package org.jcoderz.testdata; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import nu.xom.Builder; import nu.xom.Document; import nu.xom.Element; import nu.xom.Node; import nu.xom.Nodes; import nu.xom.XPathContext; import nu.xom.xinclude.XIncluder; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.mapping.Table; /** * Generic Test data importer. Recursively scans a directory for test data items and * submits them via JDBC to a predefined database. The tables and attribute names are * mapped straightforward to the hibernate configuration expected on the classpath. This * implementation relies on auto index of all tables. * * @author Torsten Stolpmann */ public class Importer { private static final int ERROR_EXIT_CODE = 20; private static final String DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFIX = "S0IR_"; private static final long DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_BASE = 100000L; private static final String SUFFIX_XML = ".xml"; private static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = "/"; private static final XPathContext TD_CONTEXT = new XPathContext("td", ""); static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Importer.class.getName()); private String tablePrefix; private long sequenceBase; private Connection connection; /** * The main method. * * @param args Command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("Usage: " + Importer.class.getName() + " <sourceDirectory>"); } String sourceDirectory = args[0]; Properties properties = new Properties(); List<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<String>();"Starting import ..."); Locale.setDefault(Locale.GERMANY); try { String defaultPropertiesName = "/"; InputStream defaultInput = Importer.class .getResourceAsStream(defaultPropertiesName); if (defaultInput != null) { logger.fine("Loading default properties (" + defaultPropertiesName + ")"); properties.load(defaultInput); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { logger.fine("Default properties not found"); } String userPropertiesName = FILE_SEPARATOR + System.getProperty("") + ".properties"; InputStream userInput = Importer.class .getResourceAsStream(userPropertiesName); if (userInput != null) { logger.fine("Loading user properties"); properties.load(userInput); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { logger.fine("User properties (" + userPropertiesName + ") not found"); } System.getProperties().putAll(properties); logger.warning(System.getProperties().toString()); properties = System.getProperties(); Configuration hibernateConfig = new Configuration(); hibernateConfig.addProperties(properties); hibernateConfig.configure(); hibernateConfig.getProperties().remove("hibernate.connection.datasource"); hibernateConfig.getProperties().remove( "hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"); hibernateConfig.getProperties().remove("hibernate.transaction.factory_class"); Iterator<?> iter = hibernateConfig.getTableMappings(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); tableNames.add(table.getName().toUpperCase()); } SessionFactory factory = hibernateConfig.buildSessionFactory(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception: ", e); System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } Importer importer = new Importer(DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFIX, DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_BASE); Map<String, Document> items = new HashMap<String, Document>(); if (!importer.loadItems(sourceDirectory, items)) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invalid test data set detected - aborting."); System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } Map<String, Set<String>> dependencyMap = importer.buildDependencyMap(items); if (importer.validateDependencies(items, dependencyMap)) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> leftover = new ArrayList<String>(); importer.reOrderItems(items, dependencyMap, result, leftover); List<String> queries = new ArrayList<String>(); if (importer.generateQueries(result, items, queries, null, tableNames, properties, false)) {"Execution plan for constrained inserts:");"---------------------------------------"); for (String query : queries) {; }"---------------------------------------"); } else { logger .severe("No insert statements have been executed since errors have been detected."); System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } List<String> leftOverQueries = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> postQueries = new HashSet<String>(); if (importer.generateQueries(leftover, items, leftOverQueries, postQueries, tableNames, properties, true)) {"Execution plan for unconstrained inserts:");"-----------------------------------------"); for (String query : leftOverQueries) {; } for (String query : postQueries) {; }"---------------------------------------"); } else { logger .severe("No insert statements have been executed since errors have been detected."); System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } importer.executeQueries(properties, queries, false); importer.executeQueries(properties, leftOverQueries, false); importer.executeQueries(properties, postQueries, true); try { Connection conn = importer.getConnection(properties); conn.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception: ", e); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception: ", e); } } else { logger .severe("No insert statements have been executed since errors have been detected."); System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } } public Importer(final String prefix, final long base) { tablePrefix = prefix; sequenceBase = base; } /** * Execute the supplied SQL queries. * * @param hibernateProperties the hibernate properties. * @param queries the queries */ private void executeQueries(final Properties hibernateProperties, final Collection<String> queries, boolean delayErrors) { boolean success = true; try { Connection conn = getConnection(hibernateProperties); for (SQLWarning warn = conn.getWarnings(); warn != null; warn = warn .getNextWarning()) { logger.warning("SQL Warning:"); logger.warning("State : " + warn.getSQLState()); logger.warning("Message: " + warn.getMessage()); logger.warning("Error : " + warn.getErrorCode()); } Statement langStmt = conn.createStatement(); String alterStatement = "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TERRITORY='AMERICA'"; langStmt.execute(alterStatement); langStmt.close(); for (String query : queries) { try {; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); rs.close(); stmt.close(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.severe("SQL Exception:"); while (e != null) { logger.severe("State : " + e.getSQLState()); logger.severe("Message: " + e.getMessage()); logger.severe("Error : " + e.getErrorCode()); e = e.getNextException(); } if (!delayErrors) { System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } success = false; } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.severe("SQL Exception:"); while (e != null) { logger.severe("State : " + e.getSQLState()); logger.severe("Message: " + e.getMessage()); logger.severe("Error : " + e.getErrorCode()); e = e.getNextException(); } if (!delayErrors) { System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } success = false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception: ", e); System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } if (delayErrors && !success) { System.exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE); } } /** * Write the map of documents. * * @param items the map of items * @param queries the resulting queries * @param postQueries the post insert queries * @param idList the ordered list of item names * @param tableNames the table names * @param hibernateProperties the hibernate properties. * @param disableConstraints true if constraints should be disabled here. * @return true, if write */ private boolean generateQueries(final List<String> idList, final Map<String, Document> items, final List<String> queries, final Set<String> postQueries, final List<String> tableNames, final Properties hibernateProperties, final boolean disableConstraints) { boolean valid = true; final Set<String> preQueries = new HashSet<String>(); final List<String> insertQueries = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String id : idList) { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer names = new StringBuffer("("); StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer("("); Document item = items.get(id); String tableName = getTableName(item); if (!tableNames.contains(tableName)) { logger.severe("The type " + getItemType(item) + " of item " + getItemId(item) + " has no matching table in the current configuration (" + tableName + ")"); valid = false; } Map<String, Node> attributes = getAttributes(item); int position = 0; int end = attributes.entrySet().size(); for (Map.Entry<String, Node> attribute : attributes.entrySet()) { position++; String name = attribute.getKey().toUpperCase(); Node node = attribute.getValue(); if (node instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element.getLocalName().equals("value")) { names.append(name); values.append("'"); values.append(element.getValue()); values.append("'"); } else if (element.getLocalName().equals("autovalue")) { names.append(name); values.append(getAsPrimaryKey(id)); } else if (element.getLocalName().equals("ref")) { String reference = element.getValue(); if (reference.length() > 0) { if (items.containsKey(reference)) { names.append(name); values.append(getAsPrimaryKey(element.getValue())); } else { logger.severe("ERROR! the reference " + reference + " could not be resolved."); valid = false; } } } } if (position == end) { names.append(") "); values.append(") "); } else { names.append(", "); values.append(", "); } } if (attributes.size() > 0) { query.append("INSERT INTO " + tableName); query.append(" "); query.append(names); query.append(" VALUES "); query.append(values); } logger.fine(query.toString()); if (disableConstraints) { preQueries.addAll(buildEnableConstraints(false, tableName, hibernateProperties)); insertQueries.add(query.toString()); postQueries.addAll(buildEnableConstraints(true, tableName, hibernateProperties)); } else { insertQueries.add(query.toString()); } } queries.addAll(preQueries); queries.addAll(insertQueries); return valid; } /** * Reorder the items. * * @param items the document items. * @param dependencyMap the dependency map * @param result the resulting list of id's * @param leftover the leftover items if any. */ private void reOrderItems(final Map<String, Document> items, final Map<String, Set<String>> dependencyMap, final List<String> result, final List<String> leftover) { boolean changed; logger.fine("Reordering " + items.size() + " items ..."); final Map<String, Document> itemPool = new HashMap<String, Document>(items); do { changed = false; Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Document>> entries = itemPool.entrySet() .iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, Document> item =; String id = item.getKey(); boolean accepted = true; Set<String> dependencies = dependencyMap.get(id); for (String dependency : dependencies) { if (!result.contains(dependency)) { accepted = false; break; } } if (accepted) { List<String> declaredDependencies = getDeclaredDependencies(item .getValue()); for (String declaredDependency : declaredDependencies) { if (!result.contains(declaredDependency)) { accepted = false; break; } } } if (accepted) { logger.fine("Accepting item: " + id); entries.remove(); result.add(id); changed = true; } } } while (changed); logger.fine("Accepted " + result.size() + " items ..."); if (!itemPool.isEmpty()) { logger .warning("Reference loop(s) detected! The following items will be added ignoring db-constraints:"); for (String id : itemPool.keySet()) { leftover.add(id); StringBuffer dependencyList = new StringBuffer(); Set<String> dependencies = dependencyMap.get(id); for (String dependency : dependencies) { dependencyList.append(dependency); dependencyList.append(" "); } logger.warning(id + ": [" + dependencyList.toString() + "]"); } } } /** * Validate dependencies. * * @param items the items * @param dependencyMap the dependency map * @return true, if successful */ private boolean validateDependencies(Map<String, Document> items, Map<String, Set<String>> dependencyMap) { boolean valid = true; for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> dependenciesEntry : dependencyMap.entrySet()) { String id = dependenciesEntry.getKey(); Set<String> dependencies = dependenciesEntry.getValue(); for (String dependency : dependencies) { if (!items.containsKey(dependency)) { logger.severe("Item " + id + " contains invalid reference: " + dependency + " (Note: Self references are not allowed!)"); valid = false; } } } return valid; } /** * Builds the dependency map. * * @param items the items to build from. * @return the Map of dependencies. */ private Map<String, Set<String>> buildDependencyMap(final Map<String, Document> items) { Map<String, Set<String>> dependencyMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Document> item : items.entrySet()) { String id = item.getKey(); Document document = item.getValue(); Set<String> dependencies = new HashSet<String>(); Nodes references = document.query("/td:item/td:attribute/td:ref", TD_CONTEXT); for (int j = 0; j < references.size(); j++) { Node node = references.get(j); String refId = node.getValue(); if (refId.length() > 0) { dependencies.add(refId); } else { // Drop empty references. node.getParent().detach(); } } dependencyMap.put(id, dependencies); } return dependencyMap; } /** * Recursively scan the directory and add found items to the map. * * @param dirName the directory name * @param itemMap the item map */ private boolean loadItems(String dirName, Map<String, Document> itemMap) { File rootDir = new File(dirName); if (!rootDir.exists()) { logger.severe("Root directory '" + dirName + "' not found."); return false; } String[] entries = rootDir.list(); boolean success = true; for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { String entry = dirName + FILE_SEPARATOR + entries[i]; File subFile = new File(entry); if (subFile.isDirectory()) { success &= loadItems(entry, itemMap); } else { if (subFile.getName().endsWith(SUFFIX_XML)) { Builder parser = new Builder(false); try { Document raw =; Document document = XIncluder.resolve(raw); String id = getItemId(document); if (itemMap.containsKey(id)) { logger.severe("Duplicate id detected: " + id + " - item will be skipped"); success = false; } else { itemMap.put(id, document); logger.fine("Adding item: " + id); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing file " + entry + ": ", e); } } } } return success; } /** * Gets the supplied id as a primary key representation. * * @param id the id * @return the primary key */ protected String getAsPrimaryKey(final String id) { return "" + (sequenceBase + Long.parseLong(id.substring(3))); } /** * Returns the table name for the given item. * * @param item the item * @return the table name */ protected String getTableName(final Document item) { Node type = item.query("//td:item/td:type", TD_CONTEXT).get(0); return tablePrefix + type.getValue().toUpperCase(); } /** * Gets the item id. * * @param document the document containing the item. * @return the item id if any, null else. */ private String getItemType(final Document document) { String type = null; Nodes nodes = document.query("//td:item/td:type", TD_CONTEXT); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { Node node = nodes.get(j); type = node.getValue(); break; } if (type == null) { logger.severe(getItemId(document) + " contains no type element!"); } return type; } /** * Gets the item id. * * @param document the document containing the item. * @return the item id if any, null else. */ private String getItemId(final Document document) { String id = null; Nodes nodes = document.query("//td:item/td:id", TD_CONTEXT); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { Node node = nodes.get(j); id = node.getValue(); break; } return id; } /** * Return the item attributes. * * @param document the document containing the item. * @return the attributes of this item. */ private Map<String, Node> getAttributes(final Document document) { Map<String, Node> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, Node>(); Nodes attributes = document.query("//td:item/td:attribute", TD_CONTEXT); for (int j = 0; j < attributes.size(); j++) { Node attribute = attributes.get(j); String name = attribute.query("td:name", TD_CONTEXT).get(0).getValue(); Nodes values = attribute.query("td:value|td:autovalue|td:ref", TD_CONTEXT); if (values.size() > 0) { attributeMap.put(name, values.get(0)); } } return attributeMap; } /** * Return the explicit item dependencies. * * @param document the document containing the item. * @return the explicit dependencies of this item. */ private List<String> getDeclaredDependencies(final Document document) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); Nodes dependencies = document.query("//td:item/td:dependency", TD_CONTEXT); for (int j = 0; j < dependencies.size(); j++) { Node dependency = dependencies.get(j); result.add(dependency.getValue()); } return result; } /** * Enable database constraints. * * @param enabled the enabled flag * @param tableName the table name * @param hibernateProperties the hibernate properties * @return the list of queries */ private List<String> buildEnableConstraints(final boolean enabled, final String tableName, final Properties hibernateProperties) { final List<String> queries = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> constraints = getConstraints(tableName, hibernateProperties); for (String constraint : constraints) { final String query; if (enabled) { query = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ENABLE CONSTRAINT " + constraint; } else { query = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " DISABLE CONSTRAINT " + constraint; } queries.add(query); } return queries; } private List<String> getConstraints(String tableName, Properties hibernateProperties) { final List<String> constraints = new ArrayList<String>(); try { Connection conn = getConnection(hibernateProperties); for (SQLWarning warn = conn.getWarnings(); warn != null; warn = warn .getNextWarning()) { logger.warning("SQL Warning:"); logger.warning("State : " + warn.getSQLState()); logger.warning("Message: " + warn.getMessage()); logger.warning("Error : " + warn.getErrorCode()); } String query = "select constraint_name from user_constraints where table_name ='" + tableName + "' and constraint_type='R'";; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { String constraint = rs.getString(1); constraints.add(constraint); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.severe("SQL Exception:"); while (e != null) { logger.severe("State : " + e.getSQLState()); logger.severe("Message: " + e.getMessage()); logger.severe("Error : " + e.getErrorCode()); e = e.getNextException(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception: ", e); } return constraints; } /** * Gets the database connection for the given properties. * * @param hibernateProperties the hibernate properties * @return the connection * @throws ClassNotFoundException the class not found exception * @throws SQLException the SQL exception */ private Connection getConnection(final Properties hibernateProperties) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { if (connection == null) { Class.forName(hibernateProperties .getProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class")); Properties info = new Properties(); info.setProperty("user", hibernateProperties .getProperty("hibernate.connection.username")); info.setProperty("password", hibernateProperties .getProperty("hibernate.connection.password")); info.setProperty("useUnicode", "true"); info.setProperty("characterEncoding", "UTF-8"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(hibernateProperties .getProperty("hibernate.connection.url"), info); } return connection; } }