package feign.hystrix; import feign.FeignException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static feign.Util.checkNotNull; /** * Used to control the fallback given its cause. * * Ex. * <pre>{@code * // This instance will be invoked if there are errors of any kind. * FallbackFactory<GitHub> fallbackFactory = cause -> (owner, repo) -> { * if (cause instanceof FeignException && ((FeignException) cause).status() == 403) { * return Collections.emptyList(); * } else { * return Arrays.asList("yogi"); * } * }; * * GitHub github = HystrixFeign.builder() * ... * .target(GitHub.class, "", fallbackFactory); * } * </pre> * * @param <T> the feign interface type */ public interface FallbackFactory<T> { /** * Returns an instance of the fallback appropriate for the given cause * * @param cause corresponds to {@link} * often, but not always an instance of {@link FeignException}. */ T create(Throwable cause); /** Returns a constant fallback after logging the cause to FINE level. */ final class Default<T> implements FallbackFactory<T> { // jul to not add a dependency final Logger logger; final T constant; public Default(T constant) { this(constant, Logger.getLogger(Default.class.getName())); } Default(T constant, Logger logger) { this.constant = checkNotNull(constant, "fallback"); this.logger = checkNotNull(logger, "logger"); } @Override public T create(Throwable cause) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "fallback due to: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } return constant; } @Override public String toString() { return constant.toString(); } } }