package ser; import com.cedarsoftware.util.DeepEquals; import org.nustaq.serialization.*; import org.junit.Test; import org.nustaq.serialization.annotations.Version; import java.awt.*; import*; import java.lang.Boolean; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Copyright (c) 2012, Ruediger Moeller. All rights reserved. * <p/> * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * <p/> * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * <p/> * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA * <p/> * Date: 28.03.2014 * Time: 21:43 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class BasicFSTTest { protected FSTObjectOutput out; protected FSTObjectInput in; @org.junit.Before public void setUp() throws Exception { FSTObjectRegistry.POS_MAP_SIZE = 1; out = new FSTObjectOutput(getTestConfiguration()); in = new FSTObjectInput(getTestConfiguration()); } public static class Primitives implements Serializable { boolean aBoolean = true; byte aByte0 = -13; byte aByte1 = Byte.MIN_VALUE; byte aByte2 = Byte.MAX_VALUE; short aShort0 = -13345; short aShort1 = Short.MIN_VALUE; short aShort2 = Short.MAX_VALUE; char aChar0 = 35345; char aChar1 = Character.MIN_VALUE; char aChar2 = Character.MAX_VALUE; int aInt0 = -35345; int aInt1 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int aInt2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; long aLong0 = -35435345l; long aLong1 = Long.MIN_VALUE; long aLong2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; long aLong3 = 12l; long aLong4 = -12l; long aLong5 = 13455; long aLong6 = -13455; float aFloat0 = -35435345.002f; float aFloat1 = Float.MIN_VALUE; float aFloat2 = Float.MAX_VALUE; double aDouble0 = -35435345.002d; double aDouble1 = Double.MIN_VALUE; double aDouble2 = Double.MAX_VALUE; } public static class PrimitiveArray implements Serializable { boolean aBoolean[] = {true,false}; byte aByte[] = { -13,34, 127,3,23,5,0,11 }; short aShort0[] = { -13345,345,25645,23,-424}; char aChar0[] = { 35345,2,3,345,345,345,34566}; int aInt0[] = { 348535,-34534345,348,127,126,128,129,-127,-126,-128,-129,34544,677576777,-347563453}; int aInt1[][] = { { 348535,-34534345,348 }, null, {34544,677576777,-347563453} }; long aLong0[] = { -35435345l,3948573945l,3,4,-66,-127,-128 }; float aFloat0[] = { -35435345.34534f,3948573945.34534f,3.34534f,4.34534f,-66.34534f,-127.34534f,-128.34534f }; double aDouble[] = { -35435345.34534f,3948573945.34534f,3.34534f,4.34534f,-66.34534f,-127.34534f,-128.34534f }; Object aRef = aLong0; Object _aBoolean = new boolean[]{true,false}; Object _aByte = new byte[]{ -13,34, 127,3,23,5,0,11 }; Object _aShort0 = new short[]{ -13345,345,25645,23,-424}; Object _aChar0 = new char[]{ 35345,2,3,345,345,345,34566}; Object _aInt0 = new int[]{ 348535,-34534345,348,34544,677576777,-347563453}; Object _aInt1 = new int[][]{ { 348535,-34534345,348 }, null, {34544,677576777,-347563453} }; Object _aLong0 =new long[] { -35435345l,3948573945l,3,4,-66,-127,-128 }; Object _aFloat0 = new float[]{ -35435345.34534f,3948573945.34534f,3.34534f,4.34534f,-66.34534f,-127.34534f,-128.34534f }; Object _aDouble = new double[]{ -35435345.34534f,3948573945.34534f,3.34534f,4.34534f,-66.34534f,-127.34534f,-128.34534f }; Object mix[] = { null, new int[][]{ { 348535,-34534345,348 }, null, {34544,677576777,-347563453} }, new byte[]{ -13,34, 127,3,23,5,0,11 }, null, new Object[] {(byte)-1,(char)33333,(short)-12312,(int)123313,(long)293847293847l,null,(double)10.1233,(float)2345.234} }; Object mix1 = new Object[] { null, new int[][]{ { 348535,-34534345,348 }, null, {34544,677576777,-347563453} }, new byte[]{ -13,34, 127,3,23,5,0,11 }, null, new Object[] {(byte)-1,(char)33333,(short)-12312,(int)123313,(long)293847293847l,null,(double)10.1233,(float)2345.234} }; Object aRef1 = mix[1]; } public static class BigNums implements Serializable { Boolean _aBoolean = false; Boolean ugly[][] = {{true,false},null,{true,false,null}}; Byte _aByte0 = -13; Object _aByte1 = Byte.MIN_VALUE; Byte _aByte2 = Byte.MAX_VALUE; Byte aByteA2[] = { Byte.MAX_VALUE }; Short _aShort0 = -1334; Object _aShort1 = Short.MIN_VALUE; Short _aShort2 = Short.MAX_VALUE; Short _aShort2a[] = {0,null,Short.MAX_VALUE}; Character _aChar0 = 35345; Object _aChar1 = Character.MIN_VALUE; Character _aChar2 = Character.MAX_VALUE; Character _aChar2a[] = {null,Character.MAX_VALUE}; Integer _aInt0 = 35345; Object _aInt1 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Integer _aInt2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Integer _aInt2a[] = {Integer.MAX_VALUE}; Long _aLong0 = -34564567l; Object _aLong1 = Long.MIN_VALUE; Long _aLong2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; Long _aLong2a[] = {Long.MAX_VALUE}; Float _aFloat0 = 123.66f; Object _aFloat1 = Float.MIN_VALUE; Float _aFloat2 = Float.MAX_VALUE; Float _aFloat2a[] = {-8.7f,Float.MAX_VALUE}; Double _aDouble0 = 123.66d; Object _aDouble1 = Double.MIN_VALUE; Double _aDouble2 = Double.MAX_VALUE; Double _aDouble2a[] = {-88.0,Double.MAX_VALUE}; Empty empty = new Empty(); } static class Empty implements Serializable { } static class Bl implements Serializable { boolean b1,b2,b3; } public static class Strings implements Serializable { String empty = ""; String nil = null; String asc = "qpowerijdsfjgkdfg3409589275458965412354doigfoi-.,#+"; String junk = "ÄÖÜÄß"; String aputin = "диноросс Роберт Шлегель предлагает смягчить «антипиратский» закон ко второму чтении, в частности блокировать ссылки с нелегальным видео не по IP, а по URL-адресам. Профильному думскому комитету предстоит выбор между двумя противоположными поправками, предусматривающими распространение закона либо только на кино, либо на все произведения искусства. Эксперты уверены, что новация приведет к снижению потребления легального, а не контрафактного контента."; String junk1 = junk; Bl bl = new Bl(); } static class AscStrings implements Serializable { String empty = ""; String nil = null; String asc = "qpowerijdsfjgkdfg3409589275458965412354doigfoi-.,#+"; String junk = "psdokf spdfoksp spdofk spdfk spdo spdfk psdokf psdkf psdokf psdkf pdkof psodkf psdokf psdokf psodkf psodkf "; String junk1 = junk; Bl bl = new Bl(); } static class VersioningOld implements Serializable { boolean bool = true; int primitive = 66; String originalOne = "OOPASDKAPSODKPASODKBla"; HashMap originalMap = new HashMap(); } static class VersioningV1 implements Serializable { boolean bool = false; int primitive = 13; String originalOne = "Bla"; HashMap originalMap = new HashMap(); @Version(1) String newString1 = "paoskdasd"; } static class VersioningV4 implements Serializable { boolean bool = true; int primitive = 13; String originalOne = "Blasdasda"; HashMap originalMap = new HashMap(); @Version(1) String newString1 = "paoskdasd"; @Version(2) int x = 123; @Version(2) int y = 1656; @Version(3) boolean b0; @Version(3) boolean b1; @Version(4) HashMap veryNew = new HashMap(); } static class Versioning implements Serializable { boolean bool = false; int primitive = 13; String originalOne = "Bla"; HashMap originalMap = new HashMap(); @Version(1) String newString1 = "paoskdasd"; @Version(2) int x = 123; @Version(2) int y = 1656; @Version(3) boolean b0; @Version(3) boolean b1; @Version(4) HashMap veryNew = new HashMap(); @Version(5) boolean a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n; @Version(5) HashMap veryNew1 = new HashMap(); public Versioning() { originalMap.put("A","BBBBB"); b0 = true; veryNew.put("pok", new Object[] { 1 , 2, 3, 324 }); veryNew1.put("pok1", new Object[] { 111 , 2, 3, 324 }); a = f = i = true; } } @Test public void testVersioning() { Versioning v = new Versioning(); FSTConfiguration conf = getTestConfiguration(); conf.registerClass(Versioning.class); byte[] bytes = conf.asByteArray(v); Versioning res = (Versioning) conf.asObject(bytes); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(v,res)); FSTConfiguration old = getTestConfiguration(); old.registerClass(VersioningOld.class); VersioningOld vold = new VersioningOld(); vold.originalMap.put("uz","aspdokasd"); bytes = old.asByteArray(vold); Versioning newReadFromOld = (Versioning) conf.asObject(bytes); assertTrue(newReadFromOld.originalOne.equals("OOPASDKAPSODKPASODKBla")); FSTConfiguration oldv4 = getTestConfiguration(); oldv4.registerClass(VersioningV4.class); VersioningV4 oldv4Inst = new VersioningV4(); oldv4Inst.veryNew.put("uz","aspdokasd"); bytes = oldv4.asByteArray(oldv4Inst); Versioning newReadFromV4 = (Versioning) conf.asObject(bytes); assertTrue(newReadFromV4.veryNew.get("uz").equals("aspdokasd")); } public static class Issue84 implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4180807184662357818L; public Issue84(Object code) { this.code = code; } private Object code; } public static class CodeSRO implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5384611645588792010L; private Integer id; private String code; public CodeSRO(Integer id, String code) { = id; this.code = code; } } public static class CodeSRONew implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5384611645588792010L; public CodeSRONew(Integer id1, String code1, String extCode) { id = id1; code = code1; this.extCode = extCode; } private Integer id; private String code; @Version(1) private String extCode; } @Test public void testVersioningIssue84() { Object[] oldClz = { new Issue84(new CodeSRO(13,"13")), 1 }; FSTConfiguration oldConf = getTestConfiguration(); oldConf.registerClass(CodeSRO.class); byte[] bytes = oldConf.asByteArray(oldClz); Object res = oldConf.asObject(bytes); // assure default works assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(oldClz, res)); // trick to use different class for reading by prereistering FSTConfiguration newConf = getTestConfiguration(); newConf.registerClass(CodeSRONew.class); Object newClz = newConf.asObject(bytes); System.out.println(newClz); } protected FSTConfiguration getTestConfiguration() { FSTConfiguration.isAndroid = false; return FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration(); } @Test public void testPrimitives() throws Exception { Primitives obj = new Primitives(); out.writeObject(obj); in.resetForReuseUseArray(lastBinary=out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); Object res = in.readObject(); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } @Test public void testPrimitiveArray() throws Exception { PrimitiveArray obj = new PrimitiveArray(); out.writeObject(obj); in.resetForReuseUseArray(lastBinary = out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); PrimitiveArray res = (PrimitiveArray) in.readObject(); assertTrue(res.aLong0 == res.aRef); assertTrue(res.aRef1 == res.mix[1]); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } @Test public void testWeirdArray() throws Exception { WeirdArrays obj = new WeirdArrays(); out.writeObject(obj); in.resetForReuseUseArray(lastBinary = out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); WeirdArrays res = (WeirdArrays) in.readObject(); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } @Test public void testSimpleCollections() throws Exception { HashMap obj = new HashMap(); ArrayList li = new ArrayList(); li.add("zero"); li.add(null); li.add("second"); obj.put("x", li); obj.put("y", li); obj.put("yy", null); obj.put(null, "asd"); obj.put(3,"99999"); out.writeObject(obj); final byte[] copyOfWrittenBuffer = out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer(); in.resetForReuseUseArray(copyOfWrittenBuffer); out.flush(); HashMap res = (HashMap) in.readObject(); assertTrue(res.get("x") == res.get("y")); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } static class FOO implements Serializable { FOO() { } Object[] foos; } @Test public void testSelfRef() { FOO[] test = new FOO[1]; test[0] = new FOO(); test[0].foos = test; FSTConfiguration tf = getTestConfiguration(); Object deser = tf.asObject(tf.asByteArray(test)); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(deser,test)); } @Test public void testSelfRefArr() { Object[] test = new Object[1]; test[0] = test; FSTConfiguration tf = getTestConfiguration(); Object deser = tf.asObject(tf.asByteArray(test)); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(deser,test)); } @Test public void testSelfRefRefArr() { Object[] test = new Object[1]; test[0] = new Object[]{test}; FSTConfiguration tf = getTestConfiguration(); Object deser = tf.asObject(tf.asByteArray(test)); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(deser,test)); } @Test public void testSelfRef2Arr() { Object[][] test = new Object[1][]; test[0] = new Object[]{test,test[0]}; FSTConfiguration