package ${package}; import org.apache.wicket.Session; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.IRequestLogger.ISessionLogInfo; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession; import org.apache.wicket.request.Request; /** * Session information for ${project_name}. * Any variables added to this class will automatically be persisted in * the Servlet HttpSession. Each browser session gets its own instance of * this class. */ public class WicketSession extends WebSession implements ISessionLogInfo { /** * Returns the instance of {@code WicketSession} associated with * the current request. This method only works inside a Wicket thread. */ public static WicketSession get() { return (WicketSession) Session.get(); } public WicketSession(Request request) { super(request); } /** * Additional information about this session that will automatically * be included in Wicket's request log, as well in troubleshooting * information emitted by * {@link fiftyfive.wicket.util.LoggingUtils LoggingUtils}. * Consider including things like username, if authenticated. */ public Object getSessionInfo() { return "TODO: Your session info goes here"; } }