package com.fourspaces.featherdb.document; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.backend.Backend; import com.fourspaces.featherdb.utils.Logger; abstract public class Document { // build list of document content-type handling classes private static Map<String,Class<? extends Document>> docTypes = new HashMap<String,Class<?extends Document>> (); static { loadType(JSONDocument.class); loadType(BinaryDocument.class); } private static void loadType(Class<? extends Document> clazz) { ContentTypes contentTypes = clazz.getAnnotation(ContentTypes.class); for (String type:contentTypes.value()) { // System.out.println(type+" => "+clazz); docTypes.put(type.toLowerCase(), clazz); } } // constants public static final String CREATED_DATE = "_created_date"; public static final String REV_USER = "_rev_by"; public static final String REV_DATE = "_rev_date"; public static final String REV = "_rev"; public static final String DB = "_db"; public static final String ID = "_id"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "_content_type"; public static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/javascript"; // factory methods public static Document newRevision(Backend backend, Document parent, String username) throws DocumentCreationException { return newDocument(backend,parent.getDatabase(),parent.getId(),parent.getContentType(),parent.getClass(),parent.commonData, username); } public static Document newDocument(Backend backend,String database, String id, String contentType, String username) throws DocumentCreationException { Class<? extends Document> clazz = docTypes.get(contentType.toLowerCase()); if (clazz==null) { clazz = docTypes.get("*"); } if (clazz==null) { throw new DocumentCreationException("Could not find backing class for content type: "+contentType); } return newDocument(backend,database,id,contentType,clazz,username); } public static Document newDocument(Backend backend,String database, String id, String username) throws DocumentCreationException { return newDocument(backend,database,id,DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE,username); } public static Document newDocument(Backend backend,String database, String id, String contentType, Class<? extends Document> clazz,String username) throws DocumentCreationException { return newDocument(backend,database,id,contentType,clazz,null,username); } protected static Document newDocument(Backend backend,String database, String id, String contentType, Class<? extends Document> clazz, JSONObject commonData, String username) throws DocumentCreationException { if (id==null) { id=generateId(backend,database); } String revision=generateRevision(backend,database,id); Document d; try { d = clazz.newInstance(); if (commonData==null) { d.commonData = new JSONObject(); d.commonData.put(ID,id); d.commonData.put(DB,database); d.commonData.put(CREATED_DATE,new Date().getTime()); d.commonData.put(CONTENT_TYPE, contentType.toLowerCase()); d.commonDirty = true; } else { d.commonData= new JSONObject(commonData); } d.metaData = new JSONObject(); d.setRevision(revision); d.setRevisionDate(new Date()); d.setRevisionUser(username); d.dataDirty=true; return d; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DocumentCreationException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DocumentCreationException(e); } } protected static final String generateId(Backend backend, String database) { String id = null; while (id==null || backend.doesDocumentExist(database, id)) { UUID uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID(); id = Long.toHexString(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits())+ Long.toHexString(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); } return id; } protected static final String generateRevision(Backend backend,String database, String id) { String rev = null; while (rev==null || backend.doesDocumentRevisionExist(database, id,rev)) { rev = Long.toHexString(new Random().nextLong()); } //backend.touchRevision(database,id,revision); return rev; } public static Document loadDocument(JSONObject commonJSON, JSONObject metaJSON) throws DocumentCreationException { Class<? extends Document> clazz = docTypes.get(commonJSON.get(CONTENT_TYPE)); if (clazz==null) { clazz = docTypes.get("*"); } if (clazz==null) { throw new DocumentCreationException("Could not find backing class for content type: "+commonJSON.get(CONTENT_TYPE)); } try { Document d = clazz.newInstance(); d.commonData=commonJSON; d.metaData=metaJSON; return d; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DocumentCreationException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DocumentCreationException(e); } } // end statics abstract public void setRevisionData(InputStream dataInput) throws DocumentCreationException; abstract public void sendDocument(OutputStream dataOutput, Map<String,String[]> params) throws IOException; abstract public void writeRevisionData(OutputStream dataOutput) throws IOException; abstract public boolean writesRevisionData(); protected JSONObject commonData=null; protected JSONObject metaData=null; protected boolean commonDirty = false; protected boolean dataDirty = false; protected Logger log = Logger.get(getClass()); protected void setRevision(String rev) { metaData.put(REV,rev); } protected void setRevisionDate(Date date) { metaData.put(REV_DATE,date.getTime()); } protected void setRevisionDate(long timestamp) { metaData.put(REV_DATE,timestamp); } protected void setRevisionUser(String revUser) { metaData.put(REV_USER, revUser); } public Date getRevisionDate() { return new Date(metaData.getLong(REV_DATE)); } public String getRevision() { return metaData.getString(REV); } public String getRevisionUser() { return metaData.getString(REV_USER); } public Date getCreated() { Long l = commonData.optLong(CREATED_DATE); if (l!=null) { return new Date(l); } return null; } public String getDatabase() { try { return commonData.getString(DB); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public String getId() { try { return commonData.getString(ID); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public String getContentType() { try { return commonData.getString(CONTENT_TYPE); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public JSONObject getCommonData() { return commonData; } public JSONObject getMetaData() { return metaData; } public void writeCommonData(Writer writer) throws IOException{ commonData.write(writer); } public void setRevisions(JSONArray revs) { commonData.put("_revisions",revs); } public boolean isCommonDirty() { return commonDirty; } public void setCommonDirty(boolean commonDirty) { this.commonDirty = commonDirty; } public boolean isDataDirty() { return dataDirty; } public void setDataDirty(boolean dataDirty) { this.dataDirty = dataDirty; } public void writeMetaData(Writer writer, Map<String, String[]> params) throws IOException{ boolean pretty=false; if (params.containsKey("pretty")) { String[] values = params.get("pretty"); for (String value:values) { if (value.equals("true")) { pretty=true; } } } if (pretty) { writer.write(toString(2)); } else { writer.write(toString()); } } /** * Non-indented version of toString which returns the common and meta JSON data * @return */ public String toString() { String jsonString = commonData.toString(); jsonString = jsonString.substring(0,jsonString.length()-1); String revJSON = metaData.toString(); if (!"".equals(revJSON)) { revJSON = revJSON.substring(1); jsonString = jsonString + "," +revJSON; } else { jsonString+="}"; } return jsonString; } /** * Indented version of toString which returns the common and meta JSON data * @param indent * @return */ public String toString(int indent) { String jsonString = commonData.toString(indent); jsonString = jsonString.substring(0,jsonString.length()-2); String revJSON = metaData.toString(indent); if (!"".equals(revJSON)) { revJSON = revJSON.substring(1); jsonString = jsonString + "," +revJSON; } else { jsonString+="}"; } return jsonString; } }