tf = getTestConfiguration(); Object deser = tf.asObject(tf.asByteArray(test)); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(deser,test)); } // @Test // public void testUTFString() throws Exception { // Play obj = new Play(); // out.writeObject(obj); // in.resetForReuseUseArray(out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); // out.flush(); // Object res = in.readObject(); // assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); // } @Test public void testBigNums() throws Exception { BigNums obj = new BigNums(); out.writeObject(obj); in.resetForReuseUseArray(out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); Object res = in.readObject(); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } @Test public void testException() throws Exception { Object exceptions[] = { null, new Exception("test"), new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(), new RuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Blub")) }; try { throw new IOException(); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptions[0] = ex; } out.writeObject(exceptions); in.resetForReuseUseArray(out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); Object res[] = (Object[]) in.readObject(); // assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { Object ex = res[i]; String message = ((Throwable) exceptions[i]).getMessage(); String message1 = ((Throwable) ex).getMessage(); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(message,message1)); } } @Test public void testEnums() throws Exception { Basics obj = new Basics(123); out.writeObject(obj); in.resetForReuseUseArray(out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); Basics res = (Basics) in.readObject(); // note: fix false alarm with 1.7_71 + newer 1.8. (because stacktrace not serialized ofc) Object[] exceptions1 = res.exceptions; Object[] exceptions2 = obj.exceptions; res.exceptions = obj.exceptions = null; for (int i = 1; i < exceptions1.length; i++) { assertTrue( exceptions1[i].getClass() == exceptions2[i].getClass() ); } assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj, res)); } protected byte[] lastBinary; @Test public void testStrings() throws Exception { Strings obj = new Strings(); out.writeObject(obj); in.resetForReuseUseArray(out.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer()); out.flush(); Strings res = (Strings) in.readObject(); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(res.junk, res.junk1)); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } @Test public void security() { FSTConfiguration conf = FSTConfiguration .createDefaultConfiguration() .setVerifier(new FSTConfiguration.ClassSecurityVerifier() { @Override // need to stick to 1.7, could be lambda public boolean allowClassDeserialization(Class cl) { if ( cl.getPackage().getName().startsWith("java.awt") ) return false; return true; } }); try { byte[] hallos = conf.asByteArray(new Dimension(13,13)); conf.asObject(hallos); assertTrue(false); } catch (Exception ex) { // success System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testFlush() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000*1000); FSTObjectOutput fout = new FSTObjectOutput(bout); Strings obj = new Strings(); fout.writeObject(obj); fout.writeObject(new byte[1000*1000*10]); fout.writeObject(obj); fout.close(); FSTObjectInput fin = new FSTObjectInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray())); Strings res = (Strings) fin.readObject(); fin.readObject(); Strings res1 = (Strings) fin.readObject(); assertTrue(res == res1); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(obj,res)); } public static class SubClassedAList extends ArrayList implements Externalizable { public SubClassedAList() { super(); } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(size()); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { out.writeObject(get(i)); } } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int len = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { add(in.readObject()); } } public SubClassedAList $(Object o) { add(o); return this; } } @Test public void testExternalizableOverride() { FSTConfiguration conf = getTestConfiguration(); Object original[] = {"A", new SubClassedAList().