/** * Copyright © 2011 Instituto Superior Técnico * * This file is part of FenixEdu GIAF Contracts. * * FenixEdu GIAF Contracts is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu GIAF Contracts is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu GIAF Contracts. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.tasks.giafsync; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.fenixedu.academic.domain.Person; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.Bennu; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.domain.personnelSection.contracts.Absence; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.domain.personnelSection.contracts.GiafProfessionalData; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.domain.personnelSection.contracts.PersonAbsence; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.domain.personnelSection.contracts.PersonProfessionalData; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.domain.personnelSection.contracts.PersonProfessionalExemption; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.persistenceTierOracle.Oracle.PersistentSuportGiaf; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.tasks.giafsync.GiafSync.ImportProcessor; import pt.ist.fenixedu.contracts.tasks.giafsync.GiafSync.Modification; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; class ImportPersonAbsencesFromGiaf extends ImportProcessor { final static DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"); final static DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); public ImportPersonAbsencesFromGiaf() { } @Override public List<Modification> processChanges(GiafMetadata metadata, PrintWriter log, Logger logger) throws Exception { List<Modification> modifications = new ArrayList<>(); PersistentSuportGiaf oracleConnection = PersistentSuportGiaf.getInstance(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(getQuery(metadata)); ResultSet result = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int count = 0; int news = 0; int notImported = 0; int dontExist = 0; Set<Person> importedButInvalid = new HashSet<Person>(); while (result.next()) { count++; String numberString = result.getString("emp_num"); Person person = metadata.getPerson(numberString, logger); if (person == null) { logger.debug("Invalid person with number: " + numberString); dontExist++; continue; } PersonProfessionalData personProfessionalData = person.getPersonProfessionalData(); if (personProfessionalData == null) { logger.debug("Empty personProfessionalData: " + numberString); dontExist++; continue; } final GiafProfessionalData giafProfessionalData = personProfessionalData.getGiafProfessionalDataByGiafPersonIdentification(numberString); if (giafProfessionalData == null) { logger.debug("Empty giafProfessionalData: " + numberString); dontExist++; continue; } final String absenceGiafId = result.getString("flt_tip"); final Absence absence = metadata.absence(absenceGiafId); if (absence == null) { logger.debug("Empty absence: " + absenceGiafId + " for person number: " + numberString); importedButInvalid.add(person); } String beginDateString = result.getString("FLT_DT_INIC"); final LocalDate beginDate = StringUtils.isEmpty(beginDateString) ? null : new LocalDate(Timestamp.valueOf(beginDateString)); if (beginDate == null) { logger.debug("Empty beginDate. Person number: " + numberString + " Absence: " + absenceGiafId); importedButInvalid.add(person); } String endDateString = result.getString("FLT_DT_FIM"); final LocalDate endDate = StringUtils.isEmpty(endDateString) ? null : new LocalDate(Timestamp.valueOf(endDateString)); if (beginDate != null && endDate != null) { if (beginDate.isAfter(endDate)) { logger.debug("BeginDate after endDate. Person number: " + numberString + " begin: " + beginDate + " end: " + endDate); importedButInvalid.add(person); } } String creationDateString = result.getString("data_criacao"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(creationDateString)) { logger.debug("Empty creationDate. Person number: " + numberString + " Absence: " + absenceGiafId); notImported++; continue; } final DateTime creationDate = new DateTime(Timestamp.valueOf(creationDateString)); String modifiedDateString = result.getString("data_alteracao"); final DateTime modifiedDate = StringUtils.isEmpty(modifiedDateString) ? null : new DateTime(Timestamp.valueOf(modifiedDateString)); if (!hasPersonAbsence(giafProfessionalData, beginDate, endDate, absence, absenceGiafId, creationDate, modifiedDate)) { modifications.add(new Modification() { @Override public void execute() { new PersonAbsence(giafProfessionalData, beginDate, endDate, absence, absenceGiafId, creationDate, modifiedDate); } }); news++; } } result.close(); preparedStatement.close(); int deleted = 0; int totalInFenix = 0; int repeted = 0; for (GiafProfessionalData giafProfessionalData : Bennu.getInstance().getGiafProfessionalDataSet()) { for (PersonProfessionalExemption personProfessionalExemption : giafProfessionalData .getPersonProfessionalExemptionsSet()) { if (personProfessionalExemption instanceof PersonAbsence && personProfessionalExemption.getAnulationDate() == null) { PersonAbsence personAbsence = (PersonAbsence) personProfessionalExemption; int countThisPersonAbsenceOnGiaf = countThisPersonAbsenceOnGiaf(oracleConnection, personAbsence, logger); if (countThisPersonAbsenceOnGiaf == 0) { personAbsence.setAnulationDate(new DateTime()); deleted++; } else { totalInFenix++; if (countThisPersonAbsenceOnGiaf > 1) { repeted += countThisPersonAbsenceOnGiaf - 1; } } } } } oracleConnection.closeConnection(); log.println("-- Absences --"); log.println("Total GIAF: " + count); log.println("New: " + news); log.println("Deleted: " + deleted); log.println("Not imported: " + notImported); log.println("Imported with errors: " + importedButInvalid.size()); log.println("Repeted: " + repeted); log.println("Invalid persons: " + dontExist); log.println("Total Fénix: " + totalInFenix); log.println("Total Fénix without errors: " + (totalInFenix - importedButInvalid.size())); log.println("Missing in Fénix: " + (count - totalInFenix)); return modifications; } private int countThisPersonAbsenceOnGiaf(PersistentSuportGiaf oracleConnection, PersonAbsence personAbsence, Logger logger) throws SQLException { String query = getAbsencesQuery(personAbsence); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet result = null; try { preparedStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(query); result = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if (result.next()) { int count = result.getInt("cont"); if (count > 0) { if (count > 1) { logger.debug("---> " + count + " ---> " + personAbsence.getGiafProfessionalData().getGiafPersonIdentification() + " FA: " + personAbsence.getAbsence().getGiafId()); } return count; } } return 0; } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } preparedStatement.close(); } } private String getAbsencesQuery(PersonAbsence personAbsence) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select count(*) as cont from SLHFLTINT where emp_num="); query.append(personAbsence.getGiafProfessionalData().getGiafPersonIdentification()); if (personAbsence.getBeginDate() != null) { query.append(" and FLT_DT_INIC=to_date('"); query.append(dateFormat.print(personAbsence.getBeginDate())); query.append("','YYYY-MM-DD')"); } else { query.append(" and FLT_DT_INIC is null"); } if (personAbsence.getEndDate() != null) { query.append(" and FLT_DT_FIM=to_date('"); query.append(dateFormat.print(personAbsence.getEndDate())); query.append("','YYYY-MM-DD')"); } else { query.append(" and FLT_DT_FIM is null"); } if (personAbsence.getAbsence() != null) { query.append(" and flt_tip='"); query.append(personAbsence.getAbsenceGiafId()); query.append("'"); } else { query.append(" and flt_tip is null"); } query.append(" and data_criacao=to_date('"); query.append(dateTimeFormat.print(personAbsence.getCreationDate())); query.append("','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mi:ss')"); if (personAbsence.getModifiedDate() != null) { query.append(" and data_alteracao=to_date('"); query.append(dateTimeFormat.print(personAbsence.getModifiedDate())); query.append("','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mi:ss')"); } else { query.append("and data_alteracao is null"); } return query.toString(); } private boolean hasPersonAbsence(GiafProfessionalData giafProfessionalData, LocalDate beginDate, LocalDate endDate, Absence absence, String absenceGiafId, DateTime creationDate, DateTime modifiedDate) { for (PersonProfessionalExemption personProfessionalExemption : giafProfessionalData.getPersonProfessionalExemptionsSet()) { if (personProfessionalExemption instanceof PersonAbsence) { PersonAbsence personAbsence = (PersonAbsence) personProfessionalExemption; if (personAbsence.getAnulationDate() == null && Objects.equals(personAbsence.getBeginDate(), beginDate) && Objects.equals(endDate, personAbsence.getEndDate()) && Objects.equals(absence, personAbsence.getAbsence()) && Objects.equals(absenceGiafId, personAbsence.getAbsenceGiafId()) && Objects.equals(creationDate, personAbsence.getCreationDate()) && Objects.equals(modifiedDate, personAbsence.getModifiedDate())) { return true; } } } return false; } protected String getQuery(GiafMetadata metadata) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select emp_num, flt_tip, FLT_DT_INIC, FLT_DT_FIM, data_criacao, data_alteracao from SLHFLTINT where FLT_TIP in ("); query.append(getAbsencesToImport(metadata)).append(")"); return query.toString(); } private String getAbsencesToImport(GiafMetadata metadata) { List<String> absences = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Absence absence : metadata.absences()) { if (absence.getImportAbsence()) { absences.add("'" + absence.getGiafId() + "'"); } } return absences.size() == 0 ? "null" : Joiner.on(',').join(absences); } }