideClassName(); emitPropertyOrStyleOverride(propertyOverride, propertyNode); } /** * Generates instructions in the current context * to create an instance of mx.states.SetStyle * with its <code>target</code>, <code>name</code>, * and <code>value</code> properties set. */ void emitStyleOverride(IMXMLStyleSpecifierNode styleNode) { FlexProject project = (FlexProject) getMXMLWalker().getProject(); Name styleOverride = project.getStyleOverrideClassName(); emitPropertyOrStyleOverride(styleOverride, styleNode); } void emitPropertyOrStyleOverride(Name overrideName, IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode propertyOrStyleNode) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentInstance = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); IASNode parentNode = propertyOrStyleNode.getParent(); String id = parentNode instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode ? ((IMXMLInstanceNode)parentNode).getEffectiveID() : null; String name = propertyOrStyleNode.getName(); boolean valueIsDataBound = isDataBindingNode(propertyOrStyleNode.getChild(0)); IMXMLInstanceNode propertyOrStyleValueNode = propertyOrStyleNode.getInstanceNode(); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier setProp = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); setProp.isProperty = false; setProp.name = formatQualifiedName(nameToString(overrideName)); setProp.parent = currentInstance; currentInstance.propertySpecifiers.add(setProp); if (id != null) { // Set its 'target' property to the id of the object // whose property or style this override will set. MXMLDescriptorSpecifier target = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); target.isProperty = true; target.name = "target"; target.parent = setProp; target.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + id + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); setProp.propertySpecifiers.add(target); } // Set its 'name' property to the name of the property or style. MXMLDescriptorSpecifier pname = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); pname.isProperty = true; pname.name = "name"; pname.parent = setProp; pname.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + name + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); setProp.propertySpecifiers.add(pname); if (!valueIsDataBound) { // Set its 'value' property to the value of the property or style. MXMLDescriptorSpecifier value = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); value.isProperty = true; value.name = "value"; value.parent = setProp; setProp.propertySpecifiers.add(value); moveDown(false, null, value); getMXMLWalker().walk(propertyOrStyleValueNode); // instance node moveUp(false, false); } else { String overrideID = MXMLFlexJSEmitterTokens.BINDING_PREFIX.getToken() + bindingCounter++; setProp.id = overrideID; instances.add(setProp); BindingDatabase bd = BindingDatabase.bindingMap.get(classDefinition); Set<BindingInfo> bindingInfo = bd.getBindingInfo(); IMXMLDataBindingNode bindingNode = (IMXMLDataBindingNode)propertyOrStyleNode.getChild(0); for (BindingInfo bi : bindingInfo) { if (bi.node == bindingNode) { bi.setDestinationString(overrideID + ".value"); break; } } } } /** * Generates instructions in the current context * to create an instance of mx.states.SetEventHandler * with its <code>target</code>, <code>name</code>, * and <code>handlerFunction</code> properties set. */ void emitEventOverride(IMXMLEventSpecifierNode eventNode) { inStatesOverride = true; MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentInstance = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); FlexProject project = (FlexProject) getMXMLWalker().getProject(); Name eventOverride = project.getEventOverrideClassName(); IASNode parentNode = eventNode.getParent(); String id = parentNode instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode ? ((IMXMLInstanceNode)parentNode).getEffectiveID() : ""; String name = MXMLEventSpecifier.getJSEventName(eventNode.getName()); String eventHandler = eventHandlerNameMap.get(eventNode); if (eventHandler == null) { emitEventSpecifier(eventNode); eventHandler = eventHandlerNameMap.get(eventNode); } MXMLDescriptorSpecifier setEvent = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); setEvent.isProperty = false; setEvent.name = formatQualifiedName(nameToString(eventOverride)); setEvent.parent = currentInstance; currentInstance.propertySpecifiers.add(setEvent); // Set its 'target' property to the id of the object // whose event this override will set. MXMLDescriptorSpecifier target = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); target.isProperty = true; target.name = "target"; target.parent = setEvent; target.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + id + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); setEvent.propertySpecifiers.add(target); // Set its 'name' property to the name of the event. MXMLDescriptorSpecifier pname = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); pname.isProperty = true; pname.name = "name"; pname.parent = setEvent; pname.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + name + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); setEvent.propertySpecifiers.add(pname); // Set its 'handlerFunction' property to the autogenerated event handler. MXMLDescriptorSpecifier handler = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); handler.isProperty = true; handler.name = "handlerFunction"; handler.parent = setEvent; handler.value = JSFlexJSEmitterTokens.CLOSURE_FUNCTION_NAME.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.PAREN_OPEN.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.THIS.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.MEMBER_ACCESS.getToken() + eventHandler + ASEmitterTokens.COMMA.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.SPACE.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.THIS.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.COMMA.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.SPACE.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + eventHandler + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + ASEmitterTokens.PAREN_CLOSE.getToken(); setEvent.propertySpecifiers.add(handler); inStatesOverride = false; } public void emitInstanceOverride(IMXMLInstanceNode instanceNode) { inStatesOverride = true; MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentInstance = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); FlexProject project = (FlexProject) getMXMLWalker().getProject(); Name instanceOverrideName = project.getInstanceOverrideClassName(); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier overrideInstances = getCurrentDescriptor("so"); int index = overrideInstances.propertySpecifiers.size(); if (nodeToIndexMap == null) nodeToIndexMap = new HashMap<IMXMLNode, Integer>(); if (nodeToIndexMap.containsKey(instanceNode)) { index = nodeToIndexMap.get(instanceNode); } else { nodeToIndexMap.put(instanceNode, index); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier itemsDesc = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); itemsDesc.isProperty = true; itemsDesc.hasArray = true; itemsDesc.name = "itemsDescriptor"; itemsDesc.parent = overrideInstances; overrideInstances.propertySpecifiers.add(itemsDesc); boolean oldInMXMLContent = inMXMLContent; moveDown(false, null, itemsDesc); inMXMLContent = true; getMXMLWalker().walk(instanceNode); // instance node inMXMLContent = oldInMXMLContent; moveUp(false, false); } MXMLDescriptorSpecifier addItems = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); addItems.isProperty = false; addItems.name = formatQualifiedName(nameToString(instanceOverrideName)); addItems.parent = currentInstance; currentInstance.propertySpecifiers.add(addItems); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier itemsDescIndex = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); itemsDescIndex.isProperty = true; itemsDescIndex.hasArray = true; itemsDescIndex.name = "itemsDescriptorIndex"; itemsDescIndex.parent = addItems; itemsDescIndex.value = Integer.toString(index); addItems.propertySpecifiers.add(itemsDescIndex); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Second property set: maybe set destination and propertyName // get the property specifier node for the property the instanceNode represents IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode propertySpecifier = (IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode) instanceNode.getAncestorOfType( IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode.class); if (propertySpecifier == null) { assert false; // I think this indicates an invalid tree... } else { // Check the parent - if it's an instance then we want to use these // nodes to get our property values from. If not, then it's the root // and we don't need to specify destination IASNode parent = propertySpecifier.getParent(); if (parent instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode) { IMXMLInstanceNode parentInstance = (IMXMLInstanceNode)parent; String parentId = parentInstance.getEffectiveID(); assert parentId != null; String propName = propertySpecifier.getName(); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier dest = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); dest.isProperty = true; dest.name = "destination"; dest.parent = addItems; dest.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + parentId + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); addItems.propertySpecifiers.add(dest); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier prop = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); prop.isProperty = true; prop.name = "propertyName"; prop.parent = addItems; prop.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + propName + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); addItems.propertySpecifiers.add(prop); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Third property set: position and relativeTo String positionPropertyValue = null; String relativeToPropertyValue = null; // look to see if we have any sibling nodes that are not state dependent // that come BEFORE us IASNode instanceParent = instanceNode.getParent(); IASNode prevStatelessSibling=null; for (int i=0; i< instanceParent.getChildCount(); ++i) { IASNode sib = instanceParent.getChild(i); assert sib instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode; // surely our siblings are also instances? // stop looking for previous nodes when we find ourself if (sib == instanceNode) break; if (sib instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode && !isStateDependent(sib)) { prevStatelessSibling = sib; } } if (prevStatelessSibling == null) { positionPropertyValue = "first"; // TODO: these should be named constants } else { positionPropertyValue = "after"; relativeToPropertyValue = ((IMXMLInstanceNode)prevStatelessSibling).getEffectiveID(); } MXMLDescriptorSpecifier pos = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); pos.isProperty = true; pos.name = "position"; pos.parent = addItems; pos.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + positionPropertyValue + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); addItems.propertySpecifiers.add(pos); if (relativeToPropertyValue != null) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier rel = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); rel.isProperty = true; rel.name = "relativeTo"; rel.parent = addItems; rel.value = ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken() + relativeToPropertyValue + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); addItems.propertySpecifiers.add(rel); } inStatesOverride = false; } private String nameToString(Name name) { String s; Namespace ns = name.getSingleQualifier(); s = ns.getName(); if (s != "") s = s + ASEmitterTokens.MEMBER_ACCESS.getToken() + name.getBaseName(); else s = name.getBaseName(); return s; } /** * Determines whether a node is state-dependent. * TODO: we should move to IMXMLNode */ protected boolean isStateDependent(IASNode node) { if (node instanceof IMXMLSpecifierNode) { String suffix = ((IMXMLSpecifierNode)node).getSuffix(); return suffix != null && suffix.length() > 0; } else if (isStateDependentInstance(node)) return true; return false; } /** * Determines whether the geven node is an instance node, as is state dependent */ protected boolean isStateDependentInstance(IASNode node) { if (node instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode) { String[] includeIn = ((IMXMLInstanceNode)node).getIncludeIn(); String[] excludeFrom = ((IMXMLInstanceNode)node).getExcludeFrom(); return includeIn != null || excludeFrom != null; } return false; } /** * Is a give node a "databinding node"? */ public static boolean isDataBindingNode(IASNode node) { return node instanceof IMXMLDataBindingNode; } protected static boolean isDataboundProp(IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode propertyNode) { boolean ret = propertyNode.getChildCount() > 0 && isDataBindingNode(propertyNode.getInstanceNode()); // Sanity check that we based our conclusion about databinding on the correct node. // (code assumes only one child if databinding) int n = propertyNode.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { boolean db = isDataBindingNode(propertyNode.getChild(i)); assert db == ret; } return ret; } @Override public void emitPropertySpecifier(IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode node) { if (isDataboundProp(node)) return; if (isStateDependent(node)) return; IDefinition cdef = node.getDefinition(); IASNode cnode = node.getChild(0); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentInstance = getCurrentDescriptor("i"); MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentPropertySpecifier = new MXMLDescriptorSpecifier(); currentPropertySpecifier.isProperty = true; currentPropertySpecifier.name = cdef.getQualifiedName(); currentPropertySpecifier.parent = currentInstance; boolean oldInMXMLContent = inMXMLContent; boolean reusingDescriptor = false; if (currentPropertySpecifier.name.equals("mxmlContent")) { inMXMLContent = true; ArrayList<MXMLDescriptorSpecifier> specList = (currentInstance == null) ? descriptorTree : currentInstance.propertySpecifiers; for (MXMLDescriptorSpecifier ds : specList) { if (ds.name.equals("mxmlContent")) { currentPropertySpecifier = ds; reusingDescriptor = true; break; } } } if (currentInstance != null) { // we end up here for children of tags if (!reusingDescriptor) currentInstance.propertySpecifiers.add(currentPropertySpecifier); } else if (inMXMLContent) { // we end up here for top tags? if (!reusingDescriptor) descriptorTree.add(currentPropertySpecifier); } else { currentPropertySpecifier.parent = propertiesTree; propertiesTree.propertySpecifiers.add(currentPropertySpecifier); } boolean valueIsArray = cnode != null && cnode instanceof IMXMLArrayNode; boolean valueIsObject = cnode != null && cnode instanceof IMXMLObjectNode; currentPropertySpecifier.hasArray = valueIsArray; currentPropertySpecifier.hasObject = valueIsObject; moveDown(valueIsArray || valueIsObject, null, currentPropertySpecifier); getMXMLWalker().walk(cnode); // Array or Instance moveUp(valueIsArray || valueIsObject, false); inMXMLContent = oldInMXMLContent; } @Override public void emitScript(IMXMLScriptNode node) { int len = node.getChildCount(); if (len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { IASNode cnode = node.getChild(i); getMXMLWalker().walk(cnode); } } } @Override public void emitStyleSpecifier(IMXMLStyleSpecifierNode node) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void emitObject(IMXMLObjectNode node) { final int len = node.getChildCount(); if (!makingSimpleArray) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { getMXMLWalker().walk(node.getChild(i)); // props in object } } else { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier ps = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); if (ps.value == null) ps.value = ""; ps.value += "{"; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode propName = (IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode)node.getChild(i); ps.value += propName.getName() + ": "; getMXMLWalker().walk(propName.getChild(0)); if (i < len - 1) ps.value += ", "; } ps.value += "}"; } } @Override public void emitArray(IMXMLArrayNode node) { moveDown(false, null, null); boolean isSimple = true; final int len = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final IASNode child = node.getChild(i); ASTNodeID nodeID = child.getNodeID(); if (nodeID == ASTNodeID.MXMLArrayID || nodeID == ASTNodeID.MXMLInstanceID || nodeID == ASTNodeID.MXMLStateID) { isSimple = false; break; } } boolean oldMakingSimpleArray = makingSimpleArray; MXMLDescriptorSpecifier ps = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); if (isSimple) { makingSimpleArray = true; ps.value = ASEmitterTokens.SQUARE_OPEN.getToken(); } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { getMXMLWalker().walk(node.getChild(i)); // Instance if (isSimple && i < len - 1) ps.value += ASEmitterTokens.COMMA.getToken(); } if (isSimple) { ps.value += ASEmitterTokens.SQUARE_CLOSE.getToken(); } makingSimpleArray = oldMakingSimpleArray; moveUp(false, false); } @Override public void emitString(IMXMLStringNode node) { getCurrentDescriptor("ps").valueNeedsQuotes = true; emitAttributeValue(node); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void emitLiteral(IMXMLLiteralNode node) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier ps = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); if (ps.value == null) // might be non-null if makingSimpleArray ps.value = ""; if (ps.valueNeedsQuotes) ps.value += ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); String s = node.getValue().toString(); if (ps.valueNeedsQuotes) { // escape all single quotes found within the string s = s.replace(ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(), "\\" + ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken()); } ps.value += s; if (ps.valueNeedsQuotes) ps.value += ASEmitterTokens.SINGLE_QUOTE.getToken(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void emitFactory(IMXMLFactoryNode node) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier ps = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); ps.value = "new " + formatQualifiedName("org.apache.flex.core.ClassFactory") + "("; IASNode cnode = node.getChild(0); if (cnode instanceof IMXMLClassNode) { ps.value += formatQualifiedName(((IMXMLClassNode)cnode).getValue(getMXMLWalker().getProject()).getQualifiedName()); } ps.value += ")"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void emitComponent(IMXMLComponentNode node) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier ps = getCurrentDescriptor("ps"); ps.value = "new " + formatQualifiedName("org.apache.flex.core.ClassFactory") + "("; ps.value += formatQualifiedName(documentDefinition.getQualifiedName()) + "."; ps.value += formatQualifiedName(node.getName()); ps.value += ")"; setBufferWrite(true); emitSubDocument(node); subDocuments.append(getBuilder().toString()); getBuilder().setLength(0); setBufferWrite(false); } @Override protected void setBufferWrite(boolean value) { super.setBufferWrite(value); IASEmitter asEmitter = ((IMXMLBlockWalker) getMXMLWalker()).getASEmitter(); ((JSFlexJSASDocEmitter)asEmitter).setBufferWrite(value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JS output //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utils //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void emitAttributeValue(IASNode node) { IMXMLLiteralNode cnode = (IMXMLLiteralNode) node.getChild(0); if (cnode.getValue() != null) getMXMLWalker().walk((IASNode) cnode); // Literal } private MXMLDescriptorSpecifier getCurrentDescriptor(String type) { MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentDescriptor = null; int index; if (type.equals("i")) { index = currentInstances.size() - 1; if (index > -1) currentDescriptor = currentInstances.get(index); } else if (type.equals("so")) { return currentStateOverrides; } else { index = currentPropertySpecifiers.size() - 1; if (index > -1) currentDescriptor = currentPropertySpecifiers.get(index); } return currentDescriptor; } protected void moveDown(boolean byPass, MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentInstance, MXMLDescriptorSpecifier currentPropertySpecifier) { if (!byPass) { if (currentInstance != null) currentInstances.add(currentInstance); } if (currentPropertySpecifier != null) currentPropertySpecifiers.add(currentPropertySpecifier); } protected void moveUp(boolean byPass, boolean isInstance) { if (!byPass) { int index; if (isInstance) { index = currentInstances.size() - 1; if (index > -1) currentInstances.remove(index); } else { index = currentPropertySpecifiers.size() - 1; if (index > -1) currentPropertySpecifiers.remove(index); } } } public String formatQualifiedName(String name) { return formatQualifiedName(name, true); } protected String formatQualifiedName(String name, boolean useName) { /* if (name.contains("goog.") || name.startsWith("Vector.")) return name; name = name.replaceAll("\\.", "_"); */ if (subDocumentNames.contains(name)) return documentDefinition.getQualifiedName() + "." + name; if (NativeUtils.isJSNative(name)) return name; if (useName && !usedNames.contains(name)) usedNames.add(name); return name; } private void emitComplexInitializers(IASNode node) { int n = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { IASNode child = node.getChild(i); if (child.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.MXMLScriptID) { int m = child.getChildCount(); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { IASNode schild = child.getChild(j); ASTNodeID schildID = schild.getNodeID(); if (schildID == ASTNodeID.VariableID || schildID == ASTNodeID.BindableVariableID) { IVariableNode varnode = (IVariableNode)schild; IExpressionNode vnode = varnode.getAssignedValueNode(); if (vnode != null && (!(varnode.isConst() || EmitterUtils.isScalar(vnode)))) { writeNewline(); write(ASEmitterTokens.THIS); write(ASEmitterTokens.MEMBER_ACCESS); write(varnode.getName()); if (schildID == ASTNodeID.BindableVariableID) write("_"); // use backing variable write(ASEmitterTokens.SPACE); writeToken(ASEmitterTokens.EQUAL); JSFlexJSASDocEmitter fjs = (JSFlexJSASDocEmitter) ((IMXMLBlockWalker) getMXMLWalker()) .getASEmitter(); fjs.getWalker().walk(vnode); write(ASEmitterTokens.SEMICOLON); } } } } } } @Override public void emitImplements(IMXMLImplementsNode node) { StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder(); boolean needsComma = false; IIdentifierNode[] interfaces = node.getInterfaceNodes(); for (IIdentifierNode iface : interfaces) { if (needsComma) list.append(", "); list.append(iface.getName()); needsComma = true; } } }