$("A").$("B").$("C"), "Ensure stream not corrupted" }; Object deser = conf.asObject(conf.asByteArray(original)); assertTrue( DeepEquals.deepEquals(original, deser) ); } static class NotSer { int x; int y; SubClassedAList al; private NotSer(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; al = new SubClassedAList().$("A").$("B").$("C"); } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } } static class NotSerSub extends NotSer { transient boolean pubConsCalled = false; public NotSerSub() { super(0,0); pubConsCalled = true; } private NotSerSub(int x, int y) { super(x, y); } } // fails if objenesis is used @Test public void testNotSerializable() { FSTConfiguration conf = getTestConfiguration().setForceSerializable(true); NotSer ser = new NotSer(11,12); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(ser, conf.asObject(conf.asByteArray(ser))) ); NotSerSub sersub = new NotSerSub(11,12); final Object deser = conf.asObject(conf.asByteArray(sersub)); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(sersub, deser) ); assertTrue(((NotSerSub) deser).pubConsCalled); } public static class TestArray extends ArrayList<Integer> implements Externalizable { transient public byte[] bytes1, bytes2; @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(2); out.writeInt(548); out.writeInt(348); byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < 548; i++) { bytes[i] = 1; } out.write(bytes, 0, 548); bytes = new byte[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < 348; i++) { bytes[i] = 2; } out.write(bytes, 0, 348); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int v1 = in.readInt(); int v2 = in.readInt(); int v3 = in.readInt(); bytes1 = new byte[v2]; in.readFully(bytes1); bytes2 = new byte[v3]; in.readFully(bytes2); int v4 = 0; } } @Test public void fastRoundTrip() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { TestArray list = new TestArray(); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); FSTObjectOutput objOut = new FSTObjectOutput(os); objOut.writeObject(list); objOut.close(); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()); FSTObjectInput objIn = new FSTObjectInput(is); // objIn.setReadExternalReadAHead(16000); TestArray res = (TestArray) objIn.readObject(); for (int i = 0; i < res.bytes1.length; i++) { assertTrue(res.bytes1[i] == 1); } for (int i = 0; i < res.bytes2.length; i++) { assertTrue(res.bytes2[i] == 2); } assertTrue(res.bytes1[547] == 1 && res.bytes2[347] == 2); } static class T implements Serializable { String s; int i; T1 t1; public T() {} public T(int dummy) { s = "pok"; i = 100; t1 = new T1(); } } static class T1 implements Serializable { String s; int i; public T1() {} public T1(int dummy) { s = "pok1"; i = 101; } } public static class TSer extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer { @Override public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy, int streamPosition) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject(toWrite,clzInfo); } @Override public Object instantiate(Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPosition) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { T t = new T(); in.defaultReadObject(referencee,serializationInfo,t); return t; } } public static class T1Ser extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer { @Override public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy, int streamPosition) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject(toWrite, clzInfo); } @Override public Object instantiate(Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPosition) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { T1 t = new T1(); in.defaultReadObject(referencee,serializationInfo,t); return t; } } @Test public void testNestedSerializers() { FSTConfiguration conf = getTestConfiguration(); conf.registerSerializer(T.class, new TSer(), true); conf.registerSerializer(T1.class, new T1Ser(), true); Object p = new T(1); byte[] bytes = conf.asByteArray(p); Object deser = conf.asObject(bytes); assertTrue(DeepEquals.deepEquals(p,deser)); } @org.junit.After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